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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7586786 No.7586786 [Reply] [Original]

You realize that randomly ending up in Gensokyo as yourself would be a horrible experience.

- The place is unfriendly and dangerous as hell.
- You wouldn't know anyone and probably can't speak the language.
- The human village is a dump, but you'll be forced to live there anyway.
- None of you favorite touhous would like you. In fact, you would probably never meet any of them except the mikos.
- There is no internet, no games, no electricity, hell, there's no toilets and running water. The would be no time to sit on your ass, you would have to do hard manual labor to survive. (In general, the level of human development of Gensokyo is comparable to that of feudal Japan.)
- If you fuck up, or if you're plain unlucky you might be killed or eaten by a youkai.
- Last but not least, there's no way for you to go back home. You'll be stuck there until you die.

Do you still want to go, /jp/?

>> No.7586793

Pretty sure most of them want to be a little danmaku girl too.

>> No.7586791

Yeah, sure, let's go.

>> No.7586800
File: 87 KB, 550x700, 1310084693890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see what they think of lost magi-tech.

>> No.7586808

>The human village is a dump, but you'll be forced to live there anyway.

No its not, its a classic old time town where people can fly.

>There would be no time to sit on your ass, you would have to do hard manual labor to survive.

The amish find plenty of time for religion and drinking.

>> No.7586814

wow the caster gun looks fucking retarded in real life.

>> No.7586815



>> No.7586812

Yeah, sure.

If I make it to the underground like I want, at least I can die of alcohol poisoning, or of collapsed lungs if a oni slaps me on the back in a fit of drunken joviality.

Or maybe I can strike it lucky and become Satori's pet. I'm sure she can read minds regardless the language.

>> No.7586817
File: 45 KB, 347x346, 1310084895247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there was even a fraction of a chance that I could be with my waifu, then yes. I'd still go. Even if I would probably die just trying to get to her.

>> No.7586827

Your opinion is invalid. The only issue with this one is the coloring and the fact that it's resin, instead of metal.

I'm hoping and praying that you're asking what it's made from, and not where it's from.

>> No.7586828

Its the caster gun from outlaw star, if you havn't seen it go watch it. Besides a shit ending its one of the better sci-fi anime.

>> No.7586839
File: 607 KB, 869x1000, 1310085110421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not like I have anything better to do.
Dying is kind of sexy anyway

>> No.7586840


It's just... waiting for a second season...

>> No.7586834

If I had one of those I'd use # 9 on Reimus shrine.

>> No.7586853

I'll be that guy who steals your waifu from you.

And gets away with it.

>> No.7586864

notori sadism that isn't anal play?

No way.

>> No.7586869

all you have to do is sign up to join the faceless men club and then you'll be gang raping touhous left and right

>> No.7586883

where do i sign up?

>> No.7586885

Ah, hell, fine. Which subs for it would you recommend?

>> No.7586895

I think they have a union or something. Go check with them

>> No.7586899


Don't trust him, they can't take you to the real Gensokyo.

>> No.7586902
File: 32 KB, 464x600, 1310085684593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over my dead body, faggot.

>> No.7586918

Since there is a small possibility to meet mai waifu, I wouldn't mind going through that and probably a lot more. Life here is pretty shitty anyway.

>> No.7586916

Ask /a/ I can't remember.

Hell the dub wasn't even that bad and would probably be easier to obtain.

>> No.7586933

Just go with OZC.

>> No.7586942

Rinnosuke needs an interpreter which blows because I don't speak nip at all

>> No.7586955

>Do you still want to go, /jp/?
Going to a magical fantasy land is an unprecedented opportunity. Even if you died immediately upon entering you'd still have accomplished more in dying there then most people could hope to do in their entire lives. It wouldn't matter how much of a miserable NEET life you lived, you'd be redeemed as a fantastic explore immediately.

That aside, I have always loved fairy tales, myths, and the like. Hell yes. I'd trade my comfortable neet life for such an opportunity. Even if it meant death, it'd be a death literally out of this world.

>> No.7586979

I wouldn't be surprised if Yukari regularly has to go to the human village to remove the border of understanding from the latest unlucky shmuck to fall into gensokyo who can't speak their dialect

>> No.7586988

OCZ sucks, as evidence I present this wonderfully written essay by the gods of subbing, gg


>> No.7586997


>as yourself
Then not really. Somehow I would have to think little more. haha

>> No.7587004

I'd go. As long as graphics are still 2D.

>> No.7587010

Pfft, I'm a Western man, I could probably just waltz in SDM by the virtue of being White.

Plus magic is handed out like candy and every human there can fly, kill low-level Youkai.

>> No.7587012

>horrible experience

Well, it's not like spending your life dreaming of going there is much better.
