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7215752 No.7215752 [Reply] [Original]

Post your top 10. Doesn't have to be in order. Windows only.

1. Bhava-agra as Seen Through a Child's Mind
2. Heartfelt Fancy
3. Gensokyo, Past and Present - Flower Land
4. Native Faith
5. U.N. Owen was Her?
6. Necrofantasia
7. Nuclear Fusion
8. Border of Life
9. Voyage 1970
10. Phantom Ensemble

None of the music from Seirensen really struck me as outstanding, 'cept maybe Heian no Alien.

>> No.7215754

>Post your top 10.

1. Reported
2. Reported
Etc etc.

>> No.7215771

Not to contest favorites, but I honestly liked Catastrophe in Bhava-agra more, then again, I think I've put more time in to SWR than any other game.

But mine is
1. Oriental Evening Sky
2. Catastrophe in Bhava-agra
3. Hellfire Mantle
4. Ultimate Truth
5. Necrofantasia
6. Evening Sky
7. Maiden's Capriccio ~ Dream Battle
8. Love Colored Master Spark
9. Sepette for the Dead Princess
10. Faith is for Transient People

>> No.7215835

I never actually thought about putting them in a list.. Lets give this a shot.

1: フォールオブフォール ~ Autumnal Waterfall
2: あなたの町の怪事件 ~ The Mystery in Your Town
3: 旧地獄街道を行く ~ Walking the Streets of a Former Hell
4: 無何有の郷 ~ Deep Mountain
5: 万年置き傘にご注意を ~ Beware the Umbrella Left There Forever

The rest are ones I like but I cant really pick out which I like above the others. I like earlier stage themes and bosses more than the last boss themes.

遠野幻想物語 The Fantastic Legend of Tohno
幽霊楽団 ~ Phantom Ensemble
広有射怪鳥事 ~ Till When?
幻視の夜 ~ Ghostly Eyes
もう歌しか聞こえない ~ Deaf to all but the Song
Voyage 1969
Voyage 1970
御柱の墓場 ~ Grave of Being
少女さとり ~ 3rd eye

Honorable mention:
廃獄ララバイ Lullaby of Deserted Hell
Sounds almost like "Greensleeves" or something similar. I can't place why I like it, but its very nice.

>> No.7215861
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I also love Catastrophe, but I figured it was kind of overkill to have them both in the list.

Lullaby is definitely a great one, doesn't really go in with my favorite Zun music but there's something very nostalgic about it.

I think I have a fetish for last/extra boss themes, maybe it's the typically fast tempo. 7/10 is pretty convincing. Was also tempted to put Sixty Years Judgement instead of Flower Land. Then again it could be argued Yuuka is more of a final boss than Komachi is, making Shiki the extra. Fighting Komachi is really kinda boring in comparison, and Flower Land is way more Stage 6 boss-ish sounding.

>> No.7215871
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In no particular order:

1. Border of Life
2. Til When?
3. Kagome Kagome
4. History of the Moon
5. Immortal Smoke
6. Missing Power
7. Infinite Nightmare
8. Old World
9. Necrofantasia
10. Green-eyed Jealousy
