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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7210104 No.7210104 [Reply] [Original]

How much does it cost to permaban an autistic tripfag?

I've tried reporting him for trolling and shitposting on countless occasions but he's still around. I refuse to download a filter after all these years just for one annoying prepubescent dipshit.

>> No.7210110

Around 15.000 pericas.

>> No.7210109

Just ignore him? You got some issues man...

>> No.7210114

>You got some issues man

New to /jp/?

>> No.7210112

Isn't it obvious how hard he's trying? It's more sad than annoying, really.

Take your complaints to IRC and quit defecating all over /jp/.

>> No.7210113

HELL if I knew

>> No.7210115

Anonymous isn't a tripfag.

>> No.7210116

Have you considered, you know, ignoring him? You are acting almost as bad as him by posting this.

>> No.7210117

But I spent it all on beer and nuts.

>> No.7210123

If you could bare all the past tripfags on /jp/, then wth isn't so bad. At least he isn't a try hard failure like the previous ones who tries stroke his own ego by tripping. Joking around being autistic is much better than being an attention whoring piece of shit like everyone else.

>> No.7210127

Just get the goddamn filter.
If you can't be assed to do something as simple as that, I have no sympathy.

>> No.7210128

Well, would you be interested in a loan?

Also, OP, that guy was banned countless times already and permabans can be avoided with a mere IP change. If the trip is banned he will make another one. It's useless.

>> No.7210132

Except that's EXACTLY what he is.

I can take ironic shitposting, but his shitposting is serious and stems from a clearly autistic mind striving desperately to be noticed.

>> No.7210135

Protip: Tripnames can be set to auto-bans. It's happened countless times before to get rid of them. Without their identity they're nothing.

>> No.7210137

Not really. That was Scandaroon you described. wtH isn't nearly as annoying.

>> No.7210138

If that's OP's theme, you are even more stupid than someone who gets angry at a troll.

>> No.7210139

Yes, giving him more attention will work perfectly.

He's easily ignored.

>> No.7210143

wtH isn't even mildly annoying when it comes to the scale of things.

>> No.7210144

Are you doing that on purpose or literally stupid?

He will simply use another trip and continue to shitpost like mad. It will be the same shit.

>> No.7210142

What's the trip so that I can shitpost with it? Seems to be working.

>> No.7210148

Oh yeah he is.

>> No.7210146


>> No.7210145

Take it easy man.

>> No.7210147

I think it's #ELL
Let me try


>> No.7210155

Not really. Have you seen the previous shits who use to regularly post on /jp/? They would hang out in IRC, circlejerk in threads and be elitist pieces of shit spamming /jp/ like it's their clubhouse.

Wth is solo he isn't in some namefag group/tag teamming threads, which is an extremely positive thing since it's rare. He has an odd sense of humor and isn't "HIGH QUALITY" like yourself, and this thread but at least he isn't an attention whoring piece of shit who hangs out in IRC.

I think you probably like some of the previous tripfags who hung out here, so, you no right to complain about someone like wth. When he first came around he seemed like he was straight from gaia, but he's stuck around more actively than most of the faggots who complain about /jp/ but rarely visit it.

Trying hard is trying to impress people, act "cool" and make friends with other tripfags. Wth going around acting like a clown doesn't fit into any of those three things.

>> No.7210154

Well I don't know about wtH#ELL but I shitpost on /jp/ because the users care too much about it.

I mean I could make a really shitty thread on /a/ or /v/, but the better posters would mostly ignore it and I'd be left with a thread full of other shit posters which isn't that fun.

But when I shitpost in /jp/ I get all these autistics trying to convince me to leave in order to "save the board". It goes beyond normal trolling for reactions. I love the feeling of people being in despair over the decline in quality of their board.

The threads on /jp/ devolve into talking about board culture and how to save it and who needs to be banned and why every other board except for /jp/ is shit. It's awesome.

>> No.7210158

I once got a person banned by bribing a mod $20.

But it either wasn't a permaban or the guy evaded and wasn't banned again, so it wasn't really worth it.

>> No.7210161

By far the most stupid shit I ever read the entire weekend. And I'm one of those who told OP to ignore.

>> No.7210162

holy HELL a topic about me
wadaya want...punk.

>> No.7210163 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7210164

/jp/ - Tripfag/General

>> No.7210168

I really REALLY wish people would stop falling for those.
They don't seem to realize that they're keeping three of the same goddamn thread on the front page.
How long will it take before they learn to not respond?

>> No.7210169

butthurt faggot who wanted to ride the cocks of his heroes like jones and currybutt spotted.

>> No.7210173

Go to irc, try the general 4chan room or the /b/ room there is always a mod in one or the other and they're usually pretty cool guys.

That or just download a filter for fucks sake.

Also this thread has nothing to do with otaku culture and you should feel terrible for posting it.

>> No.7210179

Hahaha, it's funny because I fucking hate them.

>> No.7210180

What is wrong with you? Why would you have a theme that horrible?

>> No.7210182

Filter, dude. Filter. He's by far the main reason I have one.

>> No.7210183

what the HELL is irc? should i hang around there too? o,O?

high contrast...he's prolly colour blind as HELL! xD

>> No.7210187

any1 who filters me should got to HELL

>> No.7210189

*go to

>> No.7210191

He uses a CRT.

>> No.7210198


>has nothing to do with otaku culture

More than half of your posts are off-topic. Why are you complaining?

>> No.7210196

but really what the HELL is sakuya doing, no one answered me =__=I|I

>> No.7210200

Because I can.

>> No.7210201

OP what the HELL is your problem?

>> No.7210204

>hang out in the /b/ irc channel and suck mods cock
>it only works if the tripfag himself isn't already sucking the mods cock too.
>hang out in a /b channel
>pretty cool guys
This is why moderation is shit and shouldn't be encouraged. They allow whoever sucks their dick to stick around and spam /jp/ with completely disliked memes and image macros. If a slightly less annoying tripfag comes around and acts less annoying than they get banned if they don't also hang on the moderations cock too.

It's like how /a/ spammed that tripfags taigas post for 2 years and the moderation "banned" taiga but then afterwards chatlogs from aim come out with the mods talking with taiga about shit on aim....

>> No.7210206
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>> No.7210210

Am I wrong in thinking /jp/ has been hit by a large number of shitposters from other boards over the past week?

There has been a massive influx of shit threads, but they're all shit in the "new to /jp/" way, not the "which touhou would you fuck" way. It's like someone has been telling the other boards to come here for some reason, which has no doubt happened in the past but even in the past 4 days there has been a HUGE rise in that sort of shitposting...

Maybe I'm paranoid.

>> No.7210208
File: 9 KB, 176x186, AWWWW_YEEEEEEAAAAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How much does it cost to permaban an autistic tripfag?
why the HELL would you wanna permaban me?
>I've tried reporting him for trolling and shitposting on countless occasions but he's still around.
>60 days sure go by fast as HELL!
>I refuse to download a filter after all these years just for one annoying prepubescent dipshit.
i'm not prepubescent nor a dipshit unlike you faggot!

>> No.7210214


>past week

>> No.7210216

I think it's because the "autism macros" article made the front page of ED. That combined with the summer influx is going to hurt, I may just pack up and leave ;_;

>> No.7210218

>Implying "Which touhou would you [insert]" isn't a staple thread on /jp/
It's only the veterans who make threads asking which touhous legs would you shave.

>> No.7210215
File: 74 KB, 459x426, mami_madoka_weird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I've tried reporting him for trolling and shitposting on countless occasions but he's still around.
60 days sure go by fast as HELL!

>> No.7210225

I have more of a problem with tripfags who are awful posters and not trolls who are obviously trying too hard.

>> No.7210228

My opinion came from talking to them twice when I've been unjustly banned in the past.

If they're really that bad I apologize for making that suggestion.

>> No.7210245

Would you fuck Rika if she were an anteater?

>> No.7210333

Am I the only one who thinks that setting up enforced anonymous on every board would finally take care of this sort of shit?

>> No.7210353

But then we couldn't tell who the posters too dumb to ignore the name field were.

>> No.7210413


>> No.7210479

How the hell did you know I use a CRT or even come to that conclusion?

Anyways, I do use one and for some reason the theme looks great on a CRT but "brownish-shit" on an LCD. I don't know why but I'm guessing it's because LCDs are shit and don't support true black.

>> No.7210486

You just explained how he would have came to the conclusion yourself. So why are confused that he did?

>> No.7210492


>wth isn't so bad
>At least he isn't a try hard failure
>much better than being an attention whoring piece of shit

Hypothesis: Are you fucking retarded?

Conclusion: You are wth.

>> No.7210498

Because 99% of people don't realize that LCDs are shit and just assume that the theme is ugly instead. He would have to use a CRT himself to even notice, and CRTs are a rare breed these days.

>> No.7210506

Is it just me or is it blatantly obvious that a certain tripfag has been posting as Anon to defend himself with very poor excuses if not outright lies?

>> No.7210509

Ok, thanks for telling me. I'll keep that in mind. So, with that conclusion, ks-dev, get the fuck out.

>> No.7210515

Let's go with the former Flandre?

>> No.7210512

What the HELL are you talking about, no1s done that. Maybe your the liar.

>> No.7210510


See >>7210492

>> No.7210619

I'm talking about exactly what you're doing since no random anon would even shitpost like that ironically.

Reported and called the cops on your ass.

>> No.7211116 [DELETED] 

back from HELL faggots!

>> No.7211628

why the HELL is this thread dead?

>> No.7211653

Get a filter. It's more for us than you. You're encouraging trash like that by noticing their posts.

>> No.7211662

>Erase anime thread
>Leave this shit.

>> No.7211664
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I find his posts fun to read just because the way I say HELL in my head.

>> No.7213425
File: 75 KB, 329x324, licks_tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7213584

It's funny because that's absurdly ironic coming from you.
