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File: 10 KB, 680x200, 331895522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7538843 No.7538843 [Reply] [Original]

JAST went fully retarded

>> No.7538847

They are releasing two games that people already have full translations of that anyone can access to.
The whole Demonbane debacle as well

I think we already know that always go full retard.

>> No.7538850

I see sumaga and satsuriku no django

>> No.7538863

oh and saya no uta and kikokugai
looks like demonbane sold well, it's basically the whole nitro+ catalogue except a few titles

>> No.7538875

From left to right...
1. Saya no Uta
2. Kikokugai
3. ???
4. Sumaga
5. Django
6. ???
7. ???
What are the three missing ones?

>> No.7538880

7 is Jingai Makyo

>> No.7538881

What's this read refering to?

>> No.7538885

The whiteness of 6's cover reminds me of Angelos Armas, but it doesn't seem to match.

>> No.7538890

I thoughtt the same, but AA has more black.

>> No.7538901
File: 162 KB, 680x200, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's easier on the eyes this way.

>> No.7538903

is OP picture completely pixelated and i have to guess the games or is it just me and my computer.

>> No.7538908
File: 44 KB, 256x359, jingai makyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure? It doesn't look like it matches.

>> No.7538912

OP, where did you get this?

>> No.7538917

Yeah, i thought it was, but nope.
Though they should be releasing it soon, considering it's done.

>> No.7538925

I am still depressed over having missed my limited editions when they were released in Japan.

But I guess there was 1-2 that I thought I could have wanted, even though it is only 1 that I am actually a bit depressed about.
No matter the case though, Good Smile don't reprint limited figurines, don't they? hence limited.

So I guess it isn't much of an issue anymore. But what are the chances of Jast even doing some kind of bundle with any of them? Somewhat slim, aren't they?

I am still thrilled over it being physical copies though. I still, to this day, can't really find myself to buy "nothing". Kind of anoying with the growth of digital only services.

>> No.7538935

it's from their twitter

>> No.7538950

is django getting translated? what about gekko no carnivale?

>> No.7538963

doesn't look like it's on there, I have the package on my desk but it doesn't match the covers on there. Well there's the peach princess logo on there so it's probable a few of the other games are nukige or low tier games rather than Nitro+

>> No.7538967

Dear god, I know I have been an awful, awful person recently, but if you let Sumaga get released until the end of the year, I promise not only to buy the game, I also promise to release all the children locked down at the basement.


>> No.7539000

Yeah, I just went checked myself as well, sucks though because gekkou no carnivale is something I wouldn't mind reading.

It will be released in 2015 for your enjoyment, please wait warmly.

>> No.7539004

Think about those children. They are waiting warmly too.

>> No.7539018

Only if you give them blankets.

>> No.7539090

The one on the far right is Starless, so no, it's not only Nitroplus stuff.

>> No.7539097
File: 121 KB, 600x600, pukingyumenikki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7539099

>Saya no Uta

Fucking Seriously?

>> No.7539106

CGs and her sprite will be remade so that she'll look like she is 18/21.

>> No.7539113

Not sure if want.

>> No.7539114


Not enough "ah!" can be given!

>> No.7539115

why do localization companies insist on bringing over stuff that's either already been translated or nobody cares about? how can they act suprised when they don't get sales?

>> No.7539119

jast gets sales though. and i dont see why existing translation would had big impact on sales

>> No.7539123

Do not want

>> No.7539120 [DELETED] 

if that turns out to be true, I'll go to their hq and kill a nigger. Also, she will just be replaced with a black bar.

And it's fucking retarded to license a translated work.

>> No.7539126

why would they do that when they could just replace her with a black bar?

>> No.7539134
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>> No.7539143 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 1004x988, 1289763302191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I could see them doing this

>> No.7539144

I think Jast should just give all of their profits to MangaGamer. Then everyone would be happy.

>> No.7539150

you honestly don't see all those guys who make saya no uta threads buying a copy?

>> No.7539153
File: 67 KB, 800x600, 1305877187227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Django

This pleases me.

>> No.7539157

Aw, fuck! It's really Saya no Uta, the right sides of the box match perfectly.

>> No.7539159

I think MangaGamer should become a sub-division team of Jast, then everybody should be happy.

>> No.7539164

I think MangaGamer and JAST should disappear, then everybody will be happy

>> No.7539169

Can you depixellate that picture?

>> No.7539171

Not really no, but we could paste the original covers in their corresponding places, and make an image up for comparison.

>> No.7539173

someone should do that

>> No.7539177

Only if Amaterasu becomes far more active, with more polls to decide what the public wants translated. I still don't see why they haven't done a poll in so long. The last one was so much fun!

>> No.7539178

God damn, JAST. You couldn't even wait until the remake to sell Kikokugai.

>> No.7539184

I think Amaterasu should disappear, then MangaGamer and JAST will be happy

>> No.7539185

Wasn't that the one where masat01 came in and said "hurr durr Ima translate Baldr Sly"? We _really_ don't need another one of those incidents.

>> No.7539188

is Hello World or Chaos;Head on there? That would please me very much.

>> No.7539191

I don't think anybody took him seriously.

>> No.7539192

no porn = shit game

>> No.7539195

Ever17 was a shit game?

>> No.7539196

that sure was fun wasn't it?

>> No.7539197

True, but is fully voiced. At least it would be something different than what we already have.

>> No.7539200
File: 353 KB, 1680x340, temp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something like this

>> No.7539204

you can look up the covers for yourself and see that they don't match

>> No.7539206

The last one cannot be Jingai Makyou because there is no purple on the cover

>> No.7539207

Wait, wait, Starless is confirmed?
Fuck nitro, this is awesome.

>> No.7539217

I don't think that's starless on the twitter picture

>> No.7539218

the sumaga cover looks like it's different one. Also the kikokugai cover is the old one, not the remake, you can see the blonde gynoid head and her head is tilted the old way

>> No.7539222


>> No.7539227

so I was just saying that's the wrong cover so people don't get the impression they're getting the remake

>> No.7539228

It kinda irks me that they are doing the old one...

Also do you guys think that sumaga's TL speed will pick up now that gckc has some motivation that his effort will come into fruition?

>> No.7539230
File: 354 KB, 1182x832, c0b3bab2e6dddbeb36d9fcaf7d0fbbc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're on the subject of JAST, gonna order Demonbane. How's the quality? Worth it?

I loved Saya no Uta except for the depressing endings, I hope Demonbane has the same feel to it without the soul crushing depression.

>> No.7539231

Am I really the only one who can see Hanachirasu between Kikokugai and Sumaga?

But it does have porn, it's just censored.

>> No.7539233

Is it safe to say that 3 and 6 aren't N+ titles?

>> No.7539236

I went through the N+ catalog and didn't find anything that resembled them

>> No.7539237

Demonbane is more like a trashy detective novel with lolis, mecha and wacky humor. Nothing like SnU at all.

>> No.7539238

Demonbane is nothing like Saya.
Only worth for music.

>> No.7539239

don't bother. they're completely different. demonbane is pure shit

>> No.7539240

I can't see Hello, World or Muramasa.
Nothing of values here

>> No.7539245

Too dark and not enough red. I really hope that half the things they released are not something most of us have read before.

The quality is ok and it is fun sometimes and Al Azlf is likable enough. It really is the middle of the road VN but it is long but the payoff is worth it, I wouldn't recommend it if you are not into mechs.

>> No.7539247

>How's the quality? Worth it?
The translation feels incredibly amateurish, which might be ok for a FanTL but definitely not for a product you want people to pay for.

It's really a shame. I bought it expecting a at least semi-professional translation, but instead I got shoddy editing and more spelling mistakes than I can possibly count.

>> No.7539248
File: 54 KB, 806x625, 1307591119740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demonbane is worth it for Al Azif and Doctor West.

>> No.7539251
File: 118 KB, 1280x960, 09wp_04l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have different packages for it, you know. I'm 100% sure that they've used this image with the logo.

>> No.7539254

So most of it is already translated.
Yep, sounds like JAST.

>> No.7539256

Yep, it's hanachirasu

>> No.7539258


>> No.7539259

I liked Demonbane more than Saya, but they're really nothing alike.

I thought the translation for Al's route was definitely above average. Makoto's easily one the best (if not the best) eroge translators.

>> No.7539262

I still don't see it, there's too much pink between the bright green, nothing on that cover resembles it

>> No.7539267

I see it. That's definitely the Hanachirasu logo.

By the way, Akane looks really hot in that picture. I know he was supposed to be very feminine, but damn.

>> No.7539272

so the last game is "jast denestsu". that means its alcot or xuse or overflow or something translated

>> No.7539273
File: 474 KB, 1680x340, 1309180248240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7539276

Okay, look at the third cover again, the one between Kikokugai and Sumaga. The whole left half of it is Akane from that wallpaper, with the logo slapped on the bottom half over it. The rest is just the background.

Also, 6 may be Demonbane. Even though it's already translated, yeah.

>> No.7539279

oh, right, now I see it. Nice catch.

>> No.7539287
File: 213 KB, 680x400, Jast_e2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone should do that
There. They all seem pretty legit to me.

>> No.7539288

What the fuck?
Anyone that care already played saya, hanachirasu and kikokugai?
Are they stupid?
Release something like gekkou, hello world or muramasa. What the fuck are they doing? They should hire me to do their market research. Fucking dumbass still thinking that piracy are killing their sales while in actual fact they are just acting retarded.
It is like Aselia all over again.

>> No.7539289

could be: real imouto or my girlfriend is the president or one other I don't remember the name of

>> No.7539292

You forgot hanachirasu

>> No.7539299

physical copies, right?

>> No.7539306

And demonbane for 6th, I swear since that guy pointed it out that light purple has to be Al Azif's hair.

>> No.7539308

Wasn't that already released?

>> No.7539311

They may promote it as the first game of this line of releases.

>> No.7539313

But it's been out since May 9

>> No.7539315

Yes, maybe they want to advertise it with the rest. I am only excited for Sumaga as I have already read SnU, hanachirasu, and kikokugai. Django is a mystery to me and Starless is disgusting.

>> No.7539317

It's not Demonbane you dumb fucks, are you blind?

>> No.7539321

Or maybe it its. I suck cocks, cant count, sorry.

>> No.7539324

At first I thought it might have been a picture of Ignis with her wedding dress and bouquet, but the shadows don't exactly match since there should be the black part of the sword in there

>> No.7539328

>You forgot hanachirasu
>And demonbane
I am working on it. None had thought of it when I was working on it.

No matter the case though, it is undoubtly the
Hanachirasu logo, but I have never seen that poster with the logo on it, anywhere, so I actually doubt that's it, unless any of you can find it. But yes, the logo, no doubt.

And the sixth one? While it certainly wouldn't suprise me if it was Demonbane, I still can't figure out which part of what would be it though, the others weren't that hard, but this one, aside from being blurry, is too, single colored. Which for one part, could speak for Demonbane, considering how it is mostly in the same scale close to white, but it doesn't make it any easier to figure out what part. Is somewhere close to the upper right of the original cover?

>> No.7539330

You're doubting that it's Hanachirasu? What are you, blind?

>> No.7539332

He probably means that he has simply never seen this exact picture with this exact position of the logo. Because of that, it's harder to make the exact depixelised version of the picture.

>> No.7539333


>> No.7539335
File: 32 KB, 250x360, 971063_178034_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this for the 6th one?

>> No.7539340


>> No.7539339 [DELETED] 

>You're doubting that it's Hanachirasu? What are you, blind?
>But yes, the logo, no doubt.
No, >>7539332 got it right. I am just doubting that exact picture.

>> No.7539344

not even close, and translating the fandisc before the game is beyond retarded

>> No.7539343 [DELETED] 

>You're doubting that it's Hanachirasu? What are you, blind?
>But yes, the logo, no doubt.
>>7539332 got it right. I am just doubting that exact picture.

>> No.7539347

The pink line seems to be drawn under a different angle. It also makes little sense to release the fan disc before the original game (unless they only use its cover or something).

>> No.7539349

>You're doubting that it's Hanachirasu? What are you, blind?
>But yes, the logo, no doubt.
No, >>7539332 got it right. I am just doubting that exact picture.

>> No.7539364

Isn't it somewhat plausible that the sixth one isn't Nitro+ at all?
If it was Demonbane, then it would be six Nitro+ titles, and Starless just for the heck of it. This can of course be the case, but it wouldn't suprise me if the current Nitro+ lineup stopped with the 5th one.

>> No.7539371

So should I buy Demonbane? I kinda want too as owning a physical copy would be nice and I've never played it.

>> No.7539374

do whatever you want

>> No.7539378

Is my /jp/ Member Card getting revoked if I buy Sumaga?

>> No.7539384

Why are you still here? We are all waiting for you at /bun/.

>> No.7539385

Where do you think you are? Nobody cares if you buy or pirate VNs.

>> No.7539391
File: 99 KB, 944x712, 3x14_Cox_realizes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7539392

It's not a matter of caring. I'm a buyfag so I enjoy buying nice things, but if the translation is shit or if it has other problems then I won't buy it. That's why I was asking.

>> No.7539393
File: 83 KB, 320x452, c310185package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7539398

Go back to bed, Payne.

>> No.7539399


>> No.7539400

>Nobody cares if you buy or pirate VNs.
Someone didn't read the mangagamer releases threads we had so far

>> No.7539401

We have a winner.

>> No.7539402


>> No.7539404

Alright let's put this together so we can spam Jast's Twitter with rants of HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

>> No.7539406

what the fuck flipping the pics is against the rules

>> No.7539410
File: 552 KB, 1680x340, 1309180248240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the exact boxes, but I doubt any of you care

>> No.7539411
File: 48 KB, 500x281, slut1523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get this shit started

>> No.7539412

Considering that Narukana has an active translation project, I think they tried to hide it as best as possible by taking a really small chunk and flipping it to avoid preemptive shitstorms.

>> No.7539420

Mystery solved! Good work, /jp/.

>> No.7539423

>Alright let's put this together so we can spam Jast's Twitter with rants of HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
the full disclosure is supposed to be tomorrow in any case, so I doubt anyone cares that much

>> No.7539427


But /jp/ would defeat them, someone do it!

>> No.7539428

I'd be a bit aggravated

>> No.7539433

I've been doing it this whole time. Good work /jp/, nice to know you can all work together.

>> No.7539434

So I'll get Starless and Sumaga for fapping and Django for Urobuchi edgy shit.
Okay, I guess.

>> No.7539435

>for fapping

>> No.7539438

>Starless for fapping
if you like scat and pig fucking, yeah

>> No.7539439

Didn't Starmine Girl won some sort of award?

>> No.7539443

Not that Anon, but I'll be damned if Tsuji Santa's art isn't fappable as hell. Dat fucking Arided.

Best eroge of 2008.

>> No.7539452

I remember like 70% CGs were porn and other 30 ugly CGI shit.

>> No.7539454

I didn't find the H scenes really fappale, seriously.

>> No.7539455


>Best eroge of 2008.

And is that actually meaningful?

>> No.7539457

Means a lot of people liked it

>> No.7539460

Doesn't mean it was only made for fapping, .ike starless.
Pretty original at what it does.

>> No.7539461

To each it's own, I guess. The scenario is pretty depressing so I don't blame you.

I don't know, but it's a damn good game.

>> No.7539466

>The scenario is pretty depressing so I don't blame you.
yeah, that's the thing it is
>ave your heroines, they are all dying
>have a moment to fuck them meawhile

>> No.7539469

the second and third place that year were G-senjou and Ruitomo, it's not difficult to see why it was voted the best game that year. Still doesn't mean much in the long run

>> No.7539492

Yeah 2008 was a pretty shit year, the only eroge I found excellent then was IM Zero.
Otherwise lots of good but unfulfilling titles like Akatsuki no Goei or RuiTomo.

>> No.7539519
File: 297 KB, 680x400, Jast_e3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright there.
I found some Hanachirasu picture with the logo. After messing with it a bit I started to doubt this was it even so.

I would say, without much doubt, that it is indeed this image, but perhaps another version of it. But alas, I have given up and don't really care anymore, close enough I say.

>> No.7539521

>Shit year.
The year with Sumaga.
Everyone have their tastes, but really? All in all though, I found 2008 to be rather great.

>> No.7539527

I'd also add LBEX, the addition of Saya's route was fantastic.

>> No.7539542
File: 199 KB, 800x866, 1305634035397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7539557


So, are we going to show them this or not? Anyone with a Twitter acount can do it, heck I would do it.

>> No.7539610

Go ahead. Could be fun, and they might reveal the actual image.
That's of course if they expected the fans to solve it, which they should have.

I see either that, or the next teaser will be even more horribly disfigured. But I say the former is the only sane possibility, that, or no one caring.

>> No.7539623

I doubt that Jast releases such a teaser again, as no one will care about their panel any longer. Their better approach would have been to say "we have 5 nitro+ titles to announce" to build interest, not release a pic that takes no time to figure out.

>> No.7539629

the announcement is tomorrow anyways, so even if people figure it out it's not like they lose much.

>> No.7539639

The entire point of such a teaser is to get people to discuss the announcements. They succeeded, as evidenced by this thread and the spread of the news.

>> No.7539644

Does that sexy cowboy game have good sex scenes? I really like the art.

>> No.7539645

Then I'll go ahead, but what should I tell them, or should I just tweet the image?

>> No.7539648

>the announcement is tomorrow anyways, so even if people figure it out it's not like they lose much.

They described that as clues, but now clues are worthless seeing that we know everything.

>> No.7539649

mostly rape from monsters/zombies, it's not a "choose your heroine" type of game, the three main characters are females.

>> No.7539650

Just be like "How did we do?" and link the image or something like that.

>> No.7539652

Just do it already.

>> No.7539654

Any anal and ahegao?

>> No.7539656



>> No.7539664

Lots of it. It's actually kind of great for fapping, and with a really entertaining story around it with nice/decent pacing.
It probably won't get a "masterpiece" welcome, but it may very well get a rather universally liked welcome.

>> No.7539665

I wouldn't mind buying Saya no Uta at all. It's a game people love, and people would actually get a box for it.

MangaGamer, however, is fucking up badly by releasing Ef. No one gave a shit about that game to begin with, and me and anyone else who actually wanted to play that game has already played it.

I actually talked to one of the retards at MangaGamer supporting that decision and he said "Well, you should buy it to support the company." What kind of business decision involves hoping people will buy something out of pity?

>> No.7539668

yeah, there's a few gangrape scenes with double penetration. Can't rememeber about ahegao, when I played it it's wasn't that popular, but I don't think so.

>> No.7539672

why wasn't it popular, it looks cool, cowboys and zombies?

>> No.7539678

No, I meant that when I played it I didn't even know what ahegao was, so I didn't really notice how funny their faces were when they were being filled up in every hole.

>> No.7539702

I thought there was a blond women in the cowboy game.

>> No.7539708

>"Well, you should buy it to support the company."

Masters of business & capitalism.

>> No.7539713

Im liking starless,it has healthy women,is there a lot of different sex scenes?

>> No.7539717

Yes, including dick gillotines and scat.

>> No.7539721

HAHA oh wow, basically they skipped the 2 best N+ games.

>> No.7539724

scat, pissing, futa, bestiality

>> No.7539726

Which are?

>> No.7539728

...now I want it.

>> No.7539729

1. Muramasa
2. Hello, world

>> No.7539748

There is a shipped, commercial software product named "Hello, World".

My mind is full of fuck.

>> No.7539752

well is there just some normal anal and sex? and i guess futa is fine to a certain extent.

>> No.7539755

I actually thought Sumaga was better than Hello, World. Not by much, mind you, but still.

>> No.7539757

Hey, it's much better than some nukige titles, where you can read the title and ignore the text in the VN itself, as you've already learned everything you need.

And welcome to /jp/, enjoy your stay.

>> No.7539762

How did you not fucking know this?

Hello, World is a classic.

>> No.7539782
File: 53 KB, 544x400, 1286716221838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see this thread
>CTRL+F muramasa
>no positive replies
>hit up youtube to watch this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Le2zxWrD294 again and cry myself to sleep

>> No.7539795

My problem with Sumaga was the way it was written, the concept/story were okay.
But seriously the writing was just annoying and it tried far too hard to be funny, I had the same problem with Axanael.

Hello, World didn't have that problem, despite being fucking HUGE it was really enjoyable to read and Kazuki's narration was a riot.

>> No.7539797

I want to play so bad. I curse myself for lacking the patience to learn Japanese.

>> No.7539798
File: 394 KB, 800x800, MakeContent muramasa spiderman..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muramasa post
>Spider-Man image
Well played, I guess?

>> No.7539803

They still have Sumaga, which is great. No need to be a prude and say it doesn't compare.

But I can't help to go all nostalgia over Hello World, the excitement I could still feel back then, that was special. And coupled with Hello World to be able to bring that out, that alone have granted it a special place in my hall of fame.

But there is nothing to say that they won't be able to release the others if these do well. It might perhaps even be possible that it's enough that Sumaga does well. If things don't go worse than expected we might see Muramasa and some other titles in a few years.

>> No.7539813

>that problem
To be honest, I believe "that problem" falls down to preferences and opinions.
I could see people rather indifferent to it to still like the work for all the other stuff.
And people who actually like that sort of stuff, to love it even more.

Too bad really, that it doesn't float your boat. But Hello World is still mighty amazing, so no loss there.

>> No.7539817

True that Demonbane isn't on there, but neither is Jingai Makyo.
So do we have any idea what have happened with it? Did N+ bail out in the end?

>> No.7539822

it was cancelled ages ago

>> No.7539827

Different tastes, I suppose.
The pacing in Hello, World was kind of touch and go and overall it seemed a little dated. And I actually liked Sumaga's writing too. Some of the jokes fall flat, but a good number were genuinely amusing. And the whole thing just had this style that was really fun and endearing.

They're both amazing games, of course. Easily the best Nitro+ games next to Muramasa.

>> No.7539830

most of those Nitro+ projects have an already existing fantranslation, are in process of being translated like Sumaga (last I heard they were over 3/4 of the script) or are just plain short like Django.
It might seem a lot of projects but at the end of the day there's comparatively little work (and so few expenses) involved.
I guess Jingai Makyou will come when they feel ready for a big project again.

>> No.7539832

There was a twitter response saying it has win7 issues and it won't be anytime soon.

>> No.7539837

Wasn't that new engine made by Nitroplus designed specifically so it doesn't have any problems on the new systems?

>> No.7539912

While the Nitro+ titles might be easy to translate games (as they all either have a fan translation, or are short), it still is noteworthy that Nitro+ is allowing 5 more of their games to be sold now. One would have to think that means that Nitro+ must have been damn happy with how well Demonbane did in order to allow for all these titles.

It's a sure bet that all the Japanese companies are watching how Nitro+'s and MG companies are going, especially with declining revenue in Japan. While Mangagamer's sales have been disappointing thus far, they have been slowly growing, but still nothing that makes other companies all that interested in the west. However, here we have a major company being impressed by overseas sales, so much that they allow not just a couple new titles to come over, but 5 titles at once, means that other companies will take note that if done right, there is the ability to profit while selling eroge overseas. I would expect new companies to start seriously looking overseas for revenue to compensate for their declining domestic sales as we go forward.

>> No.7539931

>but what should I tell them, or should I just tweet the image?
Did you mail it or did you tweet it? No matter the case, where did you do it, and can I follow it?

>> No.7539932

I hope they release Django first instead of Saya/Kikougai/Hana since everyone has already read those.

>> No.7539939

Well it depends on how these 5 go overt as well, not to mention Xuse is in the game with two but I think they can depend on the fatlus crowd.
I don't see the market for people who are willing to read this stuff for so many hours, great novels are one thing but this sort of fiction caters to a very small part of humanity

>> No.7539941

Is Django even good? I haven't heard people talk about it as much as Hello, world, sumaga etc.

>> No.7539946


I tweet'd the image, but they haven't replied anything.

E-mail it if you want.

>> No.7539950


Oh yeah, and nobody can actually see the image but them, unless they retweet it.

>> No.7539953

We have had a bunch of threads on it.
Its tons of fun, and a great adventure.
In comparison to the others it might perhaps not be a masterpiece, but I figure it is one of those titles few dislike, and many enjoy. That in itself makes it a good/great title.

>> No.7539958

Yes. It's very unique, has brilliant music and an awesome ending to name some good points. Basically it's the best shit ever if you happen to like scifi+(spaghetti) Western. It's kind of like Firefly's or Trigun's world to some extent. Easily the best game Urobuchi has worked on, in my opinion.

>> No.7539963

Although I don't think it's for everyone.

>> No.7539966

And by unique I mean unique as an eroge. Obviously it borrows a lot from Western movies.

>> No.7539967

Obviously Nitro+ didn't decide to let 5 games get official releases because they were disappointed by sales.

As far as getting other companies to localize their games, it's a big step, but My Girlfriend is the President, Spirit of the Eternity Sword (especially if it ends up on stream), and School Days should be more impressive, since all of these look like they should be successful if Demonbane was able to be successful

>> No.7539968

>Easily the best game Urobuchi has worked on, in my opinion.
Better than Phantom?

>> No.7539975

Haven't played it because I don't like the ugly graphics so can't really comment on that.

>> No.7539978

Waiting warmly for Sumaga and Django.

>> No.7539981

It's from 2000, they are understandably normal/good.

>> No.7539989

>Demonbane 2.0 and 3.0
We won't see them until 2014

>> No.7539996

I guess. But still bad enough to end up as low priority in my backlog.

>> No.7540406

Why Starless?

>> No.7540421

because it flopped so hilariously bad its license probably didn't cost much, and people love bible black/discipline

>> No.7540689

I heard Ai Orikasa voices someone in Django. Is this true? If so who does she voice?

>> No.7540708

The glasses character with the tophat

>> No.7540726

I can't see this it is too pixelated.

>> No.7540737


Why NOT Starless? Semen sommillers are top tier

>> No.7540745

To be fair it was absolutely terrible even if you cold stomach the bestiality and scat.

>> No.7540775

yeah, that's why I said it flopped
unsuccessful games sell for a lot less usually

>> No.7540807


Funny joke, dude. Technically the "engine" Nitro+ made does work but it's still a huge pile of shit.

>> No.7540814


Also apparently Saya/Kikokugai/Hanachirasu are just going to use the engine they did for the already-released translations so there shouldn't be any problems in that area.

>> No.7541400


How are we supposed to know what this is about when you post an image in such shitty quality?

>> No.7541420

You funny, funny people.

>> No.7541506

Alright. I interpreted you guys as common low tier trolls, but on the off chance you aren't, let me post this as I am not exactly doing anything worthwhile otherwise anyway.

But you could you know, actually read the thread before posting, and you might realize what the blurry image was about, and how we have all already cracked it, and revealed what it is.
See >>7539287 for instance for the actual titles.

>> No.7541599

You will never bridal carry a tattered and broken girl ;_;

>> No.7542079

does django have anything to do with the franco nero movie? I downloaded the cg set a while ago and it looked like most of the sex scenes were some kind of rape. is it the kind of sex where you're supposed to feel bad for the heroine getting defiled or is it positive rape?

>> No.7542135


>> No.7542166


"We’ll be cooperating contractually with the staff of TLwiki to bring these games to you as promptly as possible while retaining a high standard of quality, with the understanding from Nitroplus that the development cycle of Demonbane was excessively long."

nice, really nice

>> No.7542191

coming 2013!

>> No.7542233

Well, my wallet is ready. Let's hope they don't fuck up this time.

>> No.7542234

>including a project in the works that we think female fans will be particularly excited about.
They probably snaked the Togainu No Chi translation too.

>> No.7542243

Or maybe they got Luckydog1.

>> No.7542246

what was their excuse for demonbane and kara no shoujo taking so long? are they saying that won't happen anymore or is this going to be business as usual?

>> No.7542247

Demonbane took forever because of Nitro+ developing their new engine. Kara no Shoujo is MangaGamer title, not JAST.

>> No.7542251

I noticed this on another Jast post in regard to School Days
>Translation is more than half complete on the entire game
Didn't AstCd2 finish translating the whole thing ages ago?

>> No.7542265

Looks like we nailed it. Was actually quite fun to guess.
Didn't expect them to twist one to the side though, that was a suprise. But still.

>> No.7542273

Wasn't that project scrapped while editing hadn't even passed 14% or something?

>> No.7542306
File: 72 KB, 680x200, ax2011_announcements_header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks good.

>> No.7542310

No, insertion was just slow as fuck, but you're right that Jast might be counting editing when they say translation.

>> No.7542338

did they have to rewrite the engine to work on our gaijin computers or something?

>> No.7542346


Mostly for copyright reasons.
Cheaper to build your own than to pay for rights to use a pre-existing one.

Though unicode settings probably was also a reason.

>> No.7542352

How are the voices going to be handled this time around? Anyone can take a guess?

>> No.7542375

see >>7542344

>> No.7542379

The same as last time: use the version of the game that is available on the PC. Nothing was wrong with the voices in the release of Demonbane.

>> No.7542381

>Anyone can take a guess?
I somehow doubt Nitro+ would want to liscence their titles without voices.
I bet they, JAST, and any third party possibly involved will work something out. I am actually not really worried at all.

>> No.7542387


seriously wat
nitro+ owns the engine
what copyright reasons could be

>> No.7542392

I don't get it. why would they have to pay for the engine that they already used to make the game? do all the american companies that lisence the unreal engine have to pay for every country they want to sell their game in?

>> No.7542400


>> No.7542411

>do all the american companies that lisence the unreal engine have to pay for every country they want to sell their game in?

Yes. Noncommercial license is free though.

>> No.7542428


>> No.7542441

that doesn't say anything about international distribution. those guys making hawken for example just have to pay epic 99 bux and then 25% of their sales wherever they come from.

>> No.7542460

So what does international distribution have to do with this thread? JAST has to pay Nitro+ in order to license (to use) their engine. That's it.

>> No.7542466

perhaps he thinks JAST only bought the right to distribute demonbane in english and didn't make a contract?

cant wait for ad hominem

>> No.7542478


that would make sense if they bought the engine from nitro+ to build their own game

>> No.7542479

the implication was that demonbane took so long because nitro+ had to rewrite their engine to dodge some copyright issue with the original one.

>> No.7542516

in other news... according to the JASTUSA twitter:

Jingai Makyou has been put off but its not canceled

Nitro+ Royale has been shelved

>> No.7542522

No matter what the others are on about, I do think it was the case how N+ felt that Demonbane's engine was too old and dated for a crowd who wasn't introduced to it at its release.
And so they wanted the engine they had for their remake of the game, but for reasons I don't know, that was also crap somehow, or something like that.

>> No.7542534

what was wrong with the original? how can a visual novel engine seem to old? it's not like you're comparing idtech 5 with wolfenstein 3d

>> No.7542535

Holy shit are people here this reta-oh wait, this is /jp/, nevermind.

>> No.7542543

They said they acquired something for females fans, are they going to release Togainu no Chi officially?

>> No.7542579

>Togainu no Chi

Blood of the Roman Robe Dogs? Sounds pretentious.

>> No.7542601

You should all be kissing Peter Payne's feet for all he's done for you.

>> No.7542606

I'll do that the day he releases Muramasa.

>> No.7542626

No reply->he isn't allowed to say->there's a deal with Jast

>> No.7542634

>As for Yaoi games, i'm in close contact with all the TL teams for Yaoi games (i myself am on the Togainu team) and none of them have any word with JAST.

>> No.7542648

Maybe it's an otome game then? It would be awesome if they got Tsubasa no Oka no Hime.

>> No.7542726

As the person clarified above, its not any of the groups translating yaoi games; I clarified here:


>> No.7542727

I'll take your word for it then. Maybe they got a hold of Luckydog1 or some otome game.

>> No.7542744

I'm assuming it's an otome game, there was talk about a year back of them trying to license one.

Does JAST still have ties to 'Will'? I'd assume the otome game would be something from their 'SugarBeans' brand.

>> No.7542910

I'll kiss them when Sumaga and Seinarukana are actually here.

Is 2011 the year when MG and JastUSA actually gets shit done?

>> No.7543093
File: 692 KB, 800x600, oh really now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kara no shoujo taking so long
As others have pointed out, that's a MangaGamer title, not a JAST title, and it will be released tomorrow.
It took so long because they had to port the game to a different engine to make the important Notebook feature work in English, as well as the failed voice negotiations. They tried to get the agency to be reasonable, but they insisted on asking fees multiple times the total revenue of MG's top-selling games.

>> No.7543120

Looking forward to the Aselia sequel (name escapes me atm) and Sumaga the most. No Muramasa there means that Makoto can just release the patch when he's done?

>> No.7543122

>they insisted on asking fees multiple times the total revenue of MG's top-selling games
This is common practice for voice licensing companies
I'm honestly surprised MG managed to get their previous games' voices covered

>> No.7543130

No, it just means it's nowhere near completion. Makoto is probably going to work on it for a year still, then you can start worrying about Jast release

>> No.7543155

>This is common practice for voice licensing companies
Well, then they are stupid. These voice samples will never be used again anyway.
This is the point where people should offer percentage of sales deals. It's better than nothing.

>> No.7543183

> then they are stupid
the exact opposite, actually. They know their power/influence, and use every ounce of it. When you're accustomed to getting that much money, you don't settle for "better than nothing", it's your way or the highway. The seiyuu market in Japan is crazy

>> No.7543539


>> No.7543646

>I'm honestly surprised MG managed to get their previous games' voices covered
Most likely different original licensing deal where developers actually had full rights to use the voices as they please. Navel and Circus probably expect to port & recycle their games ad infinitum, so more control over the voices is profitable on the long run.
IG on the other hand outsourced a lot of work, leading to licensing issues.

>> No.7543650

We wants a uncut version of Phantom Of Inferno(released totally censored years ago by the fucking shit called Hirameki International u.u) ^^

>> No.7543658

Go spam Peter's e-mail.

>> No.7543736
File: 148 KB, 500x500, 1291877709090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7543770

If JAST is serious enough about Nitro+ to release three already translated shorts and two full games, there is absolutely no way they wouldn't be holding onto Muramasa with everything they had.

It just means it's going to take forever. However, I'd probably place it right after this just-revealed release cycle, since I don't think any other N+ games have such an advanced translation currently. I'd suspect MAYBE gekkou no carnivale later too, as it had a fair amount of translation. After that, who knows

>> No.7543781

>three already translated shorts and two full games
Django is not that long in comparison to the other three, if they're around 5-6 hours Django is 9-10

>> No.7544064

>JAST doing Seinarukana

Fuck no. Drop the license right now, JAST. I don't want your shit translation touching it.

>> No.7544151
File: 8 KB, 172x292, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We wants an uncut version of Phantom of Inferno(previous released totally censured by a shit called Hirameki International u.u) ^^

>> No.7544160

Why aren't you dead yet?

>> No.7544173

>>This is the point where people should offer percentage of sales deals. It's better than nothing.
Do you really think MG didn't try to arrange for that? That was probably their first damn offer.

And the greedy unionized bitches probably said "Fuck off".

>> No.7544178


Damn, his site is a nostalgia blast.

>> No.7544187

Reminds me of the 90's when Iori was like a popular internet handle and stuff (like Sephirtoth).


>> No.7544213

I meant the agency. Sorry for the ambiguity.

>> No.7544336

I hate you for using that pic while writing something so retarded.

>> No.7544446

>I don't want your shit translation touching it.
Relax, it isn't anyworse than with fantranslations, especially not with the fan translations involved.

It isn't as if they are Mangagamer who can't even fund their own bussiness.
And you know, Demonbane was perfectly fine.

>> No.7544452
File: 27 KB, 300x329, Yagami_Raito_by_Hani7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck,my previous comment has don’t appear before u.u

>> No.7544468

That's more like it.

>> No.7545157

>MangaGamer, however, is fucking up badly by releasing Ef. No one gave a shit about that game to begin with, and me and anyone else who actually wanted to play that game has already played it.

I actually haven't gotten around to play it yet, so I might pitch in some money for them. Just so they don't get too sad.

Still at my early Chaos;Head, being rather bored at the protagonist that you have to be an extreme NEET to relate to.

>> No.7545452

>you have to be an extreme NEET to relate to.
Ignoring how some people certainly would feel the need to jump on you for implying you aren't one.

I thought I could share an idea of mine. In my own experience, "relating" isn't always the most important even if it can intensify the feel of something by quite a bit.
But by not relating, you gain the chance to observe, something I would argue is often more interesting the more extreme "non-relatable" things are. Then again, this might perhaps be the case as long as there is some sense of realism/seriousness to it. Something can easily became "unrelatable" simply from being far too out there, or simply by being whacky. In these cases one might argue that there is little to gain from observation.

But ignoring all the unrealistic/fantasy stuff of Chaos;Head, the protagonist's problems are still rooted in very real problems that some people actually have.

>> No.7545687

It'll be a lot worst if JAST force their translation policy and philosophy onto the fan translation group. I want a decent unlocalized translation, not a decent localization. God help if Moogy has a hand in editing.

>> No.7545705

Making up more things in your mind that you think happen, anon?

>> No.7545708

There must be a very small niche of media that you enjoy if every protagonist needs to be someone you can relate to, that's not what makes a good story good.

I'm sure the average normal can't relate to Raskolnikov, but calling Crime and Punishment a bad book is laughable.

>> No.7545734

There was nothing wrong with Demonbane's translation.
Just what more do you expect people to do really? The exact same thing, except with no official companies involved, so that you don't have to fear them wrecking the translation over the fan-translators wrecking it?

Demonbane, was fine. They are also working together with the fan-translators, and so far, you have very little reason to assume that they would make the translations any worse than they would be otherwise, considering their current lineup is fine so far.

If I were you I would worry more over Ixrec not getting enough editing or, or Mangagamer losing the rights for voices and placing deadlines too tight to leave room for quality control.

>> No.7545760

I thought Demonbane had a great localization, reading it was very enjoyable.

>> No.7545770


I've noticed this. Many people only seem to like a protagonist if they can live vicariously through him. If he isn't someone they can relate to or look up to (a super badass), then they will shit all over him, which eliminates a lot of great stories.

>> No.7545842

>There was nothing wrong with Demonbane's translation.
Your hyperbole is just as bad as the other guy.

>> No.7546037

There was nothing wrong with it as far as fantranslations goes. Or rather, VN translations in general. "nothing wrong" does strictly put imply something perfect, but obviously it only means that nothing was wrong in this context, for what it is. No translation so far have been perfect, but this translation was no worse than anything else.

>> No.7546318

Seeing as how it's JAST, there's a strong possibility. I would love to be wrong, though.

Are saying that from a perspective of someone who knows Japanese, and has played the game in its original language or someone who played the English translation, and considers the translation perfect within context because he thought it was simply readable?

Demonbane was tolerable as a decent localization since the setting was Western based, but I wouldn't call it a decent translation because to me localizing is a negative. I haven't picked on on others, but there was one screw up near the end with "lolicon", so it being perfect in either context or localization is false

I assume "if" and if what I said does happen, then for sure it will be worst because it'll be a localization, something JAST likes to do. I'd love to be wrong, and I hope I will be.

Since it's Ixrec, I'm not worried, but since Moogy is involve, I naturally worry, and I will later. But right now... I'm more worried about JAST's influence over the fan translation of Seinarukana. MG is hopeless when it comes to budget, so worrying is needless.

>> No.7546556

I don't think you use this term for what it legally is, with aquiring licenses and publishing stuff in new regions.
You might be thinking of woolseyism and things like it.

One thing though, that caught me off guard. You worry about stuff like this, but you trust Ixrec, really? Now, I respect Ixrec for the work he is doing, but the amount of grave mistakes he dishes out in his translations are almost incredible at times. Were it not for how he is actually showing both progress, and promise as far as his understanding of Japanese goes, then he would possibly be flamed much harder.
At least there are editors for such stuff, but one can only trust editors so and so much with end results, one can't give trust them to save everything if noithing is done beforehand.

I somehow get the impression you rather seek extra carefully for what you could consider to be flaws, only because you saw "JAST" being involved.
I still think, that thinking that the fantranslations would be glorious, and that the fantranslations through JAST are automatically going to be worse and bastardized. There is even the chance of them being better due to extra editing/proofreading.

>> No.7546814

Different definition within different groups and communities. Localization = shifting the setting/reality/language to match the targeted language's familiar reality. Essentially, it's westernization.

Grave? I don't recall people hyping his mistakes to be that bad. To me, Ixrec is a decent TL, and more than anything, for me, his translation style is preferable. I don't recall his mistakes to be major or numerous, and isn't enough to ruin a translation. Also, majority of them can be smoothed out by good editors. I rather have a translation that's preferable with some grammar/wording problem than a one that's undesirably localized and often with liberal editing.

For me, being localized and liberal subs are the biggest flaws that I can't stand. Grammar mistakes and such are flaws too, but as long as the translation is readable, and makes sense, then I can easily overlook and fix those flaws myself.

>> No.7548741

But demonbane isn't needlessly westernized. It wasn't needlessly adapted to the region.
A "localization" company isn't a company that takes and twists something, it is a company that makes something "local". To westernize and all that are optional marketing/tranlation choices, for the workt o better suit the target audience.
The Phoenix Wright games were localized when brought over and translated, they were "westernized" when they switched the 60s-80s old-pop culture references to old western pop culture instead, as none would have any idea of what they were referencing otherwise.
Likewise, G-Senjou was translated and made available (though "localization" traditionally implies an official method of distribution.) but was "westernized" when they changed mixie out for twitter.

Also Ixrec occasionally fucks up quite a bit. It have happened on numerous occasions that he have even turned around the meaning of what is being said.
Like "I should visit you some time sometime." mirrored "You should visit me soon."
It no longer have the same meaning at all, but this could still be considered a minor error compared to some other stuff.

To edit for Ixrec is tough. To edit for say, Taka-Jun is requires a bit of work as one needs to straighten out the English, granted, Ixrec doesn't have that problem. But Taka-Jun at least has a firm grip on his Japanese, and he is proficient enough to convey what he meant with his translations with a bit of discussion, unless he simply succeeded at doing so with the first draft(s).
But you basically have to re-translate huge part of Ixrec's scripts. Ixrec is great and all for being a learner and showing steady progress, and you know, for actually working. But the end result isn't exactly always polished, and lots slips through due to the work and capabilities needed to fix it during editing.
