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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7565440 No.7565440 [Reply] [Original]


Does JP has a team fortress server?

>> No.7565450

JP does has one.

>> No.7565459


A couple /jp/ers will occasionally play certain games together, but usually not for extended periods of time (besides maybe Hotglue).

>> No.7565466
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>> No.7565489

>trying too hard

>> No.7565511

saging too hard

>> No.7566205

There is a touhou one,but i dont know if it's directly related.
Dont expect serious players on it eiter

>> No.7566215

am I the only one here that despise multiplayer games with a passion?

>> No.7566293

they are fun to watch. Sometimes it's a pain to put up with the other players though. FPS come to mind

>> No.7566470

i'd like to know it, since i play TF2 for the fun.
i just hope they don't shout touhou meme everytime

>> No.7566510
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>played on some sort of /jp/-like server
>nobody is allowed to speak so they can play japan crap
>server is run by like 5 girls
>they are all named after touhous
>start playing billy joel and elton john

so to answer this, ya sure but TF2 still sucks

>> No.7566523


I do.

>> No.7566532

I've been playing Counter Strike habitually for many years. You can just mute other players' in-game voices, simple as that.

And if someone is being a fucking retard spamming the chat or keyed their flashlight sounds to their mouse or something, I have the common sense to play on servers where mods are around to gag/mute/kick them.

I've actually bumped into random people with Touhou sprays sometimes. In game and performance wise, for the most part they're like me.. quiet professionals.

>> No.7566560

There is no way people still play this shitty game..

>> No.7568471

No idea, but I'm interested too

>> No.7568478

There is a hotglue TF2 server hosted by boof. No idea on the IP.

>> No.7568482

The 'Teek is probably the closest thing you'll get to something like that, it's run by asshats though.

>> No.7568499

The only game I play is Killing Floor.

>> No.7568502

TF2 sucks and is casual shit.

>> No.7568520 [DELETED] 


>> No.7568531


>> No.7568540


Reisen_Udonge? I hope no because you're useless.

>> No.7568546

Nope, ran into two people named Satori and Koishi, thought you might be them.

>> No.7568597

I usually play in The Dedicated custom weapons LVL 15 server. but not /jp/ related anyway. just saying.

>> No.7568611

I've seen it but never actually played on it, guess I'll try it one day.
