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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6977336 No.6977336 [Reply] [Original]

I just bought 2 new 2TB hard drives and I don't know what to download. Can you help me out?

>> No.6977341

the touhou lossless music torrent

>> No.6977345

All da animus
All da mangus
All da vidya gaems
All da toohus

>> No.6977347

Download the entire Touhou lossless music collection.

>> No.6977352

Mikus vocaloid collection on Nyaa.
Newest pant.su doujin torrent

>> No.6977355

OP here, you mean this?

It's 870GB but and it's really tempting but I'm not into Touhou at all and why not loseless? There are no difference.

>> No.6977353 [SPOILER] 
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Lots of it, especially Loli. (Or Shota, if thats your thing)

>> No.6977354



>> No.6977360

Lossless J-core collection:


>> No.6977361

>No difference

Oh boy here we go.

>> No.6977366
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>there are no difference

>> No.6977367

What the HELL is loss music and how can I have less of it...

>> No.6977374
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I recognize that corndog!

>> No.6977384
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Oh sorry I meant Lossy, the same 870GB batch is 180GB. I don't think anyone (normal human) can tell the difference between a loseless and a well compressed lossy audio.

I don't like vocaloid, but is the newest pantsu torrent batch similar to fraser's 93gb of translated doujin?

What is a J-core

>> No.6977404

I have been meaning to download the lossy Touhou music collection as well. Thanks for reminding me OP

>> No.6977433

reported for being a homosexual, a troll and having no taste. Go back to /v/ faggot.

>> No.6977456
File: 2.01 MB, 895x1200, 86da933e99ce1048398c2ebf9efe43c5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well so far I have decided to download these files:

Newest pantsu loli batch 137GB

Even though loli turns me off and the fact that I live in Canada could well mean that I could end up in jail if I get caught.

Touhou lossy music collection V9 173GB

I don't like Touhou but...

A stuffload of mangas (webrip) v2 114GB

Should I?

Any other recommendations?

>> No.6977488 [SPOILER] 
File: 230 KB, 768x1024, dbb0f86e3430a3f09c35535c15ccc284[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Loli turns me off.
So, Shota?

I wasn't aware Canada cared about Lolis, I thought it was just like, Australia and Sweden, and Denmark.

>> No.6977490

You need decent speakers, but yes, a normal human can hear the difference between lossy and lossless.

The difference isn't huge or profound or anything, and I'm not an audiophile, but it is noticeable. I can't tell using my own speakers, but I had access to my university's electronic music studio for a semester and could tell with the equipment there, as could my classmates.

>> No.6977491


>loli turns me off
>I don't like Touhou

Why are you on /jp/ at all?
I mean, really, I cannot think of any conceivable reason for you to browse here if you hate Touhou and loli. I mean, okay, if you like figs or dakimakura, but you can't download those, so why ask here?

>> No.6977492

Download reported.

>> No.6977517


>> No.6977518


Canada does care, it's retarded. I'm uncertain of how it works in practice, but that particular section of the Criminal Code of Canada is worded to imply that the law makes no distinction between actual child pornography and drawn material.

>> No.6977544 [DELETED] 

Is there an audible difference between the lossless and lossy touhou music? My tiny hard drive has been waiting for this.

When I looked at the file list something popped in my brain and my vision got all sparkly.

>> No.6977552
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That's not shota, it's just Wriggle.

>> No.6977571
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I don't like dakimuras nor figs either, I just like /jp/ because it has the least meme spouting kids compared to other popular boards. Even thought there are as many shitposters here I can deal with it since I I filtered every one of them.


24GB Wallpaper pack

>> No.6977583
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>> No.6977596
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>> No.6977599

You really expect Canada is going to watch your shit to see if you're downloading lolis?

Honestly, they have more important shit to deal with.

>> No.6977600

Well, I can respect that, I guess.

>> No.6977607

Didn't Canada just pass that internet bandwidth limitation act?
If he goes over it, they'll probably watch it so they can make the angry letter+bill more personalized.

>> No.6977614


I didn't say that they were going to, I just stated what the law was. And of course Canada has more important shit to deal with.

>> No.6977617

I'm pretty sure they repealed the internet bill, I forget at the moment.

>> No.6977637

i thought its just "no more unlimited internets we cant handle everyone downloading hd youtube all the time so now we have to make you pay for going over a certain limit"

>> No.6977643

all da games in da world!!!xD!!!!!!

>> No.6977656

more links to awesome wallpaper torrents ?

h-stuff with girls preferred ?


>> No.6977710

Well if you have space to burn, you should set them up in a raid+1 array so if one of them dies, you can just pitch it and replace it without having to putz at restoring a backup.

>> No.6977746

It got delayed for a month or two because of online petition, so I have to download the internet before April.

>> No.6977750

How long is this supposed to take? I hope there are more seeders online during certain parts of the day, otherwise I'll be happily listening in about one week.

>> No.6977767

it's like I'm actually on /b/

>> No.6977780 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6977794
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Post more links!

>> No.6977799


>> No.6977814
File: 166 KB, 900x1200, aaaf0a29c1e25a9fbbea825958821025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem, lossy format is the future.

>> No.6977814,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.6977814,2 [INTERNAL] 

Wrong again.

>> No.6977814,3 [INTERNAL] 

Why don't you post in my threads? Maybe some cake will change your mind.

>> No.6977814,4 [INTERNAL] 

What kind of threads you make anyway? Aside from spam of course. Post them here.

>> No.6980194

Are you me? I just installed 2 2TB HDDs. Currently transferring my 1.4TB of data from my old drive.

>> No.6980194,1 [INTERNAL] 

The threads I know he has made have been actually really useful and, well, really good. You should be able to find one in the first few ghost pages.

>> No.6980201



Yes, as a matter of fact, you are him!

>> No.6980201,1 [INTERNAL] 

Point them out properly. I can't randomly assume that one thread is made by him.

>> No.6980201,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.6980201,3 [INTERNAL] 

Whatever you say, /jp/ Quality Control.

>> No.6980201,4 [INTERNAL] 

That's not me. I use a trip in the ghost board for a reason.

>> No.6980201,5 [INTERNAL] 

Do you play Cosmic Break with hotglue?

>> No.6980201,6 [INTERNAL] 

No. I played that game months ago when their beta phase started though.

>> No.6980201,7 [INTERNAL] 

Ah okay, I was wondering since I knew you played a while ago and I saw something that made me think you were still playing.

>> No.6980201,8 [INTERNAL] 

Eh, I'm curious now.

>> No.6980201,9 [INTERNAL] 

It's nothing really I saw an image from the Cosmic Break thread that raised my interest and one of the names in it struck me as odd. >>6980689 is the image

>> No.6980201,10 [INTERNAL] 

Ah, Nodochii I bet.

>> No.6981576


>> No.6981978

I wonder how many exabytes of porn holodeck programs I'll have 20 years from now.

>> No.6982101
File: 203 KB, 940x480, ee7b1d4abcd8efa8ef75132faaabeced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I'm surprised my thread still hasn't 404'd, that aside I have some other questions to ask before I take my leave.

I started downloading the Batch v4 torrent file (137GB) on pant.su yesterday. It's at 24% right now but is this the *recommended* batch out of all other batches out there?

I heard the pant.su v4 batch is outdated and so the ultimate loli manga batch was better but there are like 3 of them and I don't know which one to download.


Which one should I download? Also is the touhou loseless collection pack (870GB) really noticeable over the lossy pack(140GB)? I'm using onboard HD soundcard with my Logitech x-540 speakers and Sendheiser HD555 headphone.

>> No.6982125

>Also is the touhou loseless collection pack (870GB) really noticeable over the lossy pack(140GB)?

If you have to ask, the answer is no.

>> No.6982131

Okay thank you, I'll get the lossy pack but it seems like it's not quite up to date (v9) compared to the losseless (v10)?

>> No.6982133

By the way are the lossy pack all 192kbps higher or better yet 320kbps?

>> No.6982134

Then get the lossless pack and convert them yourself to 320kbps .mp3

>> No.6982137

sage for people with better internet than me

>> No.6982160

use free and open source like vorbis

mp3 is for mindless drones

>> No.6982178

Canadian Internet has a cap.

>> No.6982197

>mp3 is for mindless drones

Why's that?

>> No.6982201

more recommendations please

>> No.6982202

Get out vorbis devs

>> No.6982241
File: 63 KB, 479x360, 1296658640298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every coalgirls release

>> No.6982254

Vorbis is a lot better at compressing audio. It's said that Vorbis can achieve transparency (where you can't tell the difference between an uncompressed or a compressed copy) at much lower bitrates.

Downsides: less than universal support (don't expect to play it on an iPod, for example), uses more power to decompress than MP3 (both CPU and electrical power)
Upsides: Gapless playback (MP3 is hit-and-miss with this), great compression ratios (smaller files), full Unicode support (again, I've found MP3 is hit and miss with this)

>> No.6982261

but my iphone3gs plays vorbis

>> No.6982262

What's a good multi-bay hard drive enclosure?

>> No.6982285

I'm guessing you had to jailbreak to get that functionality? No iPod I've ever encountered has played Vorbis.

I've heard good things about the D-Link DNS-323. It's a two-bay NAS enclosure and is pretty hackable. Check out http://wiki.dns323.info/ if you want to know more.

>> No.6983311

Canada doesn't care about loli. As long as you don't go telling everyone at work about it or printing it out and taping it to stop signs and shit they dont care. Just like how they don't care if you pirate, as long as you don't upload the stuff. I know cause im a canadabro.

>> No.6983316

People say the same about CP before they get arrested.

>> No.6983326
File: 275 KB, 737x1000, throwinguptsukasas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An entire thread about wasting hard drive space not only on Tohou music, but on lossless tohou music

Jesus Christ /jp/, this is why you're a joke board.

>> No.6983334

And I thought I was a poorfag.

>> No.6983339
File: 192 KB, 640x480, GUESS WHATS FOR BREAKFAAAST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6983340

>Gapless playback (MP3 is hit-and-miss with this)
>full Unicode support (again, I've found MP3 is hit and miss with this)

I'm sure both of those are purely software problems (it's less the problem with mp3 as a format, and more with the programs used to encode/decode them). Althought the first one did require a really ugly hack in the file structure to get it to work.

>> No.6983346


>Feds don't care about CP. As long as you don't go telling everyone at work about it or printing it out and taping it to stop signs and shit they dont care. They don't care if you pirate, as long as you don't create the stuff.

It's funny because it's true.

>> No.6983349

If your hard drive is being measured in TB you are not poor.

>> No.6983872

I just bought 2 new 2YB hard drives and I don't know what to download. Can you help me out?

>> No.6983876

The entirety of the Internet.

>> No.6983940

I've been meaning to get a new hdd. Is it better to go with an external or internal drive?

>> No.6984006


i personally prefer external HD´s

>> No.6984055

I beg to differ. They certainly do care, and they don't mind publishing it just to catch people downloading it.

Internal are faster. External are... external. It isn't as if you go anywhere anyway.

>> No.6986163

I prefer to use an internal drive with an enclosure/dock. That way you can get the speed of an internal drive when it's installed, and then pull it from the case and pop it in the enclosure for portability. A decent enclosure shouldn't cost too much.
