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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 18 KB, 478x354, HerculesAcademy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7371470 No.7371470 [Reply] [Original]

Those who are tired of being the trash of society and seek solutions for your problems

Welcome to the Hercules Factory , faggots , its time to put some asses into ACTUAL TRAINING

>> No.7371473


>> No.7371480

Ultimate Muscle was fucking boss, wish i knew where to DL it.

>> No.7371487
File: 152 KB, 882x496, Yama - No you piece of shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, thanks.

>> No.7371491

I also enjoyed the show immensely, Have you read the original kinnukuman manga?

Its also good.

Though some of the spin offs are kind of retarded. Like the TG one.

>> No.7371501

As you wish , but its stupid not seeking solutions for your problems and such


This thread is to help /jp/ , and I DOUBT they'll go near /adv/


me too bro , me too

>> No.7371510

This thread would be better if it was about the old wadl 38 saturday morning anime line up.


>> No.7371514
File: 252 KB, 300x438, battle ramenman .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think life is like animu/mango or the novels you read everyday ? FUCK NO

and you are going to cry because your life is not "HURR AS MY ANIMU" or " I WANT TO BE THE LITTLE GIRL UGUU~" because you are just playing dumb and blinding yourself from reality

Life can be like a Mango if you work hard everyday , you might not be with your waifu in flesh and blood but she is in your heart , rooting for you to become a better person each day

You can have a lot of likes and dislikes , but remember , you are someone who has the rights to live and to not give a fuck about what the rest think about you

/jp/ , with your waifu on your heart , race towards greatness in life!

>> No.7371519
File: 27 KB, 576x384, 1287120350199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>toonami midnight run
>next day at school

>> No.7371525

Man I wish I could spend months pretending to be braindead.

>> No.7371535


So I'm guessing the waifuless are doomed or something?

>> No.7371540

It was worth it for Yuyu hakusho man and uncut outlaw star which I'm pretty sure was exactly the same.

>> No.7371551
File: 100 KB, 480x600, oldataru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls hate fatass who reek of smegma , so lets do something about it

Now there is something i learned from /a/ a long time ago , why are hourse so muscular when they are herbivores ? Well the answer is simple : FRUITS and a lot of CARDIO

You dont like pushups ? dont need it , You dont want to get away from your computer/laptop/notebook/whatever ? you will probably spend just a little of time to EARN something in return

I dont tell you to go on a diet , just to increase your ingestion of fruits/vegetables and slightly decrease your candy intake every day

And then go jogging for 1 hour every day

And then in no time you will get the body your waifu loves

Its never too late to start from the beggining , it is hard YES , but not impossible

>> No.7371556


Nope , they must find that thing that keeps their spirit up and use it as their source that pumps their heart


Actually YOU ARE

>> No.7371569

Ah caps, the sound of you mad. Anyway drop the avatar faggotry and stop giving a fuck and people might not hate you.

>> No.7371577

Hikkikomori with a stable job ? passable
Hikkikomori being a leech ? HELL NO

You must fine something that suits you :

> Programming
> Army
> assistant
> Lucha Libre

As you see , if you got the balls and the creativity YOU CAN EARN A GOOD JOB IN NO TIME

And remember to be the best at what you are doing , you cant be something YOU HATE , so choose carefully so there is not going to be wasted time

So this ends the class of today , have a good day my fellow friends

>> No.7371583
File: 362 KB, 500x500, ramenmanandhislittlesister.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7371601


I dont care for those who want to keep that way of life , this thread is only for those who wish something more for their life

I dont care if im hated , i just want to help you guys , because i know some of you have potential are you are wasting it crying like a total bitch .

>> No.7371653

>girls hate X, so let's do something about it

This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.7371662

I'm a pedophile shut-in and I go nuts from paranoia whenever I see an actual little girl.

How can I fix this?

>> No.7371681


i dont understand that logic , its not like you would fuck a 20 tons woman with her ass full of cheese


stick to 2D , remember 3DPD and that she will grow up to be a bitch and a whore

remember too that if you do some strange shit on her , you will paid it in the jail and i mean being gangraped by nigger until your eyes roll inside , after all nowadays you can go to jail FOR ANYTHING

>> No.7371705

That doesn't help me get out of my fucking house.
