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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6926323 No.6926323 [Reply] [Original]

Lets have a nice, polite thread about monster girls, /jp/

>> No.6926331

There was an awesome monster girl thread in /a/ yesterday. You don't really see that sort of stuff here. It's usually just reposts.

>> No.6926339
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>> No.6926346
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>> No.6926345
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>> No.6926349
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It doesn't seem /jp/ related, but I cannot say no to a nice monster girl thread.

>> No.6926358
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>> No.6926362
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All right.

I happen to like blue skin.

>> No.6926364


This game is hard like hell.

>> No.6926366

>tentacle stockings

I don't even.

>> No.6926377
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>> No.6926381

The artist should of gone the full mile and had stockings on every tentacle.

>> No.6926385


>> No.6926382
File: 274 KB, 500x414, 1ce081b09af0ecefa647a47a3342170871df6f72..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you're making me even sadder that I got banned from /tg/ ;_;

Also monster girl adventure game/visual novel/text adventure when?

>> No.6926383 [DELETED] 
File: 875 KB, 800x1000, 6c5a94417a023d0c57c1b72d144840410f92f861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slime girls are fine too.

>> No.6926388

And what game is that?

>> No.6926392

Millia Wars

>> No.6926394


>> No.6926395


Forgot the link.

>> No.6926397 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6926408
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>> No.6926436

>Also monster girl adventure game/visual novel/text adventure when?

There is already a monster girl eroge series out there, with 3 games released. One for Lamia, one for Alraune, and one for Slime and Scylla.

Scylla is olev, she's the one in this pic:>>6926345

>> No.6926440
File: 16 KB, 500x500, lamia librarian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did you do?

Did someone report you for 'trolling'

>> No.6926450
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I don't troll on /tg/.

I got banned for posting a demo code for dragon age 2 because /tg/ loves dragon age but The new mod apparently didn't read the sticky that was up for 5 months saying we're allowed to post about fantasy rpg crap.

It hurt because I havn't been banned in like 3 years.

Though I also heard the new mod was trying to purge namefags so that could have been something, but who knows its a short ban and I'll get over myself.

>> No.6926454

I was more talking harem title, Multiple routes and such.

>> No.6926461
File: 480 KB, 934x629, Sahuagin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my favorite monster girl at this point in time.

The lizardgirl in the top left looks like Signum.

>> No.6926459
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Wonder if they'll try to cover most niches, I would enjoy some harpy.

>> No.6926467
File: 216 KB, 700x1220, 1246225060291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing that bothers me about this image is that the girl has eleven legs. How could she have an odd number of legs? It's asymmetrical!

>> No.6926471

Any more been translated recently, loli deep one there is new to me.

>> No.6926480

he's a squid and one is a dick.

>> No.6926478 [DELETED] 

Off the top of my head, there's Galzoo Island (Pokemon, but with monstergirls), Eiyuu x Maou (you're a demon lord, humans have decided to exterminate you, now you must copulate your way into freedom since you have the ability to father demonic soldiers that are born almost instantly after you impregnate your mates), Toppara ~Zashikiwarashi no Hanashi~ (vanilla text-based VN with a bunch of rather obscure Japanese myths, it's pretty cute) and I think Himegari Dungeon Meister has monstergirls too (well, Lily definitely counts.) but I haven't played it.

>> No.6926487

Off the top of my head, there's Galzoo Island (Pokemon, but with monstergirls), Eiyuu x Maou (you're a demon lord, humans have decided to exterminate you, now you must copulate your way into freedom since you have the ability to father demonic soldiers that are born almost instantly after you impregnate your mates), Toppara ~Zashikiwarashi no Hanashi~ (vanilla text-based VN with a bunch of rather obscure Japanese myths, it's pretty cute) and I think Himegari Dungeon Meister has monstergirls too (well, Lily definitely counts.) but I haven't played it.

She has 12 legs, since she's Scylla. Besides, odd number of legs isn't that unusual for cephalopods, they sometimes end up losing a few during conflicts.

>> No.6926492

I wish I had the patience to learn kanji and such.

>> No.6926493

>he's a squid and one is a dick.
but male squids also have only 10 tentacles, they just have one of those ten be a dick

>> No.6926495

So what's the point of this thread?

>> No.6926497

Galzoo Island requires a walkthrough even for normal ends which I found disappointing, otherwise it was a spectacularly fun game.

>> No.6926513

Not necessarily, certain deep sea squid have a penis that extends beyond the mantle and is sometimes as long as the arms/tentacles, since they lack the generic hectocotylus arm. This is all moot anyway, since she's based on Scylla, who indeed had 12 tentacles.

I found the fact that there was a single egg-laying scene in the entire game rather annoying, given what the premise was. And no lolicon appeal again despite the plot almost demanding it, but this is Alicesoft so I guess no loli scenes is expected. Oh, and no Kraken H-scene unless you count her rape.

>> No.6926517
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images of monstergirls

>> No.6926524 [DELETED] 
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...Except for Rider, of course.

>> No.6926529
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She's gotten real popular lately.

>> No.6926532
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What about these monster girls? Do they deserve any love?

>> No.6926555
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A monster girl thread on my /jp/? I hope it's still alive when I come back

>> No.6926561



>> No.6926597
File: 579 KB, 1200x900, 1275796223570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not necessarily, certain deep sea squid have a penis that extends beyond the mantle and is sometimes as long as the arms/tentacles, since they lack the generic hectocotylus arm.
I have no idea what hectocotylus means. I shall expand my knowledge by consulting wikipedia!
>Basically a penis tentacle.
>Rare examples of double and bilateral hectocotylization have been recorded in incirrate octopuses.
Holy shit, those hentai doujins were right all this time.

>> No.6926604
File: 187 KB, 800x600, ev405_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scylla is my waifu

Here's her drinking my semen with her pinky raised

>> No.6926647
File: 83 KB, 640x480, GalZoo_Island.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, considering all your daughters were exact clones of their mothers with all their memories intact it was stupidly silly not to allow you to continue fucking them loli form and all.

That's like some moralfag reasoning that because it looks loli it IS loli despite the fact that the premise of the game explicitly said otherwise.

Still I loved playing it. In fact ... maybe I could install it again ... sigh, another week lost to playing Galzoo Island. Ahh well.

Also best end was waiting till Erina turned into a monster then catching her yourself. Hearing her call you master after you rescue her. OH GOD YES.

>> No.6926652

>Yeah, considering all your daughters were exact clones of their mothers with all their memories intact

Wait wait wait You got to fuck an aboleth?

Well shit now I'm disappointed that I'll probably never read this thing.

>> No.6926677
File: 64 KB, 800x600, a0014620_487ecb19c68bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what an Aboleth is.

Premise of the game. You are a mage. You get summoned to an island of monster girls. Some giant squid guy is going to force one of the monster girls on the island to become his bride. You need to deprive him of that goal by claiming all the monster girls on the island as YOUR bride first. Your friend Erina is also summoned, she is also trying to collect monster girls to help save the island just like you are.

The thing is, the giant squid guy has put a curse on the island. Any girl that becomes pregnant will only give birth to a copy of herself. The copy will contain all the memories of the mother. Then the mother dies and the copy continues to live. So no matter how many times you fuck a girl you will never have any true children unless you break the curse.

There's about 40 monster girls in the game, they all look more like girls than monsters. There is a short ending for EACH of the 40 girls plus a harem ending. Depending on a choice you make late in the game Erina will be turned into a monster girl, or not, she has no regular end.

>> No.6926685

The monstergirls are under a curse that makes semen poison to them, to make sure nobody goes around impregnating Lord Ika's potential wives (the monstergirls are kidnapped by a giant squid monster who wants to marry one of them, and you're pulled there to ruin his fun.) Main character eventually gets a solution, but it has the whole self-birthing deal as a side effect.

>> No.6926698

An aboleth is a monster originating in dungeons and dragons second or third monster manual from the first set its basically a race cthugion squid monsters which enslave people by turning them into amphibians and they're the first time I ever heard the Offspring have all the memories of their parents thing from.

>> No.6926710
File: 552 KB, 900x900, Aboleth___colored_version_by_theEldritchMrShiny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A dm favorite for aquatic campaigns.
