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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 54 KB, 358x399, ainu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
734440 No.734440 [Reply] [Original]

It's ainu time!

>> No.734445

I read that as
>It's hanyuu time!

>> No.734446
File: 28 KB, 301x451, 1212277538912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good to know there's at least some folk who can grow beards on the Japanese islands.

>> No.734449
File: 162 KB, 1007x730, 1212277581842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, dad, no!

>> No.734455

Fuckin' Ainu! Not Japanese!

>> No.734458

Who let them injuns into my nip islands?

>> No.734495

The only people worth of being called Japanese.
The slants overcrowding the isles today are just misbegotten Korean offsprings.

>> No.734511

Nakoruru sure let herself go

>> No.734529
File: 144 KB, 798x473, 1212278627938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original Samurai, bitches! The Japanese government is going to officially recognise them sometime this week.

>> No.734576

Time for some Ainu casinos..?

>> No.734645

Bearded samurai? Fucking awesome.

>> No.734815
File: 91 KB, 530x818, 1212281088327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My original waifu.

Aren't Eruru and Aruru also based on Ainu? What is with the -ruru ending?

>> No.734817

Holy shit, Reimu?

>> No.734837

Dirty natives are dirty. gb2/oven/

>> No.734830

She is a priestess and I've always had a thing for priestesses ever since.

>> No.734851
File: 45 KB, 581x812, 1212281367827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Valar

>> No.734860
File: 52 KB, 487x500, 1212281445651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newfags never played samurai showdown

>> No.734870

The consensus seems to be that the Ainu men don't have to all have huge fuck off beards, but they do anyway because they're the only Japanese who can. Hokkaido is basically Sparta. But not gay.

>> No.734874
File: 77 KB, 1000x1000, 1212281522451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is gonna have to punish you in the name of nature now.

>> No.734895

I played Samurai Spirits I even bought a Neo-Geo with Samurai Spirits II and the cartridge cost me $236 back in 1995.

Nakoruru was my first waifu.

>> No.734913

Bloody hell.

>> No.734914

>>newfags never played samurai showdown
>>samurai showdown

That is very ironic.

>> No.734932

It was the largest Neo-Geo cart up to that point, around 202 megabits. I also bought the Neo-Geo off of, get this, Usenet. This was before eBay.

>> No.734945


Oh god, I miss the Neo Geo SO MUCH. I never was big on most SNK fighters like KoF, but there was this shitty little store that was way out of my way that had Metal Slug, Double Dragon, and Samurai Shodown cabinets... I spent so much fucking time there. Those were good times. If they had had Last Blade 2 and Garou also it would've been fucking heaven.

>> No.735024
File: 59 KB, 614x468, 1212283018576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.735030

Ainu language is all fucked up.

>> No.735070

I still have a Neo-Geo home system, SamSho 1-5, both Last Blades and a few others. I also have motherboards for a 2-slot and 6-slot arcade cabinet and a Neo-Geo 64 with the 3D SamSho.

... But I have not touched any of it in years. Really need to dust it off. All of this because I love Nakoruru.

What I really need is a good Nakoruru figure but they've never released one I really like.

>> No.735096


I envy your collector's spirit, but that's too EXPENSIVE for me. I just have a Neo Geo emulator and a bunch of ROMs. What I'd really like to get is a genuine arcade cabinet, but I've got no room for it.

>> No.735098


>> No.735152

It's Zainichi Korean time!

>> No.735181

I have a cabinet I bought but it has been in storage so long I need to get it out. I'm planning on fixing it up with an LCD screen and a PC with an emulator inside. I'm pretty sure the environment has killed any electrical-mechanical parts, so I'll pretty much just have the cabinet. It does have a nice paint job that has survived though.

I bought all this when I had a really decent job. Not so much now.

I was gonna put big graphics of Reimu and Nakoruru on the side and post pictures of it running SWR when I got it finished up.

>> No.735320

you from lawrence MA, aren't ya?

>> No.735345


No, New York City.


That would be pretty sweet. It's always been a childhood dream of mine to own my own arcade cabinet. Although, of course, the dream gets bigger as I get older and by this point I want at least like 20 arcade cabinets. Somehow I feel like having a NBA Jam or Super Turbo cabinet in my room would be like recapturing childhood.

>> No.735352

oh, i did an annotated bibliography on them this past semester. it's kinda depressing how the same shit has happened to them that us americans did to our own native population.

>> No.735358


Where are their casinos?

>> No.735362

Are you Korean or Korean American?

>> No.735412

i got it :3

>> No.735434

Yeah, Neo-Geo and SNK fighters were fucking awesome. And when I say "Neo-Geo" I mean "Neo-Rage X". 200+ dollars for a game, what the fuck?

>> No.735462

Oh no you don't.

>> No.735702

Nothing could match the Neo-Geo home system for 2D games until the PS2. I guess the PS1 version of SamSho 3 was a good port but the load times were unbarable. Nothing today really compares though cause home beat out the arcade a long time ago.

>> No.735852
File: 85 KB, 358x399, 1212290102417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.735866


>> No.735883

Some of them look really European

>> No.735962

This is a good thread. It has reminded me to redownload all the Neo Geo ROMs I lost when my hard drive crashed. Fuck SWR, it's time to get reacquainted with SamSho and Last Blade.

>> No.736001


Fuck yeah, NBA Jam. I fukken loved that game so much, and I wasn't even that big on sports games.

>> No.736012


You don't have to give half a shit about sports to love NBA Jam and Mutant League Football. Those masterpieces stand on their own.

>> No.736012,1 [INTERNAL] 

10/10 thread.

>> No.736012,2 [INTERNAL] 

>Ainu discussion
>Neo-Geo Ainu characters
>NGE Ainu Anno


>> No.736012,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.736012,4 [INTERNAL] 

Were Ainu honorary Aryans?

>> No.736012,5 [INTERNAL] 


yes, and it's unfortunate that they aren't pure blood anymore after so much mixing with japs

>> No.736012,6 [INTERNAL] 


they're actually genetically further away from whites than chinks are, so no

>> No.736012,7 [INTERNAL] 

The last time we had a Japanese bear thread it was deleted and half of the posters in it were banned.
What did you expect to happen by posting the peoples that worship the Japanese bear?

>> No.736012,8 [INTERNAL] 


jap bears are the manlets of the bear kingdom

>> No.736012,9 [INTERNAL] 

I am pretty sure the Sun bear is actually the smallest bear next to the red panda.

To boot the Speckled bear isn't actually that big either (amazon).
