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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 28 KB, 330x500, remembering-the-kanji-1-heisig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7440434 No.7440434 [Reply] [Original]

What was your learned-kanji-per-hour speed for those of you who used this book?

Mine is only about 3-4 kanji per hour including daily revisions in Anki and I think I must be doing something wrong like spending too much time to find abstract, but logical explanation for the primitives (e.g. "rolled like a snake, with one of the four edges (a quarter) hidden and the rest exposed" for 巻). Other factors might be that I'm doing so only in public transport where there are too many distracting things to keep concentrated and trouble with some keywords I don't know meaning of and have to look them up in the dictionary (English is not my native language).

>> No.7440441

In before idiots arguing about how much you need to know about each kanji before you can say you've learned it.

>> No.7440440

> hour including daily revisions in Anki
What I meant was I manage to learn 3-4 new kanji and revise everything due in the deck in an hour's time.

>> No.7440452

What do you wants us to say? Don't worry pal everything's all right even if you go slowly here's an e-blowjob?
Speed varies according to effort, want more speed, put more effort.

>> No.7440456

That seems kind of low, maybe you're struggling too much with the ones you're just revising? How do you have due a day, on average?

This is my process with Heisig:
I started a notebook where the first time I learn the kanji, I write the kanji and it's meaning such that I could look it up in the notebook later. Once I've done that for all my new kanji (20 usually) I go to the Anki reps. This whole process only takes an hour or two. I've even gone long stretches without doing reps, and got up to speed on all of them in around 3.

All I can think of is that you have too many due a day or the fact that you're using English as an intermediary language is holding you back. I'm not really sure if Heisig can still work in that way, because those words are picked quite carefully in order to convey the same connotations as the Japanese word. I believe it's been translated into many languages though, you might try to find it in yours?

>> No.7440469

"Kanji per hour"? That's... really not how it works.

>> No.7440496

I guess you may be right about the cause of my slowdown. I usually look up a kanji in the japanese dictionary before making a story since the keyword may seem very vague (such as pelt: pelt with snowballs or pelt of an animal?) Unfortunately, there is no Heisig in my language, but I still think learning this way is more productive than other methods. On the bright side, I can at least hope that with the help of a japanese dictionary the connotations I remember will be more precise than those suggested by the English keyword.

>> No.7440505

Well sometimes 50 a day, sometimes 100.
But then I made a pause for a few days because otherwise they won't sticj.

I also have to admit I quit 2-3 times before I finished learning the 2000 because of lack of conentration and will.

Took me about 2 years to finish. Fucking vidya kept distracting me.
I started using iknow.jp after finishing.
And for RTK1 this is probably the best site:
If you don't know it already.

>> No.7440515

Per-thread reminder that Heisig is a placebo and you're learning nothing.

>> No.7440529

Per reply reminder that you're an idiot who doesn't even try to understand the purpose of Heisig in the first place and just whine about how it won't instantly teach you everything you need to know.

>> No.7440534

It's probably different for everyone but heisig made it alot easier for me to make my way through Core6k.
Also if you want to write I gues you are fucked if you don't use it.

>> No.7440537

what does placebo mean in this context? it doesn't make any sense

>> No.7440543
File: 50 KB, 450x340, nero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7440545

Oh, and the due count averages to about 20-30 kanji per day. It doesn't take too much time to revise them and the hit rate is around 90 percent. I think there should not be a problem here.

>> No.7440557

It had just become a buzzword for "you might think it work, but it doesn't".

>> No.7440572


You think you're making worthwhile progress and you're not, because you're too busy making up dumb anecdotes, and learning arbitrary meanings that vary in context beyond all predictability and will not help you read.

>> No.7440598

> will not help you read
Won't help you speak or listen either.

>> No.7440600

I completed it in about 1,5 months. Some days I would do 100 some days I wouldn't do any.

>> No.7440664

> I completed it in about 1,5 months. Some days I would do 100 some days I wouldn't do any.
> Well sometimes 50 a day, sometimes 100.
How many hours per day did you spend to achieve this amount? It was relative speed I was curious about. Surely if you study kanji for twelve hours a day you can make great progress. Studying them on a subway on your way to college is another thing.

>> No.7440674

When I was a student of elementary school in Japan, I learned 1006 of kanji by 6 years.
It averages about 0.46 kanji per a day.

>> No.7440678

Heisig is a really rough method, and you should try to rush it. You shouldn't worry about whether you remember every single one you encounter, you'll get more than enough repetition by reading actual Japanese text.

So I'd recommend trying to pick up your pace, and don't think that you'll have to study each one so hard that you'll never forget it. Heisig is effective up to the point where you encounter the kanji by reading and can tell yourself "hey, I think I remember that one". As soon as you get to that point, reading or studying vocabulary is more effective.

>> No.7440687

If all you want to do with this language is engage in foreign pop culture, then don't bother

Japanese pop culture (like all others) is invested heavily in meanings which one would only grasp if they had been raised in it

I mean, imagine trying to seriously explain early episodes of The Simpsons or Beavis and Butthead: it simply cannot be reasonably done

>> No.7440694

Bullshit. Also, I recognize your writing style. You're the guy from yesterday who tried to argue the otaku lifestyle is unhealthy or something like that. All the more reason not to listen to you.

>> No.7440701


That's what makes it so sadly pathetic

These are mentally ill people who are attempting to engage with culture they can never really fully understand

So really, they dedicate all their efforts to a sisyphean task while ignoring the options (such as socialising) which would truly benefit from such attention, then claim after the fact that they simply can't make the effort

>> No.7440708

That idea is somewhat comforting. I feel I spent way too long time studying without even being able to read an eroge without a dictionary, but when I realize natives don't even learn to read newspaper words before high school, it doesn't seem so bad.

>> No.7440709

What kind of bullshit is that? Are you aware a good part of the people browsing 4chan are from non English-speaking countries? That some of them are even from countries that use completely different alphabets, or even logograms? I'm one of them, and I can guarantee you I can understand the Simpsons. I'm not particularly good, either.
Stop talking out of your ass.

>> No.7440710

If you really serious about learning a language then I would look to one which at least has certain cultural ties so not everything is a lost cause from the start

In this I would recommend French, German or most importantly Spanish (whether you learn the European variant or one of the many American dialects is up to you)

These would not only be more readily understood by you, but if you are an American you could apply Spanish almost immediately to your daily life: it would have both interest value and use value

>> No.7440716


You are almost undoubtedly from a European country, and there is a somewhat strong shared cultural link here

Beyond this, 4chan's userbase from those outside of both A) The anglosphere and B) the latin alphabet -using world is utterly negligible

>> No.7440718

Who the fuck would want to learn Spanish?

>> No.7440720

I don't need to understand their culture to read to VNs and light novels. Also you don't need a reason to learn a foreign language, people who need a valid reason for that are the ones that never achieve anything.

>> No.7440722

>it would have both interest value and use value
Except the guy's obviously interested in Japanese, not Spanish/French/whatever

Get out. He can learn what he want, you have no right to discourage him with your bullshit whines

>> No.7440729
File: 132 KB, 407x419, 1254629994178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>interest value

>> No.7440732

>You are almost undoubtedly from a European country, and there is a somewhat strong shared cultural link here
No, I'm not.

>Beyond this, 4chan's userbase from those outside of both A) The anglosphere and B) the latin alphabet -using world is utterly negligible

No, it isn't. If you aren't convinced, I think moot published some 4chan stats to help attract advertisers. The number is much higher than you'd think.
Also, now that you have clearly shown to everyone you don't know what you're talking about, can you please get out?

>> No.7440741


Given Spanish is just behind Chinese in terms of largest numbers of people who have it as a mother language, and that South America is also going through its own economic upswing (along with issues of immigration to America) one who was interested in something of actual practical use, rather than a language which, while having some 128 million speakers, is concentrated almost entirely in one nation which is becoming increasingly irrelevant outside of the disaster circuit


His interest in the language is likely marginal next to sentiments such as 'now I can watch cartoons without subtitles' or 'I can play new videogames'

>> No.7440740

>Japanese pop culture (like all others) is invested heavily in meanings which one would only grasp if they had been raised in it

The fruit is hard to reach, but it's so ripe and delicious you will hardly pass it by. Also, I usually prefer situation-based jokes to reference jokes. Those can be understood easily without much knowledge of the country's entertainment industry or heritage.

For the record, my Slavic native language does not prevent me from thinking that Futurama is the best animated series ever released, even though I admit I don't understand some references in it.

>> No.7440751
File: 6 KB, 287x198, Consumer_Whore.small_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I learn languages because I want to earn money and not because I'm interested in the country's cultural heritage.

>> No.7440756


Your image both hilariously and ironically reflects back onto yourself in a way which I do not think you intended

Also videogames and cartoons are not a nation's 'cultural heritage' and it is pretty sad that you should think so

>> No.7440759

> His interest in the language is likely marginal next to sentiments such as 'now I can watch cartoons without subtitles' or 'I can play new videogames'
That actually is great motivation, in my opinion. Knowing your native language and English suffices for everything apart from entertainment.

>> No.7440761

The really sad thing is that you think all Japan has to offer is video games and manga.
I can't believe I'm seriously arguing with someone this ignorant.

>> No.7440763

I studied Japanese just to read VNs and was able to more or less after a couple of months. Stop trying to convince everyone Japanese is something a foreigner could never understand just because you yourself think you couldn't or failed doing so.

>> No.7440764

>His interest in the language is likely marginal next to sentiments such as 'now I can watch cartoons without subtitles' or 'I can play new videogames'

And what the hell is wrong with that? As I said, He can learn what he want, and I'll add for whatever reason he want. You have absolutely no say in whatever he wants to do. If you think learning Spanish is better then YOU go pick up a spanish textbook and get out.

>> No.7440765


Oh wow it's almost as if you feel diplomacy, trade, immigration, education and research do not exist

>> No.7440767

I never understood people who choose to learn a language for the job opportunities. No matter what language you're learning, it will take you hundreds of hours to get to any decent level with it. If you just want money, why not just spend these hours on working and earning money for them directly, instead of hoping that all the effort you put into learning a new language will eventually make you a more attractive employee and thus give you a higher salary?

>> No.7440776


These are not sentiments that will keep one interested in the long term

Additionally they are the sentiments of a greedy and grasping child


Beyond an overlarge entertainment industry, electronics (steadily being replaced by superior equipment from elsewhere) and a fishing industry renowned the world over for how environmentally rapacious and devestating it is, Japan offers pretty much nothing of value

>> No.7440790


One can hold down a job and learn a language at the same time

Additionally, beyond an increased salary, there is the prospect of increased attractiveness to employers and increased job security

>> No.7440788

Do your homework. (Just kidding, I'm sure you're busy enough with high school.)

>> No.7440799

Besides vns and dojins I'm learning just so I can understand the comments on nicodouga. Those guys look like a lot of fun.
Sounds retarded, but internet cultures is still some sort of culture.

>> No.7440800

Guys, when will you learn?
He is trying to rile you up by taking obviously polemical stances.
Just don't answer and he will eventually give up.
Now observe as he answers with something along the lines of "You can't handle the truth blablabla go seek help blablabla and more autism"

>> No.7440798

>These are not sentiments that will keep one interested in the long term
Oh, really? These are the sentiments by which I started learning Japanese and now, almost one year later, I'm still going strong at it and I have actually learned quite a great deal.

Anyway, stop messing around with other people's business if you only want to discourage them. It's not like OP is trying to take drugs/kill people/etc. If you don't like what he does then just don't post here. Or what, are you trying to prevent people from making the same "mistake" you did?

>> No.7440803

>> Knowing your native language and English suffices for everything apart from entertainment.
> it's almost as diplomacy, trade, immigration, education and research do not exist
Correct, I should have written "for most of us", though education and research are usually caused by the interest in a foreign culture (including entertainment). In any case, great entertainment industry sounds like a very good reason to learn a language, especially on /jp/.

>> No.7440804

>I know how to use a thesaurus do I seem intelligent yet?

>> No.7440808

I've hidden his posts already because he keeps derailing every thread he posts in. You should hide it too. You don't even need to read his posts because his writing style is immediately recognizable.
Can we please go back to discussing RTK now?

>> No.7440809

>One can hold down a job and learn a language at the same time
You can also have more jobs at the same time. Or have a job where you take on extra shifts.
>Additionally, beyond an increased salary, there is the prospect of increased attractiveness to employers and increased job security
The main problem is that it's all unquantifiable. You can't prove that it will provide any of these advantage, you're just speculating. And speculation doesn't hold much sway.

I could tell you that you're better off spending more time going to church, because that will increase your chances of a good afterlife. There is a certain possibility that this is true, so it certainly wouldn't hurt to try it. But unless I can actually prove that it will pay off, you likely won't be convinced that it's worth investing your time in.

>> No.7440811


Mental health is a utterly secondary concern here

I am simply cautioning qua wasting one's time on attempting to learn a language which one will have no practical use for outside of entertainment

>Oh, really? These are the sentiments by which I started learning Japanese and now, almost one year later

Anecdote =/ evidence


Yes that sure is a wikipedia page

>> No.7440819

Considering all the cultural stuff that we have in japanese games/anime you will have no problem getting all jokes and understanding everything after watching like 40 titles.A whole different issue is if you actually want to live in Japan.You may struggle at first,but with a general knowledge of stuff works that you received from entertainment and stories of people who live there,i don't think it would take too long to integrate into the culture.It simply isn't that alien.

And all the people who are learning Japenese here aren't in for it so that they would be better job applicants due to knowledge of foreign languages.They are in it solely for the entertainment that comes from the country.

And IMO all you need is English these days.Everybody speaks if it,and if not now,then in the future everybody will.It is already deeply rooted and entrenched in popular culture.Therefore studying a foreign language for any purpose other than for a love of its culture or just general thirst for knowledge,is stupid IMO

Don't know if i got trolled or not,but this is just my 2 cents.Carry on.

>> No.7440821

I learned English so I could play more games without waiting for a translation into my own native language. Years later I discovered that English is pretty useful for other stuff too.

Fuck the "there must be a serious and valid reason" crowd.

>> No.7440827

It's not a crowd, it's one guy trolling the fuck out of everyone.

>> No.7440829

>These are not sentiments that will keep one interested in the long term

And this is the opinion of someone who has never learned a second language. Successfully using a new language, especially while doing something you already enjoy, is enjoyable for it's own sake.

>> No.7440832

>Anecdote =/ evidence
Ever heard of "proof by contratidction"? You said that it is absolute that such sentiments will not keep one interested for the long term. I gave you one example (and I'm sure /jp/ can give you more, hell I'll give you another one: Ixrec) that contradicts what you said, showing that it is possible for such sentiments to lead people to learn a language seriously for a long while.

>> No.7440836

I'm sick of people badmouthing Spanish.

>> No.7440838

>And IMO all you need is English these days.Everybody speaks if it,and if not now,then in the future everybody will.

This statement almost qualifies as the basis for the founding of one of those atheist religions, given how much faith is invested in it

>> No.7440839

>Ever heard of "proof by contratidction"?

No becaue you invented it just now

Keep bringing in those anecdotes, though

Maybe the plural will equal evidence?!?

>> No.7440843

It's probably because in America it's associated with mexicans and all that stuff. Don't take it too hard if you're actually Spanish, I think it's a great language.

>> No.7440844

Not the guy you are arguing but



>> No.7440845

I'm sick of people pretending it's worthwhile to learn Spanish.

Sorry man, it's not the Renaissance era anymore, all Spanish-speaking countries suck these days, and Spanish-speaking minorities in other countries are even worse.

>> No.7440848

I invented it? yeah, right

>> No.7440850


That's right, people simply dislike Spanish because of their racist attitudes


Yes that sure is another wikipedia page

Anyway gonna leave this thread, learn German, learn french, learn Spanish

Don't bother with Japanese

>> No.7440857

French is my first language, Spanish my second and English my third.
Don't bother. Learn whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.7440858


And seriously,what's wrong with wikipedia ? he claimed the guy invented proof by contradiction,i linked an article about it thus disproving his claim.

And all the languages you mentioned - how many of them will you actually use ? 99% of the populations of those countries speak english,in some way, shape or form.Knowing languages these days isn't a great plus as it used to be.

>> No.7440860

>Yes that sure is another wikipedia page
Okay, I can see what you guys mean now, I'm sorry, I won't reply to him again.

Is he the same as the guy who has no idea what placebo means?

>> No.7440874

>99% of the populations of those countries speak english,in some way, shape or form.
Not really. I hear that French people will act like you raped their mothers while they watched if you try to talk English to them. The question is whether you're going to meet enough French, German or Spanish people in your lifetime to justify learning their language. A 2 week vacation certainly isn't enough to make it worth it. Being able to impress the occasional tourist you encounter in your retail job doesn't sound that rewarding either. So I can only imagine it being useful to learn any of those languages if you're specifically planning to live or work in a country where the majority speaks that language.

>> No.7440883

>learn German, learn french, learn Spanish
Yeah, the US education system likes these. They the BIG3 of foreign language education in the US.

>> No.7440885

Stop bumping this thread for fuck's sake.
Also, I'm >>7440857 and that's wrong as far as I can tell. Maybe I don't live in the right area (*ahem* Paris), but in my experience most people won't care if you speak English to them (As long as they know English, of course. But there's been a drastic improvement in that regard in the last 10-20 years and so you are unlikely to ever meet someone who has absolutely zero knowledge, especially among younger people.)

>> No.7440890

>Yes that sure is another wikipedia page


>> No.7440891

French people are notoriously bad at foreign languages, on par with the Japanese.

>> No.7440899

It has a lot more in common with other Romance languages than Japanese. No excuse, please.

>> No.7440903

French is the least phonetic of the Latin languages
and it has deviated more from original Latin than the rest have.

>> No.7441011

Reading this thread my only question is how the fuck were you so fucking obviously hideously disgustingly synonym synonym trolled?

>> No.7441015

Cool bump, samefag.

>> No.7441020

You were trolled by this guy so bad it was worthy of a bump. Why did you reply to him? Are you some new level of autism?

>> No.7441025

I'm not the samefag.

>>7441011 is not the same person who posted >>7440903

>> No.7441028

That's great but I never posted in this thread before, although I followed it with disgust.
Stop bumping shitty threads.

>> No.7441031

Are you retarded?

>> No.7441040

No I'm not.

>> No.7441050

>implying not samefag
