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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 83 KB, 800x600, flyabletrans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7015148 No.7015148 [Reply] [Original]

The Flyable Heart translation project has now reached the Beta stage. You may download the Beta 1 patch here:


Notable changes in the beta:
- It has an installer now. The changes that we have incorporated are extensive enough to warrant its use.
- Edited images are included.
- Many of the lines put in as jokes at the earlier stages have been replaced as a part of the editing process (currently ~17000/73560).
- ...And many more subtle (and not so subtle) changes you will discover as you go through the game.

Verification info:

091865a0370b41faf6c1572e2a981ede2ecd15d0 fhinst.exe
6561baadf632d17aa44172fcb252bd6054696149 FHTRANS_B1.d
f0c7aa12cccfa8d58cef0a4c38058b9297b514ff license.txt

>> No.7015164 [DELETED] 

Nice to see some progress. I'll use it once it's farther along.

>> No.7015170

Why is this taking forever to install?

>> No.7015174

Go die in a fire.
Or at least back to being banned how it ought to be.

>> No.7015177

Still barely readable and full of mistranslations?

>> No.7015181 [DELETED] 

Take out that "Barely readable" portion of your sentence and I'd say that's about right. AGTH+Atlas is a more reliable translation tool than this garbage.

>> No.7015180

Not the Op but go fuck yourself.

You are 99.9% of any problems with these threads.

>> No.7015187 [DELETED] 

Hey cudder, how's it hanging?

>> No.7015187,1 [INTERNAL] 


Hey buttfucker hows being a buttboy?

>> No.7015190

No, I'm pretty sure their very existance is the root of the problem.

>> No.7015190,1 [INTERNAL] 

Has never read one word just trying to submarine this project for the the lulz

>> No.7015192
File: 56 KB, 1435x1561, 1259762476080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I know why it took so long to install.

>mfw this patch voices the protagonist

>> No.7015192,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.7015196


>> No.7015255


>> No.7015257
File: 37 KB, 503x599, 1296168667631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>protaginist has voice

>> No.7015296 [DELETED] 

I, for one, welcome an inferior translation if it means I don't have to keep tabbing out or play in windowed mode.

>> No.7015354 [DELETED] 

All this hate made me curious about it. I'll try the patch today.
>- Many of the lines put in as jokes at the earlier stages have been replaced as a part of the editing process
This made me even more curious. Not in a good sense, though.

>> No.7015383


With AGTH you can play in full screen and send the text to another computer to display on another monitor.

>> No.7015397

Why should I have to do that? I have a translation and an installer. You are retarded.

>> No.7015421

Please note that this is still Beta software. Bugs may still be present.

We have fixed another critical crash bug and when it is released, the same link will point to the updated file. New verification information will be posted.

>> No.7015431

>Many of the lines put in as jokes at the earlier stages have been replaced as a part of the editing process (currently ~17000/73560)
does this mean that the joke lines have been completely removed and editing is up to 17000 or that the joke lines removal is going parallel to editing?

>> No.7015506

We have fixed a critical crash bug and release Beta 1a as a result. Please re-download and re-install from the same link as before if the file you downloaded was version B1 and not B1a. We apologize for any inconvenience.

New verification information:

7e4a5aa4bd25aaf86a3fb372c442dd9820311ab9 fhinst.exe
2b04fcb5228b5b60bbc6964b364ed127e4b192d9 fhtrans_b1.d
f0c7aa12cccfa8d58cef0a4c38058b9297b514ff license.txt

Both, and neither.

>> No.7015506,1 [INTERNAL] 

Since when did Shou get a voice?

This is hilarious.

>> No.7015517


You stated your reasons as being so you don't have to alt-tab or play in windowed mode, I gave an alternative that met the same criteria. It would also work for other games that are not translated.

No reason to get mad though, just take it easy.

>> No.7015557
File: 59 KB, 800x600, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7015591

>Both, and neither.
I know you have your own particular sense of humor, but can't you actually answer? I'm not trying to stir up trouble, just want to know if this is mostly playable.

>> No.7015591,1 [INTERNAL] 

You seem upset you should calm down and go back to /b/ or /v/.

>> No.7016359

Friendly bump, good luck with the beta releases.

>> No.7016616

Avira anti-virus seems to think fhinst.exe is a trojan.
Did anyone else bother to download this file? Is it a false positive?

>> No.7016618

It's a virus

>> No.7016664


>> No.7016716

Well, even after telling the antivirus to leave fhinst.exe and fh.exe alone, it still repeatedly interrupts and crashes the application mid-patch, forcing me to uninstall and reinstall Fryable Heart over and over...

Although reading your license was fun, it seems like I won't be able to experience your machine translations first-hand without shutting down my antivirus software, which is too much of a bother.

>> No.7016716,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why don't you fuck off and die in a huge fire.

>> No.7016716,2 [INTERNAL] 

Decided on a new way to troll by discouraging people installing it I see.

>> No.7016771

It installs and runs fine here.

At least I know what BETA software means.

>> No.7016773

Stop sock puppeting Cudder. Nobody here gives a shit about your machine translated diarreah.

>> No.7016773,1 [INTERNAL] 

Still trying that tired shit I see. It's funny how many people you misidentify as someone else.

I feel happy knowing your life is so miserable you get off on trolling these thread as your source of fake joy. How does it feel to be that small and insignificant?

>> No.7016773,2 [INTERNAL] 

Why don't you actually post in the thread to insult him instead of doing it on the ghost board which he probably isn't even checking.

>> No.7016773,3 [INTERNAL] 

I think that guy is banned.

>> No.7017492
File: 50 KB, 765x491, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably just freaking out because of all the files the installer patches.

>> No.7017505 [DELETED] 

Just turn off your anti-virus while patching.

>> No.7017505,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you so fat?

>> No.7017583
File: 110 KB, 806x633, SHIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god what did they do to my FH?
Now it looks retarded and shit.

...god damn shouldn't have bothered.

Why do you have to put in edits just to know what number / phase / stage / whatever?! The Alpha names were tolerable and now this?!

Thank you for ruining Unison Shift's image. This will never be unseen.

Noizi Itou is my favorite artist too. ;_;

>> No.7017604

Flyable Sussman no Naku Koro Ni

>> No.7017604,1 [INTERNAL] 

Because you're mother is a whore.

>> No.7017604,2 [INTERNAL] 

Derp, meant to quote >>7017505,1

>> No.7017631
File: 64 KB, 502x405, cry-madoka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am really sad you know.

I never trolled the thread nor said anything bad about it, I was just waiting patiently for the full translation. I'd even help out but I don't know Japanese nor do I know how to do image edits...

...and they give me this.
No wonder the installer took forever.


>> No.7017649

ITT: tlwiki shills

>> No.7017702

You know, you could've waited for the final version.
>The Materials are Beta code, which may not be fully functional and which REtrans International may substantially modify in producing any final version.

I went through a lot of it quickly and nothing else seems to have changed (besides Shou being voiced.)

>> No.7017714

>It's Alpha, everything will be fixed for Beta.
>It's Beta, things that weren't fucked up before are now, as are the things that were fucked up for Alpha, but it'll be fixed for release

I wonder what the next step is!

>> No.7017723

>It's v1.0 of Release, everything will be fixed for v1.1.

>> No.7017794

I can't wait to see what 'jokes' they discover that they put into the 'translation' next. Really, people pointing out all the shitty machine translations are perhaps the best thing that could have happened to this abortion.

>> No.7017794,1 [INTERNAL] 

I see the fuckheads trying to grief this are still working overtime.

>> No.7017794,2 [INTERNAL] 

Seems like whoever the new janitor is has a vendetta against me or something, because the post I made in the proper thread that got deleted was actually helpful.

>> No.7017794,3 [INTERNAL] 

>helpful post

>> No.7017794,4 [INTERNAL] 

I'm reporting every single post you make.

>> No.7018194

its only one person though

>> No.7018194,1 [INTERNAL] 

Enjoy your ban for filing frivolous reports.

>> No.7018196

Why do you keep defending this anyway, Bangkok?

>> No.7018200

i love shit

>> No.7018201

I don't care what anyone says, FHTrans group. Thank you. People act like the translation is complete jibberish. It's not. It's still better than machine translation any day and I appreciate the work. Keep it up!

>> No.7018210

>Y10NRDY !kxh.1oTAkU
>thinking his opinion matters

>> No.7018211

i could give less fuck about the translation but i really hate unproductive dumbfucks that do nothing but prevent creativity

>> No.7018215

I think you're right. I'll just wait for the final version.
See you in future threads!

>> No.7018226



It might matter to the guys working on the project. I mean, all anyone vocalizes is buttrange. Just trying to be positive.

>> No.7018232

Say that after you see what this actually is. Nobody should be encouraging Google Translated games.

>> No.7018235

Is there a way to switch off the robot narrator voice? I muted in system config and it didn't stop.

What's the story with that?

>> No.7018242

But the future has already begun.

>> No.7018246


>> No.7018254


Ummm, I'm having this problem, too... Guys?

>> No.7018267

enjoy your creativity

>> No.7018267,1 [INTERNAL] 

So far it's resulted in your posts getting deleted and nothing happening to me.

>> No.7018282

This "robot voice" you guys speak of almost makes me want to install everything and see for myself.

Is this like Nine Lives Unlimited Installer Works?

>> No.7018284

Hold it. They put Shou's lines into some kind of computer playback and then inserted them into the game and FORCE you to listen to it? Every time I think they can't possibly get more retarded...

>> No.7018294


Yes... Yes they did... Oh my God. It's worse than that. IT SPEAKS THE PUNCTUATION. If there's an ellipse the fucking robot says, "DOT DOT DOT DOT".

Soooo, they're fucking with us?

>> No.7018300

If they were normal people, yes. Since it's Retrans, they probably think that they've improved the game.

>> No.7018301

I had no interest at all in Flyable Heart but now I suddenly do. It sounds like a trainwreck you can't look away from.

>> No.7018310

It is made clear that you are evaluating the beta version. The beta tagging will disappear in the final release.

Duly noted. That's the result of me making one comment to the effect of "I noticed Shou isn't voiced" and our LTP was like "let's voice him". Configuration options will be there in the final release.

>> No.7018312


No, we're getting trolled. I had heard that the whole project was a troll but I didn't believe it.

I-I can't believe I defended this. Fuck me.

>> No.7018324

Nope! See? They're not malicious. They're just stupendously retarded.

>> No.7018325


Dude, having him voiced isn't a problem, but it definitely is if the voice is the monotone voice of a speech synthesizer that blares over the top of everything. Plus, the narrator never speaks. Come on!

>> No.7018361

This is amusing but seriously no-one should reply. Just gives more reason to continue.

>> No.7018385

I recognize that voice! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dnd-ttlHeuA

>> No.7018325,1 [INTERNAL] 

You have no way of proving that. Must be nice to be Anonymous.

>> No.7018395

Is this the first pseudo-voice-patch ever?

>> No.7018395,1 [INTERNAL] 

Listen, Sudo. You need to chill out. Just ignore the people trying to get a rise out of you.

>> No.7019024


No offence but why the fuck would you waste your time and effort on such useless things that NOBODY wants? You keep throwing in these useless LULZJOKES XDDD that nobody really seems to want (Alpha names, butchering the title screen, forced robot voice etc. - I know these are easily changed on your end but we still don't really want to see that shit regardless of what stage of the testing we're in) when instead you could have been doing something remotely productive to the project like, oh I don't know, actually focusing on editing and fixing up mistakes and bugs? I was the original bumpfag for these threads back in the day and I've been lurking in them seeing the usual trolls fight back and forth for absolutely no reason but when this kind of stuff pops up it really can't be doing you any favours having such a childish image set about you. Good luck anyway - I just hope nothing else is added in and all of the LUL RANDUM XD is actually fixed for release.

>> No.7019165 [DELETED] 

By popular demand, a small utility was produced that allows turning on/off Shou's voice. Its use should be self-explanatory:


>> No.7019168

By popular demand, a small utility was produced that allows turning on/off Shou's voice. Its use should be self-explanatory:

605cdc343b9b0e67259224d6aec57b582236be01 shouvctl.exe

>> No.7019174

FHTrans seems to be pretty responsive to actual input from actual users.

>> No.7019178 [DELETED] 


Go back to bed Cutler.

>> No.7019180

Eh, that's nice and all, but too late.
Already gave up on this.

>> No.7019183


You can't even troll right

>> No.7019185

The sad thing is that lots of people will play the polished final release because of all the shit they heard before.

>> No.7019189 [DELETED] 


Your name is not worth remembering.

>> No.7019195

I'll be playing it. Fuck these grifers.

>> No.7019198

And you also can't identify who is posting for shit either.

>> No.7019322

>The sad thing is that lots of people will play the polished final release because of all the shit they heard before.

I'll play it because I'm interested in the game. I'm just sad we are 5 years away from the polished release.

>> No.7019335


>> No.7019335,1 [INTERNAL] 

He keeps replying because he's stupid.

>> No.7021105
File: 75 KB, 800x600, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7021123

Hurry up with this.

>> No.7021290
File: 22 KB, 800x600, poi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No more "throwing something away"

>> No.7021319

Only four more versions until they get it right!

>> No.7021469


Thaaaank God. I'm going to play this now.

>> No.7022083

I know, the novelty of him having this monotone voice wears off pretty quickly.

>> No.7023063

no, but his infection is so week it sounds like hes stoned

>> No.7023181

>Kepler-kun! Kirchhoff-san is here to see you!

>> No.7024219

Anything planned for Flyable CandyHeart? It's out and uploaded already.

>> No.7025187

bampu pantsu im so happy in the jungle i refuse to go~

>> No.7027252 [DELETED] 

Nice virus.
At least I'm now sure that I can filter out those threads without missing anything. Thanks.

>> No.7027764

False positive.

>> No.7028892

Depends if there are translators available.

>> No.7028903 [DELETED] 

I doubt that google is going to close down any time soon.

>> No.7030597

Flyable Heart >= Kohime Musou

>> No.7031709

How long until this is done?

>> No.7031726

Flyable Heart has nothing but high scool girls. That can't compare to multiple DFC loli.

>> No.7032235

"The signal of the start was heard"?

Come on, go the extra mile: sayed, heared, drived, buyed, taked, etc.

>> No.7032778

Perfectly valid and understandable literal translation.

>> No.7032811

This thread is fucking hilarious oh god.

>> No.7033156

Some statistics from Release Management:

- Number of downloads has increased an average of 1.3% per day since the initial release
- 48% XP, 32% Vista, 17% Win7, 3% Others (including Linux/WINE)
- 47% are new customers (did not download any of the previous Alpha/Pre-Alpha releases)
- 21% have turned off Shou's voice

>> No.7033170

I have never felt so trolled, what the hell is up with these names?

>> No.7033240

Guess what the theme is. Last time it was "literal translations".

>> No.7034263

>3.  2011年02月25日 Flyable CandyHeart ユニゾンシフト:ブロッサム
At least for this month it is.

>> No.7035130

>Fatal error occured.

The fuck.

>> No.7035149

>Shou's voice.


>> No.7035164

see, that's why we should support the official localizations of JAST USA

>> No.7035171

Where's the guy who used to post lines of script here?
These threads aren't even half as entertaining without him.

>> No.7035211

The font size is pretty small...
Could you make it bigger?

>> No.7035225

so is the game completely translated?

>> No.7035266

I'm around. I was just basking in the joy of having three weeks without this eyesore. If he keeps bumping it for no reason though, I may have to return to my mission from God. It's not like his 'editing' actually fixes anything anyway.

>> No.7036045

They made it smaller than the original but some of the lines are already cut off. I think it needs a more readable font.

>> No.7036094

I cannot believe this is real. Cudder is easily the greatest troll in history or the more delusional than Charlie Sheen.

>> No.7037571

Flyable Heart != Flyable CandyHeart

Flyable Heart: 7.87
Flyable CandyHeart: 7.00

>> No.7037953

Files were in use by another program when you were installing. Try reinstalling.

There will probably be an option to filter that out.
Try selecting the second font option in the configuration. It gives a serif font which may be more readable.

>> No.7037977

This whole project is so obviously a troll.

>> No.7039039

Koihime Musou - 7.00

>> No.7041171
File: 92 KB, 800x600, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little better.

>> No.7042347

Beta releases will continue at irregular intervals until editing is complete. We will continue to provide support for Beta releases.

Editing continues at a slow but steady rate. 17164/73560.

>> No.7042361

I don't think anyone believes otherwise.

>> No.7043203

>Stephen Kepler
>Karen Kirchhoff
>Yana Ising

>> No.7043233


You know, I've been following this project for ages, and I still can't work out if it is some kind of huge, intricate and beautifully executed troll or whether these guys are actually earnest in their efforts.

>> No.7043254

I'm afraid it's some bizarre combination of both of those.

>> No.7043496

The latter being misconstrued for the former.

>> No.7045171


>> No.7047249


>> No.7047273 [DELETED] 

That's it, Cudder. My good will's run out.

>Slowly, I try to tamper with that part with a fingertip.
>I throb at there which becomes stiff little-by-little.
>I advance the palm that I moved slowly more than on her abdomen before.
>When I advanced towards the inside, I understood that the fingertips gradually became wet.
>While seeming embarrassed and coloring her cheeks, nevertheless Amane looked at me intermittently at times.

If you guessed that every one of those lines are about Shou stinking his hand into Yui's snatch, you'd be right.

>> No.7047281 [DELETED] 

That's it, Cudder. My good will's run out.

>Slowly, I try to tamper with that part with a fingertip.
>I throb at there which becomes stiff little-by-little.
>I advance the palm that I moved slowly more than on her abdomen before.
>When I advanced towards the inside, I understood that the fingertips gradually became wet.
>While seeming embarrassed and coloring her cheeks, nevertheless Amane looked at me intermittently at times.

If you guessed that every one of those lines are about Shou stinking his hand into Amane's snatch, you'd be right. It's too sexy to make sense.

>> No.7047504


>> No.7048174

Leave our LTP out of this. Also, those lines are well beyond the current editing position.

>> No.7050030

I found another:

>> No.7050784

That'll be fixed too.

>> No.7052792

Just finished Amane/Ada's route.

Now I can't get Shou's voice out of my head.

>> No.7054168 [DELETED] 

bampu pantsu~

>> No.7056436
File: 93 KB, 800x600, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7058168

Ootori Ryouran school is clearly MIT in another universe.

>> No.7058473
File: 40 KB, 604x453, mitcaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the cafeteria is similar.

>> No.7059880

No new patch this week? ;_;

>> No.7059910

Why would you want a new patch? Unless you just are interested to see what new troll they bring this week.

>> No.7059930

Why do they take such an effort to troll such a small group of people. It would make more sense to do this sort of thing on /a/ or /v/ if they want to make a lot of people upset.

>> No.7060083 [DELETED] 

Because it isn't a troll.

>> No.7061675

Waiting warmly for final version.

>> No.7061689

I am a priest, so kneel down when you read this post.

Take this shit out of /jp/


>> No.7061712


Oh my God another tripfag trying to make a name for himself with a forced tagline.

Get fucked, chief. I'm gonna make your life miserable.

>> No.7061714

SICP VN is finally a reality?

>> No.7061724 [DELETED] 
File: 149 KB, 718x552, 1285992913233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, for one, welcome our saviour to /jp/.

>> No.7062116
File: 299 KB, 802x640, sicpvn5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flyable Heart has as much to do with SICP VN as computer science has to do with computers.

>> No.7062865

bampu for friables hearts

>> No.7062914

I was about to download the trial patch of Flyable Heart, is it the same project as this?

>> No.7062921
File: 134 KB, 1195x897, 1298498245981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>This thread...

>> No.7063755

We conjure the spirits of the flyable heart with our spells.

>> No.7063768

>We conjure the spirits of the flyable heart with our defibrillators

>> No.7063781

Hey why waste good translators on shitty games /jp/? Have the shitty translators translate the shitty games

>> No.7063815

Are you implying Visual Novels are good?

>> No.7065142

Are you implying they're not?

>> No.7065322

No. This one's being done by Google Translate. The other one's being done by a real person. Not a great translator, but still better than machine translation.

>> No.7065418

Out, troll.

>> No.7066516 [DELETED] 

Up, thread.

>> No.7066576

It's not trolling when it's true.

>> No.7067233

>At that time, the chairman certainly forced the data and a strange letter on me......
>I'm sure at that time, the letters are pressed data and chairman of weird ...

>"Good. If you want to be on such cordial terms, will you also accept the punishment simultaneously?"
>"Good. Sugoshitai If so friendly, I'll have to go even two penalties at the same time"

>Suzuno is hugged from the rear, and stops and looks back unconsciously.
>Being hugged from behind, stopped and tinny recalls thinking.

>As much as everyone else didn't understand, their glances were raised.
>Like everyone else to know as much as possible, gave a glance.

>When such a thing is being carried around, she looks somewhat like a girl.
>What are you carrying on like this, I wish somehow girly.

>> No.7067268

What am I looking at? Why are two incomprehensible translations right next to each other?

>> No.7067273

Not using the google output word for word doesn't mean it doesn't use google translate.

Not that that project does use that(it feels more like an actual person who makes weird shitty translations intentionally just to troll), just saying

>> No.7067276

Though it is kind of funny how I had to look at >>7067233 for a few seconds before I realized which one was supposed to be the machine translation

>> No.7067694

Put it this way: how would YOU write those sentences, keeping all the meaning?

>> No.7067747

I don't know what the Japanese is there so I couldn't really tell you.

But from a glance, the biggest problems I would think to spruce up would be to dispose of some of the awkward usage of passive voice(Suzuno is hugged, a thing is being carried). Those situations don't really call for it so it's not very good English in this case. Seems to be some other awkward English, too. I'm not even sure what sentence 4 is trying to say, I literally need the Japanese to even get an idea.

>> No.7067914

Nah. It's mostly Google Translate with a little bit of JDict thrown in when Google fails on a word. There've been dozens of things posted in the past taken straight out of Google and he just happens to coincidentally get every single onomatopoeia wrong, just like machine translation. The sad part is that he claims that he runs every line through Google Translate and puts in the worst to troll people.

>> No.7067933

Now you're definitely trolling I've played through most of the beta and the lulzy translations are ~1-2%. Low enough to catch you off-guard and make you go 'wut', in any case.

>> No.7068083

the files arent in use ...... why does that fatal error shit keep coming up with dll/PAL.dll and bgm.pac?

its buggin the shit outta me -.-

>> No.7068104

Epick win, right, bro?
Epick brofist xD

>> No.7069147

What OS? You need to give the installer permission to modify/write in the install directory.

>> No.7069304
File: 25 KB, 436x332, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7069702

You're trying to install the patch over an already patched install?

>> No.7070843

Do you get that error during the verification of the existing installation, or during the actual patch install?
You can only upgrade from an unpatched or Alpha/Pre-Alpha installation.

>> No.7071104

works fine for me

>> No.7072038

I like how Shou's voice has this retarded-sounding intonation.

>> No.7073832

>No, no, no, it's different. Absolutely different.

>> No.7075998 [DELETED] 

Flyable Bump~

>> No.7076567

Phantasmagoria of Flower Bump

>> No.7076858

I'd personally translate that as "Whoa, AMAAAAAAAAZING!!"

>> No.7077582

>すごい (adj-i) terrible; dreadful; amazing; great; wonderful; terrific
That works too.

>> No.7077620

Haha wow did you have to check a dictionary to see what sugoi means

>> No.7078201

No, just showing that there are multiple ways to translate it.

>> No.7078225

Which are heavily depended on context and not really freely interchangeable.

>> No.7079893

The first 2 are similar, and same with the last 4.

>> No.7079916

You're arguing context with the guy who says that the only way to translate ずっと is "continuously." If somebody says ずっとずっと, it must be translated as "continuously continuously." ずっと一緒に is "together continuously." Etc.

TL;DR, he doesn't know shit about Japanese. Don't bother.

>> No.7082754

What's wrong with being together continuously?

>> No.7082813

It sounds awkward if you're a native English speaker.

>> No.7082896

This. There are times when there is no other choice but to allow such an awkward wording, but this is not one of them.

This is an extremely valid point as well. There are too many novice translators who somehow forget that words (in any language) can have different meanings in different contexts. My guess is that they rely on shitty J->E dictionaries to hand them the easy one-word answer when they should be consulting J->J dictionaries for the complete definition.

>> No.7083103

Warmly waiting.

>> No.7086728 [DELETED] 

バンプ パンツ

>> No.7086796

Fuck off, Cudder. Nobody cares about your machine translated shitpile.

>> No.7086796,1 [INTERNAL] 

in b4 post deletion

>> No.7087339

Why are these threads always continuously continuously, continuously a starving banzai?

>> No.7087358


>> No.7087399 [DELETED] 

Sup, Cudder?

>> No.7089006

We have considered the possibility of releasing a second Beta but decided it may be better to skip it and put the changes scheduled for Beta2 into the final release.

>> No.7092148

Keep this alive.

>> No.7094267

I noticed using the serif font results in less text being displayed. And some lines are cut off.

>> No.7094679

Those changes are scheduled for the final release.

>> No.7095647

>Is your game installed in a place that has restricted write access? If it is, try executing the patch as administrator. Apparently, it needs to rewrite some files. I got those errors and that's how i solved it.
Found this for those who are having installation problems.

>> No.7096632

Yay, finally got the patch working.

>> No.7098357
File: 171 KB, 800x600, explosion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit.

>> No.7099740

We will update the Release Notes to include additional information relating to this.

>> No.7101213

It also works if you run the installer in XP mode.

>> No.7103116

>Shou's voice during sex
I can't decide whether to laugh or fap.

>> No.7104573

Both at the same time.

>> No.7104573,1 [INTERNAL] 

Just according to keikaku.

>> No.7105810

Finished Amane's route. Given the amount of hype this VN generated on /jp/ before, it was disappointing.

>> No.7107210
File: 686 KB, 1920x1080, 42487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yui is the SUGOI one.

>> No.7109825

Finish the other routes and it becomes a little more interesting.

>> No.7111232

Did Kururi now. Still not convinced this is as awesome as /jp/ said it was.

>> No.7111239

Trust me, Yui saves this entire game.

>> No.7111889
File: 43 KB, 350x398, 090430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Suzuno.

>> No.7113659

Up past the earthquake-induced tsunami of posts.

>> No.7113724

Way to keep this thread around for three weeks, Catler.


>> No.7114393


>> No.7115083

Nope. But you're pathetic.

>> No.7115412


>> No.7115705

He mad.

>> No.7115712
File: 25 KB, 394x234, mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7116206

Way to kill the 3-week period of peace, samefag troll.

>> No.7117910 [DELETED] 

Get off page 12.

>> No.7117932

FH devs get out

>> No.7119073
File: 131 KB, 1024x768, mayu13484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7119093

Hey, Cudder. Must be nice having nothing to do but bump your thread all day.

>> No.7121290


>> No.7122889

We will make a final release in the April-May timeframe. Afterwards, a short period will be available in which hotfixes may be released, and then the project will be EOL.

>> No.7123293

Will the editing be done? ;_;

>> No.7123314
File: 57 KB, 640x480, hilarious581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7123325

You could just stop now and save yourself the trouble. Nobody gives a shit about this.

>> No.7124883

Speak for yourself, troll.

>> No.7124939

Every time you sage this thread, we come a little bit closer to another one month break from Flyable Shit crapping up /jp/

>> No.7126725

>you can't have what i don't like

>> No.7126888

>There are no records that Kutsuragi Shikegi ever had a penis

Still haven't fixed this I see. Way to troll yourself, dipshit.

>> No.7127360

>neither alpha, beta, nor release names
and how are we supposed to believe you with that?

>> No.7127441

Sup Cadder?

>> No.7127667
File: 523 KB, 1143x1350, 201565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup delusional samefag troll

>> No.7127667,1 [INTERNAL] 

How long until the meido deletes the samefag troll's posts?

>> No.7128230

You also forgot
>line far beyond where the editing is up to
since if I remember correctly, it's somewhere in the middle of Yui's route

>> No.7129819
File: 36 KB, 1020x609, didhehaveone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from the first Beta we released. If you downloaded something that claimed to be the Beta and it was not from any of our links, that's not our problem.

>> No.7130203

You think all of these super mad I trash I shit go back to a B tg sp V blah blah guys are part of an elaborate troll to annoy /jp.

>> No.7130258

I like how you're not even pretending to work or update it anymore, you're just bumping it day after day after day. I mean, it's not like Google Translate's output has changed since the last time you ran the text through it, right?

>> No.7130809

No one's falling for old misinformation again, troll.

>> No.7132376

I can confirm the lines in the beta are the same as these.

>> No.7132411

>he's no longer alive?

Shouldn't that be "meaning he is nowhere" to fit this project's style?

>> No.7132425
File: 28 KB, 300x440, bruce-campbell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stating the obvious

>> No.7132441

Who are you quoting?

>> No.7132456


The past.

>> No.7132861

The once and future garbage heap.

>> No.7133455

That would be closer to the original, but those long lines are already not bad for being unedited.

>> No.7134541

Those lines have not been edited yet. The reason the editing is progressingly slowly lately is that me and the other editors I found are now rather busy. The situation should improve next month.

>> No.7134656

>me and the other editors
This certainly does not look promising.

>> No.7135190

at least its being edited, cant say the same for some other vn projects out there

>> No.7136793

in b4

>> No.7136817

The joke is that "meaning he is nowhere" sounds retarded in English.

>> No.7136904

Ever heard of the phrase "nowhere to be found" (which yields 40M+ search results in Google as of this post)? Same concept.

>> No.7136924

Yeah. I've never heard of the phrase "meaning he is nowhere" which has five Google results, three of which are from the same page.

>> No.7137497

"is nowhere" --- 6.3M
"isn't anywhere" --- 11.3M

>> No.7138188

"My father's already dead, meaning he doesn't exist anywhere?"

>> No.7138203

Jeez, just replace it with some /a/ meme, it'll be epick win!

>> No.7140202

---> >>>/a/

>> No.7140977
File: 276 KB, 876x919, 1295250319335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice to see Cudder is still being a fag and is releasing shitty google translations.

This made my day.

>> No.7141048

troll has become tripfag, wtf?

>> No.7141054

Op is a gigantic faggot.

>> No.7141080

Haha, silly me, I forgot that いる needs to be translated as exist.

>> No.7141115

Hello, friend! I found some lines that need to be edited! Please fix them at your soonest convenience!

>My hand is being pulled firmly, and yet they think nothing of my question and existence.
>At the figure of me and the two people of the Ryouran Committee sprinting, the glances of the other students are also painful.
>That's the main cause. It's because I didn't listen to the talk of that coercive person, and I met that guy who persisted in his own talk.
>"......Oh, it seems like you're considerably hurrying."
>"That is the situation now. Because this permit is exceedingly near a real thing."

>> No.7141692

いる X
存在 ○

>> No.7141738

it doesn't "need" to be translated as exist.

nothing is that black and white in translation, although if you're relying on google for 90% of it I can see where you might think that.

>> No.7141775

In this case "exist" works nicely and in any case, is closer to the original than
>he's no longer alive?

>> No.7141799

Let's ask ourselves how many times "ちがう." is 'translated' as "It's different."
74 times.

And how many times as "wrong"?

Go go Google translate!

>> No.7141828
File: 11 KB, 927x156, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

way to pwn yourself, troll

>> No.7141834

I'm sorry, you cannot move your king into check.

>> No.7142456

If you really want to believe that myth, then you can think that he did so because human translators are too unpredictable and cause drama like Moogy, Ixrec, et al.

>> No.7142456,1 [INTERNAL] 

that meido either got fired or decided to take a break from /jp/

>> No.7142456,2 [INTERNAL] 

There's still no dedicated board janitor.

>> No.7142985

If you simply type 'chigau' in Japanese Hiragana, you will get ちがう whereas if you press the Space Bar, it will turn into 違う which actually means something.

>> No.7143197

Furthering the point that this wasn't just copy/pasting into Google translate.

>> No.7143253

Yeah. It was probably some other machine translator.

>> No.7143439

It's what happens if you have Japanese text on your computer. The Space Bar simply changes the Hiragana/ Katakana into Kanji. It works no matter which software you type on, as long as you are able to type in Japanese.

>> No.7143829

Only probably? Since it's a basic phrase that you see all the time and completely fucking wrong, I would say definitely.

>> No.7143970

>completely fucking wrong
Unless you can show otherwise, or form a valid argument that the Japanese in VNs is somehow 違う from standard Japanese, I'll believe the dozens of standard Japanese dictionaries out there that ALL agree on the meaning.

>> No.7143999

Ahahahahaha. Christ, you're stupid. Learn 2 context, you twat. That's how everybody can tell this is machine translated, because you clearly have never learned Japanese from anything other than Atlas/Google Translate/Babelfish.

>> No.7144010


>> No.7144015

Knock it off, Cudder.

>> No.7144024

There's always the chance it's a retard with a dictionary.

>> No.7144036

Do a Google search for
違う wrong

I think it's wrong.

wrong sex of the baby.


It's wrong.

>"Wrong" and "different" are both translated as 違う in Japanese, but wrong has the "Incorrect, mistaken" meaning of 違う.

>The other one, "different," means "there is a difference," not necessarily implying correction. So, it means "a separate case/that is different."

>> No.7144047

As long as we all agree that it's a retard, I don't think it matters what the tool is.

>> No.7144069

Translating chigau as it's different is like translating asagohan as morning rice or urusai as noisy. If you are completely unable to fathom that the same word can mean different things in different contexts, then you have no business translating, but we've already been down this road with this guy many times before.

>> No.7144130

Different because it's wrong, and wrong because it (the correct answer) is different. You get what it means anyway. If 違う was translated as wrong, the same as 正しくない or 間違った, then the translation wouldn't retain that subtlety.

>> No.7144185

If you always translate 違う to "different," you're losing the "subtlety" that something needs to be corrected. As I quoted earlier, 違う can mean either: to be different (and wrong) or to be different (without necessarily being wrong).



>> No.7144282

Why the fuck are you guys getting all Japanesey when the English suffices? Different is a plural adjective comparing multiple things. 違う is not.

>"At least 1 meter of distance is necessary."
>"W-Wait a minute! Wait!! Because it's different!"

This is not even valid English.

>> No.7144360

it's implied, the meaning is like
(you're wrong), it's different (from what you think it is)

in b4

>> No.7144364

...Wow. You're retarded.

>> No.7144391

quality thread

>> No.7144565

I love the smell of ad hominem in the morning.

>> No.7144584

You should probably look that up before you try using it again.

>> No.7144586

Ad hominem is not a fancy phrase for insult.

>> No.7146102

>Ad hominem abuse (also called personal abuse or personal attacks) usually involves insulting or belittling one's opponent in order to invalidate his argument

>> No.7146135

It's okay, Cudder. We all already know that you don't understand Japanese or English. You don't need to keep proving it to us.

>> No.7146554

Stop acting as anon Cudder

>> No.7146568

I like how you don't know what ad hominem is so you had to look it up on wikipedia and even with the explanation right there in front of you, you still fail to understand what it is.

>> No.7146610

I like how the important part is no longer in green.

>> No.7148638 [DELETED] 

This thread is full of lulz.

>> No.7148638,1 [INTERNAL] 

Then that was one of the global mods.

>> No.7148638,2 [INTERNAL] 

I wonder if I'd get the same quality of translation if I dumped the script into Babelfish.

>> No.7150322

You're not fooling anybody, OP. Knock this shit off.

>> No.7150429

Finally could edit a few more lines, bringing the total to... 17200.

>>7140977 - >>7150322
Why don't you go fuck yourselves and do something productive, trolls.

>> No.7150434

Pointing out your glaring mistakes doesn't count as productive? Your editors must love you.

>> No.7152982


>> No.7152990

He IS the editor.

>> No.7152998

We know. That's why nothing's actually being edited. The one good thing about machine translation is that it doesn't make any typos.

>> No.7153162

There ARE typos in the beta. Not as much as Mangagamer's Higurashi, but still noticeable.

>> No.7153201

Whatever you say, OP.

>> No.7153382
File: 148 KB, 600x700, 1294237684285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, you're editing?

Meaning some of the lines I've seen in screenshots are EDITED?


If you consider criticism "trolling", you need to grow a pair and make your work better. The reason you receive criticism is because you release a product that is sub-par. Pay more attention to quality and spend less time jacking off to the idea of yourself being a CEO of a non-existent company.

As long as you believe that anything you do is amazing no matter the quality or lack of effort, you will continue to be criticized and lose any scrap of respect you may have had.

Meanwhile I'm going to translate different products and comment here whenever I see anything worth commenting on, because you know what? This is the internet, and you're setting yourself up for criticism, which, if you actually listened to might do you some good.

>> No.7153389

>posting in a month-old thread
Considering some of the changes /jp/ has gone through, this is something of a miracle.

>> No.7153399

>I'm better than you but I can only say that on the internet.
You're on 4chan, translating shitty weeabo shit, don't forget that, you fucking nerd.

>> No.7153404

Fail less. The translator is not Cudder. This is the Internet and you open yourself for criticism after all. You haven't a clue as to what is going on.

Warmly waiting.

>> No.7153405

It's really not. Count the number of times it's been bumped after 10+ hours of nonactivity by one guy saying shit like "bump", "I just started playing," or random memes. It's the same thing he does with all his shitty Retrans threads.


>> No.7153409

Whaaaa! "Don't like what I don't like."

>> No.7153411

Give it up, Cudder. Nobody's buying your story that some random person machine translated a shitload of Hatsukoi, disappeared, then some other guy appeared out of nowhere fiercely devoted to you and Retrans who also uses machine translations and is dedicated to finishing all of your projects. How delusional are you? Just disappear for a few months and release it under a different name and maybe you'll fool someone. Oh wait, then you can't stroke your ego to it.

>> No.7153423

I laugh every time you claim I am Cudder. As for your claims? Substantiate them or get out.

>> No.7153424

Oh thank god, bump limit. I look forward to never seeing this thread again.

>> No.7153425

Nah, what I was trying to say was that Cudder somehow thinks that any criticism is trolling, yet for some reason she's posting all this shit on 4chan. I find it odd.

Yeah, I'm a nerd translating shit on the internet. I translate for work too, but translating random manga/anime/games has been my hobby for around 5 years now, so people like Cudder piss me off and I believe they are cancer to translation projects in general.

Also, the failure to admit mistakes, etc. If I made a shitty translation and I got bashed for it I'd take that criticism and try to improve my skills. For Cudder, while she isn't translating, she's still doing the hacking. The screenshot text still looks like shit (Cudder was slacking on fixing text width errors on Hatsukoi as well), but anyone who mentions it is immediately called a troll.

I was helping with the Hatsukoi project for a while, so I'm not completely clueless.

>> No.7153433

Here you go!
Pleasure doing business with you, Cudder.

>> No.7153462

I see nothing there. You are a failure and once again misidentify me a Cudder. At least you are a consistent failure.

>> No.7153468

Sugoi hanashi, Cud-chan.

>> No.7153556

Give it up Jones.

>> No.7153657

Don't mind him, he's still mad that he fucked up Hatsukoi by pissing off the project manager.

>> No.7153718

Yeah, it's not Cudder's fault. The project failed because of all those translators who wouldn't listen to his beatific proclamations from on high. Cudder knows best. Embrace Cudder. Worship Cudder.

>> No.7153718,1 [INTERNAL] 

As I recall it was everyone was talked out of it by trollery and mind games along with the horrid retrans interface.

It's a pretty dedicated bunch that don't want us to play these games unless it's on their terms.

>> No.7153983

Who messed up the file he was entrusted with translating and then complained loudly afterwards? Protip: It wasn't Cudder.

>> No.7154062

I complained because Cudder was bitching like crazy about everything and making a huge scene when I was trying hard to translate everything.

If she had been like "yeah, thanks for translating but it looks like there are some issues with the file, can you look at it and try to fix it?" it would have been totally cool and been worked out immediately.

Either way, I fixed the file in a timely manner, whereas Cudder didn't even make an effort to fix text until way later, despite many complaints by various people.

I guess she was too busy pretending she was super pro CEO manager <insert various other titles here>.

>> No.7154148

No one cares anymore. Stop trying to stir up shit.

>> No.7154208


Gadzooks! What gall!

>> No.7154333

Cudder clearly cares by how far out of his way he's going to whine about it. Plus, the translator is the leader for every single other translation project out there, not some self-entitled cocksucker that's not actually contributing in any way other than providing a file host.

>> No.7154379

Look who's whining now. And this project wouldn't have even started without Cudder extracting the text.

I'm still waiting for her(?) to do みんな大好き子づくりばんちょう

>> No.7154443

One of them.
I never said I was good at translating, something you would've found out if you had read the previous threads about this project.
...and if you had read some of the EARLIER posts in THIS thread, like >>7094679, you would also know that minor fixes like text size, wordwrapping, and line splitting are also scheduled for the final release. I don't know what's on our LTP's plate but all I care about is that they'll get it in for the final release. I was around during the Hatsukoi days --- you got singled out and pounded on because you stepped across your line of responsibility.

>> No.7154467

Since this thread is about to expire, the next one will either be an editing status update or a final release.

>> No.7154711

Christ, you're a joke.

>> No.7154711,1 [INTERNAL] 


The same applies to you.
You retards can't even ignore things that only make you rage and act like idiots about them.

>> No.7155066

You're going to release it with the text messed up and filled with google translations?

Are you retarded?

>> No.7155255

it doesn't bump anymore ;_;

warmly waiting for final release

>> No.7155066,1 [INTERNAL] 

What really makes me rage is that /b/-level shit like flanfly/saten/kuroko/etc. doesn't even get near the level of rage in this thread.

>> No.7155255,1 [INTERNAL] 

That's because they have you the you can't enjoy what I don't approve of mentality of the Puritans but act like total retards in all other respects. If I choose to do something that doesn't effect you, you need to shut the fuck up and mind your own business instead of raging on like a imbecile. Hide shit you don't like if you are that mentally impaired.
