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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6908921 No.6908921 [Reply] [Original]

So, how many of you met Touhou through any of IOSYS's songs/videos?

I calculate about an 80%

If no, how did you get to know Touhou?

>> No.6908928

by it being practically spammed on /a/ before the split

>> No.6908926

First heard about it from someone's LJ

>> No.6908932

Met it through the games, I heard it was one of the hardest games in existence, so I gave it a try and loved it. Then got into the fan stuff and music/doujins/other games shortly after.

>> No.6908931

I did a websearch on danmaku.

>> No.6908929

Through moetron's blog.

>> No.6908930

Cooking stop!

>> No.6908933
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Came across pictures of Reisen being Reisen and I tumbled down the rabbit hole.

>> No.6908936

Wikipedia article on shmups.

>> No.6908938

Touhou isn't actually that hard though.
not that I knew that either when I first started playing

>> No.6908940

>/jp/ - Secondary Culture

>> No.6908945
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>> No.6908948

Pettan pettan tsurupettan~

>> No.6908953

obnoxious shitposters spamming it 24/7 on /a/

>> No.6908958

I saw this thread and now I know about Touhou.

>> No.6908957
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This thread.

>> No.6908954

I saw a thread about the Touhou games and became interested in it so I googled it.

>> No.6908960

By the Touhou hijack spamming of /a/.

I had seen some characters on Gelbooru before, but never bothered to find out what Touhou was.

>> No.6908963

That's Silver Forest, you profane.

>> No.6908964

Don't tell me what I did and didn't do faggot.

>> No.6908965

Same here, anyway newer touhous were only downloaded an played to listent to their fantastic BGM music thou.

>> No.6908979

And I still dislike it to this day because of it. And the hats.

But the hate has softened since coming here after the split. It's just kind of there, and sometimes I use it for fap material. I honestly have no idea how I can come here so much and not explicitly like Touhou.

>> No.6908976

Through hinacle miracle, coincidentally the first time I saw my love.

>> No.6908991
File: 41 KB, 505x398, さようなら.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found one of those touhou suppository games on /f/ and everything went from there.

>> No.6908993

I had seen pics of touhou characters and screenshots of games but I didn't start paying attention until one day; I was looking for songs to play in audiosurf (idk why) and came across someone playing necrofantasia on audiosurf. I then researched more about touhou because I liked the music. Didn't know about IOSYS till a bit after I started playing.

>> No.6908994

Obviously bullshitting.

>> No.6909005

an U-gen Remix of Necrofantasia.

>> No.6909012

Some Giygas trippy video set to COOL&CREATE's U.N Owen arrange, like 4 years ago or so, I liked the music so I asked and got into the whole thing in one sip.

>> No.6909015
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>> No.6909023

Would you please sir iluminate me with the meaning of secondaries?

>> No.6909032


>> No.6909034

Secondaryfan is a person who found out about Touhou through the fanwork, and not through the games.

So basically everyone on /jp/ is a secondary.

>> No.6909041


That's not true.

A secondary is someone who hasn't read the canon works or at least play some of the games.

>> No.6909040

This: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_g1R-7K68A

First time I watched. I had no idea what was going on.
Today, I know every character and perfectly understand what's going on.
Holy shit the power of knowledge

>> No.6909045

I remember seeing touhou images on /a/ and /jp/ before the split, but I didn't browse /a/ much then..

And then i saw threads related to the games on /jp/ and got interested, and then it spiraled from there...

>> No.6909047

Saw images on an old image board I frequented years ago. The first Touhou game I tried was actually IaMP, it wasn't until much later that I started playing the danmaku games.

Pic related, it's one of the first Touhou images I remember.

>> No.6909048

/jp/, just checked out /jp/, then got the torrent for the game, but I didn't play it for ages.

>> No.6909050

Secondaries are those who don't play the games at all.

>> No.6909053

I went to comiket a while back in 2004 and COOL&CREATE released some touhou remixes.

>> No.6909054

This is what secondaries really believe.

>> No.6909055

There are examples of people who found out about it through the games on this very thread for god sake.

>> No.6909057
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Forgot my image.

>> No.6909070

saw a game screenshot thumbnail on the main page and was like "what the fuck am i looking at?" clicked it and discovered touhou and /jp/ simultaneously.

>> No.6909073

EoSD Let's Play on SA.


>> No.6909072


>> No.6909095


"You had to bomb 'Eternal Meek'? I think you're pretty bad at this game."

>> No.6909102

A friend had me try EoSD and PCB at her house.

>> No.6909105

Luizprower. No, not the recent character review bullshit.
Not much better than IOSYS, but at least my first exposure was the actual games.

>> No.6909108

stepmania marisa stole the prcious thing

so yes, iosys

but I saw fanart before

>> No.6909109

>her house

Please, stop lying anon.

>> No.6909112

From touhou hijack lol

>> No.6909116

2ndary xD

>> No.6909118

I came here for meltan. Couldn't ignore the million threads. Was when there were 3 million alice RP threads everyday

>> No.6909120

It would be back on /a/.

Back before the split, way before the split when the only VN talked about frequently was Tsukihime.

Touhou came up a lot so I checked it out.

>> No.6909141

Through the music, I watched an Auidosurf video on Nazrins theme, wondered what the hell Touhou 12 was, did a quick google search and here I am.

>> No.6909154


>> No.6909165

Heard about it here and there from various forums. Finally saw ran ran ru, and decided to check out all the hubub.

>> No.6909169

The first time I became aware of Touhou was in Dec 2006 and early 2007, when I came across the popular IOSYS flashes of that time.

These days, I appreciate touhou fan art and music, but I don't really care for the games. I tried playing one of them and found it boring, although the music was great.

PENIS FOREVER!!! !!! !!!

>> No.6909176
File: 230 KB, 374x454, ran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This: www.funny-games.biz/rock-candy-ran-ran-rump.html

>> No.6909182

Someone linked me to Danbooru with the touhou tag and I'm like holy fuck, these Touhou games must be fucking awesome for people to make something like 1000000000 fanarts for them.

I now know that the true reason for Touhou's popularity is its popularity. That is, it became pretty popular by chance, and its popularity caused more and more people to be exposed to it and become part of its community. It's a positive feedback loop. Kind of like facebook. I mean, even if someone made a social networking site that kicked the shit out of facebook, they would never be able to touch facebook. Nobody would leave because all their friends are on facebook.

The sad thing is, even knowing that the entire Touhou phenomenon is just a freak accident that owes nearly nothing to the quality of its starting material... I still love it.

>> No.6909191

People like it because of the games. That is why it is popular.

>> No.6909202
File: 257 KB, 500x550, 1295566502945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found out from this youtube video, I've only played UFO since I recently found out about it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GG7XaXZ_U_g

>> No.6909210

I like that video since it's exactly what I imagine Okuu sounds like.

>> No.6909209

I was browsing Ace Combat videos at youtube and somehow I ended up at a Touhou one.

>> No.6909208


That was a pretty silly thing to say, man. I'm not saying the games are bad, mind you, but what you're saying is pretty silly.

>> No.6909232

I know what you mean.
Started research into Touhou a month ago, and now I can name everyone in Bad Apple.

>> No.6909239

Downloaded the fighting games to check this "proyectile-heavy fighting game".

>> No.6909258

>even if someone made a social networking site that kicked the shit out of facebook, they would never be able to touch facebook. Nobody would leave because all their friends are on facebook.

You must be new to the internet.

There's been so much now-forgotten crap before facebook it's not even funny. I doubt facebook will even exist ten years from now.

>> No.6909263

secondaries, secondaries everywhere. Hate me, I don't care, for it's true.

>> No.6909266
File: 126 KB, 319x456, 1289794935600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally agreed, facebook will be forgotten, as well as touhou.
Time erases

Most of touhou's "fanbase" are secondaries, deal with it. (notice the quotes on fanbase thou)

>> No.6909268 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 800x428, 1295484329456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a brief period I thought being on 7chan was a good idea after I got sick of /b/ and still didn't realize 4chan had more boards then just that. There I was exposed to more yukkuris then I had ever before seen, and ended up discovering touhou in an effort to figure out what the hell was going on. I didn't play the games yet though, I just knew they existed (and suddenly understood all the tsurupettan spam I had just escaped)

I torrented all the games I could after seeing some guy playing Touhou in class a few months latter, since I already had all the knowledge I needed to google it and I was getting bored sick of grinding I Wanna Be The Guy's last boss all day, every day.

I listened to IOSYS (or any other remixes) until I showed Touhou to a friend, who quickly became a secondary fag.

>> No.6909267

My ears be bleedin'.

>> No.6909273
File: 79 KB, 800x428, 1295484329456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a brief period I thought being on 7chan was a good idea after I got sick of /b/ and still didn't realize 4chan had more boards then just that. There I was exposed to more yukkuris then I had ever before seen, and ended up discovering touhou in an effort to figure out what the hell was going on. I didn't play the games yet though, I just knew they existed (and suddenly understood all the tsurupettan spam I had just escaped)

I torrented all the games I could after seeing some guy playing Touhou in class a few months latter, since I already had all the knowledge I needed to google, the game looked amazing and I was getting bored sick of grinding I Wanna Be The Guy's last boss all day, every day.

I never listened to IOSYS (or any other remixes) until I showed Touhou to a friend, who quickly became a secondary fag.

>> No.6909289

It pop out on a discussion with a weaboo friend back in 2007. Didn't have any interest in it back then since I suck hard at shmups, but I basically knew what it was about and that the fanbase was huge.

>> No.6909314

What the fuck is this shit. yeah it's better than official dubs and all. But what the fuck. Way too high pitched even.

>> No.6909321

You would drink gallons, but sadly she will probably never appear in touhou piss book because usotsukiya is probably not even aware of their existence.

>> No.6909323

Because Naoto is a shit-tier dyke.

>> No.6909352
File: 320 KB, 1273x408, carrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2, almost three, years ago 7chan went offline for a what felt like an eternity (a few weeks) and I had no choice but to return here to talk about Japanese cartoons. I migrated to /jp/ because I was interested in reading VNs again and this was the place to be for that kind of crap. My first proper introduction was here but the first time I heard of it was on /a/. It was a picture of Eirin.

Posting glazed carrot in a Touhou thread.

>> No.6909361

First exposure to touhou game from "overdrive" iosys flash. Soon after a friend introduced me to the games. Snowballed from there.

>> No.6909371

Because Bad Apple.

>> No.6909466

Nobody randomly stumbled upon it at comiket one day and said OH LOOK ILL BUY THIS GAME AND PLAY IT HUR.

We all found it through the fanworks that have been littering the internet for years. Being a secondary has nothing to do with how you were introduced to the game.

Anyway, I was first introduced by old /a/ before the split when it first started showing up, same as a lot of people. First started caring about it when I actually listened to some of the music and loved it. Had to play all the games to listen to the music, find my favorites and download remixes of them.

>> No.6909608

>We all found it through the fanworks
i found the games first. didnt really check out fanmade stuff until maybe 2 months after

>> No.6912255

>rock candy

