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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7588349 No.7588349 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7588358

Kill more Americans, please. There's way too many of us.

>> No.7588363


>> No.7588366

Fucking race traitor. Give me your address so I can report you to the FBI.

>> No.7588381

Low blow anon, low blow.

>> No.7588406


Race traitor? Really? Is that the best you can think of?

>> No.7588410

Joke's on you, I don't have an address.

>> No.7588414

I call em like I see em.

>> No.7588418

Isn't america like 40% nigger, 40% mexican and 20% mixed european races? What kind of poop is that?

>> No.7588421

Who the fuck is Osama Bin Laden?

>> No.7588437

Sounds real poop if you ask me, soon you guys wont have any blue eyes.

>> No.7588434
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Those are sub-races. In the end we're all just American.

>> No.7588435


Ah. I see. You must need glasses, then.

>> No.7588438

President of the United States.

>> No.7588446

A rich Arabian weirdo who apparently went back on a deal with the CIA or something.

>> No.7588451


Too bad most tripfags from /jp/ are from hispanic countries.

>> No.7588452

Blue eyes are overrated. Blue hair is where it's at.

>> No.7588459

I don't see what a small number of /jp/ shitposters had to do with the Land Of The Free.

>> No.7588472
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>> No.7588580

Excuse me OP! Do you have any idea ho SLOW this board is!?... Reduce that by two digits... then try again...

>> No.7588596

You know who else had fun? HITLER. DON'T BE LIKE HITLER.

>> No.7588598

By the glow in his eyes I can tell that he was reborn as messiah.

>> No.7588601

Mugen, have you admitted yourself of being homo already?

>> No.7588603

The HELL are you talking about!?...

>> No.7588609

Come on, I pretty sure everyone still remembers http://archive.easymodo.net/jp/thread/6663164
THIS thread.

>> No.7588627

Hey now... Let me get this straight... I am "NOT" homosexual OK!... Fine, I got a copy of it... so what!?... It's just a bunch of guys playing with water guns ala wolfenstein... also, it was kinda interesting to see how a low budget film like Knaked Nights reach almost cult status... I'm watching them for the artistic merit...

>> No.7588635

Ah, mugen. Have you fallen so far? Will you relentlessly continue to disgrace yourself?

You are lost to us. You are everything that we are not.

>> No.7588636

>artistic merit
Now, if you had said camp value or kitsch value, that might fly. You're just digging the hole deeper now.

>> No.7588643

>I'm watching them for the artistic merit...
I bet you also shoot a load just for artistic merit.
Mugen, you're a fun guy, but it's time to come out of closet already.

>> No.7588651

I don't know guys... I am what I am and what you see is what I am... and when I said I watch it for it's artistic merits then I really do mean it... no use making unnecessary excuses to complicate things... that is truly my intent...

>> No.7588652

I wonder how that young man you blamed for your onion smuggling incident is doing these days...

>> No.7588658

What are you talking about?... There are only two possible orientations available... Male and Female... I got this dangling thing between my legs, then that must mean I'm a Guy...

>> No.7588659

He probably joined mercenaries.

>> No.7588663

52 years old is not someone you can call young... he's currently serving a 10 year sentence...

>> No.7588668

ITT onion smugglers and autismal virgins discussing sexual orientations in a troll thread about some sandnigger terrorist.

>> No.7588669

I bet he had a family too. They were leading peaceful, happy lives until some bastard uses the hardworking guy as a scapegoat for something he got caught for. For god damn ONIONS! That's just low. Now he has to fight for his life.

>> No.7588670
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>> No.7588671

Way to take a good chunk of his last years away.

>> No.7588676
File: 635 KB, 1000x1000, 1310111571400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scum like you makes me sick.

>> No.7588674

Trolling aside, was it really not you, mugen? Did you REALLY not do it? Can you answer with 100% honesty?

>> No.7588678

Who the fuck is trolling? This is just tragic. 10 years... Do you know how precious that time could be?!

>> No.7588679
File: 22 KB, 261x312, 1310111625323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I got this dangling thing between my legs, then that must mean I'm a Guy...
>It's not like I've chosen to be a male
Okay, dude, you've just admitted yourself of being homo.

>> No.7588681

Fuck! My sides hurt.

>> No.7588688

ITT: Everyone bullies Mugen.

>> No.7588684

Oh please... not this again!?... Stop demonizing me guys... I'm also a victim here you know!!!... I lost my license to operate and went through legal HELL to clear my name...

>> No.7588692

No... I just described what's attached there physically...

>> No.7588695

Pfft... You probably still make tons more money than most /jp/ browsers.

>> No.7588696

I laughed so damn much

>> No.7588699


mugen is wtH.

Except it's not known if he's the original one or the new one, which is an imposter.

>> No.7588703

Please, don't forget to note that wtH is also Anonymous of Colombia.

>> No.7588717

The old wtH was actually a public trip after someone revealed it to the world, he was upset of course.

But after the old trip dissapeared and the new trip came through, the posts had no longer the same charm as the old ones. An imposter, clearly.

>> No.7588723

So then who's the one on Formspring?

>> No.7588727

Except the old wtH had his msn in his e-mail field so it's not like he can't prove himself to anyone.

>> No.7588731

Lots of people know the new trip as well.

>> No.7588733

At first he appears to you as a friend... he's always polite and good natured...
But that's just a mask, lies... juts a play he puts for you.
He'll use you until he decides to discard you... and then... he'll backstab you at the most the most crucial moment, leaving you dying under the rain...

>> No.7588734

Et tu, Mugen?

>> No.7588751

Can someone please explain the onion thing to me. Thanks.

>> No.7588752


Please, ignore the poster known as "mugenjohncel".
He is barely a minor smuggler and black market profiteer who labours under the delusion that he is a great tycoon.
His business is sneaking $4000000 of vegetables past customs, deny responsibility and frame colleagues.
Truly, he is a laughable figure.
The state of his country is worrisome.
I would not desire him as a comrade, nor as my friend on the internet.

>> No.7588762

But where is it said that it was Mugen?

>> No.7588762,1 [INTERNAL] 

it osama games

>> No.7588762,2 [INTERNAL] 

it kills soldier
