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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 527 KB, 2674x1899, cg001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7463783 No.7463783 [Reply] [Original]

I am a devout Christian, I don't believe their is anything wrong with this smokin' hot loli rape as long as it stays 2D.

>> No.7463788

I am with you fellow Brother.

>> No.7463791


>> No.7463798

I was considering converting back to Christianity? What do you think op?

>> No.7463797


>> No.7463802

It's not bad. Just don't be a bad one.

>> No.7463810
File: 23 KB, 416x280, c_angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you should be asking 4chan for life changing advice.

>> No.7463822

ayumarine is so moe~

>> No.7463824

I am a bishop, I don't believe their is anything wrong with this smokin' hot loli rape at all.

>> No.7463829

You're not a protestant are you?

>> No.7463831

>I am a devout Christian, I don't believe their is anything wrong with killing other people as long as they are heretics.
Oh christians, you and your crazy exceptions.

>> No.7463833 [SPOILER] 
File: 647 KB, 692x900, fed00a08c9592b1c7e956327ab5b6b04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that nobody will believe me, because it's too much of a cliché, but I'm Catholic, and I love shota.

I know it's a sin, but I just can't help it.

>> No.7463838

why shota? why not loli. I always find that hard to believe that a person could like shota but not loli.

>> No.7463836

If God didn't want us to violate shotas, why did he make them so delicious?

Do not question the will of God, son.

>> No.7463840

For girls, I guess. We are just deviants.
Because they are too girly, and boring.

>> No.7463841


Am I strange for not liking them then?

>> No.7463844

>too girly
so you're gay

>> No.7463848

Did you even click on the picture I posted?

>> No.7463849

One thing I can't stand is shota on older woman. There's never any love.

>> No.7463852

I like older woman on shota, but I hate shota on older woman.

>> No.7463862
File: 171 KB, 769x798, 252046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, boys should only be with other boys.

>> No.7463860

I only like teenage girl on shota.

>> No.7463859

What's your opinion on feminine little boys dressed up as girls?

>> No.7463866


What about the ladies then?

>> No.7463867
File: 49 KB, 500x542, tumblr_l9s0lhk3Zl1qceze2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't like it much because they are usually just lolis with penis.

I like boyish victorian clothes the most.

>> No.7463870
File: 120 KB, 900x637, 538038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually do my best to avoid thinking about them.

>> No.7463872


Oh, okay. Everyone has their preferences I guess. I don't usually think of guys I'd say.

>> No.7463878
File: 331 KB, 700x600, 19156633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're lucky.

>> No.7463883


I don't get what you mean by that.

>> No.7463887
File: 1.30 MB, 2000x1400, 576367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll go to hell if I act on my lust. You won't.

>> No.7463892


It's not as if I don't have my own weird quirks. But oh well.

>> No.7463914
File: 321 KB, 984x1408, [SaHa] Onigashima 066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That too. It's shit.
I'm not saying it should only be shota and shota. Shota x loli or shota x man are fine too.
I just seems every shota on woman (vice versa) doujin and H-manga seem to be "Lets just have sex lol." There tends more romance and less "I'm taking advantage of you" in the others.
Yes, I care about the story in my porn.
Bare in mind that this is mostly based on translated work.

>> No.7463933 [SPOILER] 
File: 273 KB, 600x712, 6ed5e43e3d257433b0a8eca261c13c66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favourite stories are when it's 2 childhood friends getting very close together and loving each other forever, and "experimenting".

>> No.7463959


>> No.7466694

Loli rape is about as bad as Star Wars episode 3 youngling killing. It is bad, but not so much that you need to do anything else than dislike it.

>> No.7466749

ITT: Closet Catholic Priests.

>> No.7466754


Now go away.

>> No.7466757

Look at this stupid motherfucker.

>> No.7466765

This is not a board for loli. Take your shit elsewhere.

>> No.7466778

I will spam loli when I want, where I want.

Persecute me at your own peril.

>> No.7466795

I'm not even sure they will take you.

>> No.7466804

My report button is standing ready.

>> No.7466841

I've never heard anybody refer to their penis like that before.

>> No.7466843


>> No.7466919
File: 500 KB, 2325x1744, cg011b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to complain about worthless arguments, you could at least post something relevant when you do.

>> No.7467186
File: 2.26 MB, 1280x882, accidentally spilling milk over a naked loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a sin. The church made it into a sin. The Bible never says having sexual thoughts about shota is a sin, nor does it say anywhere that fapping is a sin (again a sin the church invented).

The Bible does, however, say a couple of things about homosexuality. It is explicitly forbidden in Leviticus, and Paul's epistles arguably say it's wrong.
Personally, I think the Jewish law has been edited to hell and back, and Paul was only a human and his epistles should've never been in the Bible, but that's what the Bible says.

Loli, is of course, perfectly fine. Rape less so, but there's nothing wrong with fictional rape.

>> No.7467193

What about porn?

Aren't Christians against porn and masturbating?

>> No.7467209

The church is. The Bible is not. But because most Christians seem to believe in the church more than they believe in the Bible, you could say Christians are against it.

>> No.7467218

Religion these days isn't about having faith, it's about making money. I thought that was common sense already.

>> No.7467239
File: 248 KB, 572x1362, 1291472937217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7467243

The Bible says a lot of things. I'm glad we have the Church here so we can have authorities that can actually think about things, unlike the Protestant way of doing things which is "everyone make up your own mind".

>> No.7467255

I believe it's a sin and as a normal human it's inevitable I should sin in some way or another.

>> No.7467261

Anybody who reads a science book would know better.

>> No.7467262

Loli Jesus came for your sins.

>> No.7467432

Why are you guys christian?

>> No.7467497
File: 55 KB, 350x262, god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I believe it's impossible for the universe to be like this due to sheer random chance. I think most major religions started out when people noticed divine things, and were just expanded and mangled into what they currently are as they were being spread, and I believe Christianity has the best idea of what God is really like.

>> No.7467505

Just feels right to me. I would rather believe in something then in nothing.

>> No.7467533

I am Christian also,
and I've even received some missionary training,
but one question still bothers me,
what happens to the people who never heard about Christianity?
purgatory, hell?

>> No.7467556

Ignorance and lack of guts to be anything else.

>> No.7467580 [DELETED] 

First of all, there's no such thing as 'purgatory' in the Bible. It isn't anywhere. It's something completely made up by the catholic church, and isn't even believed by other churches.

Secondly, nowhere in the Bible does it clearly state 'all non-believers go to hell' or 'people who never heard of Christianity but are good people go to heaven'. All it says is that people who reject Christ will face an eternity of suck (the exact kind of suck is subject of debate, including what 'hell' is or if souls can even go there), and that those who accept Christ is saved. As far as I know, nothing is said about people who have never heard of Christ.

Therefore, we can only guess based on the information we have. Christ is who decides whether someone goes to heaven or hell, and he seems to be a pretty nice guy, so I don't think someone who's lived their entire life perfectly but has never heard of Christ will go to hell. Even as he was being crucified, he still didn't condemn the people who executed them:
"And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34a)

>> No.7467584
File: 142 KB, 843x1200, 1307703120837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accidentally spilling milk over a naked loli.png
Is that from the doujin where her mother finds out their daughter has been having consensual loli sexing with her father, and has the father arrested/taken away, and the daughter ends up having sex with her teacher instead?

>> No.7467586

First of all, there's no such thing as 'purgatory' in the Bible. It isn't anywhere. It's something completely made up by the catholic church, and isn't even believed by other churches.

Secondly, nowhere in the Bible does it clearly state 'all non-believers go to hell' or 'people who never heard of Christianity but are good people go to heaven'. All it says is that people who reject Christ will face an eternity of suck (the exact kind of suck is subject of debate, including what 'hell' is or if souls can even go there), and that those who accept Christ is saved. As far as I know, nothing is said about people who have never heard of Christ.

Therefore, we can only guess based on the information we have. Christ is who decides whether someone goes to heaven or hell, and he seems to be a pretty nice guy, so I don't think someone who's lived their entire life perfectly but has never heard of Christ will go to hell. Even as he was being crucified, he still didn't condemn the people who executed him:
"And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34a)

>> No.7467588

check out dawkins and you will change your mind

>> No.7467598

Sex? What are you talking about? This is just an image of a guy and a girl having breakfast while naked, and the guy accidentally spilling milk over the girl.

What happens next in your picture, though? Will she get ripped to shreds or will it be 'naturally, she gets raped, since every single situation leads to rape in ero doujins'?

>> No.7467639

>Will she get ripped to shreds
Don't be silly, a cat wouldn't hurt someone without a reason. It's just going to jump into her lap and she'll pet its head and stroke it.

>> No.7467697

yeah, those were mostly my thoughts also,
there is no purgatory and there really isn't specifically a hell,
the old testament is full of consequences for bad choices however
the lack of closure bothers me, but really that's what it's all about, hah.

>> No.7467739


stopped reading there.

>> No.7467900

What do you Christians think of evolution?

>> No.7467918

It varies per Christian, naturally. The official answer of most churches seems to be 'OF COURSE NOT THE BIBLE IS INFALLIBLE AND THE BIBLICAL ACCOUNT OF CREATION IS MEANT LITERALLY SO EVOLUTION CAN'T POSSIBLY BE TRUE', but pretty much every Christian of decent intelligence seems to agree that evolution is just the specific 'how' of God creating life.

>> No.7467947

So now anything with 2d child porn is a valid topic?

Also religion is retarded.

>> No.7467953

It's "as a devout Christian," dagnabbit.


>> No.7467960

So what does the bible say of the human creation? I'd appreciate if you were to answer this.

>> No.7467978


God set into motion the mechanics of evolution, thus creating all animals, including the precursors of modern man. By the same reasoning, once modern man came into being through the mechanics of evolution, he too was created by God. The "days" mentioned in Genesis are arbitrary measurements of time, and are most likely the millions, sometimes billions of years between our planet's milestones.

>> No.7467993
File: 61 KB, 640x480, lego-adam-and-eve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all there neatly in the first two chapters of the Bible.

>> No.7468058

Thanks. And oboy, what an exciting story...

>> No.7468137

The Catholic church has been okay with it for a long while now. It's anyone's guess why some Americans are not.

>> No.7469889

>>505491 predates that by a couple of months, and is the origin I believe.

>> No.7469922

Same as OP. Something's a bit wrong about smokin' hot loli rape, but to each his own and all that, sucks to live in a country where no crime is a crime.
