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7414224 No.7414224 [Reply] [Original]

Hikikomori. Left house for the first time in 4 months. Got sunburn after 30 minutes of just walking outside. In pain, wish I never gave into my mothers demands.

>> No.7414231

>Still getting sunburns

>> No.7414245

>still using the Internet

>> No.7414269

still bumping your own thread every 3 minutes because.

>> No.7414271

Aren't hikikomori by definition at least 6 months shut-in? 4 months is nothing. You deserved that burn.

>> No.7414275

A hikikomori is someone that stays shut-in their house for 6 or more months, retard.

>> No.7414341


You're a faggot. I hope your mother kills you in your sleep.

>> No.7414352

Konna neko ga kawaii, nya

>> No.7414356


I've gone longer, I usually only leave the house once every few months because my mothers begging gets really annoying.

I've been doing this for 7 years.

>> No.7414365

oh look another Hikki thread where retards think it's a status symbol


>> No.7414370

What the fuck are you so afraid of?? How do you make money? Get the fuck out of your house you weirdo.

>> No.7414371

You don't have to take your depression from having to work out on us.

>> No.7414382


Why would I need money? My mom buys my food and clothes for me. I also have 20k in the bank, from my dead father. Though that money is fairly recent.

>> No.7414384

I haven't worked a day in my life.

>> No.7414385

What do you normalfags have against us? Unlike you, we condense our shit and talk about things that are actually on-topic as opposed to bragging about how 'alpha' we are because we fucked some drunken slut at a frat party.

>> No.7414396

So suddenly I'm some alpha fratboy normalfag because I'm not proud of the fact I don't leave the house and I don't have a job?

>> No.7414401

So your going to be a burden on your mother and waste away all the money your father worked hard because you have grow a pair and step out the door? The money will not last you forever, and once it does what will you have to show for it? What skills can you put on a resume to get a job? It's incredibly selfish of you to use your parents like you are, and then have the gal to call your mother annoying when she pushes you to be something that represents a normal human.

>> No.7414411

Yes. You should know how things work around here. Fucking fratboy.

>> No.7414412

With proper investments he could live off the interest rather easily.

>> No.7414414

It's obvious that you are, seeing as how you went out of your way to bash hikkis and shit on a perfectly good NEET thread. Let me guess, you're one of the leftovers from that /sp/ raid the other day? Well, fuck you and all of your kind. I hope you shitty wage slaves all die in a fire.

>> No.7414424

It's funny that you idiots think I'm from some other board you're so defensive about justifying your shitty life.


>perfectly good NEET thread

These are never good. Stop deluding yourself and shitting up /jp/ with it.

>> No.7414428

>Typical normalfag preaching about how our way of life is wrong because we don't think in lockstep like he does.

Enjoy your midlife crisis, when you realize that you squandered the best years of your life doing things you don't like around people you can't stand for money that you can't actually enjoy because you're too busy working.

>> No.7414431


I have absolutely no skills. I have never had a job before. All I have is a GED. I've tried applying to the shittiest of shittiest retail jobs, but why hire someone like me when you have college graduates going for the same position?

I've made it to a couple of interviews at least, but my severe social anxiety screwed me over in the end. I'm extremely skittish. Next you'll probably tell me to see a shrink but the anxiety is so bad I can't even call one.

I'll probably get told to get out of /jp/ for this, but I am not proud of being a shut-in. Yet this garbage life is perfect for garbage like me. Sometimes I feel like its too late for me to return to society.

>> No.7414434

Not everyone has a shitty job that they hate.

>> No.7414436

>claims NEET threads are shitting up /jp/
>front page has 6 different Touhou threads, a thread about Japan, and a VN thread that is full of bitching and DICK GUILLOTINE

You're funny.

>> No.7414441

That doesn't justify making more shitty threads, faggot.

Other boards had the same mentality. Look where they are now.

>> No.7414448

Still deluding yourself, normalfag? The notion that you can like what you do for a living is a myth if there ever was one. You might enjoy the material benefits you acquire from it, but it doesn't change the fact that work is work precisely because it's NOT enjoyable. Do you seriously think anyone that isn't retarded/brainwashed into thinking that work has some kind of inherent value would keep going into work if he won the lottery?

>> No.7414453

There is a difference between being in "lockstep" with society and doing something because it is normal and healthy. Humans are social animals. We are not made to hole up in our houses fearing the outside world. You say I will have a mid-life crisis because you think I don't enjoy being social and out in the real world. Sorry, but everyone in the world is not inherently a hikikomori. I'm quite happy having friends I can connect with on a personal level far above what you can attain talking to your blow up doll. Being a hikikomori isn't "a way of life" it's a mental disease and these people need to be helped not enabled. Your mind set does more harm than anything.


Again I must ask, WHAT are you afraid of? Rejection? being judged? I know I've been harsh, but I think its time someone lit a fire under your ass. You want change, but choose to change nothing about yourself? You are smart enough to know that wont do shit. I'm glad you thought of therapy because I think that will really help! Use some of that money and get some therapy, you will be much happier for it.

>> No.7414456

I don't mean to in any way deny your way of life or anything of that sort, but aren't you afraid that you won't be able to even get to that mid-life stage? What will you if/when your source of income dies? You can't be of any use to society so it's only natural for it to leave you to rot alone. If, for example, a big war erupts, you won't be able to survive through that. Or, for those who don't life on welfare, your mother dies and suddenly you have nothing left.

>> No.7414457

Except NEET threads aren't shitty. You're just an autistic that can't stand the sight of a harmonious, on-topic discussion, because they're an alien existence on whatever hole you crawled out of.

>> No.7414461

>the fact that work is work precisely because it's NOT enjoyable.

You act like this is every single job out there. Work doesn't have to feel like work you know. It sounds like you have some kind of mental attitude of a 12 year old that doesn't want to do anything at all and that's probably the problem with a lot of the idiots like you.

And there's tons of people that are well enough off to not work another day in there life but they still do it.

>> No.7414465



what a shitty thread

>> No.7414467

Once I turn 21, I'm gonna be a hobo. That's the plan for me.

>> No.7414468


inb4 my whole post is invalid

>> No.7414469


>> No.7414476

I should peel one of my arms and post a pic for you Op.

Stop being such a bitch sunburns are like the least painful burns ever.

>> No.7414478

>Humans are social animals.
>We are not made to hole up in our houses fearing the outside world.

Citation needed. Humans have the capacity to communicate, as do all animals, but the fact that the very things that typify the superlative intelligence of humans (like Mathematics) have nothing to do with socializing calls your claim into question.

>You say I will have a mid-life crisis because you think I don't enjoy being social and out in the real world.
>Sorry, but everyone in the world is not inherently a hikikomori.
>I'm quite happy having friends I can connect with on a personal level far above what you can attain talking to your blow up doll.

You realize you don't belong here, right?

>Being a hikikomori isn't "a way of life" it's a mental disease and these people need to be helped not enabled.

This is what normalfags actually believe.

>doing something because it's normal and healthy

So showing a smiling face to people you secretly hate and wearing yourself out in order to stay alive is normal and healthy? I'll be abnormal and sick then, thanks.


>> No.7414479

>NEET threads
>250 blog posts
>not shit

fuck off

>> No.7414485

>So showing a smiling face to people you secretly hate and wearing yourself out in order to stay alive is normal and healthy?

Sounds like you have autism.

>> No.7414489

>people that refuse to be conditioned into thinking freedom is slavery are obviously children mentally

This is how stupid you look.

>> No.7414493


What happened to you, Necrobro?

>> No.7414498

What's wrong? Mad that /jp/ didn't praise you for somersaulting into your Lamborghini and making out with your supermodel girlfriend?

>> No.7414505

best thread on /jp/ right now.

>> No.7414507

Oh please don't bring 1984 into this. Choosing a job and getting paid for doing it is not slavery. Not doing jack shit and still getting money for whatever reason is not freedom either. You're exploiting the fact that for now the society allows you to live like this. While others are adapting and getting skills, you choose to wallow in mud. This is nothing to be proud about.

>> No.7414510


You really seem to have some gross misconceptions about what a non-hikikomori life is all about. Yeah, someitime's you have to deal witth douche bags that you dont bitch at just to keep the peace but it doesn't "ware me down" or anything like that. Looking at my points about and just saying "You don't belong here" in no way makes my points invalid. If I went to a forum for pedophiles and said "guys this is disgusting and wrong" would that make me wrong just because of where I said it?

And yes, people are social animals. I'm not going to debate this point because i don't have the energy to debate such an obvious issue.

Yes, being a hikikomori is a MENTAL DEFICIT. Either you lack normal social functioning or your out look on the world has been incredibly warped by the fucked up way your brain works.

>> No.7414516

I work outside 8 hours a day and am incredibly fair complected, I've got a farmers tan from hell.

Though as far as burns go I'm an expert, I've done everything from 600 degree pizza oven to dipping my hand in a dip fryer(by accident).

>> No.7414519

Yes, life isn't fair but you're too much of a coward to look past that so you just sit there and pout like a child.

>> No.7414520

Nothing, you just realized that he was always a faggot.

>> No.7414530

>Choosing a job and getting paid for doing it is not slavery.

Considering that you think a life where one actually has fun is 'wallow[ing] in mud', I'd say you have a very distorted view of reality.

>> No.7414537

>People smart enough to use a bullshit system for their own advantage instead of the other way around are cowards

This is how stupid you look.

>> No.7414539

You've gone from arguing to "problem anonymous"

stop that, yeah he won't change your mind and you won't change his.

No need to be pissy about it.

>> No.7414541

Wait till you hit your mid 40s. Maybe you'll understand then.

>> No.7414546

>People smart enough to use a bullshit system for their own advantage instead of the other way around are cowards

So all those niggers on welfare are the genius master race? Who keep breeding for no other reason than that the government gives them more money for each kid they pop out?

>> No.7414549


Mathematics would not exist if humans were not social. Human civilization and all of its inventions (and thoughts) were facilitated by socializing. You can live as you want to, but humans (as a whole) are absolutely social creatures, and they have certainly benefited from it.

>> No.7414556

>bullshit system
>wahh no one will hire me even though I'm special

You're such a baby.

>> No.7414559

Go back to >>>/b/.

>> No.7414560

>Yes, being a hikikomori is a MENTAL DEFICIT.

You do realize the DSM is full of shit, right? This is the same handbook that classified homosexuality as a disease for years and then, without any actual research to prove that it wasn't, removed the entry because society was becoming more accepting of gays. It's shit, and you're stupid for buying into this idea that social freedom, self-interested thinking, and minor eccentricities betoken a disordered mind.

>> No.7414564

How about you take your crybaby blog posts off /jp/ first.

>> No.7414568

Are you frustrated you're being compared to the filth of the earth?

>> No.7414569

They just removed Amenorrhea from the symptoms for anorexia because apparently girls can get it as early as 4 now.

Also all the crap they're adding for the autism spectrum stuff is hilarious.

>> No.7414574

So all those normals that are consumed with the thought of saving appearances and seeming respectable in front of their so-called friends are the genius master race? Who keep wasting their days on tedious, meaningless tasks for no other reason than that their company gives them more money for giving away more and more of their life?

>> No.7414577

For once we agree on something. The DSM is shit, but I'm not basing what im saying on anything from it. You're using fluff words like "self interest" and "minor eccentricities" to make it seem like your behavior isn't as severely fucked up as it really is.

It's like a pedophile saying they enjoy "Teaching sex education early on". This isn't fucking fox news, stop spinning this shit in a positive light.

>> No.7414581

Sure it would be my pleasure my /b/tard friend! After this, let's go show them those fucking jews and gooks stealan my cash.

>> No.7414589

If you don't interact with other races you're not allowed to defend them.
Its more like a guideline anyway. Any shrink worth their couch knows whats right.

>> No.7414590

>You can live as you want to, but humans (as a whole) are absolutely social creatures

Citation still needed.

>they have certainly benefited from it.

More like a couple of the most cunning ones, who have control of the social mechanisms that cause everyone that isn't smart and independent enough to be NEET to spill their life's blood for their purposes, have certainly benefited from it.

>> No.7414607


>> No.7414608

>severely fucked up

I must have missed where you explained why the NEET lifestyle, one where the purpose of life becomes something other than survival or a shallow, achievement-oriented rat race, is aberrant and dangerous.

>> No.7414616

So why are you here on /jp/ socializing again?

>> No.7414618

The average socially awkward sheltered childhood cocktail.

Craves attention and friendship but is afraid of people.

>> No.7414621

Butt he life of having fun is actually that. You're not improving in any way as human being day after day. You can't do anything apart from having fun (which you can't put to any use, too). As I wrote before in a post that you thoroughly ignored, you can't expect this lifestyle to last. You're free to do it, but stop bragging.

>> No.7414629

The best part is that he's gained no skills and it's fucking suck once he hits the real world, well unless he's planning a trip to gensokyo but you can't really call that a sensible conclusion.

>> No.7414630

Because becoming a recluse with no purpose is worse. You do nothing to contribute to society. You are a parasite that sucks resources away from those who are more deserving. those who are not giant pussies and can step outside their doors.

>> No.7414632


The citation you want is in any history book.

More than a "couple" have benefited from being social. Humans who are social generally lead happier, longer lives (look up the habits of people who live in the "blue zones"). Not to mention, as I said, invention is a product of humans socializing with one-another. A majority of the things you enjoy in life are the product of humans being social.

NEETs are not normally independent. But you know that.

>> No.7414634

Since when was life just about fun? What happened to a sense of accomplishment and pride? Do you people just not care about those things?

There's just so many other factors to life you're missing out on.

>> No.7414637

I normally come to /jp/ because it's more convenient than going around checking VN translators' shitty blogs, but seeing all of you /a/, /b/, /v/, /soc/, and /sp/ kids dumping on NEETs and hikkis awakened my inner autism and drove me to action. Why haven't you gone back to where you belong yet? You're not going to convince me.

/jp/ - Internet Psychiatry

>> No.7414642
File: 757 KB, 1000x1000, 17313732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every NEET thread is the EXACT same thing these days.

>> No.7414644

I am a NEET and hermit or a hikki per /jp/'s definition (I doubt there's many real hikki's posting on /jp/) and I'm shitting on your stupid threads.

>> No.7414646

In this modern day, people are very rarely raised on the ideas of a "sense of accomplishment" or "pride." A lot of people just end up taking too many things for granted, so all that's left is to have fun.

>> No.7414647


I get no sense of accomplishment from work, simply frustration and exhaustion. I get accomplishment from the silliest things. I realize I'm helping no one, but me being near people hurts them more. I'm trying to find a way to live away from others though as not to burden them in a way that isn't practically suicidal.

>> No.7414648

What you don't understand is that the very thought that you feel a need to 'improve' yourself is ridiculous. There's nothing wrong with you in the first place, which is something you can only see if you stop living for other people and only live for yourself - not that I expect you to be able to break free of the yoke that is your hollow and specious social mores.

>> No.7414650

>Says he's here to check VNTLstatus
>Makes blog thread in hopes of some social interaction
>Acts tsuntsun in it and pretends that's not why he did it

>> No.7414651

So you're fucked in the head, so is everyone else.

They're not going to pity you for it.

>> No.7414653

You should try to find work that inspires you. Don't do it for the money.

If you truly put your all into something people will notice. I've seen it with my own eyes from people probably in worse positions than you. They did find happiness in what they do.

>> No.7414660


I don't want pity. I want them to ignore me, but they keep trying to help even though I tell them not to. I wish I'd get kicked out already.


I don't know what it is. I guess if I wanted to do anything, it would be to improve the attitudes of people. I see others talking behind others backs, pretending to be friends yet hating them behind their backs, those with vile intentions and all those sorts of things. It disappoints me, yet I know I'm probably even worse. A worse person can't do anything.

>> No.7414661

This is amazing. Just answer the poor me trapped inside the yoke these two simple questions.

1. Why are you expecting people to give you things for free?
2. What are you planning to do when they stop giving you things for free, for whatever reasons?

>> No.7414662

There you go again with the 'you are a coward for approaching your life rationally' and 'your life is worthless beyond how much you can better the situations of other people'. I must admit, you've learned your masters' lessons well to be able to repeat them like this; but really: how long are you going to keep sleepwalking through life and burying yourself in your instructions and expectations?

>> No.7414664

>What you don't understand is that the very thought that you feel a need to 'improve' yourself is ridiculous. There's nothing wrong with you in the first place, which is something you can only see if you stop living for other people and only live for yourself - not that I expect you to be able to break free of the yoke that is your hollow and specious social mores.
This is what obese Americans tell themselves.

>> No.7414667

There are fat lazy people everywhere.

>> No.7414669

> I want them to ignore me, but they keep trying to help even though I tell them not to.

They're not trying to help you. They want to help themselves. You're taking place in their living space, you're eating their foot, using their electricity, and are not bringing anything in return. They want you to start working so that you can be of any use. You're not getting kicked out because they feel sorry for all years of their life they poured into you. If you actually want then to ignore them, leave the house and be actually independent. But you can't that because you can't do jack shit and will just die. Even though "There's nothing wrong with you in the first place".

>> No.7414676


I'm going to leave this here.

Maybe it'll inspire you fags not to be so worthless and show you why you'll regret having this silly self entitled attitude in the long run.

>> No.7414682


That's certainly what it feels like. Got a feeling they hate me. I tell them but they don't listen. I plan to leave soon anyways because of guilt, it doesn't matter if I live or die, but I'll do my best to survive. I wasted years of their lives just by existing, and it feels terrible, but I don't want to have to live my life the way they want me to live it. I'll make my own path away from everyone else so I don't hurt them.

>> No.7414692

You've got to be the most hypocritical fuck I've ever read on 4chan.

>> No.7414694

Are you the same person? Few posts ago you were all proud and happy with your lifestyle and now you're apologizing for being alive?

>> No.7414696

1. Because observing the world around you shows the future is usually like the past, barring those rare occurrences that are entirely outside of human prediction.
2. That said, I live in the present and neither dwell on the past nor worry about the future, because an event that's outside of human prediction is also outside of my control. Fretting over the possibility of losing my meal ticket is contrary to the essence of being NEET and is as pointless as you being afraid of losing your job: if it's going to happen, it's going to happen. I'll deal with it if it does, just as you'll deal with it when it does.

Now please go back to where you belong and stop trying to force your ways onto the rest of us.

>> No.7414697


I know how you feel. I won't get into a discussion on my own life, but know you are not alone in some of your feelings. I wish you the best and hope you can find happiness, sincerely.

>> No.7414698


I'm a completely different person.

>> No.7414702

Work doesn't feel fulfilling because we don't see the tangible benefits of contributing to society because a good chunk of what we make is gobbled up in taxes to be spent on welfare maintaining filthy subhuman niggers and their gangbanging hobbies.

>> No.7414710

Blog thread? Cool!

Life is going down the shitter and I can't bring myself to care. Suicide looking increasingly like the only way out. Don't really want to. Oh well.

>> No.7414713

Do you live in a socialist nanny state by any chance? Because here in America, pretty much nothing is spent on that stuff. Our two biggest expenditures annually for the last ten or twenty years have been on defense and servicing the debt, aka paying interest to the Chinese government.

>> No.7414721

>Nothing spent on welfare.
>Over 60% of any state's budget is spent on welfare.

Please try to be less retarded, you guido. Oh wait, you can't.

Fucking summer, I hate this time of year. Why doesn't someone invent a virus to kill off most of the human race?

>> No.7414728

The guy bitching about how his life sucks is a closet normalfag that doesn't understand what it means to really be NEET, which is why the absence of affirmation from other people is making him upset. He certainly doesn't speak for those of us who have seen the light of truth and are content.

>> No.7414735

>Over 60% of any state's budget is spent on welfare.

Citation needed.

>> No.7414740

1. This is the most ridiculous thing I heard today. WW2 did not happen, Russia never was a socialist state, France is still an absolutist empire. Yeah.
2. The difference is that I will be equipped to deal with it when it happens, ready to adapt. You, on the other hand, won't have anything other than suicide.

I'm not trying to force my ways onto you. I'm just asking you to stop bragging. You complain when people brag about not having a life like yours, but then you start bragging about yours, doing the same thing. Just as you see them as obnoxious, we see you as such.

>> No.7414743

Personally I think leeching off your own loving family is much worse.

>> No.7414747

You could just go back to /int/ instead of getting angry, normalfag. Here on /jp/, we take it easy.

>> No.7414749

I'm sorry for writing such offensive post then.

>> No.7414759

Suicide is exactly what I want and am prepared to do once shit hits the fan and I can't leech anymore

I'm 21 and have no work experience it's too late to do anything meaningful anyway

>> No.7414770
File: 70 KB, 360x200, Yukkuri_MarisaReimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although it was fun reading through all this arguing, I think we're all forgetting something very important.

pic related.

>> No.7414771
File: 16 KB, 400x400, relaxing thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7414776

No way to take it easy when summerfags are invading.

>> No.7414777

>WW2 did not happen, Russia never was a socialist state, France is still an absolutist empire.

You have a poor understanding of European history, apparently. World War II came about as a result of the problems that went unresolved at the end of World War I, no one in the world predicted that the first communist state would be Russia, and France was never an 'absolutist' monarchy because Colbert and Louis XIV never broke the power of the regional nobility. Modern First World governments have more control over the mechanisms of the state than the Bourbon Kings ever did.

>The difference is that I will be equipped to deal with it when it happens

Which is why so many people are unemployed right now and why so many newly graduated collegefags with good grades and engineering degrees can't find work, right? You should stop deluding yourself; if society screws you over, there's nothing you can do about it. Period.

>> No.7414778

You know I was about to go to bed but I have to reply to this post.

You're a fucking idiot and if you really believe the shit you're saying a pathetic one too.

No one gets real job experience before 19 or so these days unless its with a family business.

Working at a taco bell doesn't help you much in the future, sure learning the basic suck a customers dick so they'll buy more skills is nice but its not necessary and it something you can compensate for real easy.

If you're twenty one now you could have a Doctorate before You reached the half way point in the average human life span.

You're still a young fuck think more like you're going to live past 25.

And if you have some degenerative disease(I love hearing that excuse) or some shit were you won't live that long you're wasting your life here.

>> No.7414780


How I wish the world would learn that as well. I'm tired of silly drama. I should learn to get better in that regard as well.

>> No.7414785

There would be no drama if the normalfags stayed in their hugboxes instead of coming to /jp/ and trying to turn the board into something it's not.

>> No.7414790
File: 39 KB, 306x242, Sarah Jessica Parker Laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why so many newly graduated collegefags with good grades and engineering degrees can't find work
>engineering degrees can't find work

>> No.7414807

I'm sorry. I didn't know /jp/ was supposed to be /r9k2.0/.

>> No.7414812

For that you deserve all flak you can get.

Just because some losers without any skills and with worthless degrees can not find job doesn't mean everyone is like that.

And I was not saying that those events were predictable -- I'm saying that they happened and that shit did hit the fan, unexpectedly. Just like how you're not expecting anything to change now, and then it suddenly might change. And then some people would survive and some would die. If you do not improve yourself thinking you are fine the way you are, you die.

Actually US economy is dying. China is doing all the work and US just spends spends spends. I won't say that there definitely will be changes soon, but claiming that there won't is just silly.

>> No.7414864

I might go to the mall with my family tomorrow to look for some new clothes and take it easy at a nice restaurant.

>> No.7414898

Being a "hikikomori" is morally wrong. Yeah, I fucking said it. Even if you do nothing but sit in your room, you still hurt people. How do you think your parents feel about their darling son or daughter locking themselves away from the entire Goddamn world? I've never had a child of my own, but it must be hell to see your offspring reduce themselves to subhuman scum before your very eyes, while they rob you blind so that they can continue to degrade themselves for the sake of their hobbies. Even if you haven't stooped so low as to steal from your parents, where do you get your money? Welfare? Yeah, I sure do feel great about how my tax dollars are going to help you pathetic fucks, in the middle of this economic shitstorm. Keep on hogging money from the people who actually need it.

No-one should have to tell you people to get your shit together; you have no excuse. There is help out there, if you will get off your ass and find it.

Of course, you could just do everyone a favor and die, but hey, that's just my opinion.

>> No.7414905
File: 48 KB, 269x350, aikido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool opinion, but have you heard of the wonders of Aikido?

>> No.7414910

>Keep on hogging money from the people who actually need it.
Like niggers and Mexicans with no education/future and too many kids?

>> No.7414911
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You know how I can make this thread more interesting and on-topic?

>> No.7414912
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>> No.7414913


Shit, at this point, they're a higher lifeform than you.

>> No.7414916

Oh boy someone hit a nerve.

>> No.7414918
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>> No.7414920

Anyone is better than a Hikki/Neet.

>> No.7414921

There are no worthwhile people on welfare, don't pretend uneducated niggers and cripples deserve money for providing nothing to society more than anyone else.

>> No.7414925
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>> No.7414927


Except handicapped people actually deserve to be taken care of; shit's not their fault. NEET is not a handicap.

>> No.7414929
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>> No.7414930

So many fucking normalfags in this thread. /jp/ I am disapoint.

>> No.7414932
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>> No.7414938
File: 645 KB, 1000x1000, 17805890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7415004

/jp/ - blogposts and preaching
