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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 208 KB, 1000x890, 1289319959479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7482812 No.7482812 [Reply] [Original]

So now google has killed anyone ever asking for source.

What do you think about this?

I'm a little disappointed I can no longer be elitist about how I know about iqdb and someone else doesn't, because everyone knows google, but this is a major development for the internet and I believe it will improve things in the long run.

>> No.7482817

I disagree, things like individual doujin pages probably won't yield results half the time. There is still some room for elitism, but it doesn't come from IQDB.

>> No.7482821

as if you will find individual artists from this. let alone higher resolution images. it has a different function to iqdb.

>> No.7482824

Samefag. Nobody gives a shit about what you saw on google. Nor does a touhou image make your thread /jp/ related.

>> No.7482830

Get out google devs.

>> No.7482834

What are you babbling about? There's no better way to humiliate someone than telling him to google something.

Not knowing about IQDB is excusable (well, maybe not on /jp/...). Not knowing about Google is not. The bigger the incompetence, the more satisfying pointing it out is.

>> No.7482835

Wait, google has a image search now?

>> No.7482845

Yes, it does. Not that I would ever use that function.

>> No.7482857

Doesn't show results from Pixiv, so it's shit.

>> No.7482868

>There's no better way to humiliate someone than telling him to google something.
Just wait until http://lmgtfy.com/ integrates the image search

>> No.7482885

>I can no longer be elitist
Is this seriously a problem?

>> No.7482905

Elitism is a good thing.
The only people that disagree...aren't elite.
