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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 534 KB, 1544x1105, kaiji 02-198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7409184 No.7409184 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7409507
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>> No.7410065

Anyone up for a game?

>> No.7410109
File: 154 KB, 550x614, 80d2dda61da93fe8a418ceb50a924608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+2 for 4p
+1 for 1p

Get in here.

>> No.7410175

>2 sided wait on Honitsu, Ipeiko, Tanyao, Chung, Dora 3
>8 rounds later
>Someone makes a 2 yaku hand and wins
Orz. Things like this happen way too often

>> No.7410187


Tanyao and Chun aren't compatible, friend. Neither are Tanyao and Honitsu, if you think about it.

>> No.7410266
File: 74 KB, 476x497, fuckingdora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this bullshit.
Could have won sigh.

>> No.7410289

Anyone know if this will work with my future Samsung Galaxy S2? I've seen it play 1080p videos on a website so I think it can handle flash.

>> No.7411863

It's about time to get ready for a hanchan or two, boys.

>> No.7411961
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>> No.7411994

Lol oh man, this game more random then roullette

>> No.7412001

what is the best mahjong app for android
free preferred

>> No.7412005
File: 158 KB, 728x616, 1683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, why can't the game give me this kind of hand when I'm actually behind or something

>> No.7412012
File: 35 KB, 559x74, fuckdamn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the picture of every hand I get on Tenhou when I need a good one. It isn't even until the 7th turn in before I know what to do with it.

>> No.7412014

That could have been a real monster hand if it turned into a riichi, tsumo, hon itsu, toi toi, san anko, hatsu + a ippatsu or a dora or two and it'll turn into a kazoe yakuman..

>> No.7412019

Waiting for triplets would've taken forever, and I didn't really need a big hand, so I just changed it into a wait on 6 and 9 sou the next turn.
The ura-dora was 6 sou, so I managed to get a baiman

>> No.7412029

I shouldn't play this game before I wake up...

>> No.7412199
File: 184 KB, 731x620, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best 3P game ever.

Kazoe yakuman & triumphant comebacks!

>> No.7412206

There's an optional rule counting this as a yakuman.

>> No.7412507

lol..these are the hands i get playing in the dan rooms.

>> No.7413769

Bump for a 3/4P 赤速 or 4p食い断ナシ.

>> No.7415651

4chan's absolutely loads like rubbish right now, come on into 7447 and chill out!

>> No.7415676
File: 342 KB, 600x600, d82348656d9f6502cc4313bd03ff616b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post cute girls if you want players

>> No.7415880
File: 160 KB, 717x585, 1280234522655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure love winning with 1K worth hands when everybody else is going for the phat lewts.

>> No.7415915
File: 111 KB, 1440x810, 1288821018532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will this win once lose once cycle ever end? ;_;

>> No.7416086
File: 86 KB, 500x281, 17id021-197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you can always turtle whenever someone riichis.

I'm up for a game if anyone cares.

>> No.7417508


>> No.7417555
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>> No.7418785
File: 153 KB, 729x619, 5i8912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did I manage to avoid this? Not like I'm going to complain though

>> No.7418788

I think there's a rule where whoever helps the person complete their daisangen has to pay. Since you didn't, you don't pay.

>> No.7418791

The idiot to your left discarded a chun when the other guy has got haku and hatsu out so he got hit with a PAO.

>> No.7418804

3.3.6 Third melded dragon pung and fourth melded wind pung
A player who feeds the third dragon pung/kong of an opponent or the fourth wind
pung/kong of an opponent must pay the full value of the hand in case Big Three Dragons
or Big FourWinds are made on a self-draw (the two remaining opponents pay nothing).
In case another opponent feeds the Big Three Dragons or Big Four Winds, he
shares the payment with the player who fed the third dragon pung/kong or the fourth
wind pung/kong.

This rule I did not know before.

>> No.7418807

3.3.6 Third melded dragon pung and fourth melded wind pung
A player who feeds the third dragon pung/kong of an opponent or the fourth wind
pung/kong of an opponent must pay the full value of the hand in case Big Three Dragons
or Big FourWinds are made on a self-draw (the two remaining opponents pay nothing).
In case another opponent feeds the Big Three Dragons or Big Four Winds, he
shares the payment with the player who fed the third dragon pung/kong or the fourth
wind pung/kong.

This rule I did not know before.

>> No.7418822

I've only seen the rule take place by tsumo. Didn't realize that the payment was split in the event of a ron.

The guy on the right is also an idiot for discarding tou that late in the first round.

>> No.7418935

Anyone playing?

>> No.7419049

Need 1 more for 3p or 2 more for 4p.

>> No.7419092
File: 9 KB, 312x210, 145213643214461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly Houraii, I'm the master of hax, not you.

>> No.7419094


what was your 24000?

>> No.7419096
File: 194 KB, 728x620, 1451234463451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It was his own fault. If I were that far ahead, I would have just turtled like a faggot. Anything can happen in 3p, and my come from behind win proves it.

>> No.7419111

maybe he doesn't care so much since it's 3p and it doesn't really prove anything.

>> No.7419146

You're both quite right, I tend to be retardedly allin-ish when it comes to 3p.

>> No.7419186

Do you ever sleep? You're on 4chan 24/7 it seems.

>> No.7419320
File: 163 KB, 744x636, hahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am done. Finally got you bitches at last.

>> No.7419333 [DELETED] 

How do i learn to play mahjang?

>> No.7419332

What hand did you pulled off at the end? A saibaiman or perhaps a kazoe yakuman?

>> No.7419336

A dora 8. And I played into it as usual!

Done too, thanks for the games.

>> No.7419364

Watch Akagi, Tetsuya, Mudazumo, Saki, Kaiji and use your brain.

>> No.7419372
File: 57 KB, 360x477, 1303394372837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching Saki for the mahjong

>> No.7419435

1. http://www.osamuko.com/complete-beginners-guide-to-online-mahjong-part-1-how-to-play/

2. http://www.gamedesign.jp/flash/mahjong/mahjong_e.html (for practice)

3. http://arcturus.su/tenhou/

4. http://tenhou.net

Be steady!

>> No.7419456
File: 92 KB, 535x576, 1303138800645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up for a hanchan or two?

>> No.7419957

Kana here, sorry about the AFK for that entire tong round, forgotten to cancel my 予約 before I left my desk to prepare some udon.

>> No.7420377
File: 112 KB, 800x600, 91bec0aa8aaaae59a643c02159af49e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's Play!

>> No.7420498

4P would be nice.

>> No.7420687
File: 286 KB, 731x620, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My.. my dora 7 chin itsu....

>> No.7421112


Honestly, anybody who deals into that crap deserves what's coming for them. You can tell that your opponents weren't retards by their discards.

>> No.7421451

How about a game?

>> No.7421496

Pretty much.

As for >>7420687 yourself, try not making your hand stupidly obvious to begin with if you want to complete it. Lay off the chi button a little.

>> No.7421787


>> No.7423741
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>> No.7425546

Anyone feel like playing? 2:0

>> No.7425595
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>> No.7425808

Hey i'm curious why people like to play fast-mode so much more than slow. To me, it seems like fast-mode only adds a greater chance of not clicking your tile fast enough and fucking up your whole hand.
I could understand playing fast for grinding for rank in the main lobby, but not for taking it easy in 7447. But maybe I'm missing something.

>> No.7426054

It's more intense perhaps, since everyone has to be on their toes all the time. I personally prefer taking it easy in 7447.

>> No.7426590

In 4P if everyone take the full 10sec, you need 1/2minutes to go through 1discard.
Ever thought how stupid this is?
Protip: you can start thinking what to discard during your opponents discard phase

>> No.7426602

You get used to it really quickly.

>> No.7426621

what the fuck you expect me to do while you retards take 5+ seconds for every discard

>> No.7426631

What about those faggots that take the full 10 seconds to click OK whenever someone wins a fucking hand. God damn.

>> No.7426728

It's not like the full 10 sec is always used up. Normally the game is as fast as in fast mode, but occassionally it's nice to have the time to think when you have a difficult hand.
The game is more enjoyable when you and your opponents don't make stupid mistakes.

>> No.7426972

but i want to see the hand

>> No.7428588

Shall we play?

>> No.7429487
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>> No.7430329
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Let's play.

>> No.7431363
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>> No.7431485

fucking source

>> No.7431870
File: 172 KB, 1200x1200, 81ab698b302de36bcf9da97d4e8e6aec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's Play!

>> No.7431925
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>> No.7432749
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>> No.7432814

2/1 more for 4/3P.
