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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7560961 No.7560961 [Reply] [Original]

Okay i asked this on /a/ and they redirected me here. I finally got around to playing the touhou games. They are loads of fun to play but i don't understand how the girls personalities form. I see stuff all over 4chan referencing touhou girls and giving them individual personalities. I didn't get this from the little text blurbs between each mission. While text is no less of a medium than video, i just don't get it. Am i missing something? Manga, anime, or even a game i don't have? Or is it the fans that have created the personalities around the characters? Even as i type this i see 3 touhou threads on the front page (though one is porn) get me addicted /jp/

>> No.7560963

This is gonna go well.

>> No.7560966


>> No.7560968

Have i caused a disturbance?

>> No.7560967

Are you new to any sort of fandom? Fans don't need canon to create personalities for characters. It's pretty much what they do.

>> No.7560969

Fanfiction? That's what doujins are, really. Fanfiction with pictures.

Anyway, could you give us some sort of example of what you mean by "personalities"?

>> No.7560970
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oh boy, its board hopping time

>> No.7560975

Start here.

>> No.7560979

When i say personalities, i mean how does the fanfiction spawn from the little blurbs, /u/'s pairings for example, but that may be yuri goggles going at full power

>> No.7560981 [DELETED] 

Don't even bother playing Touhou, play real shmups instead. If you want to get into the fandom, with all of the characters and music and porn and such, that's fine, just don't bother playing the games.

>> No.7560980

>Or is it the fans that have created the personalities around the characters?

You can't really call them personalities. What really happened is that the fanbase retrofitted common anime/manga character archetypes to the characters.

But yes, that's the gist of it.

ZUN's barely-there plot and characterization leaves a lot of room for fanfiction. Black Tewi etc. Also: autism.

>> No.7560984

>Am i missing something? Manga, anime, or even a game i don't have?

Game readmes, six manga series, two novels and three supplementary books. And other lesser thing.

Consult en.touhouwiki.net for details.

>> No.7560985

>yuri goggles
Prettymuch. There's some canon manga, but compared to fanon, it's nothing.

>> No.7560989

There are some other official works besides the games that do expand on the personalities of some of the characters. However, that text in the games will get fans to create their own interpretations of the personalities of each character.

>> No.7560996

hmmm, thanks for that. That pretty much answered my question then.
I am a little disappointed that there isn't an anime to watch or something but oh well

>> No.7560997
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This, Kourindou, Sangetsusei, Inaba of the moon, Bohemian Archive, and many other ZUN-approved works that help flesh out characters in an accepted way, non-canon doujins beware of though, they are always up to the author with a series so open to interpretation as this

>> No.7560999

Thanks for stopping by! Actual discussion is always a pleasant break from the unrelenting shitstorm that is /jp/.

>> No.7561001

thanks i will look into it, sorta disagrees with this post though>>7560980

>> No.7561007

Its a work by one man who is hesistant about who he lets use his material, there is plenty of material to read on it though

>> No.7561018

these were both helpful downloading some the the literature as we speak

>> No.7561037
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>> No.7561044
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well done good sir

>> No.7561063
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Psychotic killer thread go.

>> No.7561078

There's actually some half-assed unfinished fanmade anime floating on youtube.

And there a bunch of mangas, both canon and fanmade which expand the Touhou universe. I don't know if they are translated. There's also the wiki with some info about the characters.

>> No.7561082

ya i followed the wiki link from this nice post
Which of the manga should i start with?

>> No.7561087

Primarily the omake.txts that come with the games.

>> No.7561091
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There are multiple canon manga

Though most character personalities are those assumed through in game dialogue and common ground in alot of doujin.

>> No.7561099

will do, thanks
still giggling like an idiot at this post

>> No.7561100

The omake.txt files that come with the games or from the wiki.

I personally started with Kourindou, then moved on to Sangetsusei, then on to Bohemian Archive, I've yet to read the others though.

Not that I'd recommend that order

>> No.7561103

Go chronologically.

>> No.7561104
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Get out. Get the hell out.

>> No.7561107


I feel like hugging Yuuka now. Damn my desire to hug characters lately.

>> No.7561108

Well, more precisely the manual. I was confusing the omake.txts with the manuals, but that's where actual character descriptions are.
And yes, reprinted and translated on the wiki.

>> No.7561113

That funny, eh?

Guess I did something okay for once, even if it is rather /a/-ish of me

>> No.7561117
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Wow /jp/ that was really helpful, thanks for everything. i am gonna murder my bandwidth with all these downloads now :D

>> No.7561123

> :D

So close.

>> No.7561127

>i am gonna murder my bandwidth with all these downloads now

Be glad you didn't ask about music.

>> No.7561139 [DELETED] 

>i am gonna murder my bandwidth with all these downloads now

I sort of feel sorry for you if your connection is that bad.

>> No.7561137

already downloaded that from youtube
I don't need to know cannon to enjoy u.n owen was her

>> No.7561144


...as I was saying, be glad you didn't ask.

>> No.7561143

>i am gonna murder my bandwidth with all these downloads now

I sort of feel sorry for you if your connection is that bad.

U.N Owen Was Her is the tip of the iceberg, don't be like that

>> No.7561157
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i am intrigued, elaborate, the c.ds i found on the Strange and Bright Nature Deity page of the wiki?

>> No.7561160

They're probably talking of fan remixes.


>> No.7561162

They're ZUN's own arranges of his music or original compositions, what purpose they serve I don't know, I like them a lot, they feel like they have some extra depth in comparison to the in-game music, but that's just me.

I still need to actually rip my copies for lossless sake

While I was indeed referring to the countless arranges and remixes, the originals are still good.

>> No.7561163
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it goes on.....forever....so many related videos.......sweeeeeeet

>> No.7561167

That made me giggle

I would go on about remixes, but picking and choosing any single ones would be arduous for me.

>> No.7561174

Random fact: The most current Touhou lossy (mp3) music collection, containing a large number of arranges, is 174gb in size.

Touhou is weirdly massive in fanbase for a game series made by one man, I'm still surprised by its expansiveness today even.

>> No.7561179

also, if it wouldn't kill you. Try using fewer image macros, and smilies, it tends to rile up the people around here, don't bother asking why

>> No.7561180

Indeed. The torrent, in particular. It'd be hard not to think of it when reading about bandwidth-raping.

>> No.7561181
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good lord, i can't wait to spend the rest of the year sifting through all that

>> No.7561185

shit saw this post after my other, i wont

>> No.7561189

Indeed, and what's on Youtube is by no means all of it. 1TB on the lossless music collection torrent.

>> No.7561193


And yet people still shit on ZUN for no reason. Worship Notch for ripping off Minecraft while Zun has cranked out 12 times the games he has without help.

>> No.7561197

can i get a link?

>> No.7561207

Just search Touhou lossless on the Google.

>> No.7561212

What is this mysterious google of which you speak? sorry bout that, totally spaced.

>> No.7561214

It saddens me that the lossy torrent is horribly seeded.

>> No.7561219

If you keep spoonfeeding him like this he might just burst.

>> No.7561221

Now I think you're just trolling, you know damned well what Google is

>> No.7561226

At least there is a seed. That's at least 50 bucks of hardware.

It's just a wafer thin download.

>> No.7561229

ya, joking joking
>sees download for music collection v11 972gig
holy shit

>> No.7561238
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No greentexting either.

>> No.7561240

Well everyone answered my questions, i am just going to leave before i cause more of a problem. see you /jp/

>> No.7561243

While you're checking out Touhou, keep in mind that /jp/ is far from the only Touhou community. Popular alternative boards are pooshlmer.com and shrinemaiden.net, which you may find more to your liking.

Do keep in mind that /jp/ is full of perverse directionless unemployed pedophiles with sick and disgusting fetishes and all-around grade-A assholes. I'm actually surprised you weren't told to fuck off a dozen times in this thread.

>> No.7561245

Only a tiny little thin download

I don't recommend downloading from that, its a bit ridiculous unless you plan on hosting a radio or something, and we already have one so yeah.

Even the lossy torrent is hefty, better to just find artists you like and selectively download them from it, rather than the whole thing.

>> No.7561288
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Why is Neutral so amazing?


>> No.7561325

Well, I could get from the games that Marisa is pretty hotblooded, while Reimu is rather calm.

Cirno is a very dumb girl, Sakuya is classy as hell, Alice is badass, Chen is a sneaky cute girl á la Rika, etc.

Not much but there is something.

>> No.7561330
File: 50 KB, 600x600, 1296786588180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alice is badass

>> No.7561335

Dumb Cirno is half fanon, she's just childish and impulsive

granted she's a bit dull for a 70-year old, but I guess fairies don't mature very fast

Alice is more lonewolf I suppose, though fans fap over pairing her with Marisa, even though I have my questions on loving the person who murdered your mother (if fanon is to be believed)

Reimu is layed back to lazy generally, but once she's in incident mode, there's no stopping her

Marisa is happy-go-lucky, gruff ish, sort of for her self and her amusement, most of the time her reason for doing anything in the games is out of boredom/curiosity or because there might be loot to be had

and Chen is..well, a cat, being sneaky is kind of a given

>> No.7561381

Cirno IS dumb. That's not saying much, since basically every low-level youkai is, but she was always supposed to be a joke. Between Akyuu's "to get her to leave you alone tell her a puzzle, no matter how easy, and she'll get preoccupied in solving it", Hisoutensoku's "I'm not looking for a Daidarabotchi", OSP's trying to sell ice in winter and the goddamn circle 9 itself, there's so many examples of it that what's stupid is trying to deny it at this point.

And Chen is childishly naive. More so than any other Touhou character so far. Sheltered life will do that to you, I guess.

>> No.7561387

Naive sure but to jump from stage 2 boss to extra stage mid is rather impressive.

>> No.7561389
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According to this, The Phantom of the Grand Guignol is the strongest spell card. Discuss.

>> No.7561390

Yeah, if you can't memorize or something.

>> No.7561393
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>> No.7561394

>number of dolls

don't start the powerlevel shit in here

>> No.7561396
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>to jump from stage 2 boss to extra stage mid is rather impressive

Would you even say... surprising?

>> No.7561401

Got me there, good one

>> No.7561405
File: 271 KB, 460x436, yuyuko_tongue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice >Yukari after manipulating the border of winning and losing > Everyone else.

>> No.7561439

ITT: /jp/ being extremely helpful to a newcomer.

>> No.7561500

Most importantly, OP, don't let those tons of fanworks stop you from playing the games.
