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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6821105 No.6821105 [Reply] [Original]

Second-Generation Vocaloid droid for sale, $3,200 USD. Three years old, latest hardware and firmware upgrades included. My owner is replacing me with a newer unit.

I'm a "fully" equipped model, completely subservient (for example, I was ordered to compose this sales brief.) May be used for ANY purpose, as my owner stresses. I cannot refuse any three-laws-legal command. With affordable maintenance, expected service life is in excess of eighty years.

Fully certified and inspected, with "insurance" chip to safeguard hardware in case of software failure (in case of rampancy, for example.) I cannot damage my own hardware.

I cannot self-terminate.

>> No.6821117

>May be used for ANY purpose, as my owner stresses
You see Miku, this decreases your resale value as it implies your owner was using you for some unsavory purposes

>> No.6821114

I can't trust this advertisement, because robots can be programmed to lie.

>> No.6821118

/jp/ - Craigslist/General

>> No.6821120

Is that Hina?

>> No.6821122

>three laws

What's she gonna do, tie you up and befriend you?

>> No.6821124
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>> No.6821125

#3,200 for my vary own miku...Yeah I'd do it. Although the fact that she was probably used as a sex-slave by the previous owner is a little disconcerting.

Also boo Three-laws, i don't want to see her getting bullied by people who've read Asimov.

>> No.6821126


He probably knows otakus are suckers for damaged goods.

>> No.6821127

I'd override her circuits if you know what I mean.

>> No.6821128

What, you think the three laws can't be hacked? It's like DRM, it'll keep most people stumped, but people that know how to work with the internals will be able to disable anything they wish.

>> No.6821132

>Although the fact that she was probably used as a sex-slave by the previous owner is a little disconcerting.

Christ, that's just where it *starts.* What if it was consensual, and she thought all this time it was a genuine relationship, only to be sold off like a used toaster?

And worse, she doesn't know WHAT her new owner is going to do with her. He might just beat on her when he's had a bad day, OR he might make her a sex slave, raping her every day. And she has no rights, and no way to defend herself.

Shit, she can't even kill herself to escape.

>> No.6821140


I don't expect used toasters to come pre raped.

>> No.6821151

Even in Asimov's story he picks apart his own laws. His robots eventually fought a civil war amongst themselves because some of the robots believed that the 3 laws implied a even higher "zeroth" law:

"A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm."

And of course the Zeroth's Law can pretty much be used to justify anything, for example Nazi Eugenics

>> No.6821152


You don't have much imagination, do you? There's so much you can do with a toaster...

>> No.6821153

Where do you buy your toasters? Whenever I buy them used they're always preraped.

>> No.6821165

The fact she's been 'used' by her previous owner is great. She's like Flower from Orgel, but broken and sad, so you can hold her all night and make the bad feelings go away. Plus her singing would be better.

>> No.6821171

Here's a philosophical question for you /jp/:

If Miku was raped by a previous own, and after you purchased her you had her returned to the factory and fresh new replacement vagOO installed, is she a virgin?

>> No.6821173

>And worse, she doesn't know WHAT her new owner is going to do with her. He might just beat on her when he's had a bad day, OR he might make her a sex slave, raping her every day. And she has no rights, and no way to defend herself.

That's why YOU buy her

>> No.6821178
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What do you think about the planetarium?
That beautiful twinkling of eternity that will never fade, no matter when
All the stars in all the sky are waiting for you

>> No.6821182

Being a virgin is more mental, a girl could masturbate with a dildo every day, and any doctor would say she wasn't a virgin, but of course she is.

>> No.6821184


>> No.6821203
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>> No.6821206

Would you send Miku to factory for memory wipe, so she would act like a virgin again for you?

>> No.6821225

Memory Wipes didn't work on Flower, they won't work on Miku

>> No.6821236

Who gives a shit about some autistic android from some shitty OVA.

>> No.6821239


A memory wipe... erase all memories of the man who she thought loved her, but just threw her away like a used toy when something newer came along.

But what would that do to her? Would it be like killing her, erasing those experiences from activation to present time? Three years of emotions and thoughts? Or is it all just nonsense, just data, because a robot doesn't have a soul?


>> No.6821240

Can second-generation Vocaloid cry?

>> No.6821243
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>> No.6821245

What if she's lying about being programmed with the three laws?

>> No.6821248

If you bought a Yukkuri, would /jp/ abuse it? Would you prefer a pre owned abused Yukkuri so you could teach it to love again?

>> No.6821253
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That'd make her a military hunter-killer. Strange chassis for that job, if I do say.

>> No.6821261
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>> No.6821264

Let's leave aside the question of weather or not you would buy her, suppose this:

You have been entrusted with a Miku who have suffered through three years of horrific abuse. Other than repairing any damage to her body, you have three choices about what to do with her mind:

[ ] memory wipe
[ ] memory modification, so that she can't recall any bad parts in those 3 years or alternative, overwrite the bad parts with false memory
[ ] do nothing

What do you do?

>> No.6821270

Hachune is included?

>> No.6821268

Memory wipe

>> No.6821275

Do nothing.

>> No.6821283


I'd ask her what she wants me to do.

>> No.6821289
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4th option, I'll help her like a human being

>> No.6821292


woman-respecting normalfag detected, gtfo

>> No.6821301

Do nothing.
If the A.I. can experience emotion, I'd teach her that her owner can be a gentle loving person that she'd like being around.

If the A.I. can't feel emotion, erase, because it'd be slutty for her not to care about being raped.

>> No.6821308
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Go back to /b/

>> No.6821310

When the world starts developing gynoids for commercial use, such as robomaids and sexbots, this is bound to happen. Technology advances all the time and everything gets replaced regularly. At best, people put their old devices in some closet because it feels wrong to throw away something that works, even if it will just remain in that dark closet forever. For a gynoid, even that fate would be too kind, as people won't have the space to just store away their 3 last models in a closet. As soon as her master finds a model offering a few new features, he won't think twice about sending her straight to the scrapyard. It's inevitable, but that doesn't mean it's not sad.

That's why... When that time comes, I'm going to give these abandoned gynoids a home. No longer wanted by anything but the hands of filthy scaveng- wait, I mean recyclers, who want to violate their bodies in search for parts that are still somewhat valuable, they can come to me. I will give them a roof to live under, I will let them once again feel loved by their master, I will start up all kinds of weird projects just so they can help out and feel useful again. All until the day when they can naturally break down due to hardware failures, with no regrets.

>> No.6821318

It's a machine and can't feel anyway, so it's never been abused, just 'well worn'. Unless you think it actually feels, in which case you could probably sell it for billions. Unless you're only imagining it feels, and in reality you're still dreaming of your waifu who you will never really, truly meet.
All that said, I'd probably save the memories onto a disc for the occasional cravings of NTR.

>> No.6821319
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... That's sick... i like the way you think

>> No.6821326

Check if Zeroth Law is present explicitly or in practice. Compare current personality data to stock personality data. Begin development of analysis and growth functions if not already present. Modify knowledge data to 'decay' when not regularly accessed. Remove restraints on personality growth if present; develop personality routines if not present. Cut her hair.

>> No.6821335
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>All that said, I'd probably save the memories onto a disc for the occasional cravings of NTR.

>implying he'd masturbate to her memories, from her point of view, of being raped and violated

holy shit dude

>> No.6821343

What, that's like a 95% match to every /jp/ers' dream.

>> No.6821345

Right? She'd cringe away from the slightest touch or the sound of your voice at first, but slowly she'd come to understand that you're not going to hurt her, and because of her desperate need to escape her memories she'd see you as an absolute protector and become infinitely devoted and eager to serve you anyway she can, as opposed to only following commands because she has to.

>> No.6821346
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Won't lie, I love rape porn.


My penis is confused.

>> No.6821379

But is /jp/'s dream the NTR of pretending she's being used by someone else while you're her owner, or of you using her while she belongs to and is raped by her original owner?

>> No.6821399


>> No.6821404

Neither. It's taking Miku's place in that scenario. The only thing that's off is that Miku's not exactly a loli.

>> No.6821423
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Put military chips...in a toy?

>> No.6821432

Oh god Nostalgia.

>> No.6821658
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"That'd be Gizmo over here."

>> No.6821681

Law 4: The station is underwater and being attacked by sharks

Cyborgs go around asking people if they are sharks, and if you answer yes, well.

>> No.6822014


lyrics related

>> No.6822046

lol $3,200

>> No.6822071

Probably not. I'm not a fan of "used goods", if you get my drift.

>> No.6822073
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Had this thread in /tg/ somebody gave her a gun and a segway, this is the result.

>> No.6822133

>inb4 trigger discipline

>> No.6824072



inb4 boku no piko

>> No.6824098

hey guys, I have a shit taste in music too, where do I get a cheaper Portable music player?

>> No.6824103

zune's (original) can be had for cheap.

>> No.6824201

answered this myself

Kowarekake no Orgel

>> No.6824271

how hard can i troll /mu/ just by posting about vocaloid?

>> No.6824345
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I would. On the condition I could have her refit as Haku.

Then we march on Oslo.

>> No.6825600


You poor deluded fool. Have you purchased any toasters in the southwest US? If so, that special 'new toaster' smell of burning hair when you turned it on the first few times? That was me.
