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File: 127 KB, 330x350, ORT_CharacterMaterial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6806476 No.6806476 [Reply] [Original]

Why is ORT considered the most powerful Aristoteles?
I'm pretty sure we can't measure any of their power.

>> No.6806499

Stop talking about Aristoteles, they do not even matter, they are simply "FUCK YOU" triggers in these idiotic powerlevel arguments.

>> No.6806523

What is this? i played tsukihime and never heard of it.

>> No.6806535

It's more fanbook-only nasu powerlevel faggotry. They play a part in that angel thingy that nasu wrote some time ago.

>> No.6806539

Nasu said can't be beat. Also, highest ATK power.

>> No.6806554


I like them from a fluff perspective.

Ultimate primal forces that hold all the power of a planet~

>> No.6806592
File: 146 KB, 730x1047, 1270048426965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image accurately describes how type moon powerlevels work.

Pictured the best mankind has to offer failing to budge whatever mystical mary sue that game, novel or series has to offer.

So instead we use our dicks to subvert it.

>> No.6806622


>Best mankind has to offer

>Herakles, 1/2 god
>Kouma, who knows % demon

>> No.6806654

All the 100% humans are too busy being dead or queer as folk magicians.

>> No.6806673

it doesn't really matter how strong ORT is if all he does is sleep.

A being that has no interest in the world and keeps to itself unless disturbed isn't a big threat.

>> No.6806700

Gun God can kill anything magical, if I remember correctly. Well, not him but... Black Barrel... was it?

The Nasuverse is retarded, in any case. What with the planets with feelings and such.

>> No.6806703

>Why is ORT considered the most powerful Aristoteles?

because you can't come in contact with him without turning into a crystal. Doesn't really matter how strong he is if things die just from the effect of being in his presence.

>> No.6806710

Black barrel can only kill apostles or apostles like things made of planet energy juice stuff.

All that proves is that mankind is really good at sexytime.

>> No.6806727

>Gun God can kill anything magical, if I remember correctly. Well, not him but... Black Barrel... was it?

Black Barrel makes immortal things that it shoots, mortal. Simple as that. Though it's more powerful if there's a lot of Grain around.

>> No.6806793


You guys wouldn't happen to know the name of that guy who made really huge swords out of his bones or something like, would you?

>> No.6806807


All Ether Knights do that to some extent.

Ado Edem, the most powerful, is the most rigged.

>> No.6806825
File: 27 KB, 375x450, aristotle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6806827

This. Black Barrel is normally just a conceptual weapon in regular conditions, but in the world of Overcount 1999 where Grain is fucking everywhere, it turns it into one of the most powerful weapons around. It's essentially a sure kill against anything aside from normal humans there.

>> No.6806828


That's the guy. Thanks. I had forgotten his name.

>> No.6806841

You do know that Arcueid IS the strongest being on Earth, right? She is pretty much Earth's Aristotles, and Aristotles are the strongest beings on the planet. Plus, she has that "my power = yours + 1" ability, so its effectively imossible even for Heracles to surpass her in terms of power.

>> No.6806859


That's so broken it's not even funny. Like Dr. Manhattan. Blech.

>> No.6806860

She only has as much power as the Gaia. And Gaia is low tier among planets since it can't even conceive a Type. Nasu agreed, don't bother him about it.

>> No.6806869


Isn't Grain actually Ether (Fifth Imaginary Element)?

Ether, you know, being the core glue of all magic ever.

Which means anything with any amount of magic is destroyed by Black Barrel.

>> No.6806877

I don't remember. All I know is that the dead Earth shits it out and is made out of it.

>> No.6806895

1. Black Barrel is effective against immortal being since it forces onto them the concept of nature life.
2. Black Barrel is effective against beings that have large ammounts of Grain on their bodies. The beings really close to the planet are more based on Grain; specially the True Ancestors and Aristotles.

>> No.6806938

>since it can't even conceive a Type

By itself? Yes it can't. Which is why the True Ancestors are a coproduction of both the earth and the moon.

>> No.6806946

Why doesn't earth have a Type anyway? If I am not mistaken Gaia had to whore herself out to Type-moon so he could make shitty clones of himself, thus creating the True Ancestors.

It just seems arbirary that every single celestial bodies have an aristoteles and earth doesn't

>> No.6806965

Because mankind us too good to allow that. We'll just rape the Earth to death and invoke Overcount 1999 if need be. Sure, all of mankind but one guy dies pretty much instantly, and that guy dies too, but fuck it we let that whore of a planet make a Type.

>> No.6806967


As previously stated, Gaia sucks ass.
The exact canon is unknown, but it tried to make a Type and failed.
I've heard the results of its Type-creation were humans, but I'm almost certain that's not canon.

>> No.6807027
File: 20 KB, 406x536, 1278045466124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi....Im an arcanine and I have absolutely no clue what is going on in this thread.

What the fuck are you weaboo faggots going on about?

>> No.6807044


power level debating virgin club

>> No.6807036 [DELETED] 

Gaia couldn't make a Type for itself. So the moon created Crimson Moon in its current form first and the Earth imported him. Instead of going for the Moon purchased the existence, rebirthed him as its Ultimate One and then made mass production versions or whatever. Crimson Moon's True Ancestor factory sucked, and the only one succesfuly created was him and Arcueid, who is Crimson Moon's successor.

>> No.6807055

A game that is a book but has rpg stats.

>> No.6807060

Gaia couldn't make a Type for itself. So the moon created Crimson Moon in its current form first and the Earth imported him. Instead of going for the Moon purchased the existence, rebirthed him as its Ultimate One and then made mass production versions or whatever. Crimson Moon's True Ancestor factory sucked, and the only one succesfuly created was him and Arcueid, who is Crimson Moon's successor. In short, Gaia got a Type, but only with the help of the moon, because that's what the True Ancestors are, a coproduction of both the earth and the moon.

>> No.6807064

Others were successfully created, but Arcueid is to true ancestors as Kira is to Coordinators for lack of a better comparison. As in both came out pretty much exactly as they were supposed to. They have something else in common too, but I won't go there.

>> No.6807466

If anything, Ado Edem is sort of the closest thing earth ever got as a type, as his power is that of the earth's.

>> No.6807503

Ado Edem exists after the earth is already dead.
Archetype Earth is the closest thing to a Type Earth or Type Terra or whatever.

>> No.6807617

No, it's actually the other way around. Ado Edem is more like Type Humanity. See what fuyuki says:

The Knight Arm of Edem is no different from the ways of the old world wherein the land was turned into particles in order to gain resources. Can be said to be the embodiment of human nature in that it destroys our world to protect us.

You mean, Arcueid is the closest thing the Earth has to a Type. Since you know Archetype Earth is nothing more than a title for Arcueid, like Type Mercury is a title for ORT. But yes, like Dust of Osiris said, Arcueid is the will of the planet, she is the same as the other Aristotles.

>> No.6807629


>Since you know Archetype Earth is nothing more than a title for Arcueid, like Type Mercury is a title for ORT

Not quite. Archetype: Earth is Arcueid at 100% and complete activation of Crimson Moon's persona.
More like an ultimate alter-ego than just a title.

>> No.6807650

But Arcueid is still from the moon, it is only through a deal that she may act as Type Earth depending on the situation.

Ado Edem is from Earth, with the power of the Earth.

>> No.6807675

But... Types can only come from dead planets. The reason why there's no Type-Earth is because Gaia isn't dead yet.

>> No.6807694

Nope. If the planets were dead, no life should exist on them anymore. Which is why the Earth calls the Types to come rape the rest of mankind and the Ether Liners and A-Rays and what have you in Notes.

>> No.6807704

>implying other planets are alive when they are all barren wastelands and balls of gases and liquids

>> No.6807736

That's because Arcueid = Brunestud. Technically, they are the same person. She isn't a different personality, more like an aspect like Black Sakura and Sakura. According to her official profile:

The Princess of the True Ancestors. Arcueid's true form.
That which shows her side as the touch of the planet as the True Ancestor of highest grade of purity.
Not an alter ego of Arcueid, but one and the same as the normal her.
This version of her temporarily borrowed this body.
For Arcueid (her body) to become this form, she must take back her stolen hair.

But Crimson Moon became Earth's Type, and Archetype Earth is stated to be Crimson Moon's succesor in Type Moon Ace 3. Ado Edem actually destroys the planet in order to protect humanity, Slash Emperor basically says "screw you!" to Gaia. the mission of a Type is to protect the world, and humans are stated to be an existence independent from nature; humans can survive without the planet whereas a Type will die along with the planet.

>> No.6807739

They're still alive under their own "common sense" though.

>> No.6807743

types are created when a creatures becomes so evolved it kills everything else on its planet

>> No.6807759

>Slash Emperor basically says "screw you!" to Gaia.
More like rapes the corpse of Gaia. Though, I wonder if Slash Emperor would work if through lolNasuverse Ado Edem got transported to before Overcount 1999 occurred.

>> No.6807769

Life on Earth =/life on Mercury= /life on Venus. But none of those planets are dead, since those planets still have a will; which is what the Types are.

>> No.6807772

>whereas a Type will die along with the planet.
Ado Edem is now my most hated character in Nasuverse.

>> No.6807792

To be fair, it's stated in Notes that before the Types showed up Ado Edem wasn't all that notable as Slash Emperor isn't all that useful against man-sized targets like most of the A-Rays were.
