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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 11 KB, 645x773, that feel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7575015 No.7575015 [Reply] [Original]

That feel once you realize you spent 16 hours today refreshing /jp/.

>> No.7575019

I know that feel. It feels like an all consuming emptiness and/or nothingness.

>> No.7575022

i spent a few hours configuring windows 2008 server

>> No.7575030 [DELETED] 

16 hours?

Come back when you know "that feel" when you know every thread from every page by memory.

>> No.7575035

Ano kimochi when you could go from the last page to the first and know every single thread and post, and on the way you recognise all the posts you made.

Ano kimochi when you realise that if you take your own posts and paste them all into Notepad they actually make a fluid conversation with each other.

Ano kimochi when you no longer know or care if you're insane or an accidental genius

>> No.7575037

Today I'm going to break that habit, today I'm actually going to play videogames.

>> No.7575047

I have so many games I want to play, but I spent most of my time bored at my computer.


>> No.7575076

That feel when every thread on /jp/ sucks, so you keep refreshing while hoping an interesting one pops up.

>> No.7575082


>> No.7575083


That feel when you can't create good threads yourself but feel you have the right to shitpost and demand other people do so

>> No.7575085
File: 945 KB, 1071x605, 1309869745676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

refreshing is for peasants, let programs do the work

>> No.7575088

Now make that appear in a holographic screen in front of me.

>> No.7575089

13 1/2 hours

>> No.7575091

I know that feel.

>> No.7575093

Yes. So many VNs, so much other shit to do. I have 400 gig of anime, I watch two episodes and always end up hating it. I don't even know why I download the garbage anymore.

>> No.7575100
File: 64 KB, 600x600, madotsuki not puking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time for a new hobby, right?

>> No.7575129

Maybe more people would make threads for you to post in, if you weren't so angry and full of shit.

>make a thread
>reported, reported, reported, all 3 sages, all telling you to go back to /a/, /b/, /v/
>don't make any more threads
>everyone refreshes the same shit all the time

>> No.7575137

Thanks for shitposting.
Reporting is so much a fun and a good timesink.

>> No.7575141

Reported for poor grammar.

>> No.7575439

Bump. Still refreshing.

>> No.7575454

Go back to >>>/int/ with your "that feel".

>> No.7575456
File: 648 KB, 512x288, 1309878204267.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is HELLa interesting as HELL thats why OP
i don't spend 16hrs refreshing but i over-refresh in the short time while eating and postan
pic semi related

>> No.7575466

That feel when you realize you can't make me.
