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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6899832 No.6899832[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In general why are otaku conventions frowned upon by the "normal" population? I ask this because whenever I look at pictures of them the crowds are filled with "freaks" - similar to how the 4chan protest gatherings a few years back had anons in masks but a few that were spamming DESUDESUDESU LONGCAT IS LONG KEKEKEKE bullshit.

>> No.6899865

>frowned upon by the "normal" population
>filled with "freaks"
I don't see what there is to be confused about.

>> No.6899867

Because we tend to leech off our parents and contribute nothing to society. That, or there's the vocal normalfag anime fans that love projecting this image of how "unique" they are and thus give the image that all of us are like that (in the west anyway). They're usually childish, talk about their favorite series (that are usually aimed at Japanese children) as if they're so amazing that everyone should watch it, and generally act awkward (especially in groups, and they tend to group with each other a lot because of how vocal they are which makes it easier for them to find one another).

Overall, we're just seen as socially awkward and seen as selfish people that don't give back to society. Which is true in some cases but not all. I sure as hell don't feel like contributing to society. I've nothing to contribute anyway aside from physical labor, and there are others that can do that in my place. Anything of use otherwise that I can contribute would require me working my ass off in school for 4 years to get a piece of paper that proves I know how to do something that I knew before.

But now I'm digressing. Long story short, they don't like people that don't fit in with their views of how normal people are supposed to live their lives (work hard for the community, use free time to court others, live with your significant other while supporting parents, etc.)

>> No.6899903
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There are many reasons for many different people. The world isn't a hivemind. Everyone has their different reasons for looking down on otaku.

Some feel bad about their own lives so seek to find someone inferior than them so they can look down on and feel better about their selves. "Well I may live a shitty life but at least I'm not one of them."

Some people look down on it because they already have a set of guidelines implanted into their head from when they're kids of how one is supposed to live a successful life, and they see us not following that guideline and think of it as a completely alien concept. How could someone live their life like that? Are they still kids, thinking like that? They should grow up.

People are social animals. Wolves stay in a pack with one another, and if one gets out of line the others try to correct it.

It's kinda like that. If you're not fitting in with their views, you're not seen as one of the people within their group, thus you're frowned upon for not following their ways.

I can keep going, but there are just different reasons for different people. No one answer is correct, because none of them apply to everyone.

>> No.6899912

>I've nothing to contribute anyway aside from physical labor, and there are others that can do that in my place.

But anon-kun, you really are contributing!

>> No.6899964

Because life is shit and then you die. There's enough people in the world who can do things better than most. Let them do what the fuck needs done. If you can live a more or less leisurely life then you might as fucking well, because if you weren't born rich and have no decent skills or abilities then there's little use for you other than to be a living NPC filling in other people's adventures.

>> No.6899967

It's life's a bitch and then you die.
