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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 63 KB, 689x837, AAuun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7544716 No.7544716 [Reply] [Original]

where does /jp/ go loli fishing?

>> No.7544735

All dirty thoughts are bad.

>> No.7544730

Releveant to my interests.

>> No.7544764


>> No.7544793

CAn't I just go regular fishing?

>> No.7544804

Do you not have loli in your name even? Hypocrite!

>> No.7544820

True, but I can just get what I need from the internet.

I just want to go fishing.

>> No.7544833

I send my people out to the river all the time, but they usually just end up getting drowned by the skeleton carp.

>> No.7544848

Thats the only reason I go outside for.
Favorite places:
public pools, subway, bus.

Ive seen the best samples at the suwbay, but the bus is where I get potentialy less attention. I grab a sit in the back and just wait all day comfortably for little girls to show up.

You can stare at them all you want and few people will bother or even notice.

>> No.7544858

What if you catch a cute loli mermaid who asks you to eat some of her flesh and live with her for all eternity in her underwater domain as her husband? Are you willing to give up the internet permanently in order to be with your devoted loli wife?

>> No.7544865

Do we have to give up the internet permanently? It shouldn't be impossible to just run a long cable down there.

Still, eating live loli flesh sounds good to me.

>> No.7544870


It a forum for 12 year old girls. As you can imagine the content is unintentionally hilarious.

>> No.7544871

What country do you live in

>> No.7544874

How easy is it to do at a pool? I mean, staring at little girls at a pool is probably a pretty stereotypical place, so people should catch on somewhat easily I imagine. But would they make problems, or just turn a blind eye to it?

>> No.7544879

long cables through water are the only reason australia has internet

>> No.7544895

>if u shave ur arms could u get cancer? and do u shave ur arms once a while or always?

>like OMG! i think i am bi! i try not to be but it wont work! is something wrong with me? are people gonna judge me if they find out??? wat about my friends and family? wat should i do? i feal like i need to cry because i dont know wat to do! i think i chik friend: highst rank of friends: i think she is hot! sometimes i wanna kiss her sometimes i wanna leave her for a boy! i luv boyz i luv girlz!!! wat do i do???

>> No.7544900

Who else is reading the first period thread while this one guy spams our board?

>> No.7544914


I am, it's so disgusting. Also there's like 4 or 5 'Am I bi?' threads on the first 10 pages. This shit is a goldmine of entertainment.

>> No.7544925

>Something really scary happened when I was walking home from school today. These guys (and one girl) in this jeep came up and started whistling at me, they left. A few minutes later I saw them parked by a house (not my house) and one went in to grab something, and I had to walk that way so when I passed by the jeep one said "Hey cutie" I told him to go to heck" (except I actually used the word). They started laughing at me. Were they just messing with me or what, "cause I'm scared right now. Please help me!!!


>> No.7544923

I fail to see what's so hilarious about 12-year olds acting like 12-year olds.

>> No.7544924

I dunno, I feel a little joy reading it.

There are these 10~13 year old girls there talking about when they grew up.

It's so adorable.

>> No.7544922


>Awaiting username approval, this could take up to six hours.

oh boy, do you think "JeyPee" will get through?

>> No.7544929

First period story time!
>Why do you expect girls to tell you this? A girl's first period a very intimate detail in her life,and I doubt a lot of girls would want to post about that. I dont.

146 post later...

>> No.7544933


>If I ever fell in love, it'd be with a real guy.

>> No.7544942

Stop stalking little girls /jp/!

creepy dude
my friend kidscool commented me(and i quote) wanna talk dirty with me? :P Big Grin ...............WHAT THE HECK(is what i thought when i saw it......then checked his page to see kf he was a kid

>> No.7544945

>Hey guys, I know /jp/ disapproves of really shitty threads and discourages people from replying to obvious trolls, but wait, check out this massive shit I'm about to take on the front page.
>246 posts and 95 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.7544948

>Puberty for girls :(

>UGH!!!! Why are guy's puberty so easy??? It really sucks. All this crap. I mean, we SHOULD have some appreciation. We are the reason that there are more people on this planet. Guys do help but not really.

>> No.7544953

What a bitch.

>> No.7544964
File: 180 KB, 556x524, average touhou fan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, shit.

>> No.7544966
File: 11 KB, 171x165, 1308514946704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Am i Bi?
>like OMG! i think i am bi! i try not to be but it wont work! is something wrong with me? are people gonna judge me if they find out??? wat about my friends and family? wat should i do? i feal like i need to cry because i dont know wat to do! i think i chik friend: highst rank of friends: i think she is hot! sometimes i wanna kiss her sometimes i wanna leave her for a boy! i luv boyz i luv girlz!!! wat do i do???

>> No.7544974

I've popped at least 20 boners.

>> No.7544975

It's a phase in life that, I'm told, many girls go through.

Just like the goth, emo, satanist, wiccan, and other such things they're going through.

God, they're so adorable.

>> No.7544979

Get the fuck out.

>> No.7544981


fuck them both, preferably at the same time.

>> No.7544985

It's because beautiful and pure romantic schoolgirl relationships aren't approved of outside Japan.

>> No.7544994

>yes i''ll admit im a boy and why can''t anybody just say that their getting hair under their arms and on thier vagina instead of "down there" just be mature about it omg, to many immature people I saw this thing on the news it said teach your kids about sex at about age 7 or 8 and use the right words when talking about the penis or vagina dont use the words "peepee" or stuff like that, people just grow up and be mature!!!!

my sides

>> No.7545000
File: 189 KB, 650x567, 1297834137566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No a phase where your sexually confused, you think you want a girl but when you really think about you might not one a girl.
Have you every mentally pictured yourself with that girl, holding hands sharing a few kisses here and there?
>Because If you cant picture yourself doing it, then it also means yo might actually be uncomfortable with it in reality.
>Because Im 14 and I went through what your going through. Thats how I found out I was a pansexual XD

>> No.7545010

Ah, what would the world do without 14 year old goat fuckers?

>> No.7545016

Somebody should write a script that translates from 12-year-old girl to English.

>> No.7545017

>1.my xxxxxx are bigger
>2.i am growing hair on my under arms and private parts lol
>3.i have gotten wider hips
>4. i have been getting more in to boys
>5. i have been having mood swings
>i am 9

This world is terrible. What happened to little girls? Where have they gone? This reality where even 9 year olds have big breasts and wide hips is not one I wish to live in!

>> No.7545021

>Want To Kill My Family!! I Need Help!! [PROBLEM REZOLVED X3]

>rather than killing your entire family and ending up on death row why dont you just cut out the middle man and off yourself

Internet, oh how I love thee.

>> No.7545029
File: 147 KB, 700x990, 1306790520709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is it that everyone either assumes or believes that they're bi-sexual? Just because you find someone of the same gender attractive at some point in your life doesn't mean 'OMG, I'm lyke totally bisexuamal1!!one!'. Hormones are going wild around this age group, of course you're going be somewhat curious, but don't jump to conclusions.

Smartest little girl on the internet.

>> No.7545044

Move outside of America if you don't want mutated lolis. I for one don't mind large breasted genetic freaks.

>> No.7545050

>implying thats not a pedophile

>> No.7545054

On a more or less unrelated note, does anyone remember this one anon who told his little sister that he was sure she couldn't fit his penis in her mouth? When she later asked what he meant, he ended up masturbating in front of her and cumming on her hands. I also remember another thread, in which he mentioned that he had burned his hands and that he might try asking his sister to help him masturbate. Does anyone know what happened to him?

>> No.7545058

Oh, I remember that, but I don't recall the hand-burning part.

>> No.7545067

>So at school today something bad happened...
There's a group of Mexicans I hang out with. They smoke weed and stuff. I know I'm not SUPPOSED to hang out with them, but if you ever get into a fight they got your back. Or if you need something, they got you covered. But they're perverted and atleast 4 of them tried to kiss me (and failed) :P
>Anyway, we were playing Truth or Dare in class. So this guy named Ya Yeir dared me to kiss his friend Irving, who is moving to Mexico next year. Irving is actually really cute. He's tall, tan (because of his race :P) and he's actually really sweet if you get behind that pot smoker he is. It was either that or I kiss a lesbian.
>They said if I didnt do it, they'd jump my boyfriend (who I love DEEPLY). And they keep their word. We couldnt find a lesbian Frustrated
So when we were on our way to the prep rally, my normal friends and my mexican friends were the last ones in line. Ya Yeir nudged me in the side and smiled. We were getting left behind. I told my friends I'd meet up with them later. Irving and I just looked at eachother awkwardly for awhile. I bit my bottom lip, unsure if I should. So I just got on my toes and gave him a fast kiss on the lips. I blushed and he smiled. He smelled like smoke. I quikly turned around and walked away and caught up with my friends. I never felt so guilty in my life. Sad((((
This is the soul of NTR

>> No.7545069

That was me, sorry.

>> No.7545071

There goes my thoughts of a smart little girl, disillusioned and sick of other girls her age.

>> No.7545082

I am trying to be a good onee-sama to them, man. It is pretty hard, you know?

>> No.7545087
File: 99 KB, 683x924, 1303628413625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posted By: sassybuns

Hi there little girl. Do you like touhou?

>> No.7545237
File: 194 KB, 800x600, 74fa156209ba93e836b7844ee184c775a9702b83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always need a cigarette after loli fishing at the supermarket.

>> No.7545253

haha i really like this post

>> No.7545266

>I haven't gotten my period. MY CHEST IS HALF FLAT execpt for specks. Indifferent my poor small almost flat chest LOL


>> No.7545299
File: 87 KB, 600x600, 1301451744637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. when ur on ur period, should u tell somebody?
>A. No way!
>B. Mom
>C. Sister.
>D. The whole family

>2. How do u know when ur period is coming?
>A. U grow hair where their was no hair before
>B. More sentive
>C. Feelings r high
>D. all of the above

>> No.7545372


The correct answer to #1 is 'older brother'.

>> No.7545400

I thought it was fellow little girls online, like /jp/. [/spoler] that seems to be the impression the website gives.

>> No.7545605


>> No.7545935

A previous guy mentioned certain online games and how easy it was to get things from girls.

>> No.7545942
File: 11 KB, 292x292, smack_smack_smack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol i read that as "go loli fisting" xD
hentai as HELL

>> No.7545950

I read "where does /jp/ go loli fisting?"
Took a look at OP and couldn't decide if she had her ass out to receive or was balling her fist to give.
Her face made it a little ambiguous.

>> No.7545951


>> No.7546147


You're not the only one.

>> No.7546194
File: 17 KB, 256x188, smack_smack_smack2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7546267
File: 31 KB, 400x300, lolifishing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody say loli fishing?

>> No.7546293

when will you learn? you're the sole person saying that on /jp/.

>> No.7546302

Who gives a shit.

>> No.7546326

>you're the sole person saying that on /jp/.
Go back to /a/.

>> No.7546332


>> No.7546443

None of the usual sites are given

Oh, /jp/.
