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7535748 No.7535748 [Reply] [Original]

what's with all this shit in japanese movies or manga/anime about the death of the samurai being caused by guns?

I don't get it, the Bow has been around easily as long as the Sword. I bet shitloads of samurai died cheap deaths to cowardly bowmen.

>> No.7535749

Yeah, and?

>> No.7535756

They actually used spears and similar contraptions. The Japanese only used the swords as backup weapons.

>> No.7535762


Because a Bowyer required years and years of training to be proficient at it and aim worth a shit. When guns were introduced, you could teach a footsoldier how to load and fire in formation and within the week, have a squadron of gunners to mow down any charge by having them fire, load and fire again in rows

>> No.7535761

Have you thought maybe it's because archery at least required a modicum of strength, skill, and training?

>> No.7535775

Thats what a bowyer would take, but what about an archer

>> No.7535804

Watch Kenshin. Or google bakumatsu.

>> No.7535808

>what's with all this shit in japanese movies or manga/anime about the death of the samurai being caused by guns?

You're misinterpreting it. Lots of Sengoku was fought with guns, then under the Shogunate they were banned. Bows were also the traditional armament of the samurai prior to the Tokugawa era. Guns became a forbidden technology because they were too difficult to control. They were too powerful compared to swords, and it was too easy to arm people who required little training. Tokugawa samurai were hardly samurai, and the real samurai employed guns for their armies.

>> No.7535811
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>> No.7535813

>I bet shitloads of samurai were cowardly bowmen.
Fixed that for you.

>> No.7535817


They are the same thing, just that Bowyers also imply those who make them and shoot them. Point is Kyudo archers were very rare and it was hard to train. Making Guns much more advantageous when they required much more minimal skill

>> No.7535825

The samurai are essentially a Japanese myth. There never were any real samurai. Its like the King Arthur and the knights of the round table for Japan.

>> No.7535828



>> No.7535831
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>200lbs sometimes more draw weight

Ya no

>> No.7535839

>but what about an archer
You would have had to train since childhood in order to gain broad and powerful shoulders/arms in order to be able to spring a bow tough enough for it to actually go any further, than say, the stones/bullets of a sling squad.

Now I have never really heard of slingers in Japan, but they were common in Europe, even from BC.

>> No.7535841

I didn't know courage was in any way related to physical strength.

>> No.7535844

That Katana is double-edged...
What kind of Katana is that?

>> No.7535855

Hm yes.

Bows are for girls.

>> No.7535860


Same thing with Europeans, Warbows ranged from 200-250lb test. They don't make bows like that, they have cams to magnify the strength of the draw while keeping the test down to 50-80lbs or so.

Drawing a Bow basicly makes you use muscles that you've probably never even worked in your life.Archers today don't have shit on that.

>> No.7535868

Samurai were horse archers you uneducated retards.

>> No.7535869

You will never sink a ship with a bow like Minamoto Tametomo.

>> No.7535913


>> No.7535963

Minamoto Tametomo

>> No.7536066

> There never were any real samurai. Its like the King Arthur and the knights of the round table

You won't be saying that when he comes back!

>> No.7536092
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Samurai is a romantized, kind of like Geishas who were in reality prostitues.

>> No.7536115

This does not even make sense.


>> No.7536227

In civilized country large weapons can't holding in town.
Spear,Halberd,Bow&Arrow,of corse Guns.
Katana is only hold maximum size weapon in town area.(only samurai)
(All European area's same as)

Only American live in still 19 century barbaric western movie world. you see?

>> No.7536232

Stop google translating what you want to say.

>> No.7536233

In civilized countries is not large weapons can be held in the city.
Corse spear gun, spear, bow and arrow.
Katana is the weapon that holds the maximum size in the city. (Warriors only)
(Same as in all European regions)

American living in the western world still barbaric 19th century alone. Please refer you?

>> No.7536240

But guns are smaller than katanas.

>> No.7536256

I don't know what's more frustrating, the abhorrent English or the anti-2nd Amendment rant.

>> No.7536277

fucking machineguns

>> No.7536282
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>> No.7536295

>I bet shitloads of samurai died cheap deaths to cowardly bowmen.
Samurai were THE fucking Bowmen.

>> No.7536313

>what's with all this shit in japanese movies or manga/anime about the death of the samurai being caused by guns?
Takeda cavalrymen are still sore about the whole incident with Oda

>> No.7536411

Your grandma try to swing 2.2lb steel blade?

>> No.7536440

>Implying they could walk with all this shit.

>> No.7536542 [DELETED] 

No guns there.
Samuel Colt made his revolver at 1936.

>> No.7536596

No guns there.
Samuel Colt made his revolver at 1836.

>> No.7538586

I know you feel that "disparage american way".
But fencing & kendo was more evolution in peace time.17~19th century
that warrior's minimum weapons assume to non-armord enemy.

>But guns are smaller than katanas.
We feel that americans looks like aim rocket lunchers each other. Prepare too much violence. So looks like paranoia.
Shooting gun at hunting or hobby,yes.but self defense!?O.o
"Hey I have a atomic bomb to protect my house! yeah!"?

I often laughing hollywood movie's solders "Shoot first then think".

>> No.7538611
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Picture related to discussion.

>> No.7538634


>thrown rocks


I know it was terrible... I apologize.

>> No.7538654

Didn't samurai have to be really good archers or some shit?

Wasn't that, like, a major part of what made a samurai? Being proficient with the bow?

>> No.7538676

Yes. Think of Samurai as the Japanese version of the knight. They both had access to the best arms, armor, and training available. They trained in multiple weapons, horsemanship, etc.

Samurai were mostly horse archers until the 1500s.

I forget what battle it was, but Roman horse mounted slingers destroyed an entire Celtic army with the loss of only a few hundred men.

>> No.7538684
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As an American, I have to agree with you.
It is far too easy to kill people with firearms.
Obtaining them is even easier. I once met a gun-fanatic, at my university, that believes residence hall leaders should be able to carry firearms (for keeping the peace).

Why pick up a martial art or install a security system when you can just buy a shotgun?

It all comes down to laziness/convenience.
This is all my opinion, so take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.7538710
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Samurai Cavalry in battle field.
They equip bows.
