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File: 707 KB, 800x800, 0a515d24ff18e5abcffa530ff52378557fa775e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7832793 No.7832793 [Reply] [Original]

reading PMISS I come upon this tid bit of info.

>The details of this contract are that the youkai will offer them humans from which to feed (*3); in return, the vampires will not attack humans living in Gensokyo.

>: It is said these are humans from the outside world or those whose deaths are of no consequence (suicidal, etc.).

So Gensokyo is really a nature preserve made by Yukari and some others to keep youki alive and and humans from the outside world, who likely have knowledge that could give humanity the upper hand in Gensokyo, are promptly killed?

>> No.7832806

You just realized this?

>> No.7832809

>or those whose deaths are of no consequence (suicidal, etc.).
Think of it more as, if you're just a worthless being about to jump off a bridge, you'll instead be swept away into gensokyo to be eaten. This is why they never find bodies sometimes.

The outsiders are just ones causing trouble, or those who get lost and cannot make it to safety, since even the normal humans residing in gensokyo have some power.

>> No.7832812

So all those portals people opened just led them to be food?

>> No.7832816



>> No.7832819

Sucks to be one of those faggots who killed themselves. Screen capping this thread for future use in portal threads.

>> No.7832824

But Yukari promised she would keep us safe! She wouldn't lie!

>> No.7832826

You don't deny that all Gensokyo is, is a nature preserve for youkai though..

>> No.7832828

>trusting the word of a youkai.

You deserve to be eaten.

>> No.7832830

Sorry, too focused on Yukarin tits to read thread.

>> No.7832832

That stuff was written by Akyu. I don't believe any of the shit she writes.

>> No.7832834

I'm surprisingly ok with this.

>> No.7832839
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Yet you'd believe Aya or Marisa?

>> No.7832840
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Possibly. It's been hinted for a long time that Yukari (otherwise generally untouchable) feels threatened by the outside world, and Gensokyo was established specifically to create a sanctuary for youkai and old gods.
Although at the same time it's been shown that there are at least some youkai and old gods living just fine in secrecy outside the border, and the Lunar war ending with a stalemate seems to indicate that the industrialised outside world is rather poorly equipped to face the supernatural. So it isn't clear whether the threat to Gensokyo is a clear and present danger, or whether it's mostly Yukari being overly cautious.

>> No.7832858
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Can’t you see you’ve fallen for their trap?

>> No.7832868
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2 bad 4 everyone.

Now it's portal to Pokemon world not portal to Gensokyo.

Enjoy your Youkais.

>> No.7832875

You won't fool me again you youkai bitch! I'm never killing myself now!

>> No.7832880
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Is that so?

>> No.7832887

well she despises Tenshi for interfering with Gensokyo

>> No.7832894

If you are dropped off in Gensokyo that doesn't mean you will instantly be killed and eaten. Worse thing that can happen is that she drops someone off in a high youkai populated area. Even if the chance is small, that person could still reach the Human Village.

Youkai are also interested in Outside items. So if you are going to kill yourself, make sure you do it with a doodad in your pocket.

>> No.7832898

According to the comics, Humanity has advance to the point of making artificial snow. That heavily suggest either earths environment has been ruined, domed cities have been built, or we are terr-forming planets.

Time does pass at a different rate outside.

I guess that with the advent and spreading of advance weapons such as fire arms, she knew that humans would start slaying youkai by the thousands and there was only one option open, that was to flee.

>> No.7832897

Cargo pants full of random electronics and crank generator in case i'm anywhere near the youkai mountain.

I could see an entire swarm of kappa coming to my defense.

>> No.7832903


>> No.7832913
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But artificial snow is used even nowadays. It's nothing so advanced.

Then find alternative location to teleport.

>> No.7832912
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Tenshi is a sort of angel, though. An angel with the power to cause earthquakes, so she's got both the power and disposition to be an actual threat to Gensokyo and its inhabitants.
For the outside world, could be that the threat Yukari perceives is more a threat to a way of living than to life and health - which, since youkai tend to come with their respective themes, is usually the same thing. Can you imagine Yukari acting out of a grey concrete city block suburb?

>> No.7832919

Nope, It was mentioned that "even the snow in the outside world has become artificial"

>> No.7832930

She also mentions at the end of SSBD 25 how the outside world has fears not the night or the youkai.

>> No.7832937

That's retarded and you know it. Nowhere is it suggested that Gensokyo takes place in the year 40,000.

>> No.7832951

Hard to follow this logic - artificial snow is used nowadays It's nothing new.

Other thing is that this is probably referring to climate changes in Japan and some other parts of world and some parts of world are getting less and less snow...

>> No.7832971

If everyone who killed themselves ended up in Gensokyo it woukd be overpopulated in days. You obviously have to do it in Japan like the pros.

>> No.7832972

I support the theory that time goes faster in the outside world and that the outside world actually looks different than the world we know.
The note by Maribel was found hundreds of years ago in the bamboo forest, how do you guys explain this?

>> No.7832989

I also support that theory. No evidence for it though.
Just seems like gysokyo is about living in the past, preserving youkai and gods, while the outside world has advance so far that they fear little of the supernatural.

>> No.7832990

Remember when the Hakureis were the ones who made and maintained the barrier?

>> No.7833018

But touristic travels to the moon and holograms and projections of the sort are common place in the outside world, so it is assumed that is a near future

>> No.7833029

The rate of time is probably the same, but Maribel most likely visited Gensokyo a long, long time ago. The age in which Mary and Renko lived, where lunar travel is common, is probably long past. In the "Reimu & Co." era of Gensokyo, humanity is most likely far, far more advanced.

>> No.7833037

So you're saying that the past in the out side world is the future in gensokyo?...

>> No.7833046

Gensokyo is at the same time period as today.

Off the top of my head, the CoLA chapter where Kourin found the Game Boy, it is mentioned that it's currently replaced in the outside world by the DS.

I'd like to see some proof that says that their times differ.

>> No.7833062

Maribel and Renko live in the future.

>> No.7833081
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That's good theory - all things described by ZUN are current things. Including referring to private space travels.

>> No.7833082

These are always such a fun read.

>> No.7833088

Lets say what we read about in Changeability of Strange Dream happened in the year 2050 or whatever, considering "Near future japan".

The note Maribel left was hundreds of years old when Akyuu writes about it, and by now Reimu and all the rest is alive and well.

If time flows the same in both Gensokyo and the Outside world, then it's the year 2500 (Or somesuch), in the Outside world of the Gensokyo we know. Mary and Renko are probably dead and humanity is quite different.

Unless Mary actually went back in time, of course.

>> No.7833101

Well, I'd bet only about 2% of them would actually be able to avoid being eaten upon arrival.

>> No.7833098

The old Mary is Yukari theory.

>> No.7833103

Specially the other version of Dolls in Pseudo Paradise. Creepy as hell

>> No.7833110
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Think in this case it was intended to mean artificial snowfall.
Which, given how ZUN usually seems to do his homework, could very well be picked intentionally to hint at the level of technology in the outside world. Last I checked up on weather control (1998, but whatever...) we had no reliable way to produce snow.


No, certainly not. But at the same time, it's clear that the Touhou outside world differs at least slightly from ours, especially in the last 30-40 years. Seems that by the late 90's (or perhaps earlier) the technology exists to make practical personal jetpacks and robots indistinguishable from humans, although it isn't clear how widespread it is.

>> No.7833125

Maribel probably just dreamed herself into the past. Most other information about the outside world suggests that the years inside and outside are the same.

>> No.7833137

The fact that Akyuu actually writes about humans escaping suggests that the rate is probably higher, the actual event is random and can happen anywhere in the forest, not every square meter is covered by a hungry youkai.

>> No.7833140

I always have been confused by something. Gensokyo was created in the year 1885, but it's 1200 years old. How does that makes sense?

>> No.7833158

Where are you getting these numbers?

>> No.7833174

Apparently, that's the year the barrier was created, and Gensokyo existed before as a isolated valley or something like that

>> No.7833189

The BARRIER was made ''almost 100 years before the humans' first landing on the moon'', Gensokyo was an area in Japan before that.

>> No.7833194

If I brought an AK-47 to gensokyo, could I be a youkai hunter?

>> No.7833218
File: 465 KB, 734x1000, yukarilush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is what happens when you mess around with boundaries. Yukari is the same.

>> No.7833227
File: 51 KB, 1024x768, smiling stalkers in omck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's good idea.
We could work in group.

>> No.7833240

I'm in, Get in here stalkers.

We'll show gensokyo the power of the outside world.

>> No.7833243

Only if you arrived before the spellcard rules. Murdering became a big nono unless you're a human from the outside who just popped into Gensokyo by accident and there are hungry youkai nearby.

>> No.7833251

If you think about it, Gensokyo is probably full of anti-personnel mines that people laid down in the various wars of the twentieth century and subsequently forgot about until they blow up some farmer or his donkey.

>> No.7833280

He will be "new" and this is what about this thread is. Youkais would attack him and eat but you want to take away his/her chance to defend. Kind of unfair.

>> No.7833285

AK-47s aren't allowed in Gensokyo.

Try a gun that nobody uses anymore.

>> No.7833287

>Kind of unfair

And you think this is a problem because...?

>> No.7833304

Why aren't AK-47s allowed in Gensokyo?

Granted, they won't hurt youkai.

>> No.7833330

Gensokyo is a place for forgotten things.

AK-47s are still everywhere.

>> No.7833353
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Come to think of it, the original AK47 is a weapon that has an iconic status and a nearly religious mythos surrounding it, and which people (especially in the Western world) firmly believe to have godlike powers.
That, and while it isn't close to the 100 years generally required for ascension to tsukumogami status, the AK47 has an exceptionally long lifespan (for an automatic weapon) of over 30 years. You're going to have to ask /k/ for the finer points about maintenance, but for a well maintained AK47 that hasn't been fired excessively often or exposed to harsh conditions, extending that to a full century doesn't seem antirely impossible.

Which, considering there are likely hundreds of thousands of early AK:s still in existance, could mean future artists and writers are going to be having an awful lot of fun with the tsukumogami concept in another 36 years.

>> No.7833362

If you like to be eaten alive in most painful way then it's OK (and I'm certain it won't be nice + you will lose chance of being in Gensokyo).

Or maybe you are hungry youkai of Gensokyo that wants to trick people to become your food?

>> No.7833435

>the Lunar war ending with a stalemate

There was no Lunar war. Well, actually, there appears to have been some Lunar war, but it seems to have been an internal conflict, not a conflict between Lunarians and Earthlings.

Lunarians treat Earth as serious business because they're scared of being discovered (which directly implies they were not, in fact, discovered yet):
>Digressing somewhat, the human scientific community on Earth awakened to the fact that the microscopic world is built on potential some decades ago. This development shocked Lord Tsukuyomi. This is because the one thing the Lunarians fear the most is that the humans from Earth will find a way to get to the lunar capital. For now, all that's happened is the launch of a primitive rocket to the side of the moon closest to them, but we can't afford to be careless.

Concerning Reisen's story, rabbits are naive and like to overreact:
>It was a rumor that was spreading among the rabbits. It seems to have started from the news that the flag that had been planted on the light side of the moon, which we called the Apollo flag, had disappeared.
>The rumors concerned the security of the lunar capital. They were all silly, baseless things, like "Someone is going to invade from Earth", or "There's a traitor in the capital", but the rabbits were naive and loved rumors, so they believed them.

>> No.7833468

You know, alot of Browning Hi Powers are still around from ww2 and such. And an even greater number of SMLEs. The AK is more famous for the fact you can treat it like shit and it'll will still go bang when you want it to.

>> No.7833491
File: 113 KB, 380x191, 1314925454794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Try a gun that nobody uses anymore.

Combined with the "faith" principle... the Colt Single Action Army would level forests with a single shot, fire 30 times before needing to be reloaded, and generally terrify all who opposed it's wielder.


But you sure as hell can saunter, baby.

>> No.7833509


... this is very useful. Thank you.

>> No.7833516

>Gensokyo is a place for forgotten things.
I bet you could actually find a computer in Gensokyo; it would just have to use vacuum tubes instead of transistors.

What would the Univac wear as a hat?

>> No.7833597

So guys, if I became youkai could I go to Gensokyo?

>> No.7833605

It doesn't satisfy the forgotten constraint, but how would the POINT FORTY FIVE stack up in the mythical weapon department?

>> No.7833616

The problem is that such things are mass-produced. Since they are so widely available, they lose their special status. Made by machines, without the passion of a craftsman to go into them, they're soulless. If you want a truly legendary weapon, get your hands on a gun used by a famous soldier, or which belonged to a rather unlucky one. One of the Kar98s used at Stalingrad, for example? Such a cursed weapon would undoubtedly have some effect on a youkai.

>> No.7833624
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>mythical weapons department

Oooh lawdy lawdy... suffice it to say, rather well.

>> No.7833635
File: 62 KB, 300x300, happy mokou dressed as mokou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's OK. But remember to post method. If you won't have idea just post portal method. We can be stalkers then.

>> No.7833652

Its funny people think they can just waltz right in to gensokyo with a firearm and the intent to kill and not expect to have problems.

Legendary or no, what much are you going to do if you get gap'd back outside or worse, 200 feet in the air.

>> No.7833659

Sure, just make sure to hide for a bit so you can be forgotten.

Or run out of ammo in a mythical land full of bloodthirsty little girls.

>> No.7833660


Yes. Alvin York's 1911, George Washington's sword, etc. Hell, even Durandal. If you're willing to climb a wall in France, I can tell you right where to get it.

>> No.7833667

Simo Häyhä's Pystykorva. Cursed bolt-action rifle.

>> No.7833686

The way I understand it, it's a matter of belief. Spiritual belief in particular, but possibly not necessarily. Youkai are creatures of myth, you can only fight imagination with imagination.

Just a special or "cursed" item would not cut it, most probably. But if people hold a firm belief that the weapon would work, it might just work, even if it's mass-produced.

>> No.7833697

>This is what happens when you mess around with boundaries. Yukari is the same.
Imagine four boundaries at the edge of a cliff.
Yukari works the same way.

>> No.7833709

So it's either don't come to our perfect Japanese world or you will get fucked because Ganjins don't have any laws at our place?

>> No.7833724

Does anyone think they might know a way to do this? Only one I can think of is becoming a magician like Alice and Byakuren.
>"Natural" magicians are a subclass of youkai, and inherit this unique ability as being part of the magician race. Human magicians are not born with this special ability, but instead have practiced and trained to master the skill of a magician. However, human magicians must work much harder than natural-born magicians to achieve the same results.

>A magician's home is usually filled with books, notes, or artifacts, due to the amount of studying and work required to learn any type of spell. Because of this, magicians are generally seen as indoor-loving, bookish types of people.

>Once a human, Byakuren was a monk who worked with her younger brother, Myouren Hijiri. However, when her brother died, she began to fear death. This fear prompted her to search for some way to maintain her youth. Eventually she did find it; however, its origin was not in the Buddhist art she had dedicated her life to, but rather a kind of black magic.

In other words, you'd have to become an /x/-phile.

>> No.7833731

It's said that modern technology is only able to hold little to no spiritual power.

So for example an old sword that has been handed down 2 generations has more spiritual power than a legendary gun that killed millions.

This isn't touhou canon but considering that ZUN is basing most of this around real religious things it's safe to assume that a gun would be useless in gensokyo as well.

>> No.7833742

>George Washington's sword
I'm interested in this.

>> No.7833753

>Legendary or no, what much are you going to do if you get gap'd back outside or worse, 200 feet in the air.
That's easy---just aim at gravity.

>> No.7833784
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It's true, but the AK47 has something else. There is a sort of cult of violence surrounding it and its imagery that people take for granted and don't really question much. Michael Hodges' AK47 pretty much nails it - it's the only modern weapon that an overwhelming lot of people in the supposedly scientific and secularised Western world treat in a completely irrational way and attribute with supernatural abilities.
Okay, maybe not the only one. Nuclear weapons fall in a similar category, and those fall even closer to possible tsukumogami territory since nuclear weapons are invariably assembled individually.
SCP does have a note on something that could be interpreted as a nuclear missile tsukumogami, so the idea isn't new. But that is another story.


It's true. But at the same time, the exact difference between mass produced items and hand crafted items is somewhat fluid depending on the time and circumstances. For example, the first things you find in any archeological excavation are usually smashed pottery. Today, pottery is considered an art form and household items sculpted from clay are something of an artful luxury with designer brands and all. But in antiquity, those same items were considered perishable.
Same goes for plenty of other handmade items made up until and sometimes through the industrial revolution. For example, as tsukumogami karakasa are almost always depicted as being severely worn and torn, clearly not having been treated as cherished and unique possessions to be preserved. Touhou shows that part rather clearly - Kogasa's ascension to tsukumogami was simply due to being discarded and forgotten.

>> No.7833800

Do you work for Type-Moon?

>> No.7833877

No, sea animals don't really do it for me..

>> No.7833921
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Goddamnit /jp/, of all the time I've spent here, I've managed to keep myself sane, but as of lately I've been seriously thinking that Gensokyo might actually exist.
I think I'm starting to lose it and I blame this all on you, bastards.

>> No.7833926

From what I've understood, something doesn't have to be literally forgotten by everyone to exist in Gensokyo. It's more like, things that are known but not believed in appear in Gensokyo. Kind of like how the plans for a ship to the moon appeared because people believe the moon landing was a hoax. So, while those weapons aren't forgotten and people know they existed, most don't actually believe they worked like in the movies (never-ending ammo, perfect aim, etc). So that might make it possible for a legendary gun to appear in Gensokyo.

>> No.7833936

Okay I got this, The Spear of Longinus, holds enormous religious value, and it's killed a demi-god, plus rumored to grant immortality.

>> No.7833961

Well, Flandre's got Laevateinn and Remilia's got the Gungnir so it's not that much of a stretch.
By the way, where did a couple of little vampire girls from France get those things?

>> No.7833962

The mongols tried to invade Japan twice.
They were stopped by typhoons both times.
The symbols that Yukari wears can be interpreted as "Wind Mother".
You can guess the rest.

>> No.7833979

Also, "Miracle Sign - God's Wind"

>> No.7833977





>> No.7833983
File: 197 KB, 800x1114, yukarideviant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, about that... the Spear of Longinus is pretty much confirmed to be fake.
Just as well, in this context is it probably going to work like the real thing anyway. I mean, the Kusanagi no Tsurugi is considered an exceptionally powerful supernatural weapon and a creation of the Japanese gods, despite most sources indicating that it's actually a common soldier's sword, and probably either Chinese or Korean at that.
Legendary weapons tend to work like that.

>> No.7833986

I guess they're just good friends with Odin.

>> No.7833990

It really doesn't matter if it existed at all or not. After all, this is Gensokyo we're talking about, the fact that it's fake might make it even more likely to appear there.

>> No.7833994

Does Gensokyo ever stop getting better and better?

>> No.7834006

Why shouldn't it? It's as valid as any other religion and it can also coexist with Buddhism and several other eastern religions.

They're not the original weapons. Keine has a spellcard with Kusanagi and I doubt it's the real one. They just named them after it.

Keep in mind that spiritual power and religious value are 2 different things. Especially since western religions are very different from eastern ones.

>> No.7834007
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I can never seem to remember the whole story, but isn't the real Kusanagi supposed to be in Gensokyo? Found in the trash or something.
I guess it really did go to the bottom of the sea back in the day.

>> No.7834012

I've got this sword that was passed down to me by my father. I'm not really sure where did it come from, it's story, or anything at all. Would it have any use in Gensokyo?

>> No.7834025

I'm not sure. If what >>7834006 said is true, then probably not. If it's just faith all that's needed to make a weapon work (like the inhaler in IT) then as long as you truly believe in its power, you should be able to hold your ground. Though it would still help a lot if there was a story behind the sword, I guess.

>> No.7834033


>> No.7834044

He should indeed be able to use it if he puts faith in it. You don't really need a legendary object to exterminate yokai and other beings. As long as it has atleast a decent amount of spiritual power it should be fine.

>> No.7834072
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I've always thought it had a beautiful design.

>> No.7834092
File: 44 KB, 637x357, washington driving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sword of George Washington: +4 Keen Flaming Sabre

>This perfectly ordinary-looking cavalry sabre was carried at Washington's side through the desperate and threadbare War of Independence. Twice a day, the wielder can summon 1d4 Giant Eagles to do his bidding for 1 hour.

Old Hickory: +4 Lolibane Impact Ghost-touch Quarterstaff:

>This handsome, well-polished hickory walking stick once belonged to Andrew Jackson, and still retains the potency of its onetime master. Anybody within 30 feet aiming ranged weapons at the wielder must pass a DC 40 Will save, or their weapons will fail to function. Anybody who fails this check is immediately subject to an Attack of Opportunity by the wielder of Old Hickory.

>> No.7834100
File: 52 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20110906_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's quite long. Also, it has a gold-like color in the blade.

>> No.7834103
File: 1012 KB, 1250x1000, yukarisparkle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Take a couple more pics. Post on /k/ and ask for KM. He/she/it/them should have an idea.

>> No.7834113


is dat sum basket-hilted...?

>> No.7834141


... well that's no dueling sword, that's for goddamn sure. The length and thickness of the blade are characteristic of a late-period (i.e. post-matchlock muskets) one-handed sword. The incredible artwork on the ricasso indicates it was made for dress, not combat, but that doesn't mean it wasn't functional - the sword equivalent of a lavishly-engraved automatic pistol.

>> No.7834144


Show more of the hilt/handle

>> No.7834150

You seem to know your shit. I'll take more pics.

>> No.7834170
File: 58 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20110906_17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go.

You can see Mazinger in the back

>> No.7834221


I don't know much about swords, just enough to pin down a rough time period and/or purpose. Still, the hilt picture definitely identifies it as a one-handed sword. One-handed, basket-ish handguards, fancy engravings, and long as hell: that definitely pins down the time period and purpose. It may have been pimped for show, but it was NOT just a dress sword; like the "smallsword" (which was a rapier neutered to the point of uselessness; a vestigial appendage worn as a fashion accessory after rapiers were overtaken by pistols in the "killing thugs in dark alleys" department.)

So it's definately a war sword, but with all the glitz... possibly a parade sword for a soldier, or something similar. What's the family history?

>> No.7834227

You now realise that Yukari has a radar that detects dead people

>> No.7834238

No idea. My father used to travel a lot when young, so he might've obtained it somewhere. He probably got it from somewhere around Europe.

>> No.7834241


Actually, now that I think about it, it looks like a Walloon sword... 1700s to 1840s or so is when they were used. Popular with both civilians and military; light enough to lug around town but sturdy enough for the battlefield, natch.

>> No.7834243


I'd suggest finding a sword enthusiast forum, registering a throwaway account and asking what's what. You might be sitting on something neater then you expect, all things told.

>> No.7834275

Kourin has the Kusanagi, actually. It's shown in one of the Curiosities in Lotus Asia chapters. Marisa had it lying around in her house and Kourin had her give it to him in exchange for fixing up her hakkero.

>> No.7834284

Hmm, I'd rather not. I'm kind of tired, and it's not like I really care about its origins, I just wanted to have a good time with you guys. I'll call this a night, thanks /jp/.
