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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 571 KB, 2676x1741, fft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7696128 No.7696128 [Reply] [Original]

What would /jp/'s dream RPG be like?

I'm assuming every character would be female and have a slutty outfit

>> No.7696143

A finished version of VH.

>> No.7696153

I love when the characters talk to each other in the middle of real time battles

>> No.7696158

Yeah, but I hate when the enemy is too easy and you have to run around like an idiot while waiting for the dialogue to finish.

>> No.7696163

All characters are lolis.

And there's game over rape.

No wait.

You have to be raped to WIN.


>> No.7696161

I know you autists love it, but no grinding.

>> No.7696168

RPGs hardly ever require grinding provided you don't suck.

>> No.7696165

>have a slutty outfit
Fuck no, what is this /v/?

Every character would be dressed like a princess, even if they were a rogue.

Also it would be a tactical RPG/empire building/conquer the land game where you made cute girls fight each other to the death and their power was based on how pretty they were. They would be little tea time scenes in between battles where you could make choices to improve the relations with your units, allies, and enemies. Also there would be robots and shit.

I'm also partial to the idea of a medieval or bronze age x-com type RPG about dudes and wizards vs skeleton armies.

Also I love Geomancers in FFT. Someone tell me how to make them awesome and not suck.

>> No.7696174

Onion knight?

Why all the tactics girl and suddenly onion knight. Isn't onion knight from II or something?

>> No.7696177

Onion Knight was added in the PSP port of tactics I believe.

>> No.7696179

That's only fun until you finish cycling through all 5 lines of combat dialogue

>> No.7696187

It's in the remake along with dark knight as a class.

>> No.7696192

Ahh, I didn't know that.

>> No.7696204

An RPG with loads of minigames and other general shit to do would be nice. Hardly see those in modern RPG's anymore.

>> No.7696233

Horror SRPG where all the female characters have slutty outfits. Also the protag would be a loli.

I'll create it someday.

>> No.7696235


I'm not sure you understand the term "real time combat" sir

>> No.7696258

MC is a a standard Jap RPG protagonist but also a badass like Father in Nier.

It involves punching shit and bitches of all colors, shapes and sizes swooning.

"Whats that final boss I couldn't hear you over the sound of your wife moaning?"

>> No.7696274

FF12 was my dream RPG.

>> No.7696277

For starters, half the characters are little girls.

>> No.7696279

A good party based game with a solid character creation. And lots of cute girls doing cute things

>> No.7696282

Another Tactics Ogre game. Granted, they are SRPG though.

>> No.7696284

Lineage 3, if it is like Lineage 2 minus the latest bullshit.

>> No.7696286 [DELETED] 

>Also I love Geomancers in FFT. Someone tell me how to make them awesome and not suck.
use a female unit and boost MA
>The advantages of Geomancy include 100% hit-rate, no charge time, no MP cost, 1 grid further casting range than most Magick spells, and a one eighth chance of inflicting a status ailment
their counter move was fun too

>> No.7696296
File: 79 KB, 500x765, e29ad65e547b1d07bcb7c4ec776b27ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lineage 3 will never be made, but lineage 2 really was the best rpg in the first chronicles until after interlude

>> No.7696298

All the girls wear frilly dresses and drink tea, except the art is good.

>> No.7696299
File: 160 KB, 600x673, 5c990000b4d0ad6ba2e636fa1eb55341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also I love Geomancers in FFT.
The sleeves that what makes them appealing, at least for me

>Someone tell me how to make them awesome and not suck.
>The advantages of Geomancy include 100% hit-rate, no charge time, no MP cost, 1 grid further casting range than most Magick spells, and a one eighth chance of inflicting a status ailment
Their counter move was fun

>> No.7696302

>Lineage 3 will never be made
Please, it hurts to read that.

>> No.7696306


Two swords ability and then equip dual rune blades. Equip wizard robe and either Wizard Gauntlet or Bracer. Geomancery will be hitting for 150 - 500 depending on your level and compatibility. You will also be able to just wack something in the face if it survives your geomancery somehow.

>> No.7696310
File: 130 KB, 548x440, bestrpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/'s dream RPG

>> No.7696312

RPGs are shit unless they're like Dorf Fort. With no stupid scripting and shit.

>> No.7696313
File: 39 KB, 270x200, TotalRecall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Romancing SaGa 4

>> No.7696314

Just integrate Touhou characters into the Disgaea series and I'll die a happy man.

It can be done and you know you'd buy it.

>> No.7696317
File: 121 KB, 400x386, 41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Violated Heroine.
With ValkyriaChronicles graphics and engine.

And that is my dream game.

>> No.7696319

Add hscenes.

>> No.7696322

Well, just yesterday /jp/ shat brix because of a rumor that the original designs for Tera Online, which feature a couple of lolis wearing suspiciously detailed pantsu, might be replaced for something less moe loli-like and more American slut-like...

>> No.7696325

I like to believe that those people were all just people that found their way in from /v/ because people in /jp/ are so shallow to care about shitty MMOs.

>> No.7696327


>> No.7696335

I'd be fine with another Baldur's Gate.

>> No.7696333
File: 235 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled1 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every character would wear a pretty dress
(slutty outfits would be optional)
several different characters to play as. one of them would be a little girl. another would be a grown princess with drill hair. each character would have different dialog options, different interactions with party members, etc
branching storyline with plenty of choices, and preferably lots of sex

>> No.7696336
File: 401 KB, 750x900, 15470121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which secondary jobs go well with geomancer?

>> No.7696338 [DELETED] 


>> No.7696340 [DELETED] 


>> No.7696345 [DELETED] 

fuck off

>> No.7696346

it would have an alignment chart like so:

cute -> pretty -> slutty
loli -> teenager -> milf

>> No.7696348 [DELETED] 

Keep the /v/ shit in /v/ thanks reported.

>> No.7696352 [DELETED] 

nobody cares faggot

>> No.7696355

holy shit you are mad

>> No.7696359
File: 138 KB, 707x1000, 789415613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really hard action rpg where the main character is cursed to make anyone near try to rape her, non-evil humans are a bit more resistant, but you can't be near them for long

>> No.7696361

My two favorite types, they should be the only ones in the game. Cute milfs (innocent of course) and slutty lolis. They grow more innocent as they grow older.

>> No.7696368


You could slap on virtually any Magic based skill or Battle Skill since you will have two Weapons. I perfer Talk or Steal just because.

>> No.7696376

I always wanted to play a good japanese roguelike... Japanese ones are more addictive and fun (like Izuna) but they have less customization, while western ones have absolutely shit graphics and are boring as fuck

>> No.7696387

Needs more one of those charts /tg/ used to make about alignment.

>> No.7696407

I like this idea.

>> No.7696431
File: 285 KB, 931x641, maneater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So demon's souls with slightly less rape?

>> No.7696435

>have absolutely shit graphics

>> No.7696442 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 852x480, 1312414083601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I lose on purpose

>> No.7696475

An action-role playing game with a cast of magical girls fighting against monsters and shit.

You can create your own character all the way from the hair to her magical girl custome which differs depending on the class of the magical girl.

And it will have an online mode where you fight against witches aka bad magical girls.

>> No.7696476

Ever play Baroque?

>> No.7696479
File: 176 KB, 800x778, 1278925294387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Demon's Souls.

>> No.7696482

Who gets killed by the Tower Knight?

>> No.7696484
File: 108 KB, 700x250, 1278848606486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea, probably people who didn't do their preparation or went in blindly.

>> No.7696487

I think the shield slam got everyone the first time.

Dat half the stage range

>> No.7696492

I always just cheese the Tower Knight with arrows or magic.

I am half a man.

>> No.7696503

All manly men, all the time, doing manly things. Only girls will be generics and the BBEG. At the end the BBEG after being defeated confesses to the MC, but gets shot down as he confesses that he's actually gay.

>> No.7696547
File: 162 KB, 700x250, 316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked this one better out of nerfnow's demons soul strips.

>> No.7696991

This'll be a bit long, but here's what I'd like.

You play as a mundane high school student ripped from your native realm by a moderately evil summoner with the modest goal of conquering a small kingdom, becoming its ruler and living in luxury without having to work. Unfortunately for the summoner, she can't summon worth a damn (you are actually her first successful attempt) so in order to raise her all-powerful army of monsters without which no summoner is complete, she has to breed them. Unfortunately for you, she is a talented surgeon and pretty good at other schools of magic, so she'd make the necessary adjustments on your body and assign you to the task.

When you wake up, you'd notice that you're a cute little girl from waist up and a grotesque conglomeration of tentacles and fleshy orifices from waist down, and she'd cheerfully explain that your little girl body will be used to seduce monsters and extract their semen while the fleshy wombs that now form your lower half will immediately form a copy of the same type of monster. To demonstrate, she'd then bring in a monster (probably a goblin or a demonic wolf) and allow it to violently take your virginity against your will, watching as a tentacle segment on your lower half swells within seconds and you give birth to a second monster while having your first orgasm as a girl. After breeding a few monsters in this fashion, the summoner would then go on to attack the nearest town, conquering it (after a tutorial battle, of course), converting it to her base and summoning your now near-sessile body (the only object she can successfully summon) to it so that she can produce more monsters. Thus would the game begin.

>> No.7696999

Since monsters are your primary means of attack and defense, gameplay would involve both invading towns and capturing wild monsters to violate you so that you can produce new types of troops - you'd get a new H-scene every time a new monster is captured and brought to you. While the first few rape scenes would be painful and traumatizing for you, you'd eventually start to enjoy this new life, using both your lewd little girl body and slimy tentacles to seduce monsters and drinking their cum with your slutty loli womb until they are completely drained. Later, you'd even get to rape a few of the more humanoid monsters, ignoring their desperate pleas not to kill them (they have been captured, after all, so they expect the worst), binding them with your tentacles and wrapping your small mouth around their large, succulent dicks until they come deep inside your tight, warm mouthpussy.

Needless to say, the summoner's activities would quickly spread around and holy warriors would attempt to stop her vile acts; though those warriors would also be capturable, forming the majority of your named troops - by this time, you'd be fully comfortable with your new self, so the summoner would bind them and leave them to you so that you can corrupt them. Those holy knights would mostly be female and you'd get to violate them with your tentacles, impregnating them with the semen you've extracted from monsters and producing new, more powerful hybrid troops from their wombs (for example, using an ogre's semen to impregnate a priestess would produce an ogre that can heal and buff himself) Later on, you'd even violate an angel, contributing to her conversion into a fallen angel who does her best to help you in your cause (or rather, she'd be a well-meaning girl who'd agree with the summoner's cause and freely offer her body to you.)

>> No.7697002

Of course, during the process you'd also get insights about the lives of the summoner and converted warriors, eventually learning that the summoner's father was a monster and lived a happy life with her human mother, so she wants to build a kingdom where even completely inhuman monsters are integrated into society (she's still keen on lazing around forever once she gets the kingdom going, though.) Depending on your choices, you can get two endings at this point. If you were obedient to the summoner and supported her throughout your struggles, she'd have fallen in love with you and apologize for forcing you to help her, offering to turn you back into a human male and send you back to your home just before the final battle with the kingdom's capital. You can accept and return to your mundane life, keeping a picture of the summoner with you at all times and wondering whether she succeeded in realizing her dream, until one day you're summoned again in a flash - though it's left uncertain to exactly where. You can also refuse, thanking her sincerely for giving her this lewd loli body, telling her that you want to continue being of use to her and finally asking her hand in marriage. If you do so, she'd accept in tears and you'd get her scene (and the opportunity to finally summon monsters - while the summoner herself is still talentless, her offspring is for some reason really good at it.) And after conquering the capital, she'd modify your body again so that you can now produce human girls that never age beyond twelve and you'd get to live forever with her in your small kingdom composed only of devoted little girls and their monster husbands.

Pretty much Eiyuu x Maou's soldier production system, except with more little girls, tentacles and rape and less rock-paper-scissors style battles.

>> No.7697376
File: 89 KB, 640x480, Sengoku_Rance_-_Uesugi_House_intro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It already exists. The obvious changes would be more no more national power to limit your army, and no limit for acquired characters.

>> No.7697395

>high school student
Stopped reading there.

>> No.7697394

>Why all the tactics girl and suddenly onion knight.

Popular demand from a certain /jp/ user.

Also, why all the fightan? Perfect RPG would be loli tea party, the game.

>> No.7697640

>I'm assuming every character would be female and have a slutty outfit
Actually every character would be a trap and have a slutty outfit

>> No.7697662
File: 200 KB, 700x950, wizard_color_by_andrebdois.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are Anon, the one /jp/er above all others, who has finally obtained his wizardly powers.
You journey to Gensokyo with the objective of conquering it and turning it into your eternal paradise.
To do this you must find artifacts that help you defeat the greater youkai while using your wizardly powers to battle the minor ones.

>> No.7697671

This thread is proof of why /jp/ pretending to be a literary critic is hilarious. It's like you're unable to think in anything but the cliches you're constantly bitching about.

>> No.7697704

TERA with some /jp/ changes.

>> No.7697727

was interested until

>> No.7697733
File: 719 KB, 600x847, 8807246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like RPGs with a large variety of classes. That's why Final Fantasy tactics series games are my favorite.

Sluttiness doesn't even enter into the picture. I'd rather if the character designs were very well done, again, as in FF tactics series games.

Also, everyone female of course, or at least female option.

>> No.7697739

All I can think about is "take this from game X with game Y's that and a sprinkle of game Z's that". I probably shouldn't be a developer.

>> No.7697747

That's what a lot of developers do. It's not a bad idea, so long as the final product is actually good

>> No.7697751

>What would /jp/'s dream RPG be like?

Pretty much just Phantasy Star 4, except with combo attacks altered so that they're actually doable without pre-recording them as macros. And maybe a side quest that allows Chaz to fuck Rika.

PS4 is awesome.

>> No.7697817

Ragnarok Online/Ar Tonelico/Ar Tonelico 2 style of 3D environments, but 2D characters.

but in HD.

also main character is female and kind of a slut if you want her to be

>> No.7697821

Nice to see I am not the only one trying to make a hentai RPG in RPGMaker.

Although I have only just started and am therefore probably never going to finish, but even if I do i want to get the game mostly done with the vanilla assets before even thinking of looking for artists

>> No.7697829

VH is already /jp/'s dream RPG, I just wish Nanako had more outfits.

>> No.7697870



>> No.7697874

No lolis, shotas, anthros, females or any other pandering party members

No kidnapped princess, destroyed hometowns, evil empires, saving the universe or any other done-to-death jrpg tropes.

Ivalice / FF12 art direction. Not sure about gameplay mechanics.


Vagrant Story 2

>> No.7697883

Proper counsel sequel to Lufia 2. Or a Lufia-esque setting, plot, and characters. Yes, they have to save the world, fucking deal with it. I've no interest in harem/pick your waifu as a main theme or married to
existentialism as a dual-theme.

None of the art trends of the last fifteen years--old early 90s drawing. No lolis. None.

No cute girls doing cute shit. No skimpy outfits for the sake of skimpy. The armors and wardrobe don't have to be bland--style is fine. If Zun can make gothic lolita fun, then anyone can make ANYTHING that isn't immediately dick-pandering fun.

Characters that pop to life instead of pandering to archtypes. Or, if you're gonna play with archtypes, then make them fun. Parody them. Play them horribly straight according to the plot.

If SRPG, steal from Shining Force. If raising monsters, steal from Devil Survivor and fix all the errors (ie don't make grinding pointless and dull). Anything else, FFIV or Secret of Mana's battle systems.

Open map, open exploration. Limit the sandbox bullshit. Explore for reward should be the motivation, not can I custom my own game inside your game. D&D exists for a reason.

Plot weapons, use them. They are cool. I'm a rare breed that believes omake weapons should NOT be more powerful than plot weapons if plot weapons are present (Big Gorron Sword being more powerful than the Master Sword is bullshit. The Great Fairy Sword being more powerful than the Guilded Sword is fine because neither was a plot-relevant item).

Force the composers to have to work with 8-bit or 16-bit equipment. Test the results with an audience. If it's approved, then allow the composer to go balls-to-the-wall for the soundtrack as he/she pleases.

>> No.7697886

>No lolis, shotas, anthros, females or any other pandering party members

>> No.7697901

NEET would be the only "job"/class you can have

>> No.7697904
File: 83 KB, 450x338, 1280855913965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no females

I was with you up to there. But that's crossing the line. Go drink some bleach.

>> No.7697913

yes I play it everytime is called RAGNAROK ONLINE

>> No.7697915

Action RPG which is more about evading monsters than fighting them, with punishingly low player health. Going by Zelda's health system, you'd start with half a heart and earn half a heart after each dungeon.

Oh, and the main character is a curvy girl in bikini armor and dying to a monster doesn't end the game, it just gives you an H scene with that monster before continuing from earlier in the room.

>> No.7697917


You're deluding yourself if you think female characters are anything other than pandering eye candy for nerds.

>> No.7697927

Who do you think plays these games?

>> No.7697932

Mine would probably be mostly female characters and a vast amount of outfits to wear.

Fighting would be more about looking good than being hard.

>> No.7697958

Ar Tonelico 4. With 18-year-old Cocona as the main character.

>> No.7697985

you don't get better stats when you level up, just more abilities. And the only way to get more powerful is equips. also it's a tactical RPG like FFT.

>> No.7697988

Guild Wars 2, with Tera loli and SWG's sandbox depth

>> No.7698023

Like an Atelier game mixed with VH, I guess. You are a semenmancer who collects man samples to do your voodoo

>> No.7698036

A professional-quality 100-hour adventure.
With adult characters. Of course that means 22+ years old males and 14+ years old females.

Berserk-level fantasy and "realism", no moe-moe/tokusatsu villains.

A job class system (with each character restricted to certain classes), obviously with different dresses for each class, ranging from the conservative Priest-role to the R17+ lewd Dancer-role. Panty shots are not unwelcome.

The thing that would set it apart from other RPGs would be the ero. Not Rance-level rape rampages, but well-placed 2D scenes that go well with the plot, mostly placed after 60% of the story has passed. Defiled captured princesses, evil S (female) warchiefs with their own shota harems, and a "carnivorous" (female) party member come to mind.

I'd buy it.

>> No.7698052

like this

>> No.7698050

Hell, I'd just like an RPG to, for just once, outright say in no uncertain terms that a character gets laid at one point. Even if it's just "fade to black, cut to pillow talk/morning after".

Or more controversial yet, a heroine/major female character who is not another character's mother nad is NOT a virgin

>> No.7698064

It baffles me everytime someone wishes for a game with ``sluts'', or worse, ``loli in slutty outfits''. Don't you realize that fanservice is an excuse for lack of content and that loli are attractive precisely because they're not sluts?
That said, my dream RPG would be Go back to /v/, ``please''!!.

>> No.7698075

>Hell, I'd just like an RPG to, for just once, outright say in no uncertain terms that a character gets laid at one point
You've never played Xenogears?

They have sex at 4:00 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1YpJk5LmXo

>> No.7698088

Don't you realize Violated Heroine?

>> No.7698095

This thread made me get RPGMaker. Now I will watste countless hours making some stupid game that won't work properly and nobody will ever play.
I hope you're happy, anon.

>> No.7698097

Just make some cool boss fights and call it a day.

>> No.7698111

I was looking forward to WotL on iOS because I assumed it was going to fix the slowdown on abilities and whatnot, but now the entire game runs slowly on my iPod.
Well, shit.

>> No.7698132

Ok, I have to ask, where did OP image come from? I must have sauce.

>> No.7698146


>> No.7698149

Thanks bro!

>> No.7698179
File: 122 KB, 811x754, trolltan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In terms of system, something similar to RO, real time MMORPG with cute 2D sprites on 3D environment. Memory-eating graphic doesn't make a good game; it's only gonna make it a laggy game.

In terms of character, you can customize your hairstyle, hair color, eye color, and height to a certain degree. Equipment wise, it's sort of like Runescape's appearance system. Your equipment reflects your appearance, from headgears to cape to boots etc. Equipments, however, do not actually contribute any stats; they're merely cosmetic.

Similar to FFT, Your characters have "base" level, and "job" levels. You can set any job as "primary" at will, and can use skills from any job you've learned. However, skills outside of your currently "primary" job will get a small penalty (For example, you're currently a knight, and have cleric skill equipped - your knight skills will work at 100% efficiency, but your cleric skills will only work at 75% or so efficiency)

World wise, setting similar to FFT will be fine, although I'd like to tone down as much magic as possible and let it be more solid with just hack and slash and arrows etc.

>> No.7698182
File: 18 KB, 320x240, 1279349686932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Primary healing and stuff have to be done outside of combat (no instant +1000 hp heals etc, they're all regenerative types, and it doesn't work if you are damaged or was damaged within the last 45 seconds). Against players, it's no longer pots vs pots fights. Against monsters/boss, it encourages more strategic planning and larger party/teamwork (so some can sit back and heal while another player tanks)

Your primary stats come from your base level, and cards/runes/gemstone/whateveryouwanttocallthem. No one card is better than another, and it's all about how you combo them to fit your character role. They're equipped to your character instead of equipment.

Balanced cash option. Well, it's a MMORPG, so they have to make money. Mostly everything they sell can be gotten in game - using cash only save time so you don't have to grind them. Stuff that can't be gotten normally in game are stuff like storage/inventory space increase, double exp, more equipments that only have cosmetic purpose.

>> No.7699344

Monster Quest with a good battle system.
I SO wanted the loli monster bandits as party members.

>> No.7699353 [DELETED] 

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate XdXDDDDDDDDDD


hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

>> No.7699356

It's hilarious how mad these threads make you. Isn't complaining in the archive enough?

>> No.7699357 [DELETED] 

hurr durr
JRPG thread is /jp/ relate XdXDDDDDDDDDD
Monthly MMO is /jp/ related


hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

>> No.7699363 [DELETED] 

hurr durr
JRPG thread is /jp/ relate XdXDDDDDDDDDD
Monthly MMO is /jp/ related

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor
hurr durr
JRPG thread is /jp/ relate XdXDDDDDDDDDD
Monthly MMO is /jp/ related


hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr d

>> No.7699369 [DELETED] 

hurr durr
JRPG thread is /jp/ relate XdXDDDDDDDDDD
Monthly MMO is /jp/ related

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor
hurr durr
JRPG thread is /jp/ relate XdXDDDDDDDDDD
Monthly MMO is /jp/ related


hurr durr>>>>

>> No.7699368 [DELETED] 

hurr durr
JRPG thread is /jp/ relate XdXDDDDDDDDDD
Monthly MMO is /jp/ related

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor
hurr durr
JRPG thread is /jp/ relate XdXDDDDDDDDDD
Monthly MMO is /jp/ related


hurr durr>>>>

>> No.7699374 [DELETED] 

hurr durr
JRPG thread is /jp/ relate XdXDDDDDDDDDD
Monthly MMO is /jp/ related

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor
hurr durr
JRPG thread is /jp/ relate XdXDDDDDDDDDD
Monthly MMO is /jp/ related


hurr durr

>> No.7699375 [DELETED] 

hurr durr
JRPG thread is /jp/ relate XdXDDDDDDDDDD
Monthly MMO is /jp/ related

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor
hurr durr
JRPG thread is /jp/ relate XdXDDDDDDDDDD
Monthly MMO is /jp/ related


hurr durr

>> No.7699370

I'm not even going to bother to report these posts. Just ignore the retard.

>> No.7699378 [DELETED] 

hurr durr
JRPG thread is /jp/ relate XdXDDDDDDDDDD
Monthly MMO is /jp/ related

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor
hurr durr
JRPG thread is /jp/ relate XdXDDDDDDDDDD
Monthly MMO is /jp/ related


hurr durr

>> No.7699380 [DELETED] 

hurr durr
JRPG thread is /jp/ relate XdXDDDDDDDDDD
Monthly MMO is /jp/ related

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor
hurr durr
JRPG thread is /jp/ relate XdXDDDDDDDDDD
Monthly MMO is /jp/ related


hurr durr

>> No.7699388 [DELETED] 

hurr durr
JRPG thread is /jp/ relate XdXDDDDDDDDDD
Monthly MMO is /jp/ related

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor
hurr durr
JRPG thread is /jp/ relate XdXDDDDDDDDDD
Monthly MMO is /jp/ related


hurr durr>

>> No.7699383 [DELETED] 

hurr durr
JRPG thread is /jp/ relate XdXDDDDDDDDDD
Monthly MMO is /jp/ related

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor
hurr durr
JRPG thread is /jp/ relate XdXDDDDDDDDDD
Monthly MMO is /jp/ related


hurr durr

>> No.7699387

Spamming the thread will make it disappear.

>> No.7699391

It will if he keeps at it for seventy minutes straight.

>> No.7699392 [DELETED] 
File: 477 KB, 1223x1100, Kokoro and Sheryl - Ring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7699396 [DELETED] 

hurr durr
JRPG thread is /jp/ relate XdXDDDDDDDDDD
Monthly MMO is /jp/ related

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor
hurr durr
JRPG thread is /jp/ relate XdXDDDDDDDDDD
Monthly MMO is /jp/ related


hurr durr

>> No.7699397 [DELETED] 

You're even worse than the spammer.

>> No.7699399 [DELETED] 

hurr durr
JRPG thread is /jp/ relate XdXDDDDDDDDDD
Monthly MMO is /jp/ related

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor
hurr durr
JRPG thread is /jp/ relate XdXDDDDDDDDDD
Monthly MMO is /jp/ related


hurr durr

>> No.7699401 [DELETED] 

hurr durr
JRPG thread is /jp/ relate XdXDDDDDDDDDD
Monthly MMO is /jp/ related

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor
hurr durr
JRPG thread is /jp/ relate XdXDDDDDDDDDD
Monthly MMO is /jp/ related


hurr durr>>>

>> No.7699404 [DELETED] 

hurr durr
JRPG thread is /jp/ relate XdXDDDDDDDDDD
Monthly MMO is /jp/ related

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor

hurr durr

JRPG thread is /jp/ relate d XDDDDDDDDD

good job jaintor
hurr durr
JRPG thread is /jp/ relate XdXDDDDDDDDDD
Monthly MMO is /jp/ related


hurr durr>>>

>> No.7699406

Go die

>> No.7699412

This thread is a prime example of how the /jp/ jaintor is fucking retarded.

>> No.7699415

/jp/ - Touhou Image Dumps

>> No.7699414

Yeah, he's the retarded one. Not the aspie who was futilely spamming it.

>> No.7699417

This post is a prime example of how you're so stupid it's a wonder you manage not to choke on your own drool.

>> No.7699419

Go fucking fuck yourself. I hope meido quits and you all drown in your own shitposts

>> No.7699423

It's bad form to reply to your own posts, Anon-kun.

>> No.7699427

That was the only post I made in this thread. Who cares either way, I'm done with this shithole. Like I said, go drown in your autistic shitposts

>> No.7699429

Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

>> No.7699431

I won't. Don't be surprised when shitposts aren't getting deleted.

>> No.7699434

See you tomorrow.

>> No.7699438

I'm just absolutely terrified of the prospect. I'm going to have nightmares of a /jp/ that is shitty rather than the shining beacon of quality it currently is.

>> No.7700407


>> No.7700464

I want a game that combines a science fiction story with political themes with tactical combat that involves both giant robots and human fighting. also it would have an extended prologue with a time skip before the actual story begins.

>> No.7700750

Linage 3 was made it was named Aion.

>> No.7701240

A game where every NPC has a sidequest, thus no one will feel useless and ignored ;_;

>> No.7701275

Thousand Arms with a normal battle system, multiple endings, and the ability to date literally ANY female character that appears. Including bosses. Maybe a relationship system more like Star Ocean's combined with the later Personas (multiple endings based on relations between the PCs that can be changed in private action scenes but can go down too just but ignoring them and paying attention to someone else.)

>> No.7701292
File: 151 KB, 640x800, 72bbfa11ea088e91f3c8b1844dc3a89f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like <

>> No.7701293

Did Front Mission 3 have infantry battles?

>> No.7701296

He was perhaps referring to ENEMIES EVERYWHERE



>> No.7701308
File: 168 KB, 375x500, 4902746783_17e0198cbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FF12 was my dream RPG.

>> No.7701336

>1/3rd the damage of most spells
Who're those with horns?
Those were awful.

>> No.7701343

like a western one with JRPG art style

>> No.7701355

You'll have your Skyrim soon.

>> No.7701364

It has been proven that JAPANESE games with WESTERN styles are generally better unless they are Persona.

>> No.7701377

Which PS2 JRPG should I play ?
Persona 3 FES , Persona 4 ,Ar tonelico I or II , Rogue Galaxy
Looking for a good storyline and likable characters. not a huge fan of tactical RPGs.

>> No.7701410

Persona 3

>> No.7701418

>Who're those with horns?
At the top? They're Gria

>> No.7701434


>> No.7701438

Yeah, same with the Seeq right below them.

>> No.7701442

Is the English dub of Persona 3 tolerable, or should I track down the undub version?

>> No.7701450

Demon's Souls.

I fucking love these games, although Tales games are a very close second.

>> No.7701451

Depends. How do you feel about the Mexican state of Yucatán?

>> No.7701476

I'm... apathetic towards it?

>> No.7701525

Then the dub is probably tolerable.

>> No.7701552

What the hell is a "Calculater"?

>> No.7701568
File: 910 KB, 1111x1600, Dragon_Final_3_XLG_p01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7701599


>> No.7701636

My personal dream RPGs:

Basically, Sengoku Rance with a better enemy troop scaling system and more routes. Preferably a mechanic that incorporates the current system of basing it on your own troop counts, but with more factors including how you gained the troops as well as how soon.

For non-strategy RPG, basically a battle system and stat advancement in the style of of FFX, but with more dynamic character interactions and story. A larger array of characters with different interactions and story lines based on who you use.

>> No.7701660

Are you pointing out that a Japanese person spelled an English word correctly or do you not know what the job does in-game?

>> No.7701671

Ok even if it's a patchwork of stolen concepts I'll just post it for bits and giggles.
It'd be strategic RPG with a mix of unique units and subordinate common units like Der Landgrisser; big number of units on screen so field battles feel like battles. Objectives aren't only "destroy enemy" but also capture locations, defend location, objectives switched mid level and the sort that makes you fight with a different approach. Tons of classes for the common soldiers, unique classes or very good versions of common classes for the unique characters, split between hard counters for very tactical play and more balanced ones.
Plotwise it'd be a serious warring states story like Suikoden 1-2, the protagonists are, like Valkyria Chronicles 3, a group of ragtag rejects, criminals and misfits fighting in a officially unrecognized squadron to avoid worse punishments/starving/being stoned to death or to find a better life. They fight for a human-centric powerful empire, and the squad is mostly composed by monstergirls, humans and the odd monster. Story segments are VN-like, romanceable heroines that are also not from your platoon, sex scenes towards the end. Finishing a route unlocks medium-sized extra afterstories set a long time after the route ending, they're just about showing the daily life of the couple and how they face life together each day as a couple.

That's pretty much everything I like in my entertainment, it'd be awesome to see this all in one game.

>> No.7701679

well I derped, sorry, take away that d

>> No.7701704


>Suikoden 2

This. Especially add a Luka Blight-esque villain and a godly battle sequence to match.

Damn, villain. You immortal or sum'n.

>> No.7701707

Don't fucking play Rogue Galaxy.
Play Dark Cloud 2.

>> No.7701719

I could probably write an entire fucking book about my ideal RPG mechanics and gameplay, but realistically I don't think anyone is going to give a shit enough to read it. Instead, I'll just cut a very long story short and say that it would have stat-building elements of FFX's sphere grid (but more involved), and story progression consisting of a large array of characters with multiple story routes depending on who you use. There would be a world map that opens up early on similar to many SNES-era RPGs, with a ton of activities and sidequests to do in the end-game (before the final boss). Optionally, it could also include territory-takeover elements of SRPGs as the main means of sidequesting. Each territory would have a major sidequest to take over, then smaller activities/sidequests would open up after takeover.

>> No.7701725

what was the name of that upcoming strategy game where all historical figures are girls

Like Ceasar, Rasputin, Columbus,...even some southamerican figures...

>> No.7701741

Entire party is lesbian lolis.

Tentacles monsters are the most common enemy, defeat results in rape with very detailed CG scenes.

>> No.7701742

eiyuu senki

>> No.7701743

naked bouncy tits: the game that made interested even the normalfags I know.
have fun even for me, the site don't loads on this pc.

>> No.7701749

What's the point o them being lesbians if they're only raped by tentacle dicks?

>> No.7701756

probably he's implying that the tentacle dicks belongs to monstergirls.

>> No.7701762

I'm tired of having to lose as female characters to see the H-scenes. How about this way? If you defeat the tentacle monsters you get to rape them and maybe capture them to use as sexual toys for your lesbian antics?

>> No.7701767

wheres this from?

>> No.7701772

It's from read the damn image name.

>> No.7701773

now, i know that in the end everybody just wants SEEEX, but what about a inverted rpg, where you're the dark lord who needs to conquer the world and defeat the heroes? ...probably it's already done and I don't know. no, not disgea, I want something serious.

>> No.7701780

And of course all the heroes are female and the source of their power is their virginity, yes.

>> No.7701804

...nope. damn, I passed two years projecting this thing with a frind when I was in high school. then that bastard died and I dumped everything. I still remember vaguely some of the main characters stories. it was pretty cool...

>> No.7701820


Explain story. I program shit. Get an artist and a composer and it could come to life.

>> No.7701836

But there are certain characters I don't want to fuck

>> No.7701893

>where you're the dark lord who needs to conquer the world and defeat the heroes?
there's literally craploads of them, even with pretty good gameplay like Himegari and Meishoku no Reiki

>> No.7704049

Villain M@ster

>> No.7704085

Damn, /jp/ surely got the shittiest tastes ever.
I bet some of you faggots must shit on your pants playing generic FPS crap because "it's so manly"

>> No.7704193

Suzukuri Dragon and Bunny Black too.

>> No.7704240

>What would /jp/'s dream RPG be like?

Kingdom Hearts gameplay
Persona dating sim elements
Enemy designs by Kazuma Kaneko
Multiple endings. Two good endings. Two bad endings. One true ending.
Choice between a male or female protagonist
Same sex routes for both
The protagonist is nameable
Main character is a college student as opposed to a high school student.
You get to customize their clothes and change their hairstyle at the start of each day.
Music is a collaboration between Yoko Shimomura and Shoji Meguro.

>> No.7704418

I would play the shit out of a game like that, but only if Cavia (developers that worked on Nier and Drakengard), or just Taro for that matter, worked on the story.

>> No.7704424

>Kingdom Hearts gameplay
huh? I don't remember this being anywhere near "dream"-like, and actually quite bad

>> No.7704480


Aside from a lack of depth in customization and not enough difference between the different specializations (mainly in the form of the magic using type fighting the same way as someone who picked melee about 85% of the time), I thought that it was good.

>> No.7704887


Someone hasn't played Birth by Sleep.

Say what you want about the story,plot,character design and characters themselves but when it comes to action RPGs Kingdom Hearts' gameplay is second to none.

>> No.7704893 [DELETED] 

>Kingdom Hearts' gameplay is second to none

I seriously hope you're trolling. I thought the sqeenix-tards were gone, or at least confined to /v/.

>> No.7704898

I like how you conveniently ignored the >when it comes to action RPGs part.

>> No.7704907

No, I was going by that basis. Even by those standards, KH gameplay is a crock of shit. Do people really find button mashing combined with an occasional action command to be entertaining?

>> No.7704915


All action RPGs at button mashing so that's not much of an argument.

>> No.7707367

Like Yume Nikki where you adventure while dreaming, but with high-quality sprites and a deeper combat system

>> No.7707418

Morrowind with all loli characters.

>> No.7707460

you might wanna try elona

its a pretty cool roguelike thats made by this japanese guy who speaks english

you can have little girls as pets and make them fight and shit
