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7025671 No.7025671 [Reply] [Original]

I even have no idea why portal doesn't work. I just want to be already in Gensokyo.

What kind of sick person would create instructions that don't work just to read how others suffer because of him?

>> No.7025687

Gensokyo doesn't exist. Step through the portal into the real world instead.

>> No.7025684

Try this.

>> No.7025704

You clearly didn't breathe on it enough. Drink more bleach as well.

>> No.7025767

Isn't there any better method?

>> No.7025781

Nope, drink more bleach

>> No.7025794 [DELETED] 

Ever see those guys that hang themselves with shit so thin it could be thread? They don't jump off buildings or any of that pussy shit. They just hang with their arms firmly at their sides. Even as they twitch at the pain they keep their hands away.

Even if I don't think suicide is the answer, you've got to respect a man that commits to ending his shitty life. A man that takes the last trial of his life with some dignity.

>> No.7025799

I live in fear that someday some lurker will try this for real. It doesn't open a portal, it fucks up your lungs and eyes and has a good chance of killing you.

>> No.7025801

Ever see those guys that hang themselves with shit so thin it could be thread? They don't jump off buildings or any of that pussy shit. They just hang with their arms firmly at their sides. Even as they twitch at the pain they keep their hands away.

Even if I don't think suicide is the answer, you've got to respect a man that commits to ending his shitty life. A man that takes the last trial of his life with some dignity.

>> No.7025837

I asked /sci/, apparently it makes cholrine or mustard gas.

>> No.7025846 [DELETED] 


>> No.7026816

Why killing yourself is so hard?

>> No.7026821 [DELETED] 

It's not.

>> No.7026869

It is!

>> No.7026887

If you people were serious, everyone making these portal threads should have died weeks ago.

>> No.7027198
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Yare Yare daze, Someone doesn't follow what is happening on /jp/.

Too bad ropes don't work in real life this way

>> No.7027210 [DELETED] 
File: 251 KB, 563x2400, youmu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7027237

Only if you make a half assed attempt.

>> No.7027312

So how to do not "half assed" attempts in your opinion?
Most of people don't have acces to guns or dangerous chemical substances.

>> No.7027329

There are so many ways to easily kill yourself. I mean just jump in front of a train or fall head first off an extremely high place on a hard surface. Easier said than done I know, it's hard to push yourself to suicide.

>> No.7027418
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>> No.7027456

Thing is, that it has terribly low fatality rate, high chance of failiture and great effort you need to put into it.

>> No.7027497

instead of getting hit by a speeding train, you could just lay your neck on the rail. that way, your only chance of failure is if you don't have the nerves to stay put when the train comes. also as a bonus, even slow moving trains will almost certainly kill you.

>> No.7027587
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>derp derp depression suicide derp

>> No.7027633

You can't do that in city or anywhere close to people and finding place where you can come close to rail might be difficult.

>> No.7028893
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>> No.7028904

If you drink eight million beers, you will reach Gensokyo.

>> No.7028908


>> No.7028913
File: 78 KB, 407x305, 6815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you drink eight million sperm, you will reach Moriya Shrine.

>> No.7028928

He should look for a girl who reminds him of Youmu. He could drug her and dress her up as Youmu.

>> No.7028934

Well, that explains the AIDS epidemic over there.

>> No.7028970


Only 8 million? If that were the case, anybody willing to eat their own semen could waltz right in.

>> No.7028976

I think he meant 8 million gallons of semen.

>> No.7028977

The proper methodology has nothing to do with bleach.

You do it by turning into a myth.

Remember, the Great Hakurei Border is the boundary between the believable and the unbelievable - between that which humans are willing to believe in, and that which they dismiss as fiction. So if you really wanted to pass to the other side? You would convince the world that you are a fabrication. Those who remember you must believe that there never was such a person as "you" - that your existence was an elaborate prank, that the person they met was just pretending to be that person. When the world actively disbelieves in your existence, you will pass from the category of "common sense" into the category of "nonsense". And if Gensokyo exists, if the Great Barrier exists, it should permit the entry of such a being.

There is a chance that at this point you will enter Gensokyo immediately. But if not, then you probably must find the physical location of the border as well. This means a trip to Japan to backpack through the wilderness, in search of the abandoned Hakurei shrine. Should it exist, and should you find it, your status as a creature of legend ought to permit you entry.

But again, this is all theorycraft. Personally I have too much left to do to pass into myth just yet.
