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7555845 No.7555845 [Reply] [Original]

Where do Touhous and wild youkai get their sumptuous clothes?

>> No.7555853

Handmade no doubt. They make the clothes and add their own personality to each and every garment.

>> No.7555854


>> No.7555859

Rinnosuke 'donates' them.

>> No.7555863

Wriggle keeps a huge colony of silkworms for this purpose.

As you can imagine, she's filthy rich.

>> No.7555884
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Aren't there official/primary sources of information? No word of God?

>> No.7555889

Clothes instantly appear on them because Gensokyo is like Discworld except its rules force every resident to have elaborate clothes at all times.

This makes sex somewhat difficult, but you can avoid layer and layer of frilly dresses magically appearing on you during the act by keeping your hat or a ribbon on your hair.

>> No.7555890

I don't think there'd be official information on such a trivial item.

>> No.7555896


>> No.7555900


I wish ZUN could give me cool clothes.

>> No.7555905

Well, guess what you do when you live for hundreds or thousands of years and become bored?

>> No.7555908

Actually, a tailor Touhou writing about the fabric and make of everyday clothes for every Gensokyo resident Perfect Memento/Grimoire or Marisa style would be nice. You'd get interesting tidbits like how Wriggle is always naked except for her cape and her "clothes" are just an army of really small insects she arranges with her power or how the Minoriko's dress is actually edible.

>> No.7557357
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Alice has skilled hands, I might imagine that she makes both her own attire and clothes for her dolls.

>> No.7557394

Magic. Also, the only people capable of making pants are on the Moon.

>> No.7557416

Marisa just magiced some clothes up in SSiB.
