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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7509608 No.7509608 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, this is it.
Today is the day. It's been going on for too long and I'm at my limit.
I'm going to kill myself today.

I don't believe one can just portal to gensokyo by simply killing oneself. But that is ok, not feeling pain anymore is enough for me.

I hope you don't lose hope as I did and that you will be able to live a happy life.

That it all. Goodbye.

>> No.7509612

don't go, I'm sure you will be alright.

>> No.7509610

Must you really go? If so, then so long. I cannot stop you, although I wish I could.

>> No.7509615


>> No.7509614

See you later OP

>> No.7509618

We'll greet you tomorrow like we do to everybody else.

>> No.7509616

Yeah, as if.

>> No.7509619

Stop right there!
Or I'll come and find you and then Im gonna kick your ass. You dont want that to happen. There is still love! Dont go ;_;

>> No.7509620

Remember anon, dead people can't listen to music, and music is the height of our culture.

>> No.7509621


>> No.7509623

good luck OP, ill see you if i ever meet you in the afterlife(if you believe in one, that it)

>> No.7509624

There were a couple of suicide threads lately.

Good luck OP, no matter which path you take.

>> No.7509625

I strongly recommend that you not kill yourself.

>> No.7509627

See you in gensokyo anon.

>> No.7509630
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How depressing...
Well then, au revoir.
Let's see each other on the other side.

>> No.7509637

If you need someone to talk to, I put my address in the email field.

Maybe talking about it will help.
And if not... Well, no loss right?

>> No.7509639

Please haunt me to make me less lonely

>> No.7509641

Welcome to 4chan

>> No.7509644


If he doesn't, then I'll haunt you. If I do somehow die. I don't know how long it'll take though.

>> No.7509647

Just don't fuck up OP

>> No.7509649

THIS, if you fuck up, youre even more screwed then before

>> No.7509679

Hey OP could you tell us reason why do you want to kill yourself?

>> No.7509703

hes attentionwhoring faggot

>> No.7509704

My life is complete shit.
Clinical depression.
Me being ugly.

Just to name a few.

>> No.7509709

It could get better.

>> No.7509722

Death is the ultimate escape.
The end of misery.
The end of suffering.
The end of emotion.

Unless there's some kind of afterlife shit, that would just fucking suck.

>> No.7509721

I wish I had the courage to kill myself.
But no... I have to keep living this miserable life,
, waiting for the day when my despair will finally become greater than my fear and I can put an end to this.

>> No.7509724

Can't be worse than reality, it's a win-win situation.

>> No.7509725

Also the end of simple pleasures, the end of imagination, and the end of hope.

That is, to say, the end of all things.

>> No.7509728

You make it sound like hope is a good thing. Unlike VNs, the same mundane hell will continue dragging on, the hope that some adorable heroine will enter the scene is in vain.

>> No.7509729 [DELETED] 

It may never turn out like the ideal but the possibility that it everything could become a bit less shit is always up there.

Until you're dead, that is.

>> No.7509732
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>he still needs a girl to feel his life validated

>> No.7509733

It may never turn out like the ideal but the possibility that everything could become a bit less shit is always up there.

Until you're dead, that is.

>> No.7509734

I'd like to say I'd feel bad, but portalmaker dude is either an utter troll or terminally stupid for continually posting portal threads who has probably fucked his lungs up at least a bit by choking down so much bleach, so either way it's not an issue.

>> No.7509736

OP pretty obviously isn't portalmaker.

>> No.7509749

Wait... but that means we're STILL going to get portal threads?! Fuckdamn shitcunting whorebreath asswankers

>> No.7509753

Or I can make everything better guaranteedly by killing myself. It doesn't matter what am I going to lose by doing it, because dead feel no regret.

>> No.7509788
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>His heroines aren't delicious crossdressing shota maids.

>> No.7510109
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>You make it sound like hope is a good thing. Unlike VNs, the same mundane hell will continue dragging on, the hope that some adorable heroine will enter the scene is in vain.

I want her to be real.

>> No.7510141

Bye bye op.

>> No.7510146

I'll be joining once I get the motivation to make an exit bag. Hopefully later this year.

>> No.7510412

Suicide isn't going to make your life better.

It's not going to make it worse, either.

In fact neither of those two ideas even make sense.

>> No.7512117

>Suicide isn't going to make your life better.

My life is shit, and my chronic depression is such that living itself is painful. Ergo not living is better for my life when life itself is horrid.

>> No.7512139
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Tomorrow will surely be alright!

>> No.7512149
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...life is but a dream...

>> No.7512150

So long, OP.
Let's meet up at Hakurei shrine sometime.

>> No.7512151

OP, make sure it doesn't end up an attempted suicide.

Getting drunk should cure any doubts you have.

>> No.7512153

>Tomorrow will surely be alright!

If only, Misaki-chan. I'm sorry that I won't be able to make it.

Now, I just need to pawn off all of my shit except for my computer, and get a shitty place to myself where I can die slowly and in absolute solitude. That's the kind of death I want.

>> No.7512168
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Have fun!

Although, try to remember that it's not 'not feeling pain', it's 'not being able to comprehend anything ever again'. Having too low of a powerlevel to open the portal means you're fucked hard, and you'll never be able to do anything about it ever again.

If it's really that bad you'd already be dead (or perhaps dieing), and certainly unable to post in /jp/. Just sayin'

>> No.7512166

You're doing what the rest of us are too cowardly to accomplish.
Good luck anon.

>> No.7512181

Could the OP please open up a Ustream?

>> No.7512183

Yes, die. Die, coward. The slower your death is, the more I laugh at your tears.

>> No.7512209

C'mon, anonymous.
You may be lonely, ugly, miserable and all that jazz, but you should know that theres always someone worse off than you. Take me for instance, who's been diagnosed with MS and will surely succumb into paralysis sooner or later. Still, though, I believe that when my extremities fail me, I will transform into a being that exists solely for the sake of my own entertainment. All my responsibilities will be taken from me, and I'll be able to read all the VN's I want and watch all anime I could think of, though this is basically what all life is to me anyway.

You just have to learn how to give up, stop caring about anything or anyone. Confine yourself, so that your thoughts and actions won't reach anyone. You'll live blissfully in your bubble, and if you take good care of it, it can become anything you want it to be.

>> No.7512223

> but you should know that theres always someone worse off than you

Alas, that reasoning works with sadistic normalfags, but anon is too full of love to take pleasure from the suffering of other /jp/ers. Reality is going to be horrible regardless of how many others are suffering, let him escape if he wants to.

>> No.7512798

>You just have to learn how to give up, stop caring about anything or anyone.

That's how I've always been, and that's what is leading me to do this in the near future.

>> No.7512818

When people complain about their lives you tell them to stop blogging on /jp/ and to go fuckoff/die.

When people finally man up and say they're going to kill themselves you tell them to talk about it and to continue living.

If that's not tsundere then I don't know what is.

>> No.7512834
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>> No.7512878

Hey, Anonymous, I love you.

>> No.7512893

Don't say such words so casually.

>> No.7512897

You only become a true /jp/er when you are willing to kill yourself.
And if you just want to complain, then /soc/ is for you.

>> No.7512905

You know what's better than death? Living on the razor's edge of destruction. It's like a rollercoaster that never ends.

>> No.7512904

Does it hurt to see people that aren't being apathetic sociopaths?

Considering /jp/ is the only social contact some anons have, it's not that unreasonable.

>> No.7512903

I only say it casually because I mean it.
I may not know you, but it scares me that you might die.

>> No.7512910

Good luck OP, I'm just glad that I don't know you because then your death would bother me and I'd have to stop you

>> No.7512914

Of what worth is this love? Can it fill my empty stomach? Can it ease my heart's pains, knowing a lover is someplace far away who I'll never see or hold? Can it pay the bills so that I can continue living without fear?

Don't say such words so casually, or you'll twist their meaning to some nonsensical definition fit only to satisfy your selfish heart.

>> No.7512915


It scares me that you care.

>> No.7512921

But you have no way of knowing if you know OP or not. It's rare for someone to tell the people they know in real life that they're about to kill themselves. /jp/ could just be his last resort since he can't say it in real life.

>> No.7512924

I suppose in a way I do it for my own egotism,
but say whatever it won't dissuade me.

It's not romantic, but I love you.
I don't want this for you.

>> No.7512925
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Your definition of love is keeping you well fed, physical contact and paying bills?

And you're worried about other people cheapening it? How vulgar.

>> No.7512928

How can you love someone if you do not want to care for them?

>> No.7512931

Nope, I'm sure I don't know him.
It's kinda too bad that I'll never get the chance to know him now, but the chance that we would have been friends was very low to begin with

>> No.7512935

You can want to, but you may have nothing to give.

>> No.7512939

How can you be lovable if all you want is to be catered to?

>> No.7512941

To be loveable, one needs simply to be loved.

To the suicidal with no reason to live, how about a meaning to stay alive?

>> No.7512951

And to be loved, one simply needs to be lovable.

Also, if /jp/ is providing someones only social contact and (Despite your apparent disdain) source of love, isn't that enough of a reason, or at least enough to be worth something.

>> No.7512952

Being dependant on love is a weakness.
What if someday the person who claimed to love you forever(even though it is just platonic love) just abadons you for some reason?

You can't trust anyone and especially not when it comes to such vague concepts such as love.

It's better to learn to appreciate the beauty of the world all by yourself

>> No.7512949

A reason to stay alive is something you have to find yourself.
People may support you along the way, but that's something only for one person.

>> No.7512953

Not him, but I'll disagree. Sometimes it's hard to find a reason to live for yourself, it's much easier to live for someone else.

>> No.7512955
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>not feeling pain anymore is enough for me.

>> No.7512957

The love of someone with neither face nor name is worth nothing to anyone but the most desolate of individuals.

And despite what you're thinking, I highly doubt anyone wanting to die on /jp/ desires death due to feeling unappreciated and unloved by anyone. More like not being loved by a particular one who isn't in this world.

>> No.7512963

It hurt's when they leave, though. It's not always safe to rely on others.
It's a risk one has to decide on.

>> No.7512965

I wholeheartedly agree, and I'd argue the most desolate individuals are the ones that need love the most.

>> No.7512970

>A reason to stay alive is something you have to find yourself.
>People may support you along the way, but that's something only for one person.

This is true, I have support at least for the moment, but it doesn't make me want to live; it only enables me to live without being able to support myself.

>Not him, but I'll disagree. Sometimes it's hard to find a reason to live for yourself, it's much easier to live for someone else.

This is also true. I've only been alive until now because I made a promise to my friends (although I don't really see them these days, so the need to keep that promise is dwindling fast). But it's still depressingly empty and meaningless.

>> No.7512974

Then what are you doing on /jp/? Go off to the nearest whorehouse and check the alleyway for crackaddicts. Give them, the friendless and family-less among them, your love. They need it the most, after all.

>> No.7512977

>And despite what you're thinking, I highly doubt anyone wanting to die on /jp/ desires death due to feeling unappreciated and unloved by anyone. More like not being loved by a particular one who isn't in this world.

Actually, we probably want it due to our disinterest in this world, our uselessness and despair, and depression.

>> No.7512980


>Sometimes it's hard to find a reason to live for yourself, it's much easier to live for someone else.

That only sets you up for a train wreck when that person abandons you. While it may be easier to do, it does not make it the right thing to do. Even if it's harder, you should find your own reasons to live.

If you really wish to live for something else, then devote yourself to helping a group of people rather than one person in specific.

>> No.7512981

I've seen someone pull through that.
They were ready to die by disease, and then someone gave them hope.
They conquered that disease. They didn't give up on life even though the person they loved the most was gone.
Getting what you're not looking for can help.

>> No.7512989

No thanks.

>> No.7512995

> it does not make it the right thing to do

There's a ''right'' thing to do in life? Where'd you find the manual, we've been looking for it for centuries.

>> No.7513027

It's called common sense. Search the definition in a dictionnary.

>> No.7513032

Today another /jp/ regular passed away.

Posting in Touhou threads no more;

He did the impossible and opened the door.

Onwards to Gensokyo! He goes to Reimu Hakurei!

>> No.7513035

I'd rather not leave the direction life is lived in the hands of commoners.

>> No.7513540

So if I get $1000 from selling all of my stuff, and I might be able to get more, what should I do with it? I could probably get a month rent at a cheap place for $300 or so, but how should I spend the rest to enjoy most my last, miserable days?

>> No.7513559

You are aware that what constitutes common sense shifts from culture to culture and person to person, yes?
Declaring "right" tells the rest of us nothing of significance.

>> No.7513559,1 [INTERNAL] 

I wonder if he really killed himself.

>> No.7513559,2 [INTERNAL] 

We can only hope

>> No.7513559,3 [INTERNAL] 

This reminds me of >>7203016 >>7584613

I wish you eternal peace Anons.
