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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 351 KB, 800x600, 666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7267156 No.7267156 [Reply] [Original]

Non-native English user here. How do I pronounce "weeaboo"?

>> No.7267157

                              r       ィヽ
                              | ヽ.     / / |
                            _ j  vl!,⌒ `'ノ、ノ
                           ィ!::::|ゝ'  \ゞ\\
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                       ,/ / |!__|     ゞ,..ノ`ヽ,リ
                      ,. '  '   |! ! /・\      ノ'
                    イ    ノ' ″ || :::::⌒ゝ   ,  !
                  /       レ'/  |r=ォ     i   _j._ l!
                  /  /! l!レ''"/  ハメ\   /,. --ヽ
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      ,  "´       7/ノ/     /  /  ゞ.._ \::rt::/  ヽ ゙ 、
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  /  ,/      '      /     /      /   ヽ..:.:ゞ!、,.._ ,.:j
./  レ       '              ,     /     ゝ(__人__)
'   '        i        ヽ            /      `トェェェイ
  '                          ∧        `ー'´

>> No.7267162

I have the weirdest hardon right now.

>> No.7267163

u don't

>> No.7267166

Straight through the uterus you whore

>> No.7267169

It's not a word you're supposed to use outside the Internet.

>> No.7267171


>> No.7267174

>Don't fuck with archer.jpg

>> No.7267175


>> No.7267178

OP here, that's not me.

Real message:

>> No.7267188

Seriously? I always thought it was /wiːbuː/

>> No.7267219

You're not meant to say it, only type it.e

>> No.7267229
File: 76 KB, 900x300, PBF071-Weeaboo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7267236

Someone actually saved it!?...

>> No.7267249

hey,Dont fuck with bed wetter kuns waifu.

>> No.7267257


>> No.7267263

How did the word go from this comic to the current usage of "anime/jrpg fan that wishes s/he was japanese" anyway?

>> No.7267268

I don't even get the comic, so there's no way I would know.

>> No.7267271

Basically, the comic shows a game where anyone saying weeaboo gets punished.
moot was tired of people saying wapanese on 4chan, so he wordfiltered that to weeaboo, as a way of showing them that they deserve to be punished for that.
But people continued to use wapanese, and weeaboo absorbed its meaning.

>> No.7267274

I see. I guess this took place when I was still one of those EPIC RAID LULZ faggots.

>> No.7267282

Whatever happened to Staydry-kun anyway? It kinda feels weird without his thread sending me to bed.

>> No.7267285

It happened when moot still bothered with wordfilters, so yeah, ancient history.

>> No.7267287

Wii - uhh - boo

>> No.7267290

you don't, it's an internet meme

the original term is "wapanese" which is pronounced phonetically

>> No.7267301

No, before that.

>> No.7267333

I don't get this picture. So far I figured that it's probably flipped, but still her anatomy is strange (including 1 arm being longer) and blood/urine stains are strange too.

>> No.7267340
File: 107 KB, 640x480, miles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7267337

That's because it's Uncle Mugen's horrible shoop. Everything suddenly makes sense, doesn't it?

>> No.7267348
File: 96 KB, 400x449, 94c2a0c45ed2d4cc3b3ca454598967e0..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night /jp/

>> No.7267357

     (´・∀・`)  Good night
     r'⌒と 、j ミ ヽ
    ノ ,.ィ'  `ヽ. /
  /       i!/
 (_,.         //
く.,_`^''ー-、_,,..ノ /

>> No.7267363

You, the one posting SJIS-art!

I just wanted to say that you're my favorite poster on /jp/ right now!

>> No.7267375

Lol! Someone even saved that one too!?... I don't know /jp/... I feel honored...

>> No.7267393

    ,, - ―- 、
  ,. '" _,,. -…;   ヽ
  (i'"((´  __ 〈    }
  |__ r=_ニニ`ヽfハ  } 
  ヾ|!   ┴’  }|トi  } I still I still I love you!
    |! ,,_      {'  }    I'm waiting waiting forever
   「´r__ァ   ./ 彡ハ、 I still I still I love you!
    ヽ ‐'  /   "'ヽ   とまらないのよ Hi!!
     ヽ__,.. ' /     ヽ
     /⌒`  ̄ `    ヽ\_
    /           i ヽ \
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   { |     } |      l    |
   ヽ |     i  | \    l    /|
    { |     l   |     |   / |
    l !        |       l  / |

>> No.7267403

  / ̄ ̄\     ,. -─ === - 、、
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  ヽ`ー′ /\_〉│ | L/l__レ' l/| /| | │|,ハ
    ̄ ̄    ∨ V/,.ニヽヽ /,.ニニミヽ |」l |
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             l   l} {  リ  /│
                 }   │} /  / |
             /    l /  /   \

>> No.7267422


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_______l       -ヾ ̄  l/         l|       |___|

>> No.7267419

Don't post the huge ones please. Too cluttering and messy. Maximum size should be like >>7267357
