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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7343797 No.7343797 [Reply] [Original]


Let's all say something good about our /jp/

>> No.7343805

It could be better. All these new trips, people wondering about what a "otaku" is and how they can become one, serious replies to above threads need to go though. And the blog threads.

>> No.7343810

It shows how terrible Autism really is.

>> No.7343811

No, you retard, this is the one metathread that's focused on the positive aspects of /jp/ and not just bitching 24/7 like the other hundred we've had in the past week.

Looks like I just blew it also.

>> No.7343815

There are still people who didn't come from /a/, /v/, creating threads with no memes, greentext, shitposting, which touhou would you ****, and that actually have content, even though it's rare these days, it's one of reasons I still am here.

>> No.7343818

The awful threads attract the trolls and idiots so they don't mess with the better threads as much.

>> No.7343819

I like the anime and video game threads.

>> No.7343823
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It's slow enough to get doubles.

>> No.7343824
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The anime discussions are good sometimes.

>> No.7343835
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Is not as bad as some people said it is. Is full of good hearted people who support each other in times of need. And they are actually kinda smart.

>> No.7343841

It has a lot of good posters in it and it offers a kind of community that few other places on the internet do.

>> No.7343843

Not gonna lie, I slowly moved over here from being your average run-of-the-mill /b/tard. I like the fact that /jp/ (as well as other boards) move slower, that there seems to be some semblance of order to most threads

but most of all it's the fact that I can come to this board and enjoy everything /jp/ enjoys, and those that it doesn't, and not be criticized for it

>> No.7343849

>not be criticized for it
Oh boy, here we go.

>> No.7343868

But that's actually true, you only get criticized if you create troll threads or the kind, and by trolls themselves when you create a legit /jp/ thread, but if you actually take these as critics, instead of shitty troll attemps, then you may as well say that don't matter what you post on /jp/ you will be criticized.

>> No.7343876

yeah I was afraid saying that might cause a shitstorm or something, but what I meant was something like how I could start a thread talking about dakimakura and actually have a "discussion" about them, rather than being scoffed at for something as "ridiculous" as owning one

>> No.7343890

That's simple, create the thread or go in a already existing one in a forum or something that needs a account, people don't enjoy being banned in these, and you can actually have discussions of the level of intelligence you seek, in /jp/ you used to be able to that,hell, in the whole 4chan, but after it became popular, the flood of underaged children made actual discussion almost impossible in most of the boards.

>> No.7343926

So much shitposting actually makes it easier to discern and appreciate intelligent discussion on actual /jp/ material.

>> No.7343931

Haha, yeah yeah, I completely understand. The nice thing about hanging out around here is that I'm not exactly a /jp/-purist, so sometimes cross-board stuff is fun to me. Likewise, I know I don't share the same devotion to /jp/-related things like Touhou as many people here do, so having anonymity and whatnot makes it easier to be detached from it all.
Sounds stupid, I'm sure. Like the rantings of one of those "underaged children," no?

>> No.7343933

The eroge general threads are always pretty nice.

>> No.7343939

When a thread stays on topic they are often fantastic.

>> No.7343948

But it makes you kind of sad when the whole first page is filled with threads that don't have any actual content/discussion (besides the usuals one like NEET,hikikomori,diapers,shit on the floor, which touhou,sage,america trolls,your shmup sucks,your game suck, you are pedophiles, you don't have a girlfriend), don't?

>> No.7343950

/jp/ uses sage while fully aware of its real purpose

>> No.7343953

Take your bitching to another thread.

>> No.7343956

No, it doesn't sound like this, I am actually the same as you, except for the anonimity and touhou love.

>> No.7343964

Even if I take it to another thread, it will still be bitching, besides people are not discussing the matter which OP actually made this thread for, anymore.

>> No.7343970

Even most trolls here are more entertaining and original than the troll attempts on other boards

>> No.7343974

Only because fucking retarded posters like you derailed it into the usual shitstorm of negativity.

>> No.7343978

the board has a lot of great users from /a/ and /v/ who bring entertainment to /jp/ when it's stale.

there is still a decent chunk of people who visit /jp/ to have fun and enjoy the community still.

lately we've got a lot of /gaia/ users who act like /jp/ is some elitist hell hole where no fun is allowed and strictly serious discussion only.

>> No.7343987


True. But then, staying for far too long on this board has modified the mind to just take it easy - one of /jp/'s original yet forgotten rules.

>> No.7343998
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>> No.7344010

The vast majority of regulars are upstanding posters.

>> No.7344022
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The two main good things about our /jp/ would be the slow pacing of threads and the fact most the people DO take it easy. There are, however, some people who have forgotten how to take it easy with yukkuris. I always carry my grenades in-case of yukkuri infestation.

>> No.7344050

now i want a dakimakura thread but am scared to start one...
