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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7250788 No.7250788 [Reply] [Original]

Do anti-depressants work? My life is crap, I'm wondering if I should go and see a doctor. Is it hard to get them? Does /jp/ take anti-depressants?

>> No.7250794

Snake oil. Be a man and deal with your problems.

>> No.7250797
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But I'm not a man, I'm a little girl in a frilly dress.

>> No.7250802

If they wouldn't work people woudln't keep using them so I guess you should see a doctor and get some of those pills if you really feel like you can't go on anymore

>> No.7250803

For some they do, go see your doctor and let them know how shitty you're feeling.

>> No.7250821

Shut up and snort vicoden.

>> No.7250831

Just stop being gloomy and listen to more hip-hop.

>> No.7250864

Anti-depressives won't make you happy. They might just make you feel less sad if they work, but they'll also make you feel less happy. If you have a lot of ups and downs, they might help stabilizing your mood.

>> No.7251082

i took them (lexepro, wellbutrin) for a couple years and they had an effect: i felt NOTHING. never sad, never happy, just week after week of meh.

i stopped taking them because i'd rather have a little joy in life every now and then, even if it means feeling shitty the rest of the time.

>> No.7251083

No, anti-depressants will not change the fact that your life is crap.

>> No.7251092
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So taking them is like closing off your heart?

>> No.7251111


exactly. and that's a very sweet way to say it.

>> No.7251114
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You know what to do OP.

>> No.7251116


I only took them for a few weeks and started feeling this.

It's worse than actually feeling upset to me. I'd rather be sad than not be able to feel any emotion.

>> No.7251122

I took them for a couple years and hardly remember anything that happened those two years other than that they were still shit.

>> No.7251124


SSRIs almost killed me, if that counts.

Now I have severe neurological issues for life.

>> No.7251126

Speak for yourself. Not feeling sad was the best time of my life.

Of course, antidepressants don't fix anything. It just gives youu a small window of time in which to fix you life by youself. They lose effectiveness gradually.

>> No.7251162


I was speaking for myself. They are great for some people, but they weren't for me.

I never actually needed them anyway, so that might have been the problem. Everyone thought I was depressed because I didn't talk to people and skipped classes in middle/high school. I was actually just bored of all of the easy BS classes that I had to take and everyone there was so focused on who was dating who when it doesn't really matter because that changes ever week for most of them. And now everyone thinks that I don't like talking to people because of that when I actually do, but only having boring conversations about things that nobody in the conversation actually cares about are boring.

Normally I'd feel bad for blog posting, but this is off topic anyway, so whatever. It's almost becoming a habit now though. I should probably stop. Or maybe just create a blog. Nobody would actually read it, but nobody reads these posts here either so it would be the same thing.

>> No.7251187

The only thing they did for me was make my heart ache for some reason.

>> No.7251198

The reason you often hear people say "they work for some people" is, even though most do have a physical effect on the brain, their effectiveness is heavily based on the placebo effect.

>> No.7251224

Indeed studies show that SSRIs are no more effective than placebo in treating mild to moderate depression. But for really severe depression they do help somewhat more than placebo.

But still, benzos and MAOIs are much more effective.

>> No.7251344

>>7251162 ´
I'm reading it anon-kun

>> No.7251352

it does; they do work but you gotta take lots of different ones before you find the ones that work for your brain, and if they do chances are they'll work on everything else (anxiety and shit) but the mood. still, i think it's actually worth the effort. i would still be a hikki if i didn't take them, everything takes so much more effort when i don't.

>> No.7251372

Is there a easy way to get them? I suppose you can't do it without seeing a doctor, can you?

>> No.7251378

They make you feel better, but they can often times be addictive. Or worse, you get this false sense of reality. Trust me when I say that endorphins from doing exercise are much better for you. Go climb a mountain, trust me it's an amazing experience. Just be sure to bring a couple liters of water and take your time.

>> No.7251386

Anti-depressants usually seem to make people fat.

>> No.7251403

They work in a way. They make you less sensitive. The magical medicine that makes you not give a crap.

Once you get on them, though, you better not plan on stopping eating them.

>> No.7251407

Just don't take Zyprexa.

>> No.7251410

I think your doctor slipped you something other than anti-depressants.

>> No.7251417

My mother gained at least 25 kg in a short period of time with them.

>> No.7251421

im reading the posts......

>> No.7251439

i am going to blow all your minds
there is more than one anti-depressant
there are a shitton of different anti-depressants and they all go about doing their shit in different ways cause different chemical reactions and have different sideeffects

>> No.7251443
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you deserve a lot of love /jp/

And you more...

>> No.7251449

some make you loose weight, there's no rule. they do affect apetite but on random.

>> No.7251467


Not OP, but I managed to get a prescription for medical marijuana for a while as a way to combat my depression and it just made it worse over time in addition to sending the rate of my once-occasional anxiety attacks straight through the fucking roof. It's not for everybody.

I don't think I'll ever bother with getting on antidepressants because I'm not willing to give up drinking, which is what I've heard is usually necessary if you're going to be taking medications.

>> No.7251506

you can drink while taking meds, you just get drunk extremely easy and may get bad hangovers. i'm actually drinking on meds for years and i'm fine.

>> No.7251509

Alcohol is a depressant.

>> No.7251522

I've been on a couple before. My advice to you is


Do not go down that road bro. If by work you mean a perpetual state of apathy, then yes. You won't feel depressed, you won't feel much of anything at all, just numbness that feels like white noise throughout your whole body all the time. I could have killed myself while taking them and not give a shit.

>Be a man and deal with your problems.
If your life is so fucking horrible that you can't take it anymore then only choice left is to become a normalfag and see if you feel better.

>> No.7251524


They do, but it takes time. If a doctor recommends it, be sure to stay with it long enough.

When it kicks in, it’s not at all like being high or happy. Rather, it’s like feeling normal. If you have depression, you have something like a permanent weight compressing your chest. That grip is removed, that’s all.

If you’re thinking of death, you should see a psychiatrist. It won’t get better. Depression is a leading cause of suicide (I mean actual clinical depression, not just feeling bluey). You’ll just think of death more and more until you an hero. Antidepressants can save your life.

If you’re not sure if you need this, try talking to a psychologist. If he diagnoses you with clinical depression he’ll recommend a psychiatrist.

You might be interested in these links:

finally: if the trolls make you feel bad, stay the hell away from 4chan!

>> No.7251536

i'm actually on ssri and do feel stuff, it all depends on what meds you take and how they interact with your brain.

>> No.7251538

You can drink while taking meds, sure. It's a pretty fucking retarded idea depending on what type of meds you're taking though.

>> No.7251555
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>Do anti-depressants work?
They still make you depressed, but in the sense that you don't care that you're depressed.

>> No.7251568

Accurate depiction of being on Zoloft. Although, even off it, I'm still pretty much the same.

>> No.7251585
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>Terrible depression but still have no problem doing collage work
>Go on Zoloft
>No longer care about depression... or school work


>> No.7251588
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So this is my story. I studied computer science cause I wanted to make videogames. But it turns out I don't really like programming or math. I like stories. I couldn't find a job making stories for videogames, so I started working for a famously "cool" company. But, to be frank, I find computer officework awful and inhuman. In time, I developed depression. I started to not have energy for anything, and to obsess over death. I was diagnosed and given antidepressants. After treatment, I didn't mind programming much anymore. Life was fine, I was productive, and I worked every day like a proper little servant, scoring promotions & making our CEO overlords ever richer.

Then I was suddenly downsized.

I couldn't afford my SNRI (Venlafaxine) anymore so I stopped almost cold-turkey, rationing my reserves. It was painful. After I got it out of my system, however, I for the first time realized how pointless the office was, and how it was my job that made me depressed in the first place. Suddenly the idea of sitting in front of a computer debugging crap code all my life felt like a fate worse than death.

Fast-forward a few years. I'm now not on meds and not depressed. I'm taking a second degree, on Japanese literature—every day being praised and encouraged to read the same kind of stuff I had to hide during work. Was my job in fact awful, so that I needed chemical intervention to tolerate it? Or am I a pussy who can't put up with a real job like everyone, and the antidepressants fix my defective brain so that I become healthy and functionally normal? On meds, I don't mind a lifetime of work; without meds, I'd rather give up the career and live next to art and beauty. It's like you're two entirely different persons. I chose to be this one.

>> No.7251589

I know that feel

>> No.7251603

I wouldn't recommend it. They will turn you into a zombie, and they have long-term sexual side effects. I'm becoming impotent at the age of 19, after being on almost every SSRI on the market since I was 11. Benzos work well for anxiety, but they're a short term solution. If you take them every day, your tolerance will rise rapidly, and the withdrawals are actually capable of killing you. I take Xanax a few times a week, and it really dulls the anxiety.

>> No.7251612


Do they really affect you that badly? I've been doing it for years, and I haven't noticed any problems. Never drank while off SSRIs, because I've been on them for so long.

>> No.7251617

Anti-depressants make drinking more fun.

>> No.7251623
File: 22 KB, 228x219, 1292787545581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, listen to this man.

I wish I could find this screen shot from /b/ but after searching I can't seem to find it.

Basically it was some guy saying, why kill yourself when you can do anything, if you consider your life already over then you can do anything you want and not give a shit because what's alternative? Suicide you got a 100% death rate, while as even if you completely change your life and do crazy shit it's still better then that 100% of death.

I know I'm not explaining what the guy said well at all and I don't really care to spend the time to. I'm saying is drugs make your life worse and to those saying "well if you think you're going to kill yourself then yeah, get those drugs" try and drastically change your life before you do and see if that helps cause the drugs WILL fuck you up.


>> No.7251624

I've never drank while off SSRIs, so I don't know if this is just me normally, but I get extremely agitated when I get blackout drunk. I got arrested my freshman year of college after polishing off a fifth of vodka, and I guess I went on a rampage and started wrecking shit while swinging between manic laughter and crying fits. It was almost like a psychotic reaction, because my parents told me ripped out all my IVs in the hospital, and swore and spit at the staff, because I thought they were trying to capture me and put me in a mental hospital.

>> No.7251627

I agree. If you're gonna kill yourself you might as well rape a child or something.

>> No.7251629

Yeah, cause that's exactly what I meant by that.

>> No.7251631
File: 19 KB, 1350x561, the-world-is-now-your-oyster-advice-from-4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the picture you are looking for.

>> No.7251632

It really depends on your situation whether anti-depressants would be good or bad for you. Just throwing a blanket statement that yeah you should totally get on them or that no you should stay the fuck away is meaningless without knowing a lot more information than is possible here.

>> No.7251633

Yeah, that's the one.

Fucking read it OP.

>> No.7251636 [DELETED] 

I've got the same problem with what i was given
Didnt understood it too late but i'm still at uni so i can still try to save what's left.

>> No.7251641

I've got the same problem with what i was given
Did'nt understand that too late but i'm still at the university so i can still try to save what's left.

>> No.7251642

>My life is crap!

The fuck is wrong with you OP. If you dislike your life, find out what you don't like and fucking do something about it you pussy.

>> No.7251646

Why are you here?

>> No.7251648

While I agree with some of the things said, you can't have an "adventure" in the modern world. That's what entertainment is for.

>> No.7251652

To try and inject some motherfucking ALPHA into /jp/ of course.

>> No.7251658

I've never felt like killing myself because I thought my life was shit, my life is pretty damn good, it's always because I'm in a childish feel that I'm essentially meaningless in a meaningless existence that I don't really care about living life. At least for me, suicidal feelings are always more like wanting to hit a quit button because the game has no goals and it confuses me rather than ragequitting with alt+f4 because the game kicked my ass or its boring or whatever.

>> No.7251661

I've been feeling pretty horrible lately, mainly because I realize that despite there are no goals I can achieve that I actually want. My life seems pretty much meaningless now. The only reason I bother anymore is for my parents' sake, who grew up with barely anything and made a lot out of their lives.

My therapist tells me I need to adapt, but I don't know how I can do that when I have no motivation for it. All I can do is drown myself in escapism and that's not as effective as it used to be.

>> No.7251664

*despite my work.

>> No.7251684

No, I mean, why are you here?
This isn't a place for your bullshit.

>> No.7251699

Well, I truly apologize for attempting to get you to fix your problems instead of taking pills and ignoring them.

Bye now.

>> No.7251705

Sometimes the problem is a chemical imbalance that can be fixed by taking pills. not saying that's necessarily the case with the OP though.

>> No.7251709

Yes, that is true. But he said that his life is crap.
So fixing that could help, dontcha think?

>> No.7251712

But your solutions involve becoming someone that wouldn't go on /jp/.
If that's your solution to problems, why are you here?

>> No.7251713

Sometimes the problem is a chemical imbalance that can be fixed by taking pills. not saying that's necessarily the case with the OP though.

>> No.7251720

Well, I truly apologize for attempting to get you to fix your problems instead of taking pills and ignoring them.

Bye now.

>> No.7251721

I've been on zoloft since right out of high school, I stopped taking it once and went right back to being a panic/ocd ridden insomniac within a few months. I highly recommend them to anyone who ever has any trouble at all with not only depression, but anxiety and OCD as well. The side effects are minimal after being on for a few months, but some seem to struggle more than myself with them.

>> No.7251725

To try and inject some motherfucking ALPHA into /jp/ of course.

>> No.7251732

What the fuck is up with all these double posts?

>> No.7251733

You mean testosterone? That can cause a heap of other problems though.

>> No.7251738

No, I mean, why are you here?
This isn't a place for your bullshit.

>> No.7251749
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So the posters here on /jp/ have to be people unsatisfied with their life?
So since you are on /jp/, that means that fixing your life is out of the question?

>> No.7251756

I'm surprised that no one here has mentioned St. John's Wort. You don't need a prescription for it, the side effects are few and rare, and the possible interactions wouldn't concern most people. It's much more mild than prescription antidepressants so it's only good for mild or sometimes moderate depression and takes about 3 to 6 weeks of daily use to build up to effective levels. You can also quit it cold-turkey without dying but it's still not recommended. The content of the herbal supplements varies wildly by brand but they're convenient and everywhere. If you're lucky you can find a store that sells the dried herb itself, it makes a delicious tea and is cheaper than supplements here.

>> No.7251759

No, it just means we aren't the kind of people you meet on the street.
You don't have to be a hikikomori. You don't have to be a NEET.
But you sure as fuck shouldn't be someone who would unironically call themselves alpha.

>> No.7251762

That wasn't me though.

>> No.7251766

>You don't have to be a hikikomori.
>You don't have to be a NEET.

This is what normalfags actually believe.

>> No.7251769


Sleep for 3 days.

>> No.7251770

Ah, my mistake. Still, I can't see a regular /jp/er being happy with ordinary hobbies, and by extension, ordinary people.
I'd love to hang out with the people from /jp/, but one of the reasons I like them is because they're the kind of people who know how bad offline meeting are. It's a slightly frustrating cycle, but an acceptable one.

>> No.7251777

The only real sideeffect I can recall St John's wort having is sunsensitivity, which won't be a problem for /jp/ now will it.

>> No.7251778

I'm not a /jp/ poster or even a lurker. I just came here to see what kind of a place this was. Why can a "/jp/er" be happy with ordinary people and hobbies?

>> No.7251779

"Different"? How are you "different" from any of the literal millions of antisocial weeaboo schmucks you find everywhere? Get over yourself.

>> No.7251783

I'm a total NEET/hikki. I'm also older than most of you. I have no intention of being normal ever. And I have legitimate reasons to fucking suffer other than being a pussy. Fuck you faggots for thinking you're depressed. Grow some fucking balls and stop taking your weak ass medicines. Willpower can overcome most of your problems.

>> No.7251786

Because we are not fucking normalfags. Wage slaves and pseudo-intellectual collegefags should go die.

>> No.7251790

I think you're suffering a psychotic episode. The word "different" is nowhere in that post.

>> No.7251792

Yeah, you're retarded. I'd be depressed too.

>> No.7251794

>we aren't the kind of people you meet on the street


>> No.7251797


Why do you feel the need to be one of those types that acts like being a NEET or Hikki with a chemical imbalance is a status symbol in /jp/?

>> No.7251802

I never said I was depressed you fucking mongoloid. That was the point of the post. You people make me sick.

>> No.7251810

It's okay, I understand. It must be really fucking depressing to still be browsing a site like this at your age. I'm not going to ask what the fuck is wrong with you since I'm sure it's a multitude of things beyond your crippling depression. Goddamn, your life is making me a little depressed as well.

>> No.7251812

Where to fucking start.
How about my attempts to explain I like anime and VNs, cooking Japanese food, and know a fair bit a Japanese language/culture, but don't like the culture at all. Feeling the stares as I try to explain how it isn't hypocrisy is terrible.
I just don't think people would end up here if they liked people.

>> No.7251820

I can't speak for anyone else but myself, but I hate being around most other people to the point that I try to stay in my apartment every minute of the day I can. This is generally the case here. Despite what >>7251786
says, however, some of us have to work or study because we don't have parents willing to feed and house us in exchange for our sitting around and reading visual novels and masturbating all day.

>> No.7251822

> And I have legitimate reasons to fucking suffer other than being a pussy.
[citation needed]

>> No.7251824

This. I just wish to go to sleep and never wake up again.

>> No.7251827

With the rather low population of this board and the antisocial tendencies the users display, I'm pretty sure that's accurate.

>> No.7251831

Being Normal.

So good.

>> No.7251835

I can't tell if you're trying to troll me or something, but I clearly just told you I am not depressed. I am more productive and happy than most people here. The point of my post was that I have REASONS, more than most people here TO be depressed. But I am not, and I've never taken pills, because that is some cowardly weak-willed bullshit.

>> No.7251853

Normally, I hate using memes, but in this case, it's the best description of the moment.
You mad.
And I mean that in both you are visibly upset in your post, and it seems like you have some psychiatric issues.

>> No.7251863
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>trying to be alpha on /jp/
>masturbates to cartoon girls

>> No.7251884

I'm not trying to troll you and I apologize if that's the way I appear in my posts. It's hard to convey the proper tone in writing. I'm just saying it's pretty clear you're a depressed individual trying to prove themselves healthy with psychological defensive fallacies and I hope you one day manage to overcome this and seek out the help you need.

>> No.7251901
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>> No.7251968

Didn't we tell you to suck it up the other day? Why does this thread have so many posts?

>> No.7252104
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>> No.7252114

/jp/ is full of wannabe normals that like to talk about themselves.

>> No.7252158

Because /jp/ is depressed and anxious.
