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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7298204 No.7298204 [Reply] [Original]

So I got one of those loli onahole things you guys always talk about ("Seven" from en-nls). Should be here in a few days.

What would I expect?

>> No.7298213

A loli onahole things us guys always talk about ("Seven" from en-nls).

>> No.7298231

That makes no sense.

>> No.7298239

Expect a masturbation sleeve.

Also, congratulations for spending extra money on something you could do for free with your own hands.

>> No.7298240

a spot on FBI watch list

>> No.7298247
File: 18 KB, 260x173, 4311279_f260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is what i would expect at your door in a few days.

>> No.7298249

you put your dick in it and imagine you're fucking children. pretty basic stuff here.

>> No.7298250

I have nothing illegal, so eh.

>> No.7298258

Hum, I want to know, do they make those things, but with 11-13 year old boys anus instead?

>> No.7298266

Just came twice today with my seventeen evo.

I fap way to much...

>> No.7298269

The rest of the normalfag world would disagree.
And hey those are the people who run your country.

>> No.7298270

I think they might. Not sure but I think I remember seeing something like that..

Probably hard to find though, unless you lived in japan.

>> No.7298275
File: 223 KB, 1157x808, 1296729014725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7298278

Actually there is a boku no pico one.
Someone posted it on /jp/ ages ago that is all i know.

>> No.7298279

There is, it even has a tiny soft shota penis on it. I can't remember enough to link it to you.

>> No.7298284

That's not the one I saw so there are at least two.

>> No.7298292

>boy anus
Why boy anus? Not like you can tell the difference between a girl anus on a sex-toy....

>> No.7298289

Expect to rip it if your penis is larger than 5"

>> No.7298291

Wow. That's awesome, guys. Post the other one if you can find it, please.

Also, any idea where I could buy this? I live in Canada and never bought a sex toy before.

>> No.7298296

Ahaha no. It would get stopped before even entering the country, and you would get arrested for attempting to import pornographic/obscene materials. You could also risk Canada's very fucked up pedo laws if it's a shota toy.

>> No.7298302

Yes, it makes a big psychological difference for me.
Damn. Really?

>> No.7298304

Yes really. Canada sucks. Move to AMURRICA where it's actually legal to import sex toys.

>> No.7298305

Are you implying every single package is opened and checked by customs before entering a country?

Haha oh wow.

>> No.7298307

They scan it. I am pretty sure they can tell from suspicious addresses and locations that are known for importing pornographic/obscene materials as well.

>> No.7298310

Looks like I'll have to try to find a real boy, then. It will be much, much better than a toy, anyway.

>> No.7298316

Theaficionados can tell, and they're who the product is marketed for.

Because I think you can go to jail for saying that your product feels like a real 11 year old boy's anus without having evidence to prove it.

>> No.7298402

What is that?

>> No.7298422

It's pretty sad that we live in a world where having sex with a fleshlight has a good chance of getting you arrested for child porn

>> No.7298442

It's pretty sad having "sex" with a fleshlight.

>> No.7298449

Dildo too, right?

>> No.7298458

I don't see how it's more sad than masturbation without a fleshlight.

>> No.7298468

The anon you are responding to was suggesting that calling it sex is sad.

>> No.7300292

bump, it's in tokyo now.

>> No.7301897

I see this thread going good places.

>> No.7304163

May 03
16:08 Arrival at inward office of exchange AMC JFK NY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AMERICA FUCK YEAH. Should be here tomorrow I guess?

>> No.7304178

Better post penetration and cum shots. Then you snorting the strawberry fragranced semen off of it.
