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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 631 KB, 1440x1440, 1295357354292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6834232 No.6834232 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /jp/

Is there any way to get nixx's version of Perfect Cherry Blossom and Imperishable Night? The torrents are completely dead (even if PCB has around 5 seeds, I've been at it for 2 days and it hasn't connected).

I found their Scarlet Devil version in furk. http://www.furk.net/nixx_Touhou_06_-_Embodiment_of_Scarlet_Devil.rar.html

Oh, also, is there any place where I can get playforlinux versions of the rest?

Ah, the reason why I need playforlinux versions is because the directx in wine 1.2+ is broken (doesn't show the text), but playforlinux lets me use past versions.

>> No.6834235
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Ah, sorry. I mean playonlinux.

>> No.6834251

What does the nixx version do?

>> No.6834252

I swear these pictures get posted on this board once an hour.

>> No.6834253

already is patched for english, and has a playonlinux script.

>> No.6834254
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Well, as109 is a genius bastard.

>> No.6834256


>> No.6834258
File: 377 KB, 1400x900, 1295360554791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, sorry, misquote.

It has the english patch already, and it has a playonlinux script (it's installed in a windows emulator for linux that can use any version of wine).

>> No.6834260

Not necessary. Download a vanilla one, and patches, and then English patch if desired. And as for Wine, read this.


>> No.6834266

>And as for Wine, read this.
yeah... wish it worked that way still. I used to play like that.

But wine 1.2+ has issues with directx, and doesn't show any text (not even in Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil). By the way, wine's currently at 1.3.11.

So I need to use a version of wine lower that 1.2 if I want the dialogs. But I don't want to downgrade.

So playonlinux is a great option, because I can use any old version of wine to run my games, without having to change the wine version on my system.

>> No.6834281

I can't test that at the moment. My graphics card is broken. But, I don't recall this happening in Wine 1.2. I remember 10-12 not having text in some places, but that's only without d3dx9_36.dll. And the game never used to run without it, until Wine 1.1.42.

Any other Linux users able to confirm the issue?

Also, do you need an updated version of Wine? Might be best to stick with an older version in the meantime.

>> No.6834296 [DELETED] 

Is there a chance that her toys actually represent something (or someone) ?
There's the panda in green clothes on the lower left, and the yukkuri left of her left knee

>> No.6834301

Is there a chance that her toys actually represent something (or someone) ?
There's the panda in green clothes on the lower right, and the yukkuri left of her left knee

>> No.6834371
File: 390 KB, 2000x700, embodiment of scarlet devil wine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use MSOffice 2007 for work. It needs wine 1.2+ to run.

Here's a comparison between wine 1.2 (standard on Ubuntu Lucid), 1.3.11 (latest beta) and 1.1.0 (with playonlinux).

Fucking sucks how winehq released "full support for directx 9" in the official 1.2 when there obviously isn't full support for directx 9. It was working fine before.

>> No.6834433
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that he is.

>> No.6834446

When abouts did this issue start? Because I definitely played EoSD and other after Wine 1.1.36, when the black text backgrounds stopped happening, the ones visible in the 1.1.0 screenshot. It may actually be related to your graphics card, scroll down in this.


In all honesty, it may be an idea to look at just running Windows, or at least putting Office 2007 in a virtual machine.

>> No.6834476
File: 126 KB, 651x511, wine 1.1.36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tested with 1.1.36 on playonlinux. Both with d3dx9_36.dll native and builtin.

It already has the issue.

My card is a simple integrated g33. Specifically,
>Your video card : Mesa DRI Intel(R) G33 GEM 20091221 2009Q4 x86/MMX/SSE2
But it's not like it was an ATi or anything. There shouldn't be an issue with my card, as far as I know...

>> No.6834485

Unfortunately I'd say that's the "problem". Mine was an NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GS, proprietary drivers, and the text rendered fine.

So, anyway. I don't have the PoL script, nor any better ideas on what to do. Sorry.

>> No.6834501
File: 1.89 MB, 1758x1100, 055e5c3af2939eea0c9a20a9c1a8f519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when he wasn't the most reposted artist on /jp/?

>> No.6834505

Don't have the bug numbers on hand (will look them up later), but what's actually needed here is the Wine DIB engine patch.

I have 1.2 compiled with DIB engine and a "colormask fix" patch, and it works perfectly for most games (there is no black background around the text, either - it's transparent, as it's supposed to be).

>> No.6834521

This the one?


>> No.6834522

I know how this will sound, but... could you please explain to me how to install said DIB patch?

>> No.6834524

You have to patch source code of WINE and compile it.

>> No.6834538

fuck, I had to compile midori yesterday for a review, and I compiled the latest uoti mplayer, like a week ago. Not to mention that I work at reporting and on the side at coding.

I love Linux, but why am I always compiling, god dammit?!

Thanks for the help. Following the steps here right now:

BRB with results

>> No.6834578

I know that feel bro.
But I also know that satisfaction, when software you compiled works even better than the generic one.

>> No.6834732
File: 261 KB, 1029x1280, 1295360911628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... it's still compiling...

>> No.6834748

Wine takes a little while to build. But I'm guessing you had to install a bunch of stuff first?

>> No.6834751

eh, I'm in ubuntu, so I just made a build-essential.

>> No.6834754

... oh, fuck dammit.
>after over an hour of compiling

>mkdir /usr/local/lib/wine
>mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/lib/wine': Permission denied
>make[1]: *** [/usr/local/lib/wine] Error 1
>make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/wine-1.3.11/dlls/acledit'
>make: *** [install] Error 2

;_; fuck, I forgot to sudo ;_;

>> No.6834792

Just sudo make install. And did it work?

>> No.6834824

I did, and it didn't.

while running the game, my terminal gave me
>err:driver:Load_Dib_Driver Couldn't load DIB Engine

By looking on the internet, there's an issue with the patch. I tried patching a new copy and, at the top of the fucking patch list, there's an error,
>patching file configure.ac
>Hunk #1 FAILED at 2755.
>1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file configure.ac.rej
and just like I found in http://paradox22.wordpress.com/2010/02/12/moulagain-on-wine/, that appears to be the issue.

So I'm currently trying to fix the fucking patch. Here's my configure.ac.rej:

--- configure.ac
+++ configure.ac
@@ -2755,6 +2755,7 @@

which is part of dib-engine-0002-initial-pass-throug.patch, the file that changes configure.ac.

Right now, I took away the "+" at the beginning of +WINE_CONFIG_DLL(winedib.drv) because it looks out of place, and am about to patch a new copy again.

>> No.6834833

... and now it gave me hundreds of FAILED messages. Fuck.

>> No.6834866

Welp, I'm sorry it didn't work out. Not sure what else to do.

>> No.6834886

I think I might have it now. Will tell you after compiling.

I was using the latest patch, for 1.3.7. But I was using the tar for 1.3.9.

I just downloaded 1.3.7, ran the patch, and it didn't give me that error message. It did give me a
>bash: /usr/local/dibpatch/#wineps-drv-send-page-size.patch: No such file or directory

but the rest ran fine, so I'm still compiling it to test it.

Let you know in about another hour and a half ;_;

>> No.6834945

Just tested TH06 through TH08, all work fine for me.
nvidia ION, latest Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.35

>> No.6834953
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Forgot screenshot (god dammit captcha)

>> No.6834964

Wine version?

Ah, wrong version. Yeah that, could've caused problems. Enjoy your second compile.

>> No.6834974

>Wine version?
wine-1.3.11, as seen in >>6834953

>> No.6835006

I hadn't refreshed it within the two minutes it was posted.

So, nice to know I wasn't dreaming. The games do work. But maybe Wine isn't very friendly to certain GPUs.

>> No.6835008


>>6834505 here. You guys are making it sound a bit harder than it is.

First, there's no need to install, just build the thing and leave it there (probably better that way, in fact, to not interfere with the installed version). To launch games, do something like this:

# Have a separate .wine directory
export WINEPREFIX="/home/cirno/.wine-dib"
WINEDIB=ON ~/src/wine-git/wine $*

Second, the links:

http://wiki.winehq.org/DIBEngine (instructions and discussion)
http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=421 (DIB patch - apply patches in the order specified in the "series" file - if there are any rejects, reverse with -R and check that you have the right version)
http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15146 (colormask fix - may or may not be necessary anymore)

Lastly, there ought to be binary packages floating around, like:

I might build one myself, if I get motivated enough to figure it out...

>> No.6835017

>I hadn't refreshed it within the two minutes it was posted.
I figured. Not like I was criticizing you.

>> No.6835038


Well, I'll be damned. Whatever they did, wine 1.3.10 on lucid from ubuntu-wine PPA, Geforce 7300GT - works with no issues.

Last time I checked, it was 1.3.4 and no luck, on the exact same system.

>> No.6835102

By the way, can you guys go register and vote for all these bugs on winehq? I'd like to see them fixed once and for all...

Touhou 10, 11 dialogue text transparent, difficult to read:

Touhou games: no text in dialogue boxes:

Touhou 6, 7, 8 and 9 do not render text correctly.:

>> No.6835103
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Time for bed. Hopefully OP gets his problems sorted out. I'll check this tomorrow.

>> No.6835289

OP here.
After doing everything I could come up with and compiling for a second time, I still have the
>err:driver:Load_Dib_Driver Couldn't load DIB Engine

After what >>6835008 said, I tried installing wine1.2_1.1.43-0ubuntu1~lucidppa3+winehacks1.1_i386.deb, from https://launchpad.net/~jriwanek/+archive/ppa and modifying the regedit like the ppa says.
And I still got the
>>err:driver:Load_Dib_Driver Couldn't load DIB Engine

If I tried running it WITHOUT WINEDIB=ON, I got the error
>fixme:d3d8:IDirect3DDevice8Impl_ResourceManagerDiscardBytes Byte count ignored.

And the text, of course, is still nowhere to be found.

If >>6835008 ends up releasing a binary, I'll be happy, but for now I think I'll modify his advice a little and, instead of using playonlinux to run games I'm lacking the script of, I'll just compile wine 1.1.0 and run touhou without installing it.

I love Linux and I've been at it for almost 10 years, but it's times like this (when I've tried fucking everything possible and it's still useless, and now I'm without a clue on what to do next after hours of work) that I understand why it's not popular. I mean, come the fuck on, I only wanna shoot some lolis, I shouldn't have to... bah.

>> No.6835415

>err:driver:Load_Dib_Driver Couldn't load DIB Engine

Looking at the comments #421, it's almost certainly because you forgot to run autoconf right after patching.

Btw, did you try the newer wine from ppa:ubuntu-wine (as per the reports above)?

(By the way, to be fair, when you think about the fact that you have a complex app, written *and* compiled for an entirely different platform (the details of which aren't even documented!), running with no modifications... it's really quite a remarkable achievement.)

>> No.6835432

Virtualize Windows XP or Windows 2000.

>> No.6835465

>did you try the newer wine from ppa:ubuntu-wine (as per the reports above)?
yes (see >>6834371)

>By the way, to be fair, when you think about the fact that you have a complex app, written *and* compiled for an entirely different platform (the details of which aren't even documented!), running with no modifications... it's really quite a remarkable achievement.
Yes, but if a perfectly good fix has been made for a known issue, why the hell hasn't it been applied to the main trunk and made easily available?

mplayer has the same issue with what utoi added (bettes ass support, ordered chapters, etc), but at least utoi has released a git trunk with its additions and a script that autoconfigures his his mplayer with all the dependencies (because the main mplayer community can't fucking do it nor let anyone else do it officially).

And utoi's mplayer compiles, with full ffmpeg, livavcodec, lame, x264 and whatnot, in about 15 minutes.

Here, we have a fix that needs a ton of work to be implemented, and almost an hour and a half to be compiled. And again out of sheer stupidity, the main mplayer community hasn't applied it to its main trunk. WHY?!

I'll try the autoconfigure thing, though. What can I lose, besides another hour and a half in my day off?

>> No.6835472

>And again out of sheer stupidity, the main mplayer community hasn't applied it to its main trunk. WHY?!
the main wine community, I mean. Sorry.

>> No.6835517

>And again out of sheer stupidity, the main mplayer community hasn't applied it to its main trunk. WHY?!

There's a huge amount of discussion around it linked on the wiki page (which I haven't actually followed, admittedly).

I'm not at all involved with wine, so I don't know the details, but this is a very shallow way of looking at the issue. Just because something "works" doesn't mean it is well-written or easy to maintain. Fixing one thing may well end up fundamentally breaking another, now or in the near future.

In short, software development simply does not work this way.

You are quite welcome to express your opinion on wine-devel, or even fork the whole project, however.

>> No.6835528

>or even fork the whole project, however.
If I get that shit working, I just might.

>> No.6835854
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compiled with autoconfig. Doesn't give me the "err:driver:Load_Dib_Driver Couldn't load DIB Engine" error anymore, but it still isn't working.

So, I give up. Fuck everything. I mad, I tired, I spent most of my day overexerting in an exercise that amounted to nothing. Off to watch chink cartoons, thanks for the help, /jp/. Let me know if you ever release a deb or autoinstall script for wine with DIB working, because I'm not about to try again.

>> No.6835913
File: 1.34 MB, 1282x992, Screenshot-Touhou Chireiden - Subterranean Animism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Touhou Linux thread
How convenient, I was having some issues myself.

Here's my problem: I'm running Wine1.3 in Ubuntu Maverick, and all the games start up just fine. However, the only one I can play is SA, because all the other ones seem to think my keyboard is constantly pressing the down arrow, making it impossible to navigate the main menus. As far as I know, I've got all DirectX shit, etc installed that I need. SA's controls work perfectly, and dialogue shows up, although it's a little weird looking, but readable. It's really frustrating because everything else works fine, it just won't stop pressing down.

>> No.6836020

Set dinput.dll to native. That fixed something similar for me where the left key was stuck in IN.

>> No.6837159

Now it tells me in the console that dinput.dll and dinput8.dll are not found. No matter what I set them to, it gives me the same error.

>> No.6837298

Not the same guy, but, well, native does mean you need to find the "native" dll somewhere and put it into system/...

>> No.6837305 [SPOILER] 
File: 533 KB, 850x1198, nativedll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found her.

>> No.6837320
File: 219 KB, 600x1800, 1270873097248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*ba-dum tishh*

>> No.6837338

It's easiest to do these things with winetricks, I think these .dlls fall under:
winetricks directx9

I uploaded my dinput.dll too if you prefer it:

>> No.6837361

That reminds me, what are some good authors for "prankster Tewi" stories?

Does my question need it's own thread?

>> No.6837458
File: 1.10 MB, 1600x900, 1271047298434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it's all good.

Too bad I can't offer any.

>> No.6837493

Derp. Winetricks'd dx9, and now all the shooters up to and including Fairy Wars work. My problem is now with the fighters. Hisoutensoku wouldn't start up at all, even though my console didn't give me any error messages at all. I tried SWR, and it started fine in fullscreen, but it still had a window border. I tried to switch it to window mode, and it quit on me. I can conclude that the fighters don't like to run in window mode. Unfortunately, they don't have a custom.exe, so I can't tell it to start fullscreen. Suggestions?

>> No.6837502


>turn sound back on
>hear SWR's title music
>look around, no window
>process still running

>> No.6837828
File: 750 KB, 2142x1514, 1271051619348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's horribly out of date, but have a look:

Perhaps this?

>> No.6837965

Woken up, what a shame nothing worked out.

THAT problem, is where I don't get to laugh, because it's an NVIDIA fail. Their proprietary drivers have a bug in them, and it doesn't occur for ATI, or Intel.


Never seen that problem. PCB had an issue similar to that and it's fixed by switching a "DirectInput" option in config.exe.

Definitely read the official manga Inaba of the Moon and Inaba of the Earth. She's naughty.

[Manekinuko] Treasure is strongly Tewi prank focussed. These two are less so, but might be enjoyable: [Fuantei] Kan and [Maruchira] Kitten Girl.

>> No.6838276
File: 527 KB, 1280x1024, Screenshot-40.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

It works now, and it was easy as fuck to do it.

I ended up erasing the wine I had compiled, and installing 1.3.11 from ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa.

I then installed directx9 from winetricks.

I then started the game with
>WINEDIB=ON wine th06e.exe

and now it works. So in the end, all I had to do was to install directx9 from winetricks. Thanks, >>6837338

Sorry about my tantrum earlier but... you know, I wasted my day off. Although not anymore.

>> No.6838308

There's still no fog in your picture, but that may just be the options you're using. Double-check:


>> No.6840946

Well, sucks for NVIDIA, but I've got an ATI card, using the proprietary FGLRX driver because I hear it's got better 3D acceleration. Been thinking about switching to the Xorg driver, though, because desktop effects don't work, and... you know what, fuck it. I'mma switch drivers now and see if the fighters work again.

>> No.6842209

Shit, just spent 4 hours trying to recover my video settings after uninstalling FGLRX fucked everything up. Everything back to normal now, but the fighters still don't run in window mode. Fuck.
