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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7336166 No.7336166 [Reply] [Original]

I realized that I'll never ever be a little girl. No matter how much I want it.

It will never happen.

I figured the only thing left is becoming a manly man. Thing is, I got no idea how to acheive this either. Any tips?

>> No.7336170

become a little man or a manly girl

>> No.7336168

Don't give up man. You CAN become a little girl. It's within your power. Don't give up. Never give up.

>> No.7336171

Don't think. Feel.

>> No.7336185

These are 2 very sad alternatives. I wish I had the potential to trap, but I'm build like a quarterback and hairy to round it off.

>> No.7336210

You either have what it takes or you don't.

But in your case, an iron will and a delusional mind might work too.

You already have a cock, how hard can the rest be?

>> No.7336227

I wish to be the little girl

>> No.7336246

Why is /jp/ so full of autogynephiles?

Not complaining or anything, I am one myself. It just seems like we have a oddly large number here.

>> No.7336280

I recently became more secure with my body. Sure, being a little girl is great, but I'm fine with being a guy. I don't want to be a huge muscle guy though or some fat dude, so I'm just gonna stay a thin man.

>> No.7336287

Just think what would happen if you would get your wish and really become a litte girl.
How long do you think it would last? Before you know it, you'll be a woman and soon after, god help up, a middle-aged woman.
Terrible, isn't it?

>> No.7336290

How did you do it? Therapy?

>> No.7336295
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>If this rugby player can be a trap then you can

(not very /jp/-ish content, sorry m(_ _)m )

>> No.7336302


Nah, I used to do a tiny bit of crossdressing when I was younger. Maybe once every three months. Recently I got the urge to do it again and for some reason I didn't go through with it, I felt silly wearing that sort of thing and realized I'm fine the way I am.

>> No.7336308

>>7336287 Before you know it, you'll be a woman and soon after, god help up, a middle-aged woman.

Not if I get raped to death first.

Besides, at least you'd get to spend *some* time as a cute girl. If you're just going to move on to being a shut-in otaku or something once you're no longer a young and attractive girl, does it matter whether your body is male or female? Hell, it might be kind of cool to become an otaku granny.

>> No.7336318

I'm constantly leaning towards a hat and mustache. Can't think of anything else.

>> No.7336336

I've been a little girl, then I grew up. ;_;

>> No.7336467

>an otaku granny
Wow ! You just created a whole new concept, seems interesting.

But you have a point, it doesn't really matter that it won't last long : the important is to enjoy it without making the worst mistake ever, id est wanting to be an adult before it's time.

Everyone without exception regret it later, and want to redo their "lost" childhood... And the "little girl" is the absolute childiness allegory, so...

As most of /jp/, I don't think (*dreaming* of) becoming one is "unhealthy", or if it is, then every human is a deviant...

>> No.7336477 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7336484

In another 60 years we'll have medical immortality, live till then and have about $1,000,000 in savings. After that survive another 150-200 years and we'll have DNA alterations of a living being rather than only in embryos and you'll have your opportunity to relive life all over as a 6 year old girl if it pleases you.

Hell you can probably live that way for the rest of eternity so long as nobody kills you while you're being deflowered for the 3,000th time.

>> No.7336513


I'm afraid to get my hopes up over singularity bullshit. They used to say that by 2010 energy would be so cheap we'd get paid to use it while fucking our robot maids on the moon and enjoying delicious food pills, and it turns out we live in the fucking Bad Future after all.

Besides, how many /jp/sies would manage to live another sixty years and accumulate a million dollars by that time?

>> No.7336581

>Everyone without exception regret it later, and want to redo their "lost" childhood...
Bullshit. I sure as hell don't. And anybody who's had a truly shitty childhood (pretty rare in the western world, but go check countries with child labor, or even worse, child soldiers) will agree with me that some people DON'T want to redo their childhood ever again.

>> No.7336773

I think that the passiveness that makes people end up where we are in life is a very feminine trait. I used to deny this, because it sucks to have feminine personality traits when you don't have feminine charm, but it gets easy to accept once you realize that having a manly appeal only serves the purpose of getting you 3D women, which is completely uninteresting.

>> No.7336780

Those are the only things justifying living into old age.

>> No.7336788

I find that all predictions about when we're achieving immortality are heavily adjusted to fit within the lifespan on the one making the prediction.

>> No.7336798




>> No.7336801

I honestly don't think any of that will happen in 60 years, just another stupid dream like people many years back thought we would have hover boards and floating cars in these crazy space themed cities that would be all over the world or some shit like that. I won't even live till 60 myself, I know the way I am I'll be dead by 40 at most. I'm ok with that because I wouldn't even want to look at myself in the mirror past my mid twenties and certainly wouldn't want to look at the state the world would be in. Just look at al the shit that is happening now and then just imagine the problems we would have in 60 years.

>> No.7336804

I'm a religious person, so I'm free of worries. If I strive to be an exemplary devotee, which unfortunately precludes a sedentary shut-in lifestyle, surely my reward will be eternal life as a cute little girl.

>> No.7336807
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>> No.7336816
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>> No.7336822
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stupid flood detection

>> No.7336824
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don't count on techno utopia

>> No.7336844
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>> No.7336858

>>7336804 If I strive to be an exemplary devotee, which unfortunately precludes a sedentary shut-in lifestyle, surely my reward will be eternal life as a cute little girl.

Damn, what religion is this? I might convert.

>> No.7336897

I know how you are feeling, but I'm going to go more deeply in this reflexion. You want to be a CUTE little girl. The important thing here is beauty. If you were a cute little girl you will have cute body but you will miss you intelligence. Think about what you will loose and don't think about you can't reach. OP you are probably a clever guy. You don't have to be physically beautiful, be clever is a way of be spiritually beautiful. Read books, try to understand other points of views and you will see there's a lot of people with problems bigger than this. also, best recommendation, smile at least one time per day. sorry for the long post.

>> No.7336903

Frankly the likelihood of reaching immortality and medical perfection in your lifetime is 100%.

Here's how the singularity really works - you will age and age, but as you age there will be improvement in medical technology that extend your lifespan, again and again, until finally your 250 year life is normal and we reach the singularity.

Think about it. 70 years ago, we had nothing. Today, Dick Cheney has no heart - it's a fucking synthetic pump that renders him immune to heart attack or stroke.

Things change, for the better. I have no intention of ever not becoming the little girl. I am rich, and with strange years even gender issues may die.

>> No.7336917

shut the fuck up kurzweil

>> No.7336933


This whole rant is pretty dumb, and simply incoherent at points. Just to make the most obvious point here, wouldn't magical futuretech be of some use in eliminating hunger and poverty in 'the third of the world without electricity'? Second... actually, fuck it. My brain hurts just trying to parse this nonsensical bullshit.

I don't even believe in the nerd rapture, but whoever drew this is kind of an ass.

>> No.7336972
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Squats & Oats

>> No.7336975

Watch lots of mecha.

>> No.7337010

You know that social anxiety?

Ignore it, even if you can feel your stomach filling with stress ulcer related blood.

After that its just getting some sun and losing some weight and knowing how to fire a gun.

>> No.7337244
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The pictures for sad children author being an ass? Who'd have thought.

>> No.7339225

I started taking hormons recently, even though it's probably already too late for me.

>> No.7339238

> becoming a manly man
THIS. You won't be a loli but at least you'll get them.

>> No.7339243
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I look like this. how I'm close to become a little girl?

>> No.7339257

You might want to work on becoming human first.

>> No.7339284

You'd make a good level 15 monster.
You won't help anyone advance in the main story, but at least you'd give a bit of exp.

>> No.7339308

Hey, he can dress in shady robes and be one of those characters who pretend to be helpful to the heros, while waiting the right moment to backstab them.

>> No.7339324
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Don't give up. We're under twenty years away from looking like whatever we want.

>> No.7339328

Not to burst your bubble, but I'm pretty sure this person is one hundred percent retarded.

>> No.7339368

Lv.15?! hey, that's just plain mean!
that's not what I lke to do reall-
wait, I've done it already irl, so guess that's okay.

>> No.7339395

you can always cross dress.. unless you are extremely tall or have a build of a bear is shouldn't be too hard..

just change your diet keep doing squads or some other cardio shit to get some sexy tight ass and abs, and get rid of all your body hair and you are good to go..

>> No.7339402

Actually, if you have a prominent jaw, large Adam's Apple, wide shoulders, large hands, or huge feet, trapping is not an option.

You'd need a complete bone restructuring to, at least, prepubescent, an immunity to testosterone so it doesn't fuck it up again.

>> No.7339409
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I used to be a skinny /jp/edophile back in 2009, until all those Aniki videos turned me pretty bisexual. Billy Herrington was my idol. I had a gay wrestling fetish.

I also longed to be a hero like Shirou. Best way to do that was to become strong. A hero of justice. Like.. uh... Hard Gay?

Only last year did I start eating 2500 calories a day. Then I began Starting Strength, eating my oats and drinking a gallon of milk a day, getting 150-200g of protein a day.

Today I deadlifted 180kg. Though I'm pretty sure aniki did a few cycles of steroids, I'm getting there. I used to be crippled by RSI, but now I can browse /jp/ for hours. Whenever I go for a really tough set or bout, "Emiya" plays in my head.

So, th-thanks /jp/.
Motivation is whatever you make of it.

(Also, aniki has a son??)

>> No.7339439


So you're an ally of justice now? Are you going to use your physical training to fight crime?

I'm a little jealous... I want to fight for love and justice but as a magical girl ;_;

>> No.7339495


I came to the same conclusion they did after all this stem cell stuff. The fact that they're retarded isn't important, it's just that the article sums it all up very well with exactly the right focus.

Read about the technology yourself. That article may be a little optimistic as far as timelines go, but the reality of all of the technology it mentions is supported by experts in the field.

We've already grown bladders, breast tissue, and rabbit penises. The notion that in 20 years we'll be able to totally redesign the body with tissue grafts isn't out of the question.

>> No.7339499

We can be a team.

Game of pretend? :3

>> No.7339533


The tone of your post reminds me of Lovecraft. Well played.

>> No.7339647

but why would you want to be manly? if you overdo it you'll just end up looking gay and silly. just be who you are and don't give a fuck.

>and hairy
you do realise there exist stuff like epilators, or even laser hair removal? some girls are naturally hairy like apes and it doesn't stop them from being soft and cute, they just shave.

>> No.7339684

>>7339499 Game of pretend? :3


Though come to think of it, I sort of imagine any crimefighting efforts by /jp/sies would end up looking like Lolicon Phoenix.

>> No.7339713

doesn't it go the other way? it was shitty, so you want it redone so it's not shitty anymore. i dunno, i'm myself constantly depressed over the fact that i can't get back in time and fix my childhood before it got fucked.

>> No.7339720


That sounds kind of cool for some reason. I want to be a hero someday. They can say the silliest things ever and still look like a badass that inspires everyone.

>> No.7339792

Taking a brief look at that article.

>scientists already learned how to "program" the stem cells to become different types of tissue

Sure, the big problem is that there aren't a whole lot of stem cells running around, so getting the volume of tissue required for the sort of tricks mentioned there is fairly difficult. And there isn't much "programming" going on, you just throw the cells down to a possible predetermined fate, assisted usually by growth factors. The difficult part is the "unusual" conversions like mesenchymal stem cells to neurons, but there's also some evidence that those conversions may happen in vivo without any modifications.

>how to manipulate stem cells to enable them to divide continuously

This helps with the above point but may not work so well, I have no clue what they did (where's the link to the paper they put out, jeez) but they deserve a punch in the face if they fucked with telomerase expression. It's great if there's a medium that pulls it off but it sure is surprising to see stable stem cell populations without some surface-bound cell-to-cell communication, since that's what prevents stem cell differentiation in the body except where needed. Induced pluripotent stem cells are likewise promising but the method of inducing those cells involves more oncogenes than you'd like (and thus there's quite some research on "safer" inducing methods)

>Soon, a mastectomy might routinely remove the cancer, and rebuild a healthy breast identical to the one removed.

This would be right if breast cancer didn't have this tendency to metastasize like the Lernaean Hydra, every time you operate it pops up in two other places.

>"Biological Legos"

That isn't so new, been around since the Vacanti mouse.

Generally it's a safe bet for gender change surgery, but becoming the little girl is not that easy, and practically every treatment in this vein is a huge invitation for cancer.

>> No.7339904
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Are you saying we'll be able to become cute girls if we're willing to get cancer for it? That's the only part of your post I think I understood.

Also, I'd do it even if it meant becoming a real-life utsuge heroine.
