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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7918252 No.7918252 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't /jp/ come together and create some original content or good quality doujin shit? 2ch does it ALL the time. The Chinese do it too. Plus they translate shit into chink fast and consistent. Why can't we do that?

>> No.7918256

We're all too lazy and/or untalented.

>> No.7918265

We can't work together. One of us will have the talent to draw, one to code and one to write a plot. In theory, this would make for a good VN but then our cooperative skills is shit. The Chinese are raised to believe they are part of a collective while we were raised to be individuals. We can't put aside our differences for the sake of the community.

>> No.7918264

Ehhhh, I'll do it tomorrow.

>> No.7918261

pretty much

>> No.7918262
File: 74 KB, 224x241, clueless_kyouko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7918267

Just as I suspected, first thread on /a/'s front page

Go back to >>/a/

>> No.7918268

People ask this question all the time, but no one takes the initiative to actually start anything.

>> No.7918266

This has been discussed a lot before.

> Too lazy
> No one knows a language other than hurr master race American
> No one knows SHIT about programming, etc.
> Too lazy
> /jp/ can't stand anyone, not even themselves
> Too lazy

>> No.7918274

Forgot to include crossboard link, but whatever.

>> No.7918275

This has been the answer every time this thread has been posted.

I still don't see how it's not obvious.

>> No.7918272

The people in 2channel and 2chan are the ones that actually do the doujin works, they have the proper drawing skills in their genes. They have more access to sources and pages with such an amount of Touhou works/content to share that it would make a fan orgasm.

They also are less lazy than us.

>> No.7918278

Why don't you start a project?

>> No.7918281

>Why can't we do that?

Western art is prohibited.

>> No.7918283

Rage is what fuels /jp/. We can't cooperate, we hate each other. When we try to, shit like "Anonymous Nice Days" happens.

>> No.7918292


>> No.7918288

Though the idea of putting up a completely anonymous team for a VN is kinda interesting. I mean, to the point of anyone in the team being anonymous to everyone else.

Would something like that work?

>> No.7918298

If somebody is going to spend time making something, they might as well be an attention whore about it.

>> No.7918299

>No one knows a language other than hurr master race American

Eh, no, plenty of people around here have absurd knowledge of Japanese.

>No one knows SHIT about programming, etc.
Some people around here do, the problem is cooperation and dedication.

>/jp/ can't stand anyone, not even themselves
This is the shit that we use to scare away trolls and foreign shitposters, if you read the not-done-for-laughs-threads you'll notice there's actual participation.

>> No.7918294

We translate shit all the time. Search JMCS in the archive.

>> No.7918305

I want a SICP VN.

We should team up with /prog/

>> No.7918301

Why would we?

I can't write, draw, or compose. Nobody would want me for a project.

>> No.7918302



"Faggot" doing "x" did it wrong.

"Faggot" is pointed at, hence "Faggot" is no longer Anonymous.

>> No.7918310

Every time someone does create original content, it remains novel for a few days, until every other thread becomes about the original content, and suddenly the original content causes rage and people to sage the thread.

>> No.7918307


So tell me, Shitty-kun, why don't you lead a project?

>> No.7918314

Well we don't do doujin works, but we do translate and upload lots of stuff, mostly Comiket/Reitaisai albums. That's about as far as it can get in terms of contribution.

What happened to the Touhou Mario Party conversion?

>> No.7918318

When ever I try to praise or support content I like, I end up sounding like a cock sucker. So I just endless bash and troll it instead.

>> No.7918323

we have enough aggregate talent to get things done. but someone needs to lead. plus, some people here try to sabotage any attempt at doing things. look at what happens when any original content is posted (granted, most of it is mediocre but not necessarily horrible).

>> No.7918325

All the raging wapanese here couldn't admit something that wasn't shat out by Japan itself was as good as anything straight from Japan.

>> No.7918328

Find something worth doing and then let the rest of us know. We'll help if we also think it's worth doing.

>> No.7918324

That seems more like the case. People should really keep stuff under wraps till like a playable demo (if VN) or some sample pages are done. So there's at least some semblance of direction.

It's ok to take your time when making a project but enthusiasm burns out quickly.

>> No.7918333

Does anyone have any actual ideas on a goal to bend our group will toward, or are we just going to argue over "This shit will never work!"

>> No.7918335

Who are you?

>> No.7918343

Actually, given that I like discussion for the sake of discussion, I enjoy "let's make a VN, Anonymous" threads with the full knowledge that such VNs will not happen.

And people like me are the main reason they don't happen, either because (perceived) lack of talent or laziness, Anonymous eager to discuss the prospect of a VN suddenly vanish when it comes to actually making it. All of us can throw around ideas with some proficiency, but not many can get down to "serious business" so the would-be project just ends up being mere brainstorming. Not that this is a bad thing.

tl;dr yes we are too lazy/untalented.

>> No.7918341

Speaking of failed /jp/ projects, what happened to "Touhou Moon"?

>> No.7918338

He's fake-kun, and he's also right. There's no such thing as a group project, just one guy who strings along a bunch of other people through sheer determination and/or charisma.

>> No.7918348

Actually the thing that happens is that the project gets forgotten after the thread 404s, there may be another thread asking what happened to it but most likely it'll get ignored by the lead author.

Recently there's that Touhou Party N64 Rom hack that seemingly had a settlement and it had constant updates, again the thread 404'd and it was never heard of again.

>> No.7918350

So, who's serious about actually doing something project wise?

>> No.7918363



>> No.7918368

There's significantly fewer /jp/ regulars than 2ch users.
And I think there's a few more Chinese people than /jp/ regulars too.

>> No.7918369

IIRC someone from /jp/ made a popular Touhoumon version (Scarlet Emerald?) with the help of others but that's about it.

>> No.7918375

I wonder whatever happened to the guy with the music-genre VN idea. I liked that one.

>> No.7918378

It's hopeless. /jp/ is over.

>> No.7918388

/jp/ won't die.

It's a hellish existence that resets at the end of each day.

>> No.7918463

Whatever happened to that guy from last week or so who was making a game about little girls drinking tea and fighting ghosts or something?

Also the problem in OP is that /jp/ is a bunch of socially opposed hikkis and lazy NEETs who are on a board to consume Japan produced things, whereas 2ch and futaba are just nerds that are friends with other nerds and can get nerdy things done by working together. Being social goes against most of the things /jp/ believes in, so it's hopeless.

>> No.7918486

Because /jp/ers, despite believing themselves superior to the rest of humanity, are uneducated, grossly incompetent and only capable of thinking in cliches.

Look at any of the "pitch an idea for a VN" threads in the archive. It's hilarious how people who spend so much of their time studying successful examples can be so creatively bankrupt.

>> No.7918492

I believe that was covered in 'lazy'.

>> No.7918495

because we are americans, not wapanese

>> No.7918507


He made a blog: http://jpmilktea.blogspot.com/

>> No.7918717

wouldn't a forum work better than an image board for a project?

you can use a variety of attachments and it'll be easier to catagorize than a imageboard

>> No.7918830

Who uses forum attachments? Just host it somewhere and link it.

>> No.7918871
File: 50 KB, 251x251, renpy_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can copypaste Python and gave myself a seizure with Ren'Py once. Can anyone draw/compose music/write a story/voice act?

>> No.7919208

What would be the point of this board making doujin? What can we add to the doujin scene that is distinctly American/Western, and doesn't suck?

>> No.7920101

No, because it will inevitably turn into a circle jerk and said original content creators would go off into their little world and it will no longer be /jp/, but instead they'll call themselves by a new name and form their own little clique.

There's no such thing as collaboration in /jp/. People always leave and start their private groups and hang out doing their own shit privately in their irc rooms/forums/websites.

There's no such thing as /jp/ original content. Only original content that may or may not have been done by people who just so happen to post on /jp/.

>> No.7920127

What do you want us to produce? Another short and shitty oelvn? No thanks.
If you weren't be such a newfag you'd know that we already had numerous projects like that. We do translate too, but comparing us to gazillions of chinese is silly.

>> No.7920136
File: 132 KB, 1018x575, 1316461240871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shock Cocoon is going to go down in history as /jp/'s only accomplishment in the VN world.


>> No.7920150

its going down in history of /jp/ as an annoying spam and a drama generator.

>> No.7920160

Stay delusional Kritzinger

>> No.7920163

I also liked that idea.

>The Chinese do it too. Plus they translate shit into chink fast and consistent.
It's because Japanese is bastardized Chinese, you fucking ignorant shit.

>> No.7920226

Because 2ch doesn't insult each other or argue all the time. The /jp/ community is shit so it isn't worthy of doing anything for it or with it.

>> No.7920281

That writing is pretty horrible.

>> No.7920289

>Why can't /jp/ come together and create some original content or good quality doujin shit?

Because /jp/ is WESTERN.

>> No.7920353

people who think western projects are disliked a priori are about as obnoxious as weeaboos

>> No.7920411

Obnoxious, but not wrong.

>> No.7921767

in order for something like this to work, people would need to relinquish their e-penis and stop trying to tag their work at every opportunity. some of the best original content like TOUHOU HIJACK was just spontaneously created using MS Paint and then everybody jumped on the boat and making their own versions without regards to I MADE THIS ONE, HEY! LISTEN, I MADE THIS TOUHOU HIJACK PIC, PLEASE SUCK MY COCK. IM GOING TO BE USING THIS TRIPCODE SO YOU CAN REMEMBER EVERYTIME YOU LOOK AT THAT TOUHOU HIJACK MS PAINT PIC THAT I MADE IT, DONT YOU FORGET

>> No.7921819

someone got a link to that Various Festa album?

>> No.7921851

You need an excellent writer. Those are pretty hard to find. If I read a good short story I'd jump at the chance to program for a VN

>> No.7922073

You've apparently missed all the original stuff.
