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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7660841 No.7660841 [Reply] [Original]

How old are you and are you still pure?

>> No.7660850
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24 and pure as it can get!
Not many years left untill i become a wizard!

>> No.7660847

19, hugless, kissless, virgin

>> No.7660851

Still untouched.
Never had a girlfriend

>> No.7660856

27, but I get sucked off every night.

>> No.7660858 [DELETED] 

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>> No.7660859

i can't wait to reach 100 years so i can be a pure wizard.

>> No.7660863

29, no longer wizard material.

>> No.7660864
File: 27 KB, 246x354, 1311603065789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7660865

29, but only my rod and my backhole are pure.
less than 3 months and I'll become a wizard

>> No.7660868

18, anal, oral

feels good man,
it somehow justifies me being into this nerdy shit, i just tell myself, i can still get laid, so its okay.

>> No.7660884

24, a few moe and I'll be a wizard.

>> No.7660891 [DELETED] 

19, virgin but I spoiler

>> No.7660896

21. Regretfully void of wizard potential.

>> No.7660901

26, the furthest I've ever gotten was being kissed in first grade.

>> No.7660902

23, virgin

>> No.7660903

24, no contact with the opposite gender other than handshakes.

I am straight.

>> No.7660909

whoa, I'm the most pathetic being on /jp/ until now.

>> No.7660914

You will never be a wizard.

>> No.7660917

and I declared right now that I'm the most pathethic.
why I'll never be a wizard?

>> No.7660921

Your mouth isn't pure. How are you supposed to chant your spells when your lips is tainted with filth?

>> No.7660920

17 girlfriendless, virgin I guess.

>> No.7660926

23 and still a virgin.
I'll be a wizard someday.

>> No.7660931

maybe I can buy that 3.5 talent to cast without the chanting...

>> No.7660939

Let's see if I've learned yet.

  ∧_∧   ∧_∧    ∧_∧   ∧_∧     ∧_∧
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 | | |  | Let this thread end peacefully | | | |
 (__)_) ┻━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┻ (__)_)

>> No.7660940

21, not god hand material

>> No.7660956
File: 97 KB, 540x720, 1311605372706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ meetup

>> No.7660957

19. Had shota sex when I was in middle school. Never did it again.

>> No.7660964

23, good looking, 100% pure, nohomo (i hope)

>> No.7660976

20, I'm aiming for a perfect save file so the closest I've got to a girl (or a boy) is the customary kiss in the cheek.

>> No.7660999

21, the furthest I physically made it with a girl was a birthday hug

Not only girlfriendless but also friendless so if this keeps going on I'll either
a) become a buddhist monk and repent for whatever horrible deeds were done in the past life/lives
b) kill myself

>> No.7661002

25, Almost to wizardry.

Capcha: Scorpious torundum
I shall save this spell for one of my first to cast

>> No.7661012

so, I'm indeed the oldest virgin on /jp/.

>> No.7661013

19, nothing further than a kiss since I was raped in 2009.

>> No.7661014

29, kissless virgin. Wish me luck in Gensokyo!

>> No.7661016

Hate to break it to you, but that still counts. No wizard for you.

>> No.7661015

Such youth on this board... I'm sure our lives could be put to good use somehow. Alas, this world isn't the one we wish for.

Captcha: nearly ntowebr
Very well, ntowebr shall be my wizard name.

>> No.7661021

28 and not pure.

>> No.7661023

32, I have archived wizardry, finally putting my abilities to good use.

>> No.7661025


Oh well, I'll just go marry someone nice I guess.

>> No.7661036

I'll be 21 this year.

>> No.7661037

21, had a girlfriend for 6 months but it was ineffably awkward for pretty much the entire time.


>> No.7661039

Please have a wonderful life together. :)

>> No.7661043

I still have my wizardly chance since I haven't even gotten that close to a single person. I plan to be a battle mage or something.

>> No.7661048

Have you started researching ways to get into Gensokyo yet.
That's the first thing I'll do when I get my magic and if Gensokyo turns out not to be real, I'll use my magic to create it from scratch.

>> No.7661059
File: 151 KB, 800x900, 1311607555702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24 and only one time sex with 18.
I am sure this was my last sex in my life.

>> No.7661063

It's a long and arduous journey to master the art of the Gensokyo portal, I have only just begun on the path.
The training is long, I'm told if I continue on my path, I will have archived Gensokyo entry in some 10-15 years maximum.

>> No.7661065

18, only got to second base

>> No.7661069

Doesn't matter, you have broken the magic seal, you will never be a Wizard.

>> No.7661071

20, never even dated

>> No.7661074

Lots of non-wizard candidates here.

>> No.7661080

Do you get to transform into the little girl?

>> No.7661087

I bet all the non wizard candidates are all women.
It's easy to find a male wizard but female wizards are almost unheard of.

>> No.7661090

Usually because they auction of their vaginas to the highest bidder, and then use their vagina to leech every penny from said buyer.

>> No.7661106


Personally I'm hoping to reverse the trend by getting a rich woman and milking her in all possible ways.

>> No.7661113

Honestly, I can't really see anyone on /jp/ as a boytoy.

>> No.7661116

21, have had numerous handjobs and kissed but nothing beyond that. Have felt up a girl before, though, and played with her with my hand.

>> No.7661117

lost it at 18 and have had 6 girls since them, currently doing my ex once every few days during summer break before I go back to college next month. See is getting clingy though, I keep telling her I don't like her and she said she understands that, but she keeps thinking I'll come around.


>> No.7661118

What, really? Even with all the crossdressing threads?

>> No.7661124
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So much...impurity

>> No.7661125

I don't think mature women are into cross-dressing virgin NEETs, just saying.
They're more into rugged, well built manly men with experience.

>> No.7661133

You will never be a Wizard, a Wizard requires absolute purity.
Trying too hard.

>> No.7661132

18, virgin and never had a girlfrient, but i still have many female friends and they hug me sometimes

>> No.7661137

So many non-virgins and mansluts.

>> No.7661142


Non-wizard here. I guess Ill just aim for being a swordsman adventurer. Non-wizards can still use magical artifacts, right?

>> No.7661149

19, never had a girlfriend, dated, held hands, kissed, felt-up, and rarely makes eye-contact with anyone.
I'm looking forward to the next 10 years of loneliness before I get my wizard powers.

>> No.7661152

So what's the class tree like after achieving wizard status? Almost there and I need to plan my stats ahead.

>> No.7661166

Only if you're a rogue. Are you a swashbuckling enough dude to Use Magic Item?

>> No.7661169


I don't know, but I hope there's a magic monk class or something. I want to shoot flames from my fists.

>> No.7661177


Nope, not a circus performer... sigh, I guess Ill just have to be such a good swordsman I wont need magic items.

>> No.7661184

19 female virgin, a drunk friend kissed me once, he kinda caught me by surprise
