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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 445 KB, 1520x1328, 1305518724431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7355084 No.7355084 [Reply] [Original]

since when are JRPGs not /jp/ related

>> No.7355101

Because there is a video game board.

>> No.7355102


>> No.7355106

they gay as HELL and dont discuss these games so that makes it board related XD

>> No.7355108

I guess we should send touhou and VNs there too then.

>> No.7355112

Since apparently greentext, daily doses and related faggotry are what /jp/ is all about.

>> No.7355117

Let me tell you my history OP, I made last year a thread about Criminal Girls, and well,was good received; after a week I realize this is not the place to make videogame threads; so tried doing there in /v/ and after seeing no one posted in there; was better for me discuss this stuff with other people that played; in other site, in a different form. Try to find your place OP. And rejoice talking about your Riviera-tactics ogre- jrpg stuff.

>> No.7355118

Since we drove out our last /v/ janitor.
Hopefully this thread will soon be deleted too.

>> No.7355123
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>> No.7355126

/v/ shitposters mad that mod is doing his job.

>> No.7355129

/jp/ was partly made for Touhou and VNs. Take the two out and you basically make this board figures and idolm@aster.

>> No.7355131
File: 13 KB, 202x179, 1305513752627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All things otaku welcome!

so if it's in a visual novel format it's otaku related but otherwise it's not?


>> No.7355140


Thanks mods. Delete quality threads with discussion, leave this shit.

>> No.7355146

Celsius most awesome summon spirit

>> No.7355151

Too bad you could never use them.

>> No.7355154
File: 210 KB, 900x1024, Celsius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nothing beats the kickboxing ice queen

>> No.7355159

make better threads and yours won't be deleted, faggot!

>> No.7355165

actually after beating the game once you can replay with certain features

one of them makes your party and all enemies go into overdrive much more often

with that Sheena will be making multiple summons with every boss fight

>> No.7355170

What do you expect, its 4chan. The mods are just as much shitposters as the /v/ kiddies buzzing about this thread.

>> No.7355181

/jp/ - Video Games
Text Board: /games/

>> No.7355182

Why couldn't she have been playable instead of a summon spirit...

>> No.7355184

The mod really needs to stop coming here for 5 minutes then leaving that way we wouldn't have as many shit threads like this.

>> No.7355188

Rance and Alicesoft games often get gameplay discussion threads rather than focusing on the novel parts
Guess that makes them /v/ material and need to be deleted then. Oh, and custom maid threads too.

>> No.7355192

Please don't take my meido away.

>> No.7355194

Anyone wanna play some BLOPs?

>> No.7355196

samebutthurt mad sagefag

>> No.7355198

Nope, it's a game, must be deleted. Needs to make room for more daily doses, shitposts, and the ability for the board to only have 5 pages of threads when the capacity is 15.

>> No.7355200

Rule 34 on meido!!!!!!!!

Are you on AoC! Post some dick   !

>> No.7355201

idol threads are the only ones that aren't in some way video game related, really

>> No.7355202

Alicesoft games and Custom maid have an entry at vndb. So they are /jp/ related.

>> No.7355205

Please make it more obvious that you're a mad kid from /v/.

>> No.7355207


>> No.7355210

y u so mad?

>> No.7355211

Why don't you just get out if you hate it so much. You don't have a fucking clue how hard it is to moderate a community like /jp/. Learn some respect asshole.

Oh, and OP's thread was shitty anyway. Pitty he didn't get banned outright for being the stupid fucking idiot dipshit dumb ass fuckfaced moron he is.

>> No.7355216

/v/, why do you need to demonstrate your shittiness? We already know you're second only to /b/

>> No.7355218

Do you even know what sage is for? Fuck off back to /v/, kid.

>> No.7355222
File: 105 KB, 274x488, 1304392393524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stupid fucking idiot dipshit dumb ass fuckfaced moron

it's like I'm really in the 5th grade!

>> No.7355225

ITT: butthurt summerfags that don't know that /jp/ was made to be a weaboo /b/

>> No.7355229

u sond poperpownD

car 2 let me rub ur dik mak u fell better teeny babby?

>> No.7355230

Should I bother reading this thread, or should I hide it and do something else?

>> No.7355236

that's /a/, sir

>> No.7355238

well when you get past the name calling there's some semi-interesting discussion going on as to what makes certain video games /jp/ related

>> No.7355242

>Anonymous of Croatia!na1byG1GU.

>> No.7355246

Hide and do something else, if everyone did that, /jp/ would be so much better

>> No.7355249

Remember back when /b/ was "/b/ - Anime\Random"

>> No.7355250

So he's the one spamming /v/ shit anonymously.
Makes sense.

>> No.7355251

Yea, we should let off-topic threads on /jp/ and people who don't like it can just hide them and DEAL WITH IT.

>> No.7355255
File: 55 KB, 500x500, 1297034475515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen some pretty good JRPG threads on /jp/ in my day, yessir.

It's why I got into the Ogre series.

>> No.7355265

You lied to me, Anonymous.

Now I can never love again.

As long as less than 5/150 threads are about it and it's not drawing in hordes of retards from outside, I don't mind.

>> No.7355271

I seen some pretty good anontalk spam on /jp/ that means it's board related too, epic win

>> No.7355282

>and it's not drawing in hordes of retards from outside
But that's what they're doing just look at this trainwreck of a thread.

>> No.7355284
File: 40 KB, 500x500, 1286089250056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>epic win

>> No.7355285
File: 79 KB, 640x480, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who r u quoting?

>> No.7355286

>As long as less than 5/150 threads are about it and it's not drawing in hordes of retards from outside, I don't mind.
Oh, okay, god of /jp/, we will allow /v/ shit spam threads just because you're don't mind.

>> No.7355293
File: 61 KB, 500x313, blackcocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7355294

there's not much /jp/ has to legitimately talk about as it is

Why must we all throw such a tantrum about JRPGs?

>> No.7355298

Metathreads in /jp/ are idiot-filled trainwrecks 24/7, 52 weeks a year. This one isn't particularly out of the ordinary.

I'm saying that I personally don't care. If you don't like them you are free to do whatever you like with them, whether that's hiding them, reporting them, yelling at the people in them, or dumping stale copypasta in it.

>> No.7355301

guys, guys, listen

listen guys

touhou and VNs


they're video games

now how about that

>> No.7355303

Yeah sure, because it isn't /jp/ members in-fighting, no, it's all bringing in outside people despite that that would require someone to advertise a thread outside of /jp/ and convince people to come in and troll.
Threads aren't like bug lights, they don't attract people from other boards on their own. Kindly fuck off.

>> No.7355306

It encourages them when you reply to everything, let them drift off the board or a mod delete it.

>> No.7355307

Basically, the way I see it, anything that falls under the fringe Japanese entertainment category is /jp/ related. If a JRPG meets the requirements of cute anime-style females and possibly pedo humor, it's certainly /jp/ related.

That and niche appeal bullet-hell shooters are also /jp/ related due to the fact that they fall even further out of the mainstrem of gaming than JRPGs do. Yes, Touhou fits into this category.

It also goes without saying that VNs and masturbation material games of any kind are /jp/ related.... It doesn't take a genius to understand why.

Lastly, there are many lifestyle decisions that are certainly /jp/ related. Having a thing for 2d little girls, liking to wear diapers and/or shit on the floor, living alone and never leaving the house, collecting sexy expensive dolls, collecting figures, and using various sexual gratification devices with any of the above are all /jp/ related.

I personally refrain from discussing anything mainstream game related, and I never discuss anime on /jp/... It's just proper etiquette.

But what the fuck do I know? I could be wrong.

>> No.7355309

>Why can't I shitpost /v/ shit here?
Go spam anime pictures to illustrate your point shitposter.

>> No.7355314

Are you the one with a hundred different versions of this picture?

>> No.7355318

That's some nice greentext, /a/ faggot. Get out and quit trying to shit on /jp/, it won't work and no one is fooled.

>> No.7355323

I would agree with that, what isn't board related is to bother everyone here when a retarded mod does something.

>> No.7355326
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, 1304616714413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so angry!
Somebody get a mod in here now!

>> No.7355328

No it doesn't. You don't know shit about /jp/. Why don't you just lurk the fuck more and go back to /v/ with your shitty "vidya", idiot child.

Oh, and reported for cross-board invasion.

>> No.7355329

Shitty metathreads are always board related.

Both of you calm down and have a timeout in the corner.

>> No.7355335

We had a nice thread going at http://archive.easymodo.net/jp/thread/7353714 but the mods deleted it.
And left us with stuff like this. The mods hate /jp/.

>> No.7355336

Yeah I hate these inconsistencies. If Riviera isn't allowed, why the fuck are half-assed CAVE shooters OK?

If a large group of people wants to talk about something and they aren't making 50 threads about it, let them talk about it.

>> No.7355338
File: 86 KB, 600x555, 1294016925855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and what makes you the resident /jp/ expert?

his opinion is every bit as valid as yours

>> No.7355344

Yeah, shitpost some more, that'll prove that you're a good poster and mod is wrong.

>> No.7355347

old meido never touched JRPG threads

I want our old meido back

>> No.7355348

i am god of /jp/. look on my works ye mighty and despair or i'll send you to HELL

>> No.7355349

I wish ghost posting came back

>> No.7355352

The mods have hated /jp/ ever since /jp/ was a questionable idea kicking around in the back of moot's head.

/jp/ is loaded loaded chock-full of inconsistencies. Curtain fire games have a far greater claim to /jp/-relatedness than JRPGs.

>> No.7355355

Fuck you, faggot.

>> No.7355357

How is that shitposting? That's backing up a point that it was a good thread that people enjoyed.

>> No.7355362
File: 68 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hanasaku Iroha - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_10.01_[2011.05.15_18.32.18].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imposter, stop tarnishing wtH's good name.

>> No.7355365

>3 different random mmorpgs
>ar tonelico shit
>jrpg shit
>disagea shit
I think they are making plenty of off topic threads here.
He was hotgluer shitposter himself

>> No.7355367

>This is for general Japanese things/images and discussion. This [unfortunately] includes figurines, visual novels, Touhou, etc.
>I'm going to axe this board immediately if it doesn't turn out well and becomes a hassle to moderate. You've been given your chance.

>> No.7355373

Pokemon is now /jp/ related.

>> No.7355375

Pretty sure the mod doesn't know or care about /jp/ or related material. But mind you /jp/ is VNs figures/otaku merch and Doujin Games, those do not fall under that.

>> No.7355382

Consider lurking some more.

>> No.7355383

>>3 different random mmorpgs
>ar tonelico shit
>jrpg shit
>disagea shit
Then combine the smaller threads into one larger more general thread.

>> No.7355386

Looks like shiposting to me. How about accept your ban and go discuss video games in a video game board in the future?

>> No.7355388

If he was going to kill it he would have around the time he took those other boards down some months back. /jp/ itself isn't that much a problem, we stay in our own board, its just other boards causing problems

>> No.7355398

Why are you telling me? I'm not the one spamming them. And it's still off topic, even if it's in one thread.

>> No.7355400

Look at the timestamps idiot.

>> No.7355401


OK smart guy, why don't you tell me instead of instigating? Please tell me you can actually form a useful response.

And for the record, I detest /v/ and /a/. I visit /g/ and /o/ once a week or so, and that's it; all of my time is usually spent looking for threads on /jp/ that gratify my perverted sense of sexual satisfaction and humor. Specifically I really enjoy some of the VN, doll, touhou, and NIS/Gust threads.... It depends on how much sexy material and DFC they contain. That's really all it takes to hold my interest.

>> No.7355403

>why Ar Tonelico is /jp/ related text dump
I can't be arsed to find it, but not all threads are the same level of "off-topic."

>> No.7355405

> NIS/Gust
Try /v/ shitposter, that's where video game threads belong.

>> No.7355409

Not him, but if we tell you all our secrets it will soon be impossible to distinguish the imitations from the originals and the world will collapse.

The fact that you bothered to make such posts as you did is already an indication that you should consider lurking more.

>> No.7355410

So you're saying you can't form a useful response?

>> No.7355415

Not necessarily unable. He doesn't want to be helpful to you, since he is under the impression that you are a shitty poster.

>> No.7355416

touhou too?

>> No.7355422

Obviously not.

Consider refraining from asking dumb questions in the future.

>> No.7355424

>touhou is /jp/ therefore Call of Duty: Black Ops is /jp/ too.
Two can play that game, shitposter.

>> No.7355442

Call of Duty: Black Ops is not a JRPG


I mean look at this thread, that's the entire point we're arguing about.

>> No.7355457

Any JRPG has traditionally required to have been somewhat exceptional to belong to /jp/.

Are you the one who spams the shit out of threads you don't like with Black Ops spam?

>> No.7355472

>lol imma oldfag i has opions im right
You have no clue about /jp/ tradition. Stop trolling you stupid weeaboo shitposter. Go play your games with /v/, you aren't wanted here.

>> No.7355474

Try posting in english next time
Oh, so it's double standards. Korean mmorpgs are okay, popular games are not.

>> No.7355476
File: 476 KB, 1433x1012, 5f0f2cd37b97c1fa8838fc1352bb34e9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is Etrian Odyssey somewhat exceptional

>> No.7355478


I hardly ever post to be honest. You make an interesting point though... I always thought /v/ normals rejected Gust/NIS threads out of hand because the games are, in their minds anyway, weeaboo trash. Is that incorrect? If such threads are really popular, and last for days or weeks, then perhaps I'll check it out. I get the feeling you're full of shit though.


Not exactly sure what you're getting at... To be honest, I think the worst thing I've ever posted on /jp/ is my studio condo in 2008 and my town house since 2010 in those stupid room threads. Those threads tend to stink of /g/ and can drift into non /jp/ related crap quite quickly.

Oh wait, I take that back.... ages ago we had "what does /jp/ drive" threads... I think I posted my S2000 once, but I probably shouldn't have, because BOOF proceeded to post his Mini and NSX.

>> No.7355484

You're actually retarded.

I'm sorry. I dropped a "been." Let me fix it.

Any JRPG has been traditionally required to have been somewhat exceptional to belong to /jp/.

If you're not a fan of double standards you should probably hurry up and get out of /jp/ before you explode.

>> No.7355485
File: 226 KB, 600x847, 4a61af9f97bb9f31a6a9aa2eb397f3b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's talk about how much we like Etrian Odyssey

>> No.7355486

Duh. That's why nobody talks about the games in /jp/. Just which characters they'd like to do things with.

>> No.7355489

>I hardly ever post to be honest. You make an interesting point though... I always thought /v/ normals rejected Gust/NIS threads out of hand because the games are, in their minds anyway, weeaboo trash. Is that incorrect? If such threads are really popular, and last for days or weeks, then perhaps I'll check it out. I get the feeling you're full of shit though.

I've seen plenty of gust/ random jrpg threads there.
Even if they aren't accepted for some reason, doesn't mean they're somehow turn to /jp/ material.

>> No.7355491

I hate it

>> No.7355493

>Try posting in english next time
LOL wut?

>Any JRPG has traditionally required to have been somewhat exceptional to belong to /jp/.
makes perfect sense. Let me rephrase into retard: "JRPGs have to be exceptionally good to be on /jp/" ,but it makes sense. lrn2perfect tense asshole, or go back to /v/

>> No.7355495

I like it.
But it doesn't like me.

>> No.7355497

Not at first glance, since it seems like a perfectly standard dungeon crawl JRPG.

>> No.7355499


>Any JRPG has traditionally required to have been somewhat exceptional to belong to /jp/.

Yeah, it needs to be cute and pedo to the point of being creepy, and packed full of sexual innuendo.

At least for me anyway.

>> No.7355500

>"JRPGs have to be exceptionally good to be on /jp/
What is this? Some unofficial /jp/ shitposter rule? never heard of it.

>> No.7355503
File: 81 KB, 840x1278, 48c34198ffac988913b9b3cb4bd5b886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's pretty hard huh

I've wanted to snap my DS in half while playing it, on occasion

>> No.7355505

Now that you put it that way, I'm not sure if my original sentence was correct or not anymore. I still then you need another word to double up your perfect tenses (past or present), though.

>JRPGs have had to have been exceptional to be on /jp/.

>> No.7355510
File: 44 KB, 500x400, a3d5d2a7418d91e64b3f0e1e659cab63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can make an Etrian Odyssey team composed entirely of lolis

how is that not /jp/ related

>> No.7355515

It's obviously unofficial, as the only official rules in /jp/ are those laid out by moot.

It's also fairly unwritten, as I extrapolated the "rule" just now from observation of various discussions regarding the matter as well as historical /jp/ convention.

It hasn't been an issue for a while.

>> No.7355519


Do they ever tell people go go back to /jp/? Or even worse, go back to /a/?

>> No.7355523

Before somebody jumps on my ass, my tense usage was incorrect. The observations are from the past and not the present / very recent past.

>> No.7355525

just rename /jp/ to /2hu/

>> No.7355527


try making a JRPG thread on /v/ and you'll be directed to /jp/

or people will spam your thread with "lol weeaboos"

>> No.7355531

They don't post anything.
Instead a bunch more shitty FPS threads show up and 404 any non-FPS thread off the board

>> No.7355532

It would sooner be renamed to /jp/ - 404 - File not found.

>> No.7355534


Now see, that I can't deal with.

>> No.7355536

/dg/ - doujin/vn. Hell, I'll even write the rules for you.
"For Doujinsoft, Visual Novels, and Comiket discussion".

>> No.7355538

>try making a JRPG thread on /v/ and you'll be directed to /jp/
Not really, no. I don't recall a single /jp/ redirect in a JRPG thread, unless it's something I've missed, like maybe Cosmic Break? I dunno.

>or people will spam your thread with "lol weeaboos"
If you stop posting because a few shitheads spam your thread you'll never do post anywhere, least of all /v/. Or /jp/ for that matter.

>> No.7355548
File: 150 KB, 500x500, 9ab49d6b1423dca3b755099ffef6e264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not really, no. I don't recall a single /jp/ redirect in a JRPG thread.

really because that happened at least once in every JRPG thread I've ever made

sometimes games that were made by Atlus are spammed with "fatlus" comics, which I think are kind of funny

>> No.7355551

Out of all the places on the internet where one could choose to discuss JRPGs, are you telling me that /jp/, the tenth circle of Internet Autist Hell, is your top pick? Seriously?

Do your parents have to close the bathroom doors to keep you from drinking out of the toilets?

>> No.7355553

listen, faggot

i don't come here to read about your shit. i come here for the touhous. you post anything else and i will fuck your ass.

before making a thread ask yourself, "will he like this thread?"
if yes, post it
if not, i'm gonna report your faggot ass for shitposting

if i don't like your thread, then you are a shitposter
it's not a hard concept

>> No.7355554

This basically sums up the thread.

Show's over, go home everyone.

>> No.7355558


Facinating... I'm surprised you would out yourselves as /v/ knowledgeable. I can only get two pages in before I feel ill and have to quit, and that was more than a year ago.

I think I'll avoid /v/, even if some weeaboo material might be welcomed. I just can't bring myself low enough to reach their level.

>> No.7355561

No, because Cirno isn't real.

>> No.7355564
File: 19 KB, 327x309, comic1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I come here to talk about touhou so why not

>> No.7355569

It's fairly common knowledge that I'm a /v/ poster anyways.

Eh, maybe I'm not paying a whole lot of attention. I don't usually go to JRPG threads anyways, since I don't really play console JRPGs save handhelds, and that's most of what's talked about. But from what I can remember I hadn't seen any.

>> No.7355570


This, fucking this.

Why can't we have a board like that instead of this catch-all hell?

>> No.7355571

I encourage everybody to spend some time in /v/ every now and then. It will train you to ignore shitty threads and builds character.

>> No.7355573

>Bawww /v/ doesn't like jrpgs therefore I can spam them on /jp/.
Hey, looks like you are all wrong
Keep on shitposting.

>> No.7355577


The same goes for Disgaea as well.

Touhou and Disgaea might as well be sister series with the amount of lolis and ridiculously powerful characters who roam around....

>> No.7355580

I didn't even know they archived /v/.

You learn something new every day.

>> No.7355587

It was a fairly recent development. Only a few months back.
Please don't look at the post counts report.

>> No.7355594
File: 77 KB, 235x400, 2c5e3a4016532725249827753b5c881e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dem NPCs, man

>> No.7355595

Way to very subtly attention whore there.

>> No.7355604
File: 19 KB, 332x288, comic2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7355606


I just found the cacophony of it all depressing... So I've never gone back. Besides, what good is a board that makes you hide all but one or two threads? It's disgusting to have to wade through all that filth.

>> No.7355607
File: 19 KB, 327x309, comic3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7355609

Wasn't all that subtle anyways.

>> No.7355610

On second observation, I'm pretty sure I can safely say that you have way, way, too much time on your hands.

>> No.7355612

>a board that makes you hide all but one or two threads

>> No.7355615

Really, I hadn't noticed.

>> No.7355622
File: 226 KB, 686x780, ce14ed8b99b9cd13e96ca369231fdb6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so is the endgame in EO2 and 3 more flexible than it was in EO1

or do you totally, absolutely need to have certain class configurations/specs no matter what

>> No.7355626


>> No.7355632


The fatal flaw with most of those threads is a lack of focus on one particular game or a very small handfull of games. I took a peek at the first thread and shit was all over the fucking place. It made my goddamn head spin.

>> No.7355633


fairly flexible, but of course, not all parties will be successful

there have been some solo wins, too

>> No.7355639


It feels fairly flexible even though I never played EO1. Just beat that dragon FOE on the second stratum in EO3 with a prince, princess, gladiator, buccaneer and zodiac even though I haven't reached the eighth floor.

>> No.7355640

One of the reasons people didn't mind the old Ar Tonelico crew is that they weren't composed mostly of insufferable faggots.

>> No.7355646

Oh wow. Now you're throwing out excuses? I'm starting to think that you actually don't give a fuck about those games and just want so shitpost specifically on /jp/ for some reason.

>> No.7355647
File: 251 KB, 640x480, d301fcccc642d76f4ea54395b68ca6f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you didn't name your blonde witch doctor Marisa then shame on you

>> No.7355689


false. they cried so hard that even Mein Fuhrer Meido gave in and allowed them. and if you so much as suggested that AT belonged in /v/, you could completely derail the thread (fun times).

>> No.7355698

I saw a lot of "go back to /v/" and similar posts that either got a few canned responses or were completely ignored.

>> No.7357106

why is Class of Heroes so shitty
