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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7106667 No.7106667 [Reply] [Original]

You sagefags said nothing would happen. Nothing ever happens, right?

>workers forced to leave from radiation
>only a few remain
>futile suicide mission
>the radiation will reach levels where nobody can stay there
>nobody to cool reactors

Japan is fucked guys. What country will we obsess over now?

>> No.7106672 [DELETED] 

Why is Pikachu all wounded in that picture?

>> No.7106671


>> No.7106678

I suggest you to lurk more.

>> No.7106673

Spain is pretty cool.

>> No.7106676
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>> No.7106679

[citation needed]

>> No.7106681

Worst case, Dai-Ichi has a contingency designed into it where an entire reactor unit can be encased in concrete thick enough to contain the radiation.

But really, this just illustrates the stupidity of nuclear power.

>> No.7106687

>What country will we obsess over now?

I nominate Russia and Greece. But really, even if Japan is wiped off of the map, we will still find stupid shit to argue about.

>> No.7106689

There are shitloads of Japanese media to fuel our obsession for decades. Nothing changes whatever happens.

>> No.7106695


Take a nuclear plant, right.

Build it on water, in a lake.

Immunity to earthquakes, immunity to tsunamis, immunity to hurricanes etc.

Or you know, just build that goddamn space elevator and make a sun catcher farm to orbit.

Or better yet, stop reproducing. Fuck, technology takes less and less energy, yet we need more and more power to keep it up. Goddamn breeders.

>> No.7106713

>What country will we obsess over now?
You're new here, aren't you?

>> No.7106724

Chernobyl was a level 7 and it had a 30km exclusion zone. Unless this becomes a magic level 8 with explosions spreading radiation everywhere it's not going to affect all of Japan.

More like "why did old nuclear plant designs store the fuel rods in stupid places?" and "TEPCO should have asked for help sooner"

>> No.7106758

You cannot build a nuclear plant lake, because there is no such thing as a lake that is completely separate from the rest of the water supply. If you have even a minuscule spill, you've just contaminated the entire area's water table.

>> No.7106777

>just build that goddamn space elevator

We have no way to do that. I suppose you could make it out of nanotubes, but even then, the tether would need to be like a km in diameter, and at least 100 km long. Not exactly in our production capacity.

>> No.7106795
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>Trolololol lets cool down a nuclear reactor with a water truck !
Tepco you so awesome.

>> No.7106802

Um...how do you think they cool reactors? Put the rods in fridges?

>> No.7106807

Not only are workers not evacuated, but there are more of them there now than before. Maybe you should stop watching american news

>> No.7106810

Worst comes to worst, you do what the Russians did and quickly build a sarcophagus over it.

Yeah, you end up with another Zone of Exclusion, but it's better than doing nothing of course.

>> No.7106814

They're trying (without success) to restore power to water pumps, they should focus on that at least, not ditching water by helicopter and other shit actions like that.

>> No.7106812
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I just assumed they used Uiharu.

>> No.7106813

Actually the worst case is the spent fuel rods igniting, because they have no containment in place for those. The thing you're describing has never been a cause for worry, but the news liked to think so

>> No.7106824

I swear to god /jp/'s IQ has dropped 50 points since the puddi thing, and even more since the quake. I'll come back in about a month, but by then it will probably be completely intolerable

>> No.7106826

That would actually be kind of cool. Academy City's power plant is going critical, Uiharu goes in to keep the outer shells a stable temperature while people evacuate. Everyone gets clear, and the added time allows the engineers to initiate a stable shut down, but now she has lethal radiation exposure.

Cue Saten in a nearby hospital crying over her as she dies.

>> No.7106830

That's because those events have both drawn in outsiders to /jp/, diluting our average with their /b/-riddled brain jelly.

I think I'm going to go start an onahole thread.

>> No.7106837

/b/ shit comes and goes. The problem is /a/ and /v/, which are pretty much /b/ themselves with a slightly different flavor

>> No.7106840


>> No.7106847

What pains me the most is people trying too hard to act like they're from /jp/ and failing spectacularly, mostly since these kinds of people are the mostly likely to stick around. This most recent wave seems to be made mostly of /int/ and /new/, though.

>> No.7106848


[insert sage copypasta here]

>> No.7106851

I can't seriously discuss this with someone who thinks dumping water (the coolant they used in the first place and a good neutron moderator) on the reactor core is a bad idea.

>> No.7106854

99.9% of the people who discuss this have no clue about anything.

>> No.7106856

Goddamnit moot, just change name of this board to /oc/ or whatever else already. People here doesn't care about that fucking quake/tsunami/reactors.

>> No.7106857
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>playing Shogun 2
>enjoying my ass off
>see Fukushima burning during a siege
>has a sad

>> No.7106861

Well surely they can...
>But really, this just illustrates the stupidity of nuclear power.
Oh I see, you are one of those wiseguys, huh?

>> No.7106863
File: 335 KB, 870x400, moot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moot doesn't care about us or anyone else he originally made 4chan for

>> No.7106870

Haha sweet greentext story bro go back to /v/ and post it they'll love it! Then don't come back

>> No.7106878
File: 4 KB, 647x59, mootsage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this. It was said by the almighty moot himself.

>> No.7106879

Moot is a huge faggot both in the homosexual sense and in a personality sense so I don't give a shit what he says

>> No.7106951

There's 180 now

>> No.7106948

I hear that there are 50 "anonymous technicians" risking their lives to keep the damn things from melting down. Fucking badass.

>> No.7106961

If this happened near you, /jp/, would you bro it and try to save people lives or drink tea and talk to your figurines as usual?

>> No.7106962

I would do the latter, because it means I would die sooner

>> No.7106964

China. No wait, South Korea!

>> No.7106972

>Asking a socially anxious misanthropic pedophile if he'd try to save people

>> No.7106973


North! I for one would like a Kim fanclub.

>> No.7106974

I'd be in there doing what I could. I'll eventually die no matter what, I'd rather die having done something that helps others if I'm able.

>> No.7106975

How can you both hate other human beings and be a pedophile

>> No.7106977

Why not obsess over South Corea? ^__^

>> No.7106978

Also, if I were to get terminal cancer from the radiation, I would take my last few months to rape lolis around the world.

>> No.7107006


why not kill yourself?

>> No.7107030

I'd take the chance to steal shit.

Also, when's yen gonna decrease in worth? I'm gonna make a good profit off it when yen gets back to it's old worth.

>> No.7107040

>I'd take the chance to steal shit.

I didn't know /jp/ had black people

>> No.7107041

You must be new here.

>> No.7107051

Arc would like to have a word with you.

>> No.7107055

The yen's been increasing, actually.

>> No.7107065

That's my favorite thing about all this. People in the media are like "Wow there's no rioting or looting at all like there was in Haiti and New Orleans! Why is that!??". Hmm yes I wonder

>> No.7107061

Sexual desire has nothing to to with liking or hating other human being, it's just a primal urge completely unrelated to human emotions.

>> No.7107072

Am I the only one surprised there aren't any mischievous Utsuho pics arising from this tragedy?

>> No.7107091

It's to soon and to close to home for the people who would draw such things.

>> No.7107097

There wasn't when in Chile either, when they had their quake last year. I don't remember if there was during the 2004 tsunami but I assume not

>> No.7107101

I think it's more the fact that the problems are caused by nuclear fission, not nuclear fusion, so Utsuho isn't really relevant.

>> No.7107114

Japan isn't fucked, it is the world's third largest economy. If this happened to a third world nation, then it would be catastrophic

I wouldn't recommend shorting the yen

>> No.7107131

But Utsuho can control fission as well.

Also, even if she couldn't, she'd still be related to it since it contains the words ''nuclear'' and ''radiation'' in it.

>> No.7107139

There's still no fusion.

Without fusion, how can Utsuho be related?

It's like calling someone a vampire just because they don't like the sun--oh, wait, people do that all the time. Never mind.

>> No.7107142

did they find the portal to gensokyo yet?

>> No.7107147

you'd actually be in pain for most of the time

>> No.7107237

Fusion and fission are different things.

>> No.7107245
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>> No.7107338
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>> No.7107368


>> No.7107375

Will you move to California when Japan is evacuated and all their citizens congregate there?

>> No.7107386
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, boofandsionredy2ownbutts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7107402

Her manual description suggests she can control fission as well, so either way she's related.

Besides, Touhous can be crossover'd with anything, in this case the closest is Okuu, since she manages a nuclear reactor of her own.

Or at least, used to manage until INNOVATIVE ECOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGY pushed in and money ran out of the Moriyas' pockets.

>> No.7107416
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posting okuu in a meltdown thread
