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7531414 No.7531414 [Reply] [Original]

Th 14 Mysterious soul of Omsk

After successful moving to Gensokyo glorious, famous and fearless Magician of Fate and Future - Telěportation Expert (with power level far higher than anyone else in Gensokyo) needs to find internet access to play online games and to post on Japanese chan.

So what do you think? It would be cool!

I already have decided even on names for spellcards and themes or locations (but it might be hard to predict).

>> No.7531421

I am.....annoyed bordering on angry.

>> No.7531437
File: 351 KB, 600x600, strange look suika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? What's wrong?
Even if I won't manage before end of TH13 I will surely manage for TH14 or even TH13.5.

>> No.7531490
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It's awesome idea ...

>> No.7531511

It's great idea!!! Please make even more quality threads like this one!!! And it even doesn't have anything about opening of portal and had such great idea for TH14!!!


>> No.7531519

These threads are best on /jp/!!!

>> No.7531527
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>with power level far higher than anyone else in Gensokyo


>> No.7531528

but why would you do that
I mean, what has Touhou done you wrong

>> No.7531538
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Sniper rifle - there is no escape from it.

Even stopping time won't help you unless you will know you will be shoot.

Also I already have few ideas for spell cards (bombs) that are going to gran 100% victory.

>> No.7531550

>sniper rifle
Breaking spellcard system rules

>> No.7531551

It... would be a lot more acceptable if the character was only about mid-tier

>> No.7531564

Sounds boring to be quite honest.

>> No.7531566

That's for elimination. But I already have few great ideas patterns that are 100% kill for nearly everyone in Gensokyo. But still I hope to get role of MC in TH14....

I'm not that stupid to want other role - since if you are MC you win by default. Just like Reimu. See? You need to think and plan about every situation. Only idiots wouldn't want to be MC and get many memes to be called slut or get bad fame in Japanese fans or get raped by Reimu MC super Mary Sue "I'm so great but I do nothing and everyone loves me!!!!!!"

>> No.7531579

Yappari natsu da ne~

>> No.7531588

This thread makes me feel nostalgic, for some reason. Creating a setting in which you are the most powerful being in the universe, while the kid next door becomes stronger than you, so you get stronger than him, and so on... back then, there was no need to worry about anything. I miss being a little kid.

>> No.7531604

Such great thread!

I hope OP will post more until OP will move to Gensokyo!

>> No.7531612

Hello, OP. It's quite easy to tell when you are samefagging.

>> No.7531613

Ah I remember that, too. How nostalgic.
Also, creating your original characters do not steal™ and giving them ridiculous powers so that they will always save the world and be the strongest.
Though if I look back at it I'm feeling a little ashamed, ehehe...

>> No.7531644
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So what would make it better?

>> No.7531649

Not doing it.

>> No.7531652

Make the character less mary sue and a little girl

>> No.7531665
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And to people like him
we say polite "thank you".

>> No.7531673
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Why Omck?

>> No.7531726
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Because I find it funny.

But seriously also because I have no idea what could I post.

>> No.7531729


>> No.7531737

TH 14 Call of Pripyat

>> No.7531763

Get out of here, Shrinemaiden.

>> No.7531768
File: 47 KB, 600x615, Face cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This town doesn't appeal to me at all... (both in game and real life). From what I seen at photos they had the worst type (not appealing) model of buildings there.

Not cosy place at all.

>> No.7531792

I've had an idea for a Touhou game actually.

People in the outside world have been mysteriously gaining magical powers. Using magic outside of Gensokyo can warp spacetime and can result in the Hakurei Border weakening and potentially cause everything to spill into the outside world and fucking everything up. So Reimu, Marisa, Sakuya and Yuugi venture outside to see what's going on.

The bosses would include one styled after La Santa Muerte in the arid mountains of Baja California Sur, one styled after Ježibaba in Slovakia, one styled after Maman Brigitte (from Haitian voodoo) in Louisiana, and one styled after the werehyena in the Lake Tchad region of Africa.

>> No.7531794

>not cosy place at all
Welcome to Soviet Russia.

>> No.7531814

Well fine then, here's an old Touhou game idea copy/pasted.

We've been repeatedly told that Gensokyo is where all the forgotten Japanese mythology goes into, so it stands to reason that there are other, similar places elsewhere in the world where supernatural creatures have established their refuges for the same reason as Gensokyo, namely the replacement of the supernatural by the scientific. Example could include the Sidhe mounds in Europe, Mount Penglai in China, Kaf Ajnoun in Middle East, Neter-khertet in Egypt and so on. Yukari, as one of the prominent sages of Gensokyo with a quick method of travel under her disposal, presumably knows other influental individuals from all those shelters. Yukari is also known for her tendency to get unusual ideas.

Her unusual idea at this time, and the incident responsible for Touhou X, would be all problem-solvers of those supernatural realms popping in Gensokyo, both for a holiday and competition of sorts against each other, the intent is that the haunts of Gensokyo can benefit from exposure to other cultures and a good time can be had by all, preferably with plenty of alcohol and revelry. Every major household (Eientei, SDM, Myourenji, Hakugyokurou, the underworld, Moriya Temple and so on) are eager to compete against foreign demons, and they each send teams of two people. Reimu and Marisa likewise want to see what the fuss is all about, and team up themselves (a Marisa UF/Reimu F team would be fun to play, I suppose.) The foreign teams, likewise arranged in pairs, are introduced to spell card duels and the game begins as a straightforward tournament akin to PoDD, except with the team mechanics of IN.

>> No.7531817

Foreign contestants include the following:
- A medieval knight who devotes herself to her beloved princess, who also participates in the fight as her partner and is secretly a werewolf.
- A clumsy naga and a tsundere descendant of Garuda asked to watch over her. The latter secretly likes the naga's company, but doesn't dare admit it since in India birds are supposed to be the hated enemies of snakes.
- Priestesses of Wadjet and Nekhbet representing the unified Egypt, serving as rivals to the above pair as they're the second bird/snake-themed team (Wadjet was depicted as the Egyptian cobra, Nekhbet as the white vulture.)
- A mamalarang (Filipino shaman famed for breeding swarms of phantom insects inside people) commanding her polong/pelesit servitor pair (a polong is a small spirit in form of a little girl, that lives in a bottle and drinks her master's blood as compensation for doing pretty much nothing, a pelesit is a demon cricket under the polong's command that burrows inside people and drives them insane.)
- Twin priestesses of Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca, both of whom genuinely believe the sun runs on blood.
- A Muslim djinn tagging alongside an ancient Mesopotamian idol, they constantly argue over whether the idol's existence falsifies or confirms the Quran.
- A Mongolian shamaness and her spirit horse, the only playable character in the game that isn't a little girl. Her initiation ceremony involved making her horse into a spirit by breaking his back without spilling a drop of blood. The horse is nonchalantly devoted to her anyway. Her theme is a Trombe homage.

>> No.7531829
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To explain it - I don't like rural settlement feeling of this town. Not enough for city but too big for town or village and that feeling of being in open field.


>> No.7531861
File: 191 KB, 600x450, 1307569306734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody say Filipino folklore?

>> No.7531921


>> No.7531950

I'll support you, OP, but only if you get Mugen to do the art.

>> No.7531968

1.write a VN script
2.add porn, FEELINGS and ntr
3.add touhou

>> No.7531987
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>> No.7532005

How did you...?
Damn it I had something like that planned for weeks. Well, except the ntr stuff.

>> No.7532008

...he draws? didn't know that. care to show sumthin'?

>> No.7532063

well, I was a KS dev.

>> No.7533174

bump because I like op's pic.

>> No.7534168


>> No.7534191
File: 694 KB, 768x1024, pvp_war_propaganda_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol!... I don't know if you're serious but gee... I'm flattered... Unfortunately, I already have other commitments so can't accept more...

I pretty much can draw my friend... I just lately put more emphasis on quantity over quality so I can get things done faster... here's a sample...
