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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7540028 No.7540028 [Reply] [Original]

I bought this

my parents were there when I opened the box and they went ballistic

my dad threw it against the wall and it shattered

cost $400

>> No.7540032

Deal with it.

>> No.7540031


>> No.7540038

That's a shame.

>> No.7540039

>my parents were there when I opened the box
serves you right

>> No.7540041

$400 and you have visible seam lines in the promotional photo, you got ripped off

>> No.7540043

Is this for real, dude?

>> No.7540044

I'd go berserk if my parents destroyed something very costly\unique for me.

>> No.7540045

This looks horribly made, wouldn't pay more then $20 for that in the first place.
Just look at that retarded face.

>> No.7540046

What's wrong with a girl buying a girl's doll? Wait...don't tell me you are actually male OP...

Nobody on /jp/ actually buys figs, we just post pictures and ironically act like we are real Japanese otaku, since no real man would buy a figure.

>> No.7540047

>Cost $400



>> No.7540052

that's what you get for wasting money on something that won't matter in a few years. You could have saved up for a trip to Japan or bought some anime or books or paid for college or paid for dental work or paid for a gym membership or paid for a girlfriend.

>> No.7540053

Or maybe "it shattered" and "cost $400" were referring to the wall. Must've been one hell of a solid figure.

>> No.7540054

/jp/ are fags. /a/ has unboxing threads of figurines almost daily.

Also dragon vaginas

>> No.7540056

>my dad threw it against the wall and it shattered
I somehow have a hard time taking this story for the truth and not something made up pinging for reactions on the net.

But on the off chance of this not being the case, or for the simple sake of discussion of a theoretical scenario, I ask, why?
What kind of problem would he have to smash something that actually bought, costing money?

Then again, people with lots of money might have a different way to view things, no matter how wasteful. Even though figurines can be argued to be wasteful as well, but there is the whole deal with subjective and objective wastefulness, and looking at things at the moment and not how things could have possibly been different.

No matter the case though, sounds like he/they have some problems, I doubt it was a healthy reaction.

>> No.7540057

>/a/ has unboxing threads
and literal attention whoring is good because...?

>> No.7540060

And one hell of a brittle wall.

>> No.7540063

I don't know. What is the shipping fees of these? Shipping can get pretty costly depending on the situation.

>> No.7540066

You posted this on /jp/ why?
This isn't your personal blog.

>> No.7540067

like $20 max for that.

>> No.7540085

>/a/ has unboxing threads of figurines almost daily.
I still can't help but to feel amused over /a/.
Have anyone here been banned from figurine threads on /a/ back from around the split? Have anyone been banned more than twice?

They banish stuff and make /m/, they banish stuff and make /jp/. They enforce rules and bans anyone posting banished content.

And then? Then they hilariously forget all about this and flock to it after the newly created communities expands the fanbase and makes it more easily accessible.
And then they behave as if it was always related. That part always makes me laugh. No matter the case though, with the development of things, I say this is for the better nowadays, given it can contain them to an extent.

>> No.7540150


>nyone here been banned from figurine threads on /a/ back from around the split?

I caught one for that. It was only a three-day but it was enough to piss me off, and yeah, the irony of it all is not lost on any of us.

>> No.7540243

>cost $400
look sir, trolls

>> No.7540253

>$400 for a fig
You're not fit to live if you cant even spend right

>> No.7540257
File: 331 KB, 947x700, 3DS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I bought a 3DS

It costs 200000$ dollars.

My mom was there whem I tried the 3D.

Her eyes melted man, they like melten out of their eyesockets, she said AWESOME SON GOOD TOY.

>> No.7540308

Sucks for you OP. My mother actually loves my figures and she's usually the one who tells me to go ahead and buy one if I can't decide whether I want it or not. It helps that I'm a kawaii uguu girl.

>> No.7540503
File: 38 KB, 260x260, 1306872581894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>that's what you get for wasting money on something that won't matter in a few years. You could have saved up for a trip to Japan or bought some anime or books or paid for college or paid for dental work or paid for a gym membership or paid for a girlfriend.
>> or paid for a girlfriend
>> girlfriend

>> No.7540515
File: 92 KB, 398x347, 1297987311897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7540539


You mean paid for a whore? common mistake, think nothing of it.

>> No.7540544
File: 13 KB, 209x168, trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7540553

I wouldn't spend $400 dollars on a figure, dude. 25, 50, even a 100... maybe.

400 for a fig of that quality is ridiculous. but your dad overreacted.

>> No.7540562

No one seems to realize that this is just a troll someone thought up after seeing the thread about the anon who bought that Alice figure.

>> No.7540583
File: 78 KB, 550x550, 1308795001045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7541294

If I were you, OP, I would have shattered his jaw in retaliation.

A burn for a burn.

>> No.7541333

well if you still live with them and they see you blowing an apartment months rent on little plastic girls they're going to be pissed.
