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7286182 No.7286182 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you playing shining force 2?

>> No.7286185

Because I am not a huge faggot.

>> No.7286197

but Shinning force is just as awesome as fire emblem.. maybe even better.

>> No.7286200

Too busy playing tactics ogre. I even had a screen cap of a "Now it`s your turn" shot in one of the cutscenes.

>> No.7286201

Why don't you make good threads, OP?

>> No.7286202

Shit, I haven't played that since the Sega channel was around.

>> No.7286212

I actually got this on VC awhile back. Haven't been playing it very regularly. I think my homeland was destroyed by an earthquake so we turned the town into a ship and sailed across the sea and then turned the ship back into a town. I think.

>> No.7286219

Ive been playing it on the sega gensis collection for xbox 360, best game i ever bought. It even uses a save state feature.

>> No.7286234

because it's an older, shittier fire emblem

just play fire emblem and you've played all these types of games

>> No.7286276

yeah right, we haven't had a decent spg in years, I would kill for a new spg like shinning force and fire emblem. It just needs a good story, tons of magic/different looking weapons and todays graphics. I hate todays video game companies, we could have so much good games but we get shitty 3 hour shooting games for 60 dollars with no characters and story.

>> No.7286284

>todays graphics.
3D is the thing that is killing Fire Emblem. Give me back my sprites. And add more classes.

>> No.7286292

>yeah right, we haven't had a decent spg in years,
tactics ogre psp you fool. Then there are games like Valkyria and Jeanne D'arc.

>hurr no good games today
No you just don't look and prefer to whine on /v/ like a bitch

>> No.7286295

I mean better looking 2D.

>> No.7286298

I hear you, bro.

>> No.7286324

Because I'm pretty sure beat it back on the genesis.

Dem centaur wommens man, But its still /v/ material.

>> No.7286336
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holy HELL 2011 already?!

>> No.7286338

Those games dont have the same feel, well still have yet to play tactics ogre, maybe i should try that.

>> No.7286348

Screw fantasy. Why aren't you playing nectaris?

>> No.7286366

oh snap never heard of this, gotta get this on my psp.

>> No.7286388
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How was shinning force 3 and 4 anyway? They were on the sega Saturn right?

>> No.7286396

I loved this game.
Sara was my first waifu.

>> No.7286863

Shining Force III consists of 3 games on the Saturn. They take place at the same time and are seen from the prospective of 3 different main characters. They are awesome games. Only the first scenario was ever released outside of Japan, and the voice acting isn't just bad, it's LEGENDARILY bad. However, the games are still tremendously awesome.

There is no Shining Force IV in the literal sense. There are the Shining Tears/Wind/etc games that started in the PS2 era and continue to this day, but they are Shining games in name only - the gameplay is 100% different, and they have no plot connection to the older games. These games are notable for having amazing artwork (mostly done by Tony Taka, although Noizi Itoh did one of them), and many have awesome music (Kikuta Hiroki of Secret of Mana fame did several of them), but the actual gameplay is almost universally horrible. Buy the artbooks and the OST's, but skip the games.

There is, however, Shining Force CD for the Sega CD, although this predates Shining Force III. It is a direct sequel to the original, and helps bridge the gap between the first and second games. It consists of 2 main scenarios, plus some bonus material. The second scenario was also released as a stand-alone on the Game Gear as Shining Force: The Sword of Haja.

>> No.7286879

If you never played through Shining Force with only the absolutely mandatory characters (no ken/luke/lowe/tao/hans, no gong, no gort, no anri, no janet, no zylo, etc), you just haven't lived. It will teach you to appreciate Balbaroy and Amon, Mae, and even Adam who is surprisingly good if you level him up sufficiently before promoting him.

>> No.7286890

Am I the only one that really enjoyed Shining the Holy Ark? I can understand that the first-person view can be somewhat of a turn off, but it lead to one of the best moments that my younger bro and I had -- the first time my main character cast "Piledriver" where he takes a few steps back, and then the screen just starts spinning towards the enemy.

Then my older bro (who was a non-bro) "borrowed" it to a friends house, and it was never seen again. At least we had the chance to play through it a couple of times.

>> No.7286893
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Fuck yes sega saturn

>> No.7286894

Fuck yes, Dragon Force!

>> No.7286898

Also little known fact about dragon force, if you put the disk into your PG, you get a text file explaining the history of the land and all the gpds and their allegiances, it is super hidden fan service that not many people know about.

>> No.7286909
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>> No.7286904

Sega seriously has the best track record in terms of console quality.

>> No.7286912

Disk into your PC*

all the gods and their allegiances*

>> No.7286918

I think it was around the halfway point in the game where I started dreading another battle because of how boring it had become.

>> No.7286928
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Tao was my first waifu.

>> No.7286967

I loved Juno's Dragon Wave (I'm fairly certain that's what it was called), as well as after she takes her helmet off. So sexy.

>> No.7286977

I miss how different and good looking sega consoles were, If sega wanted too, do they have enough money to make a console? Why dont they just make a console for a smaller group of people? Why must we have only 3 consoles in the video game industries? Remember when we had a ton of consoles to choose from and with that brought more different games and ideas?

>> No.7287036

I was enjoying Shining in the Holy Ark, but after getting a ways into it, my Saturn's battery died, and I lost my save file. I never got around to restarting it.

I have, however, spent many, many hours playing Shining in the Darkness. Good god, the amount of graph paper I went through drawing maps for that game.

>> No.7287049


>do they have enough money to make a console?

They can't even make Shenmue 3,of course not.

>> No.7287051

Except that prior to the advent of the Playstation, any console that didn't say Nintendo or Sega on it was crap. Well, to be fair, the Neo-Geo was pretty awesome, but it was so astronomically expensive that it was beyond the financial means of 99% of consumers. But the other third party machines were all glorified paperweights, either because they were technologically inferior, or they just had no software support. Or both, in the case of the doomed-from-the-start Jaguar.

>> No.7287125

damn my very first SLG was a SF clone called Flame Dragon.
it's one damn well made clone. my nostalgia for it cannot possibly be described.

>> No.7287133
File: 570 KB, 1280x960, moe 59001 agate_crosner alan_richard joshua_bright kevin_graham klose_rinz muller_vander pater_mater renne ries_argent tita_russell wallpaper zin_vathek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better question is why isn't /jp/ playing Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky.

>> No.7287143

Part of the reason for me would be the amount of cash I've sunk into PSP RPGs, and then just have them sit there. The second would be, I have a Go, so at this point...

>viedyne instantly

>> No.7287159
File: 100 KB, 512x468, Shining Force II_Aug28 8_13_50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do not speak ill of the Shining Force II. It is this posters opinion that OP should seek out all of the hidden Mithril and forge big weapons for his Hero and at the very least, Slade. Also, if I recall correctly, Kazin gets ATLAS and APOLLO for summons when he gets promoted, great for AOE. Lastly, try to push your un-promoted heroes to level 20 (at least) before the promotion. The way the game scales difficulty of opponents, you will be greatly rewarded if you promote more heroes after they hit 20, than if before. P.S. - Have you beat Xeon and his entire army at the credits ever? Never could pull that one off... Red Barron pisses me off when he's evil... Sorry for rant, got all nostalgic, <3'd this game xD

>> No.7287172

>Use Configuration Mode to control enemies
>Use this to help level my healers
>Peter uses incredible uncontrollable movement range to steal the kill anyway

>> No.7287182

Actually, the Sorcerer spells are quite bad for AOE damage. They do a mostly-fixed amount of total damage, which is divided among all of the targets. So they are much better at devastating individual targets. Also, you couldn't promote until 20 in SF2. It's SF1 where you really want to delay promoting since characters lose stats when they promote, and this can render some characters horribly underpowered if they promote immediately at 10 (even Zylo, who is one of the best characters in the game).

>> No.7287183

I loved Ark, and I loved Darkness.

Too bad the newer games can't compare to the legendary titles on genesis and saturn.

>> No.7287223

The only good sega systems are genesis and dreamcast.

Also a lot of nintendo stuff sucks too. Every gameboy iteration but original, color, advance, and DS sucks. Every console but the main systems(nes,snes,64,gc,wii) sucks

>> No.7287292

> Implying master system and saturn weren't good systems.

>> No.7287301


You best be trolling

>> No.7287314

I've never even saw a master system. I doubt it was popular at all. As for quality of games, you can't beat the NES.

Saturn... it was ugly. It was lame. You can't name 5 good games for it that aren't Shining ___, Panzer Dragoon, a forgotten shmup, or that clown flying through hoops game

>> No.7287315

Because once I get to the point where the story starts picking up, I'll probably end up dropping everything until I beat it. And currently that would be a somewhat unwise decision.

>> No.7287337


1. Dragon force
2. Iron Storm
3. Magical School Lunar (Japanese game)
4. Samurai Showdown Games (3,4,and rpg, also Japanese)
5. Nights I know you mentioned this, but it was a good game.

The Sega Saturn was a good system, it just was under supported by the game developers, much like the Atari Jaguar. Aliens VS Predator on the Jaguar was a masterpiece.

>> No.7287340

Guardian Heroes, Barqoue, Soul Hackers, Dezaemon 2, Sakura Taisen just to drop a few.

But...Gamecube sucked dick. Once you look outside the first party games, it's really nothing but sports games, disney/nickelodeon games, and movie games.

>> No.7287348

Because my cousin gave away my original Sega Genesis copy.

might play an emulated verision

>> No.7287351
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I read my game was bugged, because I couldn't equip a weapon for Red Baron. I really wanted to use him, he was so cool.
Shining Force I and II are my favourite games from my childhood. I tried playing III on my laptop, but the 3D was a horrible mess. I really miss 2D srpgs like Jagged Alliance and Fallout.

>> No.7287353

Resident Evil 4
Gotcha Force
Viewtiful Joe
Baten Kaitos
Bloody Roar
Harvest Moon
Lost Kingdoms
Puyo Puyo

>> No.7287442


Peter was some sort of unstoppable kill stealing machine when he was controlled by the computer...

