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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 251 KB, 1027x623, Elin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7685135 No.7685135 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7685143

Can't have loli pantsu in a christian game.

>> No.7685144

CALM DOWN ANON. That design was already in the game. They deliberately picked an ugly one for site media so as to not catch shit from normalfags.

>> No.7685152

source for that statement? The devs on the forums did say that they changed the art to be "more appealing" to western audiences.

>> No.7685164

I will not be playing this game then.

>> No.7685165

shit that's ugly, look like a red haired kid from south america working in a farm.

>> No.7685171
File: 719 KB, 1783x1399, elin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"People play the game differently in Korea than they play the game here. A lot of that has to do with the social situation; they're at cafes and we're all at home by ourselves, and that affects the gameplay in a pretty big way. Then there's also art and style. We have one of the more controversial races, the Elin, which is the cute little girl, so we're going to be modifying the art on that to make it more appealing to the Western audience."

Must be the same marketing team that changed the cover of Spice and Wolf volume 1. They clearly know what their audience wants.

>> No.7685175

Sorry, it was a few months ago, right after the Elin were first put on the official site. In the forums there was a thread about how ugly the screenshots look and someone said they had played the korean version and that the screenshot looked like one of the models already in the game.

>> No.7685187

was it this one by any chance? It was closed after 200 pages, and says that the pics on the website (ie OP's picture) is what they look like now.

>> No.7685188

No ones's actually seen the changes.
The Elin always had some ugly faces.

Honestly I hope the changes are to make their faces less ugly.

Ever since they mentioned anything people have been trolling each other nonstop. You shouldn't listen to anything until the game is released.

>> No.7685191 [DELETED] 


>> No.7685195

>mmo with lolis
>not /jp/ related
oh u

>> No.7685199

>Must be the same marketing team that changed the cover of Spice and Wolf volume 1. They clearly know what their audience wants.

And fuck off with your greentext. Like I said, >>>/a/.

>> No.7685201

Lol epic abbreviation of you :D :D

>> No.7685204

>since when video games with loli are related to /a/.

>> No.7685206

shit, typed ">" without knowing it.

>> No.7685210


>> No.7685211

And this is why you're a shitposter.

>> No.7685212

Are you fucking retarded? You think people making references means they should post on another board? At least it was on topic, unlike your shitty derailing post.

>> No.7685215

Anyone knows when the NA beta is starting? I'd like to see the changes first hand before I make any decision. Seems the forums are just full of speculation.

>> No.7685220 [DELETED] 

btw english is hard and shit so just post in the general area of the comment ok

>> No.7685234

>Are you fucking retarded? You think people making references means they should post on another board?

>At least it was on topic, unlike your shitty derailing post.
About as on-topic as your /a/ post.

>> No.7685237 [DELETED] 

Actually, since graphics are client side only, if they do wind up ruining the elin like in the op maybe it would be possible to mod the client to use the korean models?

>> No.7685245

Actually, since graphics are client side only, wouldn't it be possible to mod the client to use the korean models anyway?

>> No.7685246
File: 165 KB, 420x780, tera-elin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The beta is supposed to start in september, and the game is supposed to be released on the 31st of december.

>> No.7685247

Of course, and then you'll be banned for using a hacked client.

>> No.7685249

I thought I was the only one that wasn't retarded around here.

Seriously, didn't anyone but me think this previously?

>> No.7685251

>I am glad to see how passionate you guys are, so I wanted to clarify my statement about the elin, however I am afraid the answer is pretty underwhelming. The only planned change for the elin is that we will be adding colored tights to a few of the armor models. That's it, most of the armor models won't even change. While this change is worked on we have disabled the race from the upcoming Community Play Event but I assure you the elin will be back and playable by our live service. We will also be adding cool new content surrounding the elin and their history to the website, so look for that coming soon.
You really had me scared, OP.

>> No.7685252

Yeah but everyone else would still see you as a redneck farmer girl.

>> No.7685253

What's your point?

Why would I care if I looked like what I wanted?

>> No.7685254

Who said that?

>> No.7685261

They really had to pick the most unappealing face and armor set for marketing didn't they.

>> No.7685262
File: 262 KB, 585x1098, 1303750967666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am okay with stockings and thigh high's because this is my fetish.jpg

Now apperantly someone claimed they also changed idle anymations as in no gyrating hips.

That is not acceptable.

>Picture related, fetish nr2 gyrating hips.

>> No.7685259

That was one of the original statements made when they announced the censorship.

>> No.7685265

I heard this too, but it's also been said that character proportions would change, but the devs have denied this multiple times.

>> No.7685267

Tights, not stockings. They're covering up the pantsu.

>> No.7685273

In other words, 'hi, we will be adding colored tights to all armor models that expose the legs and thighs of the Elin race, if it's an armor model that doesn't already expose their legs and thighs then we will leave it alone. This means that all panty shots will be gone. Enjoy your game.

>> No.7685326

If the game ends up being good then whatever. It's stupid to remove it all but I guess I understand their concern.

Some sort of 'boycot' because they added tights is not that different from some westerner not playing it because it's too animesadlife.

>> No.7685327

> changed idle anymations as in no gyrating hips.
someone post some gifs!!

>> No.7685332

Mute video.


>> No.7685334

Have some jewtube.


>> No.7685342

>Mute video
I actually like that song.

>> No.7685341
File: 267 KB, 566x800, 20636569-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7685347

Whatever you do, stay away form the Elin section of their board.

It's /b/ level trolling and people being fags.

>> No.7685360
File: 162 KB, 800x1195, 112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well post this for the 4th time today.

>> No.7685362
File: 218 KB, 634x393, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy i sure love my long ha-
goddomot helmets.

>> No.7685364
File: 390 KB, 623x711, 20730084-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7685368

If they remove the idle animations I am gonna be pissed.

I don't even like the animations, I don't mind them either, yet I think that removing them is such a retarded move.

Seriously, if somebody doesn't release a censor removal patch, I'm not even going near this.

>> No.7685376

So they're censoring all that's good in this?

Guess I'll wait for my grimdark millennium to be raped lorewise and then giveup on mmos.

>> No.7685396
File: 84 KB, 600x517, wha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7685403

The amount of times that has been posted is ridiculous.

>> No.7685410

I..I cannot read moonrunes what does it say m'lord?

>> No.7685416

A monthly fee of ¥2700 with item charges.
¥7000 for the game itself.

Is what people are getting across with that.

>> No.7685429

Japan pays more for everything. The same is true of every korean MMO. There's no way they are charging more than 25$/month for this in north america.

>> No.7685432

Glad I'm playing the Korean version now.

>> No.7685434

The game itself is 50$, which is almost half the japanese price (90$). The montly fee is probably gonna have a similar difference.

>> No.7685436

Aion was 80$ + 35$$/month in Japan too, while it was only 40$ + 15$/month in the states. So yeah, I'm not expecting insane prices over here. But still, 15$/month is a lot if I don't get loli pantsu.

>> No.7685439

Why are you guys still interested in this MMO? We are all waiting for you on FFXIV.

>> No.7685438

The game can easily have the models edited or switched, just like any other MMO.

>> No.7685440

Also for the OP pic, Elin light armors are mostly like inflatable handyman pants for the 20's till 40+ or so from experience.

Heavy armors are almost like meido costumes with thigh highs while cloths are all about midriffs or the thighs.

You can skin the armors to which design you want in the KR version currently.

>> No.7685445

Didn't realise there was more than one person playing that shitfest.

>> No.7685448

Me and five people I know play it.

At the end of the day, most people bitching about it haven't played it since Beta.

>> No.7685452

For good reason. They realized it's shit and left.

>> No.7685457

>Knowing 5 people


>> No.7685460

So, you're honestly too idiotic to realise the game has changed since then?

>> No.7685461

Is FFXIV still being released on the PS3?

>> No.7685463

It has been delayed a lot, but it is still supposedly in development.

>> No.7685466

The people I know are /jp/ browsers.
I only talk to them on Skype.

>> No.7685478

>Actually, since graphics are client side only, wouldn't it be possible to mod the client to use the korean models anyway?

I'd assume all you need is to swap the files out and it would look good at your end. It would only really be an issue if you wanted others to see you in your sexy outfits.

Personally I'd prefer being sexy on other machines also. But if they just add good tights, I'll probably still like it.

>> No.7685481

what server?

>> No.7685484

Modifying models is against some MMOs TOS, no idea how / if they'd be able to pick it up though.

>> No.7685487

Most MMO's cannot, as for Tera, I have no clue.

>> No.7685492

Detecting modified textures is really easy as long as you tell your programmers to add that feature.

>> No.7685500

I think some /jp/ers play on Firago or whatever it's called.

>> No.7685501

of which most MMO's do not have this feature, as I said though, I have no clue if Tera does.

>> No.7685504

Lineage II had this, and iirc when I downloaded some Tera files out of curiosity it had the same system.

>> No.7685510

And bad commercial department.

>> No.7685508

Why the fuck would an MMO company care if you are using different textures, as long as doing so doesn't give you an unfair advantage?

>> No.7685511

They care about their image. They do ban people for using nude-mods in Vindictus after all.

>> No.7685516

My problem with the Elin has always been the faces and the thighs. The faces look like 3 year olds, and the thighs are way too wide. They look like mermaids if mermaids were half baby and half adult. Not cute lolis at all.

>> No.7685517

I have always had this problem also, but I can stand them atleast.

>> No.7685533

I think the thighs are glorious.

If they change the Elin thighs or legs in any way then I will write a very angry post on /jp/ to voice my discontent.

>> No.7685535
File: 33 KB, 447x790, female_popori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only hope that character customization can do more for the Elin than the stock images suggest. It looks to me like Anonymous pretty much sums it up here:


Also, the female Popori is pretty cute too.

>> No.7685543


>> No.7685564

Cute. Reminds me how shameful the Dark Souls character creator will be.

>> No.7685598


Huh? I model edited Lineage 2 perfectly fine for years on my spellsinger and other various alts. I've also edited FFXI, WoW, Aion etc. too without a single issue. If I get banned for the first time for wanting loli thighs then so be it.

>> No.7685611

Was it on the official servers?
The gameguard would always stop me from playing. Or was it the system changes only?

>> No.7685626


Yep. This was back in 2004 or so. Aion runs the same GameGuard system and I had no troubles editing it either both visual models and editing the voices to the Japanese sound pack.

>> No.7685630

Well that's interesting.

>> No.7685637

Hmmm I may still have hope for this game then.

>> No.7685648

now you might want to prove this somehow since its the first time im hearing something like that

>> No.7685714
File: 663 KB, 1600x1200, 01_1600x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're on Korean MMOs, is anyone else playing Dragon Nest?

>> No.7685728


Prove what exactly? Plenty of people from /jp/ used the Aion soundpack and such at launch and I still recall seeing all of you faggots running around with Touhou names. Lineage 2 I haven't played in 6 years or something, I stopped playing Aion like 2 months after its launch and haven't played it since. The only screenshot I have is of a naked model of a dwarf I took from Lineage 2.

>> No.7685752

Does it have cute lolis?

>> No.7685772

Shotas too. Only 4 character models though. But it's a pretty fun action game.

>> No.7685770


Is there any place keeping track of all the cute loli games, you think? Would be a valuable place.

>> No.7685778

This. It would be nice to differentiate the million of them from each other so we can play games that are actually fun too.

>> No.7685775

No, but you will get some mutant midgets instead!

>> No.7685798

>shotas too
i don't remember seeing shota in this game.
i only remember the loli race and these cute "furballs"

>> No.7685871

Kinda sucks that there's only 4 character model though. Character customization is a big part of MMOs for me.

>> No.7685948

I like having options, but I can never make a character as good as a professional designer, so I'd much rather have presents that look good than a mishmash where it's impossible to even figure out how to make someone attractive.

That said, four options is way too little. Alt genders would have been nice.

btw, what's /jp/'s flavor of the month right now?

>> No.7685982

Jesus, it's like everything that's relevant to my life exists on /jp/.

Why did I ever leave you for once in my life /jp/ why did I?

>> No.7686004

I think the original Elin look kind of creepy. Also it's gonna fuck up the game if you all play the same race.

>> No.7686010

>Also it's gonna fuck up the game if you all play the same race
Fucking up beta MMOs with hordes of lolis is practically a /jp/ past time.

>> No.7686019


There are about 6 faces, 6 hairs and about 6 different animal ears including

Fox, Wolf, Bunny, Cat, Squirrel, Ram

You can modify skin tone and hair color with a palette though so far certain hair styles are locked by what type animal you choose.

Maybe this will change in the future.

Also, they stated that there would be no body customizing because the game is action based with hitboxes.

>> No.7686030

I agree, but the reason I left was because /jp/ has one of the most toxic and self-hating communities on the Internet bar none.

Love the content, hate the provider.

>> No.7686064

These posters were talking about Dragon Nest, not the OP.

>> No.7686065

Game of the devil

>> No.7686089

I must be tired. The first time I read that I somehow managed to read camel in the ear list. God I need some sleep.

>> No.7686398

Yeah, because 40 year old American soccer moms will definitely be playing this anyways, right?

>> No.7686409

Yeah, I've seen that. I'm just really hoping that kind of awesome makes it all the way to the NA release.

>> No.7686438

It's bombing hard in Korea right now. I doubt this will come over to the US, especially with staff quitting left and right

>> No.7686439

yah i currently am. lvl 22 loli (more or less) acrobat..
right now im in a touhou guild named gensokyo, but really is more of a /a/ guild. but you have to settle for something i guess

>> No.7686461

Well, that sucks. I was kinda looking forward to it. They've had a regularly updated English website for quite some time now. I hope we get a crack at it.

>> No.7686464

Kind of forgot about this game after quitting Eden Eternal. Oh well, if they change the loli's from what they have in the Korean version I definitely will not be playing this.

I'll probably just get some loli mods and play skyrim.

>> No.7687689
File: 474 KB, 1600x1394, elin4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7686019 Also, they stated that there would be no body customizing because the game is action based with hitboxes.
Fucking stupid. As if 5cm cosmetic difference would change anything.
And in the case of Elin some classes have noticeably wider hips than others.

>> No.7687714
File: 900 KB, 1280x720, www.dotup.org1854384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7687719
File: 1.13 MB, 1280x720, www.dotup.org1854379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7687720
File: 215 KB, 1443x634, tera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7687723
File: 345 KB, 1709x901, tera01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7687729

You are now imagining Elin maid mods in Skyrim

>> No.7687735

Why bother? Just import the superior lolis from Oblivion.

>> No.7687761

What server? I'm looking for people to play with. The group finder sucks, there's a million afk players sitting around in groups doing nothing.

>> No.7687771

Oblivion's lolis aren't that good. There aren't any decent flatchested body mods other than HGEC, which has a serious case of man hands.
If Skyrim's dominant body mod is just a port of HGEC I'll be very disappointed.

>> No.7687786

Uh, have you completely overlooked all the elf loli mods? There's only like 30 of them that are complete body mod replacers, fixing texture and skinning issues.

There's even a shota replacer, though I don't recall where I got it.

>> No.7687787

I'm worried that there will be 90% Elin on all servers.

>> No.7687806


Don't worry about that, you can be sure it's going to be 95%+.

>> No.7687808

daily dose

>> No.7687822

Personally i will play one as one of those huge manly things.
There needs to be someone around that can give the Elin's the big dickings that they need.

>> No.7687830

The other races are pretty ugly so I feel like this is probably a good thing.

>> No.7687850

Texture edits and races aren't what I'm talking about, there are loads of those. As far as actual loli body meshes go the only real option is HGEC--I've found a couple of alternatives but none of them have decent clothing made for them.

>> No.7687853

>anything oblviion
>White Ren
I know you're a fucking faggot but goddamn.

>> No.7687881

OP picture is the archer class, if I remember right. You make a mage to stare at her dress that only covers half her butt (or none at all).

Half the Elin classes are going to be fully-dressed regardless of what the US team does, the thing of note is what will happen to the cloth classes.

>> No.7687924

That's actually part of what pisses me off about the censorship. Those that do not want their own characters to walk around in her pantsu can just choose the less revealing armors. But no, the moralfags have to ruin it for everyone.

>> No.7687930

The problem with giving people choices is that they probably won't choose the choice that you want to make them choose. So, force them to make the choice by removing all choices.

What's the good of unlimited power if you can't force people to obey your world view?

>> No.7687934


If something like adding tights ruins an entire game for you, just go and use 3DCG.

>> No.7687940

What "moralfags"? Is anyone calling for this to happen?

I'm just saying this to be clear: it's the developer's decision here. They think they'll sell more without it so they're removing them. They're not doing it because anyone actually cares, they're simply stupid.

Just saying, because it's easy to shift the blame onto other groups when in this case it's clearly the developer's delusions that are the problem.

>> No.7687945

Good loli mods in Oblivion? Where?

>> No.7688022
File: 68 KB, 800x640, SS3475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These are just a few links I had saved. You'll have to look around to find the loli mods. I don't know if the nexus has any decent English loli mods now or not, I haven't looked into it in awhile but I know Jap neckbeards make the best loli's for Oblivion/Fallout.





>> No.7688025

texnexus was overrun by moralfriends and anti-Japanese crusaders. They literally declared holy war on any mod made by a Japanese person, so much so that the Japanese modders avoid texnexus now. You have to go to their file aggregators to find anything good.

It's disgusting.

>> No.7688033

When did this happen?
Last I checked tesnexus still had x117, MBP, etc. There are a lot of Japanese mods you can't get there, but that's not a new phenomenon.

>> No.7688036

I should have specified "erotic," but I assumed that. If it's anything under a DD cup mod, it's almost stricken from tesnexus. The crusade against the Japanese modders was specific to ones that were using tesnexus as Japanese-language-only hosting. In other words, they weren't "conforming" to the atmosphere. Some Japanese modders did come back with English pages, but a lot of stuff has been lost in the backlash.

You can go looking for stuff that has simply disappeared from tesnexus, and can now only be found on Japanese distros.

>> No.7688040

That's odd. 117 had disappeared off the face of tesnexus last time I had looked for it. Wonder if something changed.

>> No.7688061

Holy shit look at this hipster! Being angry isn't healthy.

>> No.7688065

>The crusade against the Japanese modders was specific to ones that were using tesnexus as Japanese-language-only hosting.
I wasn't even aware this was happening. Most of the Japanese mods that I'd encountered on tesnexus had at the very least been run through google translate.

>> No.7688071

You're replying to a post from yesterday. You are Grumpy the dwarf.

>> No.7688078

I am quite aware of that. But thanks for replying :) :D

>> No.7688090

Not "happening." "Happened." I guess I'm a little late on times, as I'm seeing stuff back on tesnexus that had disappeared into the memory hole. What I'm talking about happened earlier this year and before. It happened, sadly, when I was trying to unsuccessfully mod the perfect Oblivion setup, and then finally rageuninstalled it.

Going through Japanese distros sucks.

>> No.7688131

Well that's why I didn't find more than that "Ren's Beauty Pack" when jRPG hating wRPG kept badgering me to "just play it" a while back.

Torrented the game, tried adding a couple mods like Ren's until I could find better stuff. Tried getting in the game, and it gave me an error. Ragequit.

Well that's irritating. Not only does the Western RPG community want to ruin the good name of games like Chrono Trigger, but they want make my loli-mods too? I MAD.

Well that looks okay, though I personally prefer the designs of the Elin, personally. I'd probably give it another go if it weren't for the fact I'm currently playing Asian Tera myself and getting Oblivion to work wasn't a pain in the utter ass for me.

>> No.7688383

Nexus is a fucking hive of some of the worst degenerates on the internet that Iwon't even call "people". It should be nuked from orbit along with ESF and social.bioware.

>> No.7688433

>They think they'll sell more without it so they're removing them.

No they aren't. I can't imagine a single person that would go. "Oh, I want to play this game, but sadly one or more characters in it is lightly dressed, so I won't".

This is obviously related to loli fears, and that a short character without pants would be borderline child porn. That is how casuals think. And the only people who complain, are white knights who go all "This could offend someone, so I'll report it".

>> No.7688441

>What "moralfags"? Is anyone calling for this to happen?
It's called self-censorship. Anyone knows that if a big news channel has nothing to do one evening and does a story on this, outraged moralfags will tear the game a new one.

>> No.7688537

If they keep the Elin as they are right now, I'll get a new computer to play this in all it's gloY

>> No.7688539

>I can't imagine a single person that would go. "Oh, I want to play this game, but sadly one or more characters in it is lightly dressed, so I won't".

Why's that? Look at all the people on /jp/ crying "they added a layer of clothing on the legs of a player model? pass"

>> No.7688559

you guys do realize you can retexture your own skins even if they censor it...

>> No.7688575

Not necessarily. Some mmos detect modifications like these and prevent playing with a modded local client.

>> No.7688576

Not the same thing.

Don't lie to yourself, and don't lie to us.

>> No.7688614

Most MMO's do not, and even when they do, you can get around it.

The NA group have already said that they don't care about local modding, but... I still do not know if the game has detection.

>> No.7688632

>"they added a layer of clothing on the legs of a player model? pass"
That outfit with the thigh highs is an actual armor already in the game, not how the "adjustments" will look.

And you can bet your fucking ass they will change more than just clothes.

>> No.7688638

>>7688632 You.
Go here >>7688610

>> No.7688871

Like I'm going to believe some mod that's just trying to do damage control before people shill out money for the game.

>> No.7689352

Pretty much this.

No reason to waste money "hoping" they didn't change anything. If they didn't, that's great and maybe I'll pick up this game sometime. I play to taking it easy with bros, none of that hardcore "mmo is mah job" shit anymore. It also gives the added bonus of reading reviews of the game once released.

>> No.7689428

It's funny because there are Americans yet the Little Miss America Pageants are okay.

>> No.7689733

But seriously, this censoring crap is simply retarded.

This game will never be mainstream. It will never appeal to WoW/Gears of War/Starcraft loving 12-14 years old american kids. They will call it weeboo shit. Their only chance to get a large player base and some profit was to appeal to loli loving crowd and manga/anime fans in general..

Instead they are doing their best to make that crowd not play their game.

>> No.7689788

Companies are not America. They are businesses that want to have mass appeal and having mass appeal means not bothering the normals or doing anything that could remotely cause controversy.

Also normals don't approve of child modelling pageants, just the parents of those kids.

>loli loving crowd and manga/anime fans in general.
These are older 20+ people who are careful about how they spend.

They want the tween wapanese who will use their parents credit cards to buy clothes for their character so they can be "kawaii" and masturbate to their "bewbs".

Come to think of it, the MMO situation is similar to the comic/cartoon situation in America: they want it all child safe and sanitized. If this was a normal console RPG with lolis they wouldn't even give a fuck about releasing it without changes.

>> No.7689793

Exactly like the Spice and Wolf book. Way to alienate your core market.

>> No.7689796


People have been modding clothing models for 6 years, since vanilla.

I used to do the art for it too

No one i've ever heard of claimed being banned for it, only certain patches breaking functionality. BUT THAT'S NORMAL

People have been modding clothes since fucking Everquest

>> No.7689831


>> No.7689832

it's pretty hypocritical. the same women that watch sex in the city and buy their daughters 2 piece swimsuits flip out when they catch their sons looking at porn.

>> No.7689834

>tween wapanese

Those retards want to play Naruto online, not a fantasy game.

They pissed off their biggest potential customer group.

>> No.7689846


Tip: it's not women who complain about porn. It's the old, conservative men.

>> No.7689855

You wouldn't flip out if you caught your mother looking at porn?

>> No.7689867

You must have never seen Cyber Seduction

>> No.7689868


Not that guy, but I was downloading porn for my mom many times.

But I'm not from USA so what do I know.

>> No.7689869

>Those retards want to play Naruto online
Hell, I do too. Imagine how amazing that would be if you could make your own custom ninja, pick some ninja magics, and actually KILL people. Nation based PvP, quests all involve assassinating a certain number of people instead of wolves, crazy ass tournaments against other players just to rank up and get more skills. You get to transform your guy into a cute girl or your cute girl into a loli or your loli into a shota, fuck I don't know.

>> No.7689872

>You get to transform your guy into a cute girl or your cute girl into a loli or your loli into a shota, fuck I don't know.
We all have dreams.

>> No.7689905

Yen Press did fix that particular fuckup in later books, they all have the "normalfag" cover as a slipcover over the original art.

Still hoping they do a reprint of book 1 with the same cover deal.

>> No.7689930

So seems this game will be quite expensive plus censored.

Feels bad that it's gonna crash so fast.

>> No.7689953

Reverse sexual release? That can't possibly be as wonderful as I imagine.

>You can't concentrate on your housework like this! T-that's why... use mine...

>> No.7690360

old conservative men are too busy raping the maids to care. the anti-porn group is the people who watch oprah and dr. phil

>> No.7690379


Except it's the same cost as WoW? Atleast mock the stuff they are sucking at.

>> No.7690524


WoW has millions of players and many times more content though.

New game should be cheaper.

Doesn't really matter though. It's obvious TERA will fail hard in the west. Maybe it will be successful in Japan.

>> No.7691872

Not sure about where you live, but over here WoW most certainly does not cost 35$ / month. In fact it costs that much for 3 months.

>> No.7691888


This game will not cost 35$ in the west. That is the japanese price.

>> No.7691891

If the in-game economy stays as it is, I'm sure it will fail hard everywhere.

>> No.7691943


It's really that bad?

>> No.7693662

Why the hell is there absolutely no new info about the western version? Nothing new for fucking months.

EM stopped to care or something?

>> No.7693733

They know that anything they say will just piss us off more. Probably hoping to net a large group who will just try it before word of how bad the censoring is gets out.

>> No.7693832
File: 305 KB, 1280x720, ScreenShot38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That thing on nexus was the Asuka armor, made by this guy:
And a great example of the bullshit those mods spew can be found here where I destroy them with arguments...

>> No.7693845



>> No.7693848


Dat voice

>> No.7693851


From someone who plays KR tera

Is it true?


But you don't trust mmoculture or mmosite or anything they say, because they are paid and supported directly by NCsoft.

>> No.7693860
File: 350 KB, 1024x1024, lobbysceneicon04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im still waiting for blade and soul. Lyn are going to be 3 times the loli that Elin are.

Ill still play Tera for a few years until it comes out though.

>> No.7693890


Something like this is very easy to fix on the new servers. But sounds like old korean servers are screwed up.

Anyways, if there are so obvious problems with the game why the fuck are they wasting time and resources on censoring that will piss off a large number of their customers?

Faggots should be doing everything in their might to draw in more players and fix problems.

>> No.7693904

The problem with the korean servers is that all the high level junk is worthless. You can get epic gear easly and the dropped items dont have a chance. Low level greens sell for more than high level ones.

The only way to change it is to rework the entire token system or make dropped items have better stats.

However I dont think the devs care because the players are happy enough that they can get the gear. The only people who bitch are the losers that failed at the game.

>> No.7693907

>doing everything in their might to draw in more players and fix problems
That's exactly what they THINK they are doing.

>> No.7693923

But you make a good point. They should be adding more high end content and making battle grounds more accessible. Thats the only way to keep customers. If all the high level players hit 50 and quit, it wont be long before new players stop coming because they hear the ghost town stories. It wont matter if Elin are showing some ass if no one is showing up to see them.

>> No.7693926


They should know by now they are doing the exact opposite.

>> No.7693936

It is humorous because I wont be purchasing the game until its confirmed that there is a unofficial patch to revert the Elin changes. I dont know how many like me are out there though.

I dont see the point because anyone who is moralfag enough not to play the game because of Elin are still not going to play it even if they make the dresses a little longer. They are going to cut the people who would buy it for the Elin and not get the people who they think they are pandering to. Its gonig to be a double loss.

>> No.7693945


Looks like this game will have an unusually large number of female players.

>> No.7693951

Time to jump ship.

>> No.7693954

Is there a gallery of the armor sets for the Elin out there?

>> No.7693968

Blade and Soul closed beta test character creation. FF to 6:40 for Lyns. Soooo adorable.


>> No.7693981
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Personally i dont care much about the censoring sure its retarded and all but whatever.

I am more worried about endgame content, economy and pvp.

Because no amount of loli ass is going to make me play a mmo where i have nothing to do nothing to do but /dance in town all day.

>> No.7693984

What if lots of PVP/clan wars was the endgame content?

>> No.7693986


>> No.7693990

I could live with that provided the pvp system and the world pvp is good.

>> No.7693994

There is no PKing unless you are at war with a clan and thats mostly high level shit and politics. So thats one strike against the PVP. The Battlegrounds dont open up until the 40s and its only during certain times of the day, in Korea right now its only during their prime time. So thats limited.

So the politics are fine and good but with out PKing, theres hardly any reason to go to war with anyone. The only pvp for low levels is dueling.

Yeah, there is a reason a large number of people quit or reroll when they hit 50. However the devs are aware and are supposedly trying to improve it.

>> No.7693993

Lineage II was pretty much it, plus the sieges and huge raid bosses.
I really hope the pvp/pk will be good and free.

>> No.7693997



>> No.7693999


Looks pretty good.

>> No.7694005

>no PKing
Why would they do that, god damnit.

>> No.7694006


When 30% of your players are female you know you should be adding a lot of non-combat oriented content.

Like some social events or dancing contests or other crap like that.

>> No.7694010


This sounds absolutely retarded.

>> No.7694009

> 61 votes
I just think it was posted when the females were taking a break from the kitchen.

>> No.7694016

I see, that does not sound all too good but i guess we will see what the devs come up with.

I would realy like to play a mmo that is a mix of darkfall/warhammer myself, its a shame i find that most mmo's these days fail after a month of release.

>> No.7694023


Supposedly they are working hard to improve the game. Big content expansion is coming soon.

And there were important changes within the company.

The best thing is one of the richest guys in korea is now supporting the game.

>> No.7694027

Id just like some world pvp. Id like to know why they all became bitches. Fucking korean games inspired world pvp, now none of them have it anymore.

That reminds me, they mentioned something on the forums about world pvp, it would be optional, i think at all levels, this is still based around the clan war content, so yeah, another nail in that coffin. Possible pvp zones, meh. Optional pvp toggling is not world pvp. Either way, do NOT look to Tera for your world PVP needs.

I personally do not go for PKing but I do enjoy killing a PKer. And turning on PVP is like a flag telling people to attack you. World PVP is best when its random.

>> No.7694034

Non-optional open world PvP fucking sucks. I like to PvP, but I also like to control where and when I do it, and it pisses me the fuck off when all I want to do is mine another three ore or some shit but can't because of retarded asshole gankers.

>> No.7694035
File: 57 KB, 486x541, 1312363580326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pedobait 10% loli race
>Not female only

Why the fuck would you do this?

>> No.7694037

Well, I guess I'll just play Tera until Lineage 3 comes out.
Which is near 2040 ;_;.

>> No.7694041

The only good optional world pvp is PVP server or PVE server. Its wimps like you that ruin PVP. Go fuck your self carebear.

>> No.7694042

This is why.


Tell me you wouldnt suck every drop of semen from that furry shota cock.

>> No.7694043

I like your style. Were you playing Lineage 2 too?

>> No.7694046

Plenty of people like their delicious shotas, but it's a rare sight to see them in games.

I think it's a smart move.

>> No.7694047

>WAHHHHHH that guy just made me bleed pixels. IM GOING TO RETALIATE BY CRYING ON THE FORMS.

>> No.7694051

No go fuck yourself you gank-loving asshole. Surprise combat is NOT fun for anyone except the initiator.

PvP flagging means you can PvP whenever and wherever you want, with emphasis on the "YOU want" rather than when some faggot with stealth wants.

>> No.7694056

This is why I liked EVE so much. Wimps like you either man the fuck up or get the fuck out within a couple of weeks of SPACEGANKING.

>> No.7694058

Just add PvP and Non-PvP servers and everyone is happy.

>> No.7694057

Actually I play EVE. PvP is wholly consensual beyond suicide ganks, unless you're either very new or very stupid.

>> No.7694062

I do believe I already stated that I dont go for ganking here
You see, I, unlike you, enjoy a challenge. Killing a would be PKer is the ultimate humiliation. There is no greater victory in all PVP ever made. But thats not something a carebear would understand. I imagine you put your tail between your lets and lay down and die when a player killer shows up. Pathetic.

>> No.7694066

I'm happy to see mmos getting rid of the everquest combat. now they just have to get rid of grinding and rng loot tables and they can be a legitimately fun genre.

>> No.7694070

>Someone else is also waiting on L3 like I am
A warm fuzzy feeling overcomes me.

>> No.7694075

ganking is obnoxious because the only way to avoid it is to either wait for the other guy to get bored or call in a friend to save you.

>> No.7694076
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>> No.7694077

Okay I'm not reading the whole thread.
What's the verdict?
Can you still have the original faces or is it all Western bullshit now.

>> No.7694080

>I imagine you put your tail between your lets and lay down and die when a player killer shows up.

No, I typically give as good as I get. But I do however get pissed off at being interrupted at what I actually WANTED to do. Sometimes it's so fucking bad (release-time WoW, Stranglethorn Vale) that you are completely shut off from doing anything but fighting off swarms of assholes when all you want to do is harvest some plants or do quests.

You can hardly expect people to make characters on two servers and switch between when they do and do not want to pvp. Flagging is the best of both worlds, and I strongly believe that the only people who argue against that are proponents of ganking, regardless of what they claim.

>> No.7694078

"Open world PVP" just means getting killed by some dude with stealth when you're fighting monsters or have no chance of fighting back. No one will bother you if you have even the slightest chance of taking them down. Remotely fair fights are extremely rare unless you deliberately go looking for them. And if thats what you want, why not just go duel? The random aspect of open pvp just means random deaths unless you're playing a very durable class.

Unless you get off on corpse camping people or roaming in a group to slaughter people, its a complete waste of time in an already time consuming genre. I haven't found worthwhile open PVP in a game since UO.

Maybe it'll be different in the emerging action RPG based games like TERA, but I really doubt it. The ancient style of MMOs just doesn't translate to random pvp well at all. I just play fighting games instead now.

>> No.7694079


L3 is never coming, because the creators of Tera were making L3

Then NCsoft canceled L3 because it was too risky to make an action MMO

So they left and made Tera

Tera is the spiritual successor to L2

>> No.7694082

Supposedly they're only adding pants to some of the skimpy outfits. They just chose a really ugly example for Elins.

>> No.7694083

Open world pvp draws in russians, muslims and generally scum who make groups and go player hunting to relieve their shitty lives.

>> No.7694086
File: 68 KB, 530x570, 44122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing will keep me from playing my loli Slayer who drags a 2h-sword that's bigger than her body.

>> No.7694089

Ah thanks man. Its annoying that they're changing shit, but hey at least the general vision of the character is the same.

>> No.7694092

>beta as fuck

Forgot I was on the /jp/ board. You guys are used to being at the bottom of the food chain.

Tell me, whats it like being shitty at games? Whats it like pretending to be dead and hoping the bad man will go away? I can only imagine.

>> No.7694097

Solution to open world pvp?

Big pvp zones that are just normal zones with better drops but at the risk of being attacked. People who like it will go there, people who don't will stay away.

>> No.7694093


Not pants, stockings. The word they used were tights and stockings. noone in En Masse ever said pants

>> No.7694094

Oh, no. Lineage 3 will come. It...will.

>> No.7694102

Its been tried, the same carebears still cry that they died and or cry because they cant get the better loot because they die.

>> No.7694101

What it like being a moronic teenager? Maybe one day you'll actually be good at something instead of killing people 20 levels lower than you.

>> No.7694103

This is kinda like the solutions that WoW and WAR embraced. In WoW PvE servers (which had flagging anyway, which was nice) if you went too deep into enemy territory you were auto-flagged, and WAR had pvp-enabled zones in between the pve zones for each faction.

>> No.7694106

How do you expect mass PvP to happen with `duels`, faggot?

>> No.7694107

PVP in Tera will have a 5 second rule on initiating pvp outdoors. You can also declare war on guilds and go into battlegrounds. Ontop of that there will be a zone called Agaia where 4 seperate servers will be able to attack at once. Filled with monsters and bosses

It will be 4 on 4 open PvPvE zone.

This is all in patch that they are adding soon to bring the level cap to 60

>> No.7694110

again. How many times do I have to link to that? Its like thats your only argument and you are clinging to it for dear life. Much like how you cling to the notion that if you pretend to be AFK he wont really kill you.

>> No.7694111


Give it a rest.

I used to play WoW on pvp server. Most of the gankers are pathetic faggots who get raped on battlegrounds and arenas so they go hunting people in greens or low on health. And even then they often get their asses kicked.

>> No.7694112

in this case the food chain means how much grinding you've done. keep believing that poopsocking so you can kill lower level players makes you alpha if it makes you feel better.

>> No.7694114
File: 142 KB, 957x899, goodbye hips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much hate in this thread.

>> No.7694115

I'm hoping with you!

>> No.7694116


There are pvp zones and battlegrounds for mass pvp.

"Mass pvp" in open world pvp means a gang of faggots teaming up on one guy or a smaller group.

>> No.7694118

>I used to play WoW on pvp server.
Oooh arent you a tough one~

I for one hope for pvp servers and pve servers.

This way you people who are scared shitless of other players can be safe and the rest of us who enjoy running into other players to either kill them or be killed can have our fun.

>> No.7694120

the real solution would be to eliminate levels. then the person being attacked would always have a fair chance at fighting back, and you wouldn't get frustrated by having your grinding interrupted.

>> No.7694123

Ohh wow, you really need to stop talking about pvp because you dont know anything at all. Its like a baby trying to talk about Shakespeare. Go back to your PVE server, baby.

>> No.7694125

It means fight to get what you want. Anywhere, for whatever reason.

>> No.7694129

Man, you sound like such a pussy. There is always a solution to the level problem. Stop being a bottom scraper.

>> No.7694135

Your trolling is pretty pathetic, unless you're trying to make your average PVPer look like an idiot. Mission accomplished, congratulations.

Both games also have terrible world pvp. They're also the reason people are abandoning it in favor of battlegrounds or specific areas for people who want to fight. Ultima Online, Asheron's Call, and arguably Shadowbane are the only games that actually rewarded pvp.

World PVP is basically dead. The real threat of it was that there were actual risks and rewards involved in it. Now its just dumbed down pvp for unskilled kids.

>> No.7694133

>scared shitless of other players
No, just very irritated.

>enjoy running into other players to either kill them or be killed
Translation: enjoy waiting for other players to be at low health from a PvE fight then ganking them, thus making it a forgone conclusion.

>> No.7694136


You sound like one of those Lineage2 loving turks.

>> No.7694137

Why are MMOs such a retard magnet?

>> No.7694141

What exactly about this fight makes it impossible with flagging? Clearly everyone there wanted to fight.

>> No.7694148

Are there any good Elin fanservice videos other than:


>> No.7694150

Vanilla (release-time) WoW had awesomely fun world PvP on its PvE servers around Tarren Mill.

That died when the honor system was introduced and people were rewarded for ganking.

>> No.7694157
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>Fixed translation
Nope i meant what i said by "enjoy running into other players to either kill them or be killed"

I dont care if you are killing a mob or are on low health, hell even if you are on full health riding down the road i am still going to attack your ass because you are red.

Seems to me you are just butthurt over being killed by one to many players over some random resource node.

But hopefully there will be pve servers for you to play on, this way you wont ever have to worry about some big bad bully killing you in unfair situations~

>> No.7694163

People were never rewarded for ganking, People were rewarded by getting honor kills battle grounds which lead to gear. It would take 1 year of ganking to earn enough honor for a single epic.

>> No.7694161

There are people avoiding fight by standing clanless and not flagging.
That way, if they were killed the other one would be a PK and in danger.

>> No.7694167

>I dont care if you are killing a mob or are on low health --- i am still going to attack your ass because you are red.

And how exactly is that fun for the other guy? Or fun for you beyond an immature "OLOLOL I PWN U" two-second gank fight? It's hardly an achivement.

>> No.7694169

>random resource node
Id bro first you dont I dont save such shitty macros. I fucking love CCing some noob for a mineral vein and then killing his ass after i collect the warez.

>> No.7694173

Then dont roll on the PvP server moron. Fucking hell, you are a coward and you are an idiot. Do you have any good traits?

>> No.7694174

I'm talking about the time immediately after the introduction of the honor system. Battlegrounds came in somewhat later.

>> No.7694175
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How about when the other guy decides to come get revenge on you while you are attacking a mob shortly after?

then you two spend the entire day murdering each other, and get a few more on each side killing each other, and THAT is fun until the max level'd people roll in and start one-shotting the people having fun and running away when other high levels come

>> No.7694178

>Solution to open world pvp?

Good low level skills instead of shitty starting skills. Games should be like EvE skills in that you get a wider variety of skills as you grow rather than starting off with shit attacks and ending up with overpowered attacks.

If a level 5 wizard could cast paralysis on you for 10 seconds(drops if you're hit) they'd have a chance to at least escape random pvpers, while you could have a friend paralyze them to start with for those group ganking sessions. Or even just teleport.

If a newbie assassin could poison you and poison was actually worth anything in the game, you'd think twice before attacking them. Also the animal companion type's animals could help.

The problem with open world PvP is mostly that PvP is inherently unbalanced in ways other than groups attacking you. Leveling is also a problem. A sword is a sword. Level 1 guy with a should should be able to stab a level 20 guy and actually wound them because it is a fucking sword. Things like weapon proficiencies should raise instead of leveling and your own inherent strength rising to levels where you can shrug off sword hits while naked and punch heavily armored lowbies to death.

>> No.7694185

>Then dont roll on the PvP server
And I won't. But some people in this thread seem to think that PvE servers should be totally PvE with no flagging because flagging somehow ruins the purity of ganking or some shit.

>> No.7694182

I dont care if the other guy is having fun, if its on a pvp server in a pvp game you deal with it.
You kill people in unfair situations and you will get killed in unfair situations.

This is what makes pvp servers good.
Instead of the dull boring feeling of running around 100% safe from everything there is that feeling of something or someone could show up in a minute to kill my ass so i have to pay attention.

Also being known as the big asshole who kills everyone is a achivement in itself for a pvp player.

>> No.7694188

That's not my definition of fun.

There will be pvp and pve servers, shut up already.

>> No.7694192

No you arnt. The honor system is what caused mass pvp in those zones to become a 24/7 event. The honor system combined with battlegrounds is what broke it as well when Blizzard added negative honor and mass spawning guards.

>> No.7694198

ITT: People that have never enjoy the pleasure of being raped and raping in a PVP Contested territory.

It is fun when you have tons of people on both factions questing in the same area fighting for the same mobs.
-Player A raped Player B
-Pissed off Player B called for help and raped Player A
-Pissed off Player A called for help and raped Player B and friends
-Pissed off Player B got a raid group up, escalated to full blowned PVP instead of farming monster with auto attack.

>> No.7694199

TM vs SS was just a makeshift substitute for battlegrounds before they came out. It was a huge group of people that wanted honor and wanted other people to fight. It happened before honor, but it exploded after.

Funny thing is that it still happened on PVE servers, except low levels could still quest there and not get slaughtered.

>> No.7694201

>How about when the other guy decides to come get revenge on you while you are attacking a mob shortly after?

Carebears dont know about that strategy. They mostly level up their forum crying skills. And dont forget, with carebears, the other guy is always 20 levels higher than them selves. How they manage to pull this off even at the level cap is beyond me.

>> No.7694204


>> No.7694206


Those guards were to stop high levels indefinitely corpse camping entire low-level cities.

The honor system really didn't change too much, but when dishonorable kills were introduced, you'd have level 10's running into group fights to die to an aoe because it'd take everybody in that person's raid an additional 2 hours of honor grinding to get back the lost honor every time they died. Yes, you had low levels griefing high levels....

>> No.7694215

>This is what makes pvp servers good.
No, it is what makes them shit. Killing people in unfair situations is boring, and being killed in unfair situations is annoying.

>something or someone could show up in a minute to kill my ass so i have to pay attention.
It's an MMO, you're not supposed to pay much attention. It's not something you play with high intesity for five minutes, it's something you play at low intensity for five hours.

>The honor system is what caused mass pvp in those zones to become a 24/7 event.
I quite disinctly recall the honor system making people stop fighting in Tarren Mill and instead go to lowbie zones to farm noobs because there was no negative honor.

>> No.7694229

>Killing people in unfair situations is boring
>It's an MMO, you're not supposed to pay much attention. It's not something you play with high intesity for five minutes, it's something you play at low intensity for five hours.
1/10 for making me reply

>> No.7694236

Sounds to me you should be playing games like Chess/The sims/Hello kitty online.

I would have added Tetris to that list but i fear the random factor of said game could be to much for you and getting 4 L blocks in a row could be unfair.

>> No.7694250

I laughed pretty hard. But you see, its guys like that which kill world pvp. People with no balls, bitches in other words. I doubt that Tera will have pvp servers and I doubt that the political system will offer world pvp.

In my opinion I think it would be great if you joined a large guild and went War on another one and suddenly the entire world became a pvp zone, like horde vs alliance. It will never happen though. Look at the evidence.

They are going to censor Tera because they are scared to offend some moral fags that probably wont even buy the game. You can image how scared they are that someone will cry on the forms because he died when he didn't feel like dieing. This company has as many nuts as the carebears they are pandering to.

>> No.7694252

Compare with fighting games, where doing anything to win is accepted and indeed encouraged, but both players have a level start and there are no random occurences (barring the critical hits in some games like MB, which I and many others tolerate but don't celebrate). They are fun.

Ganking, where the playing field is horribly uneven, is like a fighting game with poorly balanced characters - it's not fun beyond occasional casual play for laughs.

>> No.7694254

I can't run this game but I will be fapping to it. I can't resist a pair of thigh thighs and hips.

>> No.7694264

31% done downloading the client, but I fear it may not work in the end.

My stance on open-world pvp depends on the game. I think Runescape had some of the best pvp in its earlier days. Full risk vs reward with the wilderness.

The problem I had with world pvp in WoW was that levels were meaningless. levels scaled exponentially in such a terrible way. A level 84 has no chance against a level 85. No chance at all. It's completely bad design. Even at the lower levels where stat differences are a lot less, a level 41 cannot fight a level 46, because every attack misses or gets dodged.

So basically, have linear stat growth which allows a level 20 to take on a level 40 if he can completely outplay him with more skill. Have even a level 10 be able to do SOMETHING in a larger battle with several 50s.

Full open-world pvp would be fine like that, even without an artificial incentive to do it. If you're getting ganked, you call your friends for backup. The other side then calls their friends for backup. It then turns into an all-out war.

>> No.7694268

Its fun when you are a level 40 and you kill a level 60 ganker. But thats only if you have crazy skills. If you are crying about then, then you probably dont. You will always be a lower level, because your bain wont level up.

>> No.7694270

I don't believe for a second that any of these "elite pvpers" would actually attack a level 60 when they're only level 20 just because they're so hardcore.

>> No.7694277

I used to fear people 40+ levels over my self in to guards when a group of gankers were attacking Darnasus.

>> No.7694279

Most people who enjoy world pvp don't actually really care for the fight. Its more about killing people and becoming a threat.

Those "carebears" are also the majority of the market. All of the games developed for pvp have completely flopped. Mostly because of horrible design decisions to favor pvp aspects. Why wouldn't they develop for people who bring the money?

That is not how most MMOs work. Especially Korean ones where even a 4 level difference can be massive. No amount of "skill" can overcome getting 1 shotted by generic archer. Sorry to hear that WoW is your only real experience with PVP.


>> No.7694283

Yeah, because ill have to run back to my body. Its the worst thing in the world. I know a guy that killed him self because he had to make a corpse run. Thats also how my father died. I herd the 9/11 bombings were because Osama got ganked once. Dieing in a computer game is the worst thing in the world.

>> No.7694296

so you attack the guy and he kills you in one hit despite your hardcore attitude. then what? do you keep attacking until all your gear breaks?

>> No.7694299

>Especially Korean ones where even a 4 level difference can be massive
I see you have not played new Korean games where you can dodge attacks. I, unlike you, being rather skilled and I actually play Koreans games, i dont just post about them on 4chan. Have played Tera and Guess what, There is no dodge roll. There is only damage. Skill > Level.

IN wow, Skill > Level, why? Because even with dodge scaling and other things, if you know what to cast and when to cast it, you can win. I bet a carebear like you didnt know that CC has a higher rate of success against a higher level opponent than a damage spell. But when you give up before you even start, its hard to test and improve at PVP.

>> No.7694304

>Yeah, because ill have to run back to my body.

Most games don't do this.

>> No.7694305

>gear breaks

Ohh wow, he didnt even know that gear doesnt get durability loss from a PVP death. LMFAO, carebears, their so silly.

>> No.7694312
File: 450 KB, 1280x720, lyn-female-blade-master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more looking forward to "Blade & Soul" than this shitty censored westernized game: http://youtu.be/arAfzWbVx7Y
It has nice loli and cool races in too. So this game looks more appealing than Tera. I'm not going to waste single penny to this shitty overrated grindfest game if they ever modify single pixel on my precious loli character. Anyways so if you are looking a good game with cute loli character in it then look forward to playing Blade & Soul. Much more creative than Tera and gameplay looks different too.

>> No.7694321

>if you know what to cast and when to cast it, you can win.
no you can't because it will do garbage damage or get resisted. a lot of the time low level characters don't even have their important pvp skills.

>> No.7694326

The ears look really shitty though.

>> No.7694333

There was this one time I was on my Warlock out in Zul Drack, killing and minding my own business when a max level paladin drops out of the sky hell bent on killing me. Did I cry? Did I run to the forums and cry? Did I cry to general chat and beg a better player to save me? No, I turned my demonic fury on him. Sure I didnt win, It was a holy paladin and healers dont die in Blizzard games, ever. But Ill be damned if I didnt force that pussys friends to come and save him several times.

Another time, much later, I was out in the underwater zone, forgot its name, the one they added in the newest expantion. Leveling and minding my own busness. When a party of high levels came griefing. No, that time I didnt cry or lay down and die. I focused my shadowy fury on thier strongest player and killed him a few times. Even forced his friends to come to his aid, every time. Then later tracked them down one at a time ganking the hell out of them. Then went on a rampage killing all the other Alliance in the area that had the nerve to help them. I killed 10 for every time I died. It was glorious.

But I guess that sort of satisfaction isnt as good as having your mother pat you on the back telling you its going to be ok and you are special in your own way. I guess ill just have to live with my glory in combat.

>> No.7694336

Well this show is more dire than this video.

>odlers an tiaras


I think they should... anyways then they are talking about covering Elin's pants after having programs and events like this. I just couldn't understand that.

>> No.7694346


But Blade & Soul will be just like Aion, they probably won't even release it in the US

>> No.7694347

that one faggot barking about "carebears" has to shut the fuck up; reading through this thread was a pain thanks to him.

TERA looks underwhelming, so I'm waiting for BnS, but I'm not holding out a particularly high hopes for it either. I'm gonna try to get closed beta access on the Korean server, and if I can't I'll try it during OBT.

Curently, TERA is rated at 5.6/10.0 and BnS is rated at 6.8/10.0, but this might as well be due to the fact that the people who are playing BnS, are the people who were dedicated to it enough to get a CBT access.

With all the latest MMO being mediocre, I might as well get back to playing the Korean version of Nexus: the Kingdom of the Wind.

>> No.7694350

They are already planning to release it in the US.

>> No.7694352


And what? The only similarity it has to Aion is being Korean & from NCSoft.

>> No.7694356

That's similar enough.

>> No.7694365

that's nice. when I still played wow druids would root me and then stand out of range while they /spit and moonfired me to death. warlocks would fear me into elite mobs and warriors would hamstring me over and over until I was dead. I guess it was lack of skill that stopped me from fighting back and not the fact that I couldn't even hit them with any of my attacks.

>> No.7694371

>I guess it was lack of skill

Sounds like it. I never had these problems.

>> No.7694374


You realize that there will be targeting, dodge rolls and block rolls right? The combat system is an advancement of Aions in that your buttons change as you link attacks. Or highlight when a monster is about to hit you.

In Tera you have to aim everything, there is no targeting. If you are a good player you can dodge every hit, and hit back. Dodging and Blocking is 100% manual, there is no rating involved.

In B&S you just stand there, hit your buttons till the monster dies. The only thing good about B&S is how it looks. That's it.

>> No.7694388

Stop talking out of your ass. Anyone know has watched a video knows this isnt true. There are a great deal of attacks you can avoid in BnS. For example, there is no healing class yet there is raiding. Most melee attacks can be avoided, both player and mob attacks. Many ranged attacks require direction and different ranges. Even in Tera there are ranged attacks that can not be avoided and have auto tracking. You should try researching before posting, you wont make so much of an ass of your self.

>> No.7694391


>That’s right folks, we are ramping up for a spring 2012 launch date.


>> No.7694397

I'm no longer interested.

See ya guys.

>> No.7694401

I think my time will be wasted on something else.

>> No.7694402


Except I play Tera on KR servers. In Tera what happens is when you put your crosshair over an enemy and fire a missile. that missile WILL hit. Unless you use a dodge/block to get immunity.

If you can avoid fire by skillfuly moving so your opponents cannot get their crosshairs on you, then you can dodge that way too. (I've done it on my Warrior a lot)

In B&S there is a block rating and a dodge rating. However you have buttons you can fire to dodge or block that you can use to gain on-demand invulnerability.

And yes I have demo'd B&S

So you should probably stop reading MMOsite and thinking B&S is gods gift to MMOs

>> No.7694403

No that said Beta. learn to read. They just said beta may come about in 2012. Ohh wow, that cant be right. Thats from January though. Im pretty sure the closed beta is actually coming out soon. If its 2012, there is no way Tera will do well in the US. Not with Blizzard and Bioware around.

>> No.7694405
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>> No.7694415


No Chris Hager said "launch date" that was a quote from his post.

All they had to do was start beta this month, and release in September with raid content. Now anyone who's interested in Tera is fucking GONE

And all that's left will be MMO hopping faggots who will leave the game one month after because they said FUCK YOU to their core playerbase

>> No.7694417

Actually, with the Priests, golden dart attack, you just barely have to aim at the target and with the Mystics main nuke, the same thing. The priests main nuke and the mages both fire in a straight line.

As for BnS, only bad players stand there letting people hit them. The attacks are physically avoidable. Im guessing you are the guy in the middle in this video, saying WHAT THE FUCK, WHERE IS MY DODGE ROLL?

>> No.7694419

>“Wait, did you say beta in early 2012?” Why yes, yes I did
No this is a quote and its from the artical you linked.

>> No.7694425


>The big news I’ll be sharing today is our launch timing! That’s right folks, we are ramping up for a spring 2012 launch date. Our focus has always been on launching TERA when it’s ready, so you can take heart knowing that we feel we’re getting close enough to announce our launch window. Let me explain, in further detail, what we’ll be doing between now and spring 2012.



>> No.7694431

Doesnt matter, even if the launch was in winter 2012, the game is dead now.

They are going to kill this game for the sake of Elin censorship. Fucking amazing.

>> No.7694453
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, bscap0015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That character creation video looks... or more like made me drool my ass off... so beatiful.

>> No.7694488

for a better video.

>> No.7694499
File: 46 KB, 640x480, waaat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7694596

>blade & soul
>looks appealing
Maybe if the character designs weren't made by a shitty korean artist with no grasp over anatomy.

>> No.7694612

Watch your words, Kim knows anatomy better than most of the trash on pixiv. He obviously exaggerated it on purpose.

>> No.7694625

At this rate bns will be out before tera.

>> No.7694631

Doesn't make it any less shitty.
>implying shitty artists with no technical knowledge can't make it big
There are hacks in every field.

>> No.7694808
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>> No.7694827
File: 389 KB, 400x441, 1275098388143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're hating just as much, only on TERA instead of BnS.

>> No.7694855

Good good... Let the butthurt flow through you!

>> No.7694865

God damn it.
The one MMO I have ever been interested in and the incompetent morons handling its localisation screw it up. Nice fucking job.

>> No.7694875

Oh please.
If they did what you wanted and released it right away only translated it would be dead within 2 weeks.

What works for Korean mmo players does not work for a western audience.
And im not talking about the lolibutts.

>> No.7694894

Eh, I'm pretty excited for both.

>> No.7694908

I'm not so naive to believe the game didn't require some degree of retooling for the western release but En Masse made it abundantly clear that these delays result from their overzealous efforts to "westernise" the game and escape a shitstorm cooked up by the various christian and feminist groups.

They've taken far too long localising the game though, and now it's competing with the likes of The Old Republic. Had they sped things up and patched in the necessary changes they would have a solid playerbase and a number of happy customers; instead they've pissed off a substantial minority of players who were interested in the game and alienated ever more by putting themselves with direct competition with major players.

>> No.7695423

It seems you're still a butthurt faggot.

>> No.7695673
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