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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 16 KB, 225x300, heatherasianboys-225x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7289316 No.7289316 [Reply] [Original]

>Hello world, it’s me again, the huggable Heather!

>I’m the white girl that dates only Asian guys with absolutely no apology… and, depending on who you are, I know what you’re thinking when I say that. Non-Asian guys usually take a step back, take a good look at me, and, with the little wheels in their heads slowly chugging away, they find the only feasible sentence worth saying is, simply:

>“Oh…so you like small dick?”

>To which I cheerfully reply, “Nope. I find that rumor to be largely unfounded. I just hate ugly faces.”


Why are weeaboo females such race traitors?

>> No.7289320

Ask /a/.

>> No.7289321
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 2073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture this:

You're looking through a magnifiying viewfinder. Perhaps that of a camera, or a binoculars, or one of those telescopes you see on observation decks. Your vision is shunted straight ahead, into a narrow cone five to fifteen degrees, at maximum. Peripheal vision is nonexistant. The rest of the world exists around you, but because of the focus, you can't see anything outside it, only the part in in front of you. You can turn in any direction, and you can view things it would normally be impossible for you to view, in detail you never would be able to see otherwise, but you're still looking through what is essentially tube vision, and as soon as your eyes try to reach the edge of the tube, you run into a barrier of non-information.

Now invert part of that image, as you would an image channel in Photoshop. All around you, you can see the entire world, but blurrily, out of focus, and the only thing you view clearly is straight ahead of you. It is as if your visual tube has been reversed, and instead of seeing through the tube, you see the tube itself. What is that tube made of? A boundary of emptiness, around which you can see the lack of any visual information at all in vivid detail.

That tube is what tanasinn is like.

>> No.7289328
File: 7 KB, 400x400, 1960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture in your mind a massive yellow phone book.

In this phone book is a name, number and address for every human being alive, that has ever lived, and ever will live, along with an equivalent number of pages in the business directory.

This phone book is on an old wooden table in a concrete room with no doors or windows.

You are trapped in the room and have a compulsion to read the phone book. You have now read through it cover-to-cover five-thousand, seven-hundred, thirty-one times. Your hands are pale from the lack of sunlight. Your hands are covered in scars from paper cuts. Your hands resemble the surface of Europa. You reach for the phone book one more time and flip through the pages like a picture book. As you flip through the pages at high-speed, the names and numbers form an image of yourself, staring back at you with a corrupted smile. The skin on your hands is now in shreds, the razor edges of the phone book having revealed bare bone, to which you are oblivious as you watch images dance on thin, colored-coded pages.

You have now flipped through the book eleven-thousand, eight-hundred, sixty-eight times.

This is what tanasinn is like.

>> No.7289331
File: 71 KB, 400x400, 1988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tanasinn operates the whole world.
tanasinn is the soul of the universe.
tanasinn is the bottom of your heart.
tanasinn transcends surrealism and realism.
tanasinn is inherent in every self.
tanasinn is inherent in every structure.
tanasinn is inherent in every system.
tanasinn is decadent and may cause self-collapse.
tanasinn vacumeir alles
tanasinn plays with all elements
The Messenger of fear
The Child of darkness and confusion
The King of infinite decomposition
The Khaos


>> No.7289333
File: 3 KB, 203x217, 1251916931223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just hate ugly faces
>dates asians

>> No.7289336

Ok, >>7289333, listen, because this is important,
tanasinn is very important to me. I am a big advocate of the feeling and feeling. I have studied tanasinn for about 6-7 years and am a proud member of the tanasinn-nnisanat Society of tanasinnvania. During my college program semester at tanasinn World, I passed the tanasinn Company's language assessment test, and received a language pin under my tanasinn to indicate that I was responsible and could assist tanasinn guests should they have any inquiries. I study hard every day in order to gain some insight on the lananguage and culture. I have dreams to become either a tanasinn language interpreter for business conferences (the person with headphones and microphone that sits in the little glass booth and simultaneously translates what the person is saying), 今∴山●∵ミひど(・)tanasinnっ●∵す

でも●そ∵∴な(・)人メ● ∵∴tanasinnが定(・(・))しす
∵の名∵(・)これ●か | '`-イ∴(・)のイ●け<・>て●くメ∵(・)∵くぁ(・)wせ●drftgyふじ

でイ∵(・)●が変(・)どtanasinn∵(・)∴なこ ∵∴(・)

>> No.7289338
File: 145 KB, 1280x800, 1300415432178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exact same shitty troll thread is on /a/. Back to /b/ with you.

>> No.7289345

Rabid isn't spelled with two b.

>> No.7289356




>> No.7289366

>japanese and east asians aren't white

whiteness comparison
east asians=nordics/alpine
south east asians=mediteranians

>> No.7289379

they aren't white, look at their slanty eyes and rounder faces. they will never be ruggedly handsome.
