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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 191 KB, 1024x768, pangya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7164759 No.7164759 [Reply] [Original]

Has hotglue taken over this game or is it safe?

>> No.7164770

Gaians everywhere. Hope you enjoy playing your loligolf with people half your age.

>> No.7164782


Well... at least you didn't use "x-fag" on your sentence.

>> No.7164788

That is no game. It is a bitter, hateful, and unfathomably cruel torture device given sentience by the energy accumulated through the collective suffering of thousands. The golf is a mere facade, the real objective is only to collect your anger, your impotent frustration and bask in it.

Also, you should post that on /v/, not here.

>> No.7164797

I like playing this game 1 on 1 and masturbating while chatting and playing.

>> No.7164827 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7164876

I do, and i find it very relaxing to play this game
Because i have a lot of time to browse /jp/ between the shots i do

For instance, this post was made between one of these shots

>> No.7164900

The community for this game is well outside my (/jp/'s) demographic. With that said, I like the psp version for it's brightly colored tedium and relaxing music.

Does anyone have the 3DCG hardsaves of the characters? I know they exist.

>> No.7164917
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My favourite character in it is Youmu, becoz she is the softest

>> No.7164926
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>> No.7164929
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>> No.7164930

Hotglue does not represent the whole /jp/.

Hotglue =/= /jp/

>> No.7164947
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>> No.7164953
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God damn everyone is so good at the MMO version and it's no fun with hacks...

Stick with the PSP version. Also, that Kooh.

>> No.7164968
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Didn't the head artist die from aids a little while ago?

>> No.7164990
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What do you find so hard about the game?
You just need to learn how to calculate the Sin and Cosin functions

>> No.7165001
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>> No.7165010

But you can`t be a cute little trap in the PSP version

>> No.7165020
File: 164 KB, 767x620, Pangya207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the appeal of Pangya was cameltoe.

>> No.7165019

I haven't played Pangya in a couple years, I forgot how to play.
Can you guys teach me how to again?

>> No.7165051


>> No.7165066
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>> No.7165071
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>> No.7165075

I still play, but maybe an hour a week or so. I don't have friends to play with, and the community in-game is pretty bad, so I try to avoid them as much as possible.
It's really a fun game when you play with other people, though.

>> No.7165099
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>> No.7165115
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>> No.7165125
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>> No.7165160
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>> No.7165167
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>> No.7165180

Please, I really forgot how to play, and I want a friendly /jp/er to teach me.

>> No.7165184
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>> No.7165192
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>> No.7165194
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What do you want help with? Making an account? Timing? There's not really any tricks to it, other than not being a <pic related>

>> No.7165199

Please I can't do this it's too hard.

>> No.7165210 [DELETED] 

u jest got torlled

>> No.7165218
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It happens.

>> No.7165217

Please I am no trolling.
Please I just want help.

>> No.7165223
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>> No.7165229
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>> No.7165242

I heard it is possible to play in private servers now
Wouldn't it be better if we joined one of them?

>> No.7165243
File: 325 KB, 800x600, youre-doing-it-wrong-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>private server
>golf game

>> No.7165247


>> No.7165252

People seriously do this? I thought it was a myth that people made up to make the players sound even more autistic.

>> No.7165280

Here's the Spin Calculator from a while ago:

Here's the soundtrack, pw is sweatdrop:

>> No.7165281

The game is all about the clothes and characters man
With private servers it would be possible to buy everything much more easily

>> No.7165290

only private server I could find looks legit meybe /jp/ should play together on it

>> No.7165297
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No, never again.

>> No.7165300

That's not pangya

>> No.7165317

Oh god, this game.
The one I've spent about 400 dollars on Kooh and Arin outfits and gacha

>> No.7165323

You are silly, that so is.

>> No.7165328

>400 dollars
what the fuck how do you spend so much money on virtual shit

>> No.7165332

Gacha coins

>> No.7165344

That reminds me, I managed to get like .01y or somewhere that close. The ball just kept rolling even though it wasn't going anywhere and it then froze for awhile. I should of taken a ss.

>> No.7165347

Deep Inferno, ball gets caught on a tree, everyone leaves before it gets unstuck

>> No.7165353

I'm waiting for a port of S4.5 to the 3DS. You know you want it.

>> No.7165418
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why don't you go and play a real game, /jp/

>> No.7165423

But this is a real game.

>> No.7165669

Yeah because the gameplay isn't part of the game and isn't important at all.

>> No.7165695
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I only watch Starcraft for the bromance.

>> No.7165709

Viita loves this game

>> No.7165785

So do I.

>> No.7166498

Oh man I used to love playing this game! The best thing about it was that the admins were actually nice people, my account was stolen (to be fair, my password was... well password, I had no idea I'd be playing it for as long as I did) and not only did I get a quick GM response, they actually restored my items and changed my password in a timely fashion.

That's really rare for anything even vaguely related to a Korean MMO. Or at least it was for me.

The community itself wasn't bad at all as long as you do the obvious, which is ignore about half of them. You'll encounter some really mellow people there who are just crazy for golf. I loved it a lot. If it weren't for the fact that my college mistook my game traffic as torrenting traffic thus rendering the game a nigh unplayable mess, I'd still be playing.

The PSP and Wii versions aren't bad though. I like the PSP version a bit more since you can knock off a couple rounds between classes.

>> No.7166713

I love this game. I've played it since S1 but the servers I used to play on have closed down and I'm now on the global servers with a Beginner. I've tried getting others to play this game but they all get extremely aggravated by it and only play with me a little.

The community on the European servers was the best but I have a keyboard glitch now so I can't talk on Pangya anyway so it doesn't matter.

If anyone wants to play with me, my IGN is ayudame. I'm not that good a player. When I'm playing with my friends I usually get first or second place but with actual Pangya players I pretty much get last or third in Vs.

Surprisingly, what I used to find most fun about playing Pangya was talking in game. I used to try and learn French and people playing with me were always very nice and would correct my grammar and so on and so forth.

>> No.7167438

>Surprisingly, what I used to find most fun about playing Pangya was talking in game.

To me, that is the soul of Pangya!. The golf is just for context.

>> No.7167470

>talking in game.
All I could see was messages like :
" LOL ROFLMAO XD :D :O ima win u suck lolz HIIIO OMG !!!! "
.. oh well it's like that in every mmos anyway, internet is the nest of those kind of people.

>> No.7167624

u giev pang

>> No.7167796

>mfw I still can't find a damn spring frag to give my Nell wings
>mfw I will never get enough frags to make a Spa set

>> No.7167824

Speaking of MMOs, does /jp/ play RO? I want to start playing on a private server but prefer it to be with someone else.

>> No.7168120

I'm planning to play IRO once it goes F2P this April.

>> No.7168182

I'll sell you one if you like. I'll give you a /jp/ discount.

>> No.7168195

Nah, I only have about 400k atm.

>> No.7168260
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I'm currently playing with a friend on a private server.

I plan to revisit my old character on iRO. I might stick around there.
