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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 384 KB, 848x800, waitingforyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7606302 No.7606302 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread.

General original content/drawthread for /jp/ anons. You may use this thread to contribute your works or to share ideas related to possible projects. Anything OC is welcomed, including drawings, writings, music, and programming.

>> No.7606324

One day I will contribute some drawings to an OC thread...

>> No.7606371

I'll have something to post in a bit, hopefully.

All the stuff I've liked so far:
http://tindeck.com/listen/hvzi - Fires of Hokkai
http://tindeck.com/listen/twrm - Nazrin's Stage Theme

I need to re-render Yuugi's stage theme and fix up Mystery in my Town before its good

>> No.7606466 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7607217

I share the dream.

>> No.7607280

Then do it

>> No.7607312

I was thinking of a Recettear like game, but based in Marisa Magic Shop, with danmaku instead of the dungeon running, and some fairies trying help but managing only to wreck shit in place of Tear. You could get other Touhous to do the fighting for you and all that nice stuff.

I thought that it would be fun to at least make. Does /jp/ like the idea?

I'm no longer a NEET, so I'll probably never do it though.

>> No.7607328

you should probably do the game in rpgmaker or some other maker if you actually want to finish it because i don't think most of jp has the skill or dedication to actually finish something

>> No.7607337

I could do everything except the art, so RPG maker wouldn't help me all that much.

>> No.7607462


>> No.7607533

I like how this kind of stuff only begin to show up after the anime adaptation is airing.

>> No.7607560

I like there's always someone retarded enough to point out something obvious like that. Way to go, smartass. I bet you're mom's pride.

>> No.7607674
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so is /jp/ still up to it ?


>> No.7607939

What's this about?

>> No.7607949
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>I bet you're mom's pride.
> you're

Oh yeah. Sure is original content in here.

>> No.7608028

Looks like you are extremely frustrated for some reason.

>> No.7608093

So nothing at all.
Great job /jp/!

>> No.7608109


>> No.7608119

I'm still trying to work on my VN, but actually writing anything is so hard. I don't think I would have a problem with any other part of it.

>> No.7608143

I was hoping more from our drawfriends since they're usually the first one to act.

>> No.7608379

Good things come to he who waits.

>> No.7608546
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a Reimu

>> No.7608567

anyone know of a good writeup for VN creation?

or even something like a list of basic required things would be nice

not really interested in answers like "you need an artist and a programmer" because that is a great way to get nowhere fast, especially for an antisocial person like me

answers like "at least 5 unique character portraits per character, 2 backgrounds per scene" or "ratio of 10 to 1 for pages of writing to CG" would be much better

basic VN creation theory is what i'm looking for

>> No.7608601

You probably wanna write the entire script before you even worry about CGs and programming. When you have a completed script, it'll be a lot easier to recruit help with those aspects, too.

>> No.7608605

A CG for every major scene, a face for every emotion, different body poses. Make some common areas you reuse a lot. If it's in a house, make sure the rooms look like they actually connect to each other and the house.

>> No.7608625
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I wanted to do it, but one of the entrants is really cute to the point that I'd just rather vote for it instead. I'd have probably thought of something similar to it if I entered anyway.

>> No.7608645


Well you can always try Collab A

>> No.7608696

VNs are a form of art. There is no formula to create art. What you're asking is like 'how many notes should I play in this part, what should the tempo be, and how far should the notes be apart?'. The answer is that it depends on what you're making. You just need to get a feel for it.
The basic things required? Plenty of experience with VNs (don't be one of the many retards who decides to create a VN before ever reading one), a good idea (not just tiny unconnected fragments), the motivation to actually create something good, and a critical stance against your own work (learn to recognize when something sucks, so you can rewrite it to be good).

There are VNs without art, there are VNs without music, there are VNs without choices -- anything is possible. Just read enough VNs to get a feel of what style would be best fitting for your story.

>> No.7608703
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No fun allowed.

By that I mean no motivation allowed. I never can or want to finish any drawings.

>> No.7608936
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>> No.7608935
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Contributing with Fish-Eyed Girl.

>> No.7608951


Fish-eyed? what does that mean?

>> No.7608955

Probably that she's going to be a deep one.

>> No.7608971

Try looking at movie or tv scripts writting, it's pretty much the same. Just imagine a VN like a 1st person view movie, poorly animated, with choices on screen.

If you dont want to bother so much on the writting side, try inspiring your work on a not well known novel or movie, so that people don't label it as a fanfic. But you'd still have to write some sort of screenplay

>> No.7608968
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>> No.7608987
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To be honest, I have no idea what I was thinking with that. First it was going to be because she had fish-like eyes, but then...

I don't know. You guys figure something out.

>> No.7608991
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H.P Lovecraft, Cthulhu mythos, look it up some time

>> No.7609006


So her being fish-eyed means she's an Eldritch Abomination with a Dakimakura?

>> No.7609040

No, if you don't want to bother so much on the writing side, find a tall tree and hang yourself. If you don't want to put any effort into writing, don't make a fucking VN. The internet is already flooded with shitty OELVNs, we don't need any more.

>> No.7609056
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I did some shitty OC long time ago, I'm posting it for no given reason.


>> No.7609061
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>> No.7609062
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Rate my Miku

>> No.7609064
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>> No.7609065
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>> No.7609068
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>> No.7609070
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>> No.7609073
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Reminds me to something I made a while ago

>> No.7609075
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>> No.7609080
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>> No.7609087

Is that you sion?

Because these are kinda amusing

>> No.7609088
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This was dedicated to our favourite autist /jp/'s QC. Now in disuse.

>> No.7609091
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That's all. Terrible, I know.

>> No.7609096

It'd be fine but none of it is even OC.

>> No.7609100

Shouldn't it be reverse? Cause /jp/ gives it's attention to whichever shitposter it can find.

>> No.7609102

Taking in a quick Touhou request. 2nd suggestion gets it.

>> No.7609107

Fuck off

>> No.7609115

Stop being an attention whore please.

>> No.7609117

And "Fuck off" counts as a suggestion, so get to it ;3

>> No.7609118


>> No.7609134

Don't be a newfag and do the samefag test before saying that.


>> No.7609175

Oh boy the irony.

And stop posting your photoshop crap and retarded image macros. That's not OC.

That looks awfully familiar for some reason....
Ah, I remember now. I will just hope that it's mere similarity.

>> No.7609177

> ;3

>> No.7609181

Wow, this looks damn good.

>> No.7609196

What's original content for you?

>> No.7609292
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>> No.7609305

No it doesn't, stop praising yourself

>> No.7609316

You shouldn't be so mad at the fact that you have no useful talents. I know you never got too much praise on your life, but sadly that doesn't means other people can. Stay frustrated.

>> No.7609363

When people, draw, compose or create something. Not when they mess around for 5 minutes in photoshop to add text to a random image with the purpose of providing humor. Poor humor on top of that. Or when they drag parts of another image to the one they want to use, or when they make an image containing memes and other stupidity from other boards on it.

>> No.7609390

Not even the guy you are replying to, but you are retarded. Basically what you're saying is "what I don't like is not original content". I agree that image macros and that sort of shit suck ass, but even so, it IS content which is original, as questionable it's originality might be.

>> No.7609555

Well, at least we can both agree that things such as image macros shouldn't be here right?

>> No.7609568

This is so ironic, but telling you why would ruin it.

>> No.7609569

I don't enjoy repeating myself very much, but I'll make an exception this time.

Yes, image macros and such are awful and retarded, but if we don't like it that's still our own problem. Are you going to report them? Go ahead. Are you going to throw a fit or call your mom? Feel free, please. In the end, there ain't much you can do except express your own personal opinion against it.

>> No.7609589

Well there should be a limit to what is considered OC, I mean, by that logic, adding a pixel to an image would be OC.

>> No.7609607

I don't think that's the best way of thinking when it comes to 'invisible rules' in the board or thread. It's like a small /jp/ inside /jp/. Just like anime is also part of 'otaku culture' but it's not allowed to be posted in /jp/. So why would we tolerate image macros when they are not welcome here?

>> No.7609704
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>> No.7609769 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7609780
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That is such a hipster cop-out. How can you say that there is no formula for VN creation when it's obvious that Japan uses a formula to create VNs.

Just grab any three or four VNs at random and you can see that they all share similarities on many levels.

Besides even if you weren't trolling via holier-than-thou teen angst, there is always theory behind art. There's all sorts of theory such as color theory, theory for instrumental technique, musical composition, literature, and yes even VN creation which is basically the combination of four separate artforms: programming, music, visual art, and creative writing. As such, not only do you need to understand the theory behind each of the separate parts, but also the theory behind the execution of all four.

>> No.7609846

As I mentioned before, "not tolerating" them is just childish and stupid. What are you going to do? E-mail moot?
Yes, it is original content, yes, it sucks, no, I don't think that shit belongs in here. But that's just my opinion.

>> No.7609874

If you didn't at least spend an hour working on your OC, you shouldn't post it here.

>> No.7609924

This one? http://piapro.jp/t/wjEX

No panties!

>> No.7610085

nice work!

>> No.7610094

guy that posted the picture here.
I'm sorry.

>> No.7610098

Don't apologize to haters. Don't you have any backbone?

>> No.7610106

You shouldn't care. I said that your picture was kick-ass and I would say it again, because I honestly thought it was. Ignore shitheads such as >>7609305 and please post more OC when you have the chance.

>> No.7610112

Good job making him NOT IMPROVE by praising mediocre works.

>> No.7610126

Good job sucking unwashed dick.

>> No.7610131

Except I don't think it's mediocre at all. In fact, I think it's pretty good. Don't like it? Tough luck. Feel free to post your art and give some actual ARTEEST CREETEECEESM, if you are so inclined.

>> No.7610159

It's like you've never been here before, it's always the same. If you follow all the drawfriends that have been on /jp/ over all this time, you'll see the same pattern, you just don't care about it, just keep being the unreasonable asshole you are.

>> No.7610177

Sure, you go be the harsh leader you want, so you can coach the drawfags into success by making use of complex psychological tactics.

Meanwhile I'll keep enjoying whatever's posted here, and comment when I feel like it. Ah, if you don't like it, you can try the report button, or complain to A-san at the IRC, maybe you can get me banned for a couple of days. You can also open up a blog, or a twitter account, so that your cries for justice are heard by the Internet.

>> No.7610182

Exactly what are you trying to achieve anyway? Nobody is going to improve because of your bitching. You're wasting everyone's time.

>> No.7610203

I suppose you're right about the formula thing when it comes to shitty mediocre moege. But you know what? There's a reason they're shitty mediocre moege. Art created through a formula will always be bland and uninteresting.

Yes, there is theory. I never said there wasn't. What I'm saying is that these are only loose guidelines. There's no step-by-step guide on how to create art. You can take certain well-documented elements and include them in your work, but there is nobody who can tell you how to make your work as a whole. To find out more about these elements and in what situations they work and what situations they don't, as I said, you need to read VNs. For music, people have carefully documented how element A fits element B well but doesn't fit element C, but there's no such thing for VNs. The closest thing is novel writing guidelines, but VN writing is very different from novel writing.

By the way,
>As such, not only do you need to understand the theory behind each of the separate parts, but also the theory behind the execution of all four.
I strongly disagree with the notion that you absolutely need to know the theory of any art you want to execute. Depending on the artform, you can learn so much from observing that no theory is necessary at all.

Either way, if you have to ask how to make a VN, you're not ready to make one.

>> No.7610311

Nobody here is ready to take on any big project anyway. People should pick realistic goals, and maybe in several years you can do what you now WANT to do.

>> No.7610324

We have big projects going on, we just don't bother posting about in here, what would be reason for that?

>> No.7610329

It's just me, or is the autism and buttpain level in this thread higher than normal?

I can't take it easy like this.

>> No.7610339

You will never finish it anyway.

Even KS, the closest to what you will get of a big project that has potential, will never be finished.

Stop thinking you're so great. There's a reason Zun has no peers.

>> No.7610344

Yeah because everyone makes their projects in the name of 4chan like KS, right?

>> No.7610351

That has nothing to do with it.

>> No.7610683

Thank you once again anon!

>> No.7610802
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sorry missed coloring a bow

>> No.7610967
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iM@s got one, how much longer do I have to wait for a Vocaloid anime?

It was this one, actually: http://piapro.jp/t/zkUn
Star-shaped hairties and denim wear like mini-jackets and such were some ideas I had going before I actually saw the entrants.

I'm just sayin', but people who are inclined to improve because they like what they do are going to improve no matter the input. Just sayin'. All criticism and no praise isn't going to make anybody improve anyway.

>> No.7612858


>> No.7615624
File: 199 KB, 512x1205, 1310595863069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look pale. Are you OK?

>> No.7615638

At first I was like "Why do they look so spaced-out?" And then I noticed the seams.

>> No.7615825

Oh nice.

>> No.7615850

and here i thought it was just because of the vibrator.

>> No.7615886

hopefully quite awhile.

an anime would probably stifle the freedom of creativity it has by making things seem official, depending on how they arranged the story/background/etc.

given that i'd never watch it i'd rather not have one anyways.

>> No.7615921

So, the redhead is an actual girlr ight? Wheras the Green one is male underneath.
And with this, they will proceed with ferocious homo(straight) sex, right?

>> No.7616536

Why not two males?

>> No.7616536,1 [INTERNAL] 


Original Content drawthread #47

Yeah, I know the thread is already 404'd. I've not had the time to waste lurking /jp/ recently, so help a bro out if you see 48.

>> No.7616536,2 [INTERNAL] 

The Anon who draws all the Irisu pics is the coolest.

Also I like the coloring on the OP pic.
