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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 272 KB, 638x477, Umineko - Ange Young + Old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6756700 No.6756700 [Reply] [Original]

I'm hearing lots of negative press on Twilight of the Golden Witch...

But one thing that interest me is that unlike the other games, this one isn't linear.

What I'd like to know is, where do the paths branch? What choices can be made. And what happens when you get those quizzes right/wrong.

>> No.6756706

Pretty sure the quiz questions just unlock extra dialogue, no story breaking things if you fail.

>> No.6756713

Get quizzes right: afterword by the people that asked it, kinda like a goodbye
Path branches: near the end one is a bad end, the ither gets you to the tea party

>> No.6756717

From what I understand, if you get enough coins during the Professor Layton bit, you get to choose between the good (magic) and bad (trick) ending.

I might be wrong though.

>> No.6756725

When you get a quiz of a person right, you see a small scene about their character, often in relation to Ange, as Ange walks off to get the next person's quiz.

At the end, there is a choice (trick/magic). Magic gets you the longer, good end. Trick gets you an end where Ange figures out Amakusa's plot and kills him. Then the boat captain. It ends with Erika saying <Good!>

Best end in my opinion.

While in the good end she just hands the company over to Okonogi right away and moves, changing her name.

>> No.6756740

>quizzes righ

You get more scenes, including one about Genji past and another one about Battler being Kyrie´s son. I don´t know if there is any more.


Trick=Bad ending
Magic=Normal ending

I think that´s all.

>> No.6756751

Ony two endings.

I heard of a version where "if you tell Ange the truth and use trick" then she kills herself.

>> No.6756754

That's not true. The scene where Ange is killing herself happens long before the actual choice.

The real ends are >>6756725

>> No.6756773

You should disregard the so-called "negative press." Most of it is coming from autists, who haven't even read the episode, jumping to conclusions based on spoilers, like what happened with the Eva Batman bullshit.

Wait till Witch Hunt translates it and judge it for yourself.

>> No.6756786

The ending is still a pretty big cop-out and we never find out the complete truth. That and a meta-battle takes up half the episode.

>> No.6756805

>jumping to conclusions based on spoilers

Full retard.

>> No.6756817
File: 26 KB, 260x391, dealwithit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like deciphered the actual runes and found the ending to be 100% shit. But hey, whatever makes you sleep at night, R07 apologist.

>> No.6756822
File: 152 KB, 837x561, 15692614_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

re-posting for others opinions

"Personally I would have liked the ending to be like episode 4 where Ange and Battler have red and blue truth battle.

Battler then says something Tohya would have or done something that would have gave it away. Ange then figures out amnesia/writer battler in her head.

Some more read and blue truth andBattler does the "who am i/im gonna kill you now thing" And Ange is like "you are a the author there nothing unnatural about killing off a character in a story!" Battler then would be like "oh snap you have done well"

Then it goes to real world battler in a wheel chair or whatever he say sorry for being a douche lol. Then plays the battler going to golden land scene. "

what would you add to make this ep a win for you?

>> No.6756824

>R07 apologist
Why do you feel the need to post this in every Umineko thread?

>> No.6756831

Personally, I actually like what Episode 1 did to set everything up, but then after that it turned into one gigantic trainwreck growing larger and inexorably messier as it lumbers its way towards the end. Although if I describe Episode 2-7 as a trainwreck, I'm really not sure what to call Episode 8.

I suppose the best way to describe it would be the empty remnants of the crash.

>> No.6756836

>Trick gets you an end where Ange figures out Amakusa's plot and kills him. Then the boat captain. It ends with Erika saying <Good!>
how is that a bad end?

>> No.6756844

You can read moon, huh? Care to prove it?

>> No.6756848

Because obviously, realizing your family was 100% shit is "PURE EVIL" in Japan's hypercollectivist society.

>> No.6756884

I'm still waiting for an answer. If, as you claim, you can read moon fluently, so I'm going to post some images and ask you to translate them.

>> No.6756892

Keep waiting, autist.

>> No.6756917


>> No.6756928

Confirmed for being illiterate in japanese.

>> No.6757001

So I'll like because I can take it. Because ushiromiyas not are not my hero. Only a dead family, a watchful protector. A dark (fried) seagull.

>> No.6757024

Go for it.

>> No.6757041
File: 130 KB, 350x550, 1293837010541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6757043

; 戦人は、すぐに海へ飛び込みました。
; だから、戦人は間に合いました。
; まだ魔女の姿を見ることが、間に合いました。

; 魔女は戦人を見上げ、薄っすらと笑っていました。
; 言葉は、聞こえません。
; でも、はっきりと聞こえました。

; 言ったろ、戦人。

; 妾は極悪な魔女だから、罪など償わぬと。
; 生きてなど、償わぬと。

; 戦人は必死に、言葉を返しました。
; でも言葉は全て、泡となって吐き出されるだけでした。

; 漆黒の闇へ沈み行く彼女を、戦人は懸命に追いました。

; そして、…………その手が、…………届きました…………。

; 愚かな戦人よ……。
; せっかく島を生きて出られたのに……、そなたはそれを投げ出すのか…

; ………俺はお前を、離さない。

; 気持ちは嬉しいぞ。
; だが、……妾は幻想の住人。そしてそなたはニンゲン。
; 帰るべき世界が、違うのだ。

>> No.6757051

; 妾は幻想へ帰る。
; そしてそなたも自分の世界へ帰るがいい。

; どんどん、周りは真っ暗になっていきます。
; 息苦しくなり、頭や耳が痛くなります。
; 戦人の指が、……少しずつ、解けていきます。

; そしてとうとう。
; 二人の指は、……離れました。

; その途端、……戦人は上の、光の世界へ。
; そして魔女は下の、闇の世界へ、……より強い力で引き裂かれていきま

; 魔女は、戦人の体が眩しい海面へ向かって浮かんでいくのを見て、安堵
; さよなら。戦人。
; ……そして、ありがとう。

; 戦人の体が光の世界へ、点となって消えたのを見届け、……魔女はゆっ
; そして奈落の世界へ落ち行くことに、永遠の孤独の世界に、全てを委ね

; その時、………彼女は、感じました。
; そんなはずはないのです。
; だって、戦人はもう、遥かかなたで点になっているのに。

>> No.6757061

; でも、それは戦人でした。
; 魔女を追ってきた、戦人でした……。

; 逃がすかよ。お前は俺だけの、黄金の魔女だ。

; ………馬鹿戦人……、……馬鹿戦人…………。

; お前が望む奈落になら、俺も一緒に落ちよう。
; そこが虚無の世界ならば、お前と一緒に消えよう。

; だが、消える最後の瞬間まで。
; ………お前は俺のものだ………。

; 二人は互いをきつく抱き締めました。
; ……もう、運命は二人を引き裂こうとはしませんでした。

; 二人は一つとなって、……奈落へと沈んでいきました……。
; それは温かな、黄金の輝き。

; それは、黄金の薔薇でした。

; それがふわりと、………純白の無垢な砂の敷き詰められた世界に、辿り
; そこには、白い砂に半分埋まった、……小さな箱が。

; それは、静かな海の底での安らかに眠る、ベアトリーチェの猫箱。

; その上に、ふわりと、……黄金の薔薇は舞い降りるのでした………。

; それは、深い深い海の底のお話。
; 真っ暗な真っ暗な暗闇の中に。
; ……ほのかに輝く、黄金の薔薇が眠っているという、とてもささやかな

>> No.6757081

didn't like the end = DERP HERP AUSTISTIC
liked the ending = DERP HERP R07 APOLOGIST

opinions, man.

>implying that EP8 is the real ending and that rei isn't going to change things.

>> No.6757085

ange kills amakusa and kawabata

ange gives the ushiromiya group to okonogi
beatrice suicides, battler tries to rescue her but fail
they both sank but battler survives
he has amnesia and hes the one who writes all the stories weve read so far

>> No.6757105
File: 78 KB, 392x500, 1293128742056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the original guy, but I also thought Ep8 was crap. Post something less time consuming if you want to know if my opinion is legitimate. An image would be ideal so you can't claim I machine translated it or something.

The Japanese didn't like the episode either and they are probably pretty good at Japanese. I don't know why you think it'll be any better when people actually read it. This is different from Ep7 because early Ep7 impressions from people that read it were actually good.

>> No.6757132

I know there's time traveling in Umineko, but I didn't know that Battler and co. went that far back in time!

>> No.6757134

In good news for the umineko 8 fans
Ep 8 increased 8 points since yesterday since the number of votes doubled, now at 30, and it is at 52.
Congrats, finally a passing mark

>> No.6757141

illusions to illusions

>> No.6757144

Is it just me, or did Ryukishi draw loli Ange's chest way too big? For Christ's sake, she's six years old, there shouldn't even be anything there.

>> No.6757154
File: 8 KB, 194x259, 4chan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least george dies.........

>> No.6757164

All R07 lolis have breasts in the artwork (the original artwork)

Yes, even Rika

>> No.6757167

Satoko's are even half visible (though she's supposed to start having her period soon)

>> No.6757171

Is it just me or the world we see in ???? is the world Ange created to defeat Bern's red?

>> No.6757193



Look at that deviation.

It's obvious lots of people won't be satisfied by the ending, it's the same for every long series.

>> No.6757201 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 500x480, er3_waraia3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6757257

Isn't it funny how /jp/ shits on all of the western rating sites but accepts their jap equivalents unconditionally?

>> No.6757266

...I liked the Magic ending. It wasn't as good as it could have been, but... I liked it.

The Trick ending was kind of abrupt, though. And where the hell did Ange learn so much about guns? I highly doubt they had satellite internet access on boats like Kawabata's back in 1998.

>> No.6757320

Ange has an imaginary friend that teaches her about guns

>> No.6757330

Because the "Jap" equivalents have a far wider base of VNs to compare it to? Ever thought of that, moron?

>> No.6757334

Apparently, "Japanese rating sites are more trustworthy" according to /jp/

Why? "Because they are Japanese"

>> No.6757342

why did Ange kill the boat captain? and why is erika there?

>> No.6757344

Rudolph's influence maybe.

Remember, her family was crazy.

>> No.6757359

More like because they played more than one game.
Vndb is filled with newfags, that's why it's shit.
Egs is far from being reat but at least the people there played more than 2-3 VNs on average and there are also reviews so you can see why they gave the rating and can agree or disagree with their points.

>> No.6757378

You can't even check if the EGS voters have read other works. They are just as "newfags" as the VNDB userbase.

>> No.6757388


It's these kind of posts that fucking ruin this for everyone. Theory threads used to be fun. I bet it's the same guy too, posting AUTISM and "Wow you really believe that? You're insane" every time someone has a theory he disagrees with. Possibly the same guy posting "Ryukishi apologist" too.c

>> No.6757406

They were never fun on here, you fucking asspie. Go back to AS or whatever shithole you came from.

>> No.6757410

One of the EP8 reviews is "It fucking sucks"

>> No.6757418

You can check actually, easily.

>> No.6757422


>> No.6757429

By fucking reading the moon there, I won't hold your hand.

>> No.6757430

I'd say he's right on the money.
Like I said before, unlike you AS morons I can actually decipher moonrunes.

>> No.6757434

omg epic hievmind dis is y i luv 4chan XD

>> No.6757435

>I don't know lol
Exactly. Even VNDB can let people check what other work the voters have read just by clicking their names

>> No.6757438


Just because they weren't fun for you doesn't mean you have to ruin it by calling everyone Animesuki autists. The same fucking thing over and over and over

>> No.6757458

They're closer to the source.

Which is better; opinions by people who actually read the thing in its proper context, got all the puns and cultural nuances with no middle man translator, time lag and things getting lost in translation OR opinions of people who wait for a long time, build up preconceived notions read the translation with all the nuances and cultural significant bits removed and dulled down?

Better question, what would you rather drink? Fresh milk that was milked this morning that you bought at a farmer's market or store bought milk that had been driven cross country, sat in the shelf for go knows how long before you purchased it.

>> No.6757460

1-Click on the user's name
2-click on "このユーザーさんの情報"

>> No.6757468

Careful there autist, wouldn't want you to hyperventilate and expire so early.

>> No.6757500

Your insults are so dull. I couldn't even get angry if I tried...

>> No.6757511


The problem is the scientifically proven fact that 3/4 of humanity is stupid.

Believing in majority's opinion means believing in idiot's opinion.

>> No.6757561

Joke's on you the minority is also made of idiots.

>> No.6757640

Of course you can't, because you have no emotions. Silly autist.

>> No.6757719

what's this?

>> No.6757731
File: 84 KB, 641x1008, kanon episode1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Kanon was talking about in that scene? It's revealed in EP8?

>> No.6757753

Yasu has seen Battler for the first time in six years, pretty sure he/she was shocked.
"Even I can love."

>> No.6757802


Kanontrice 4ever

>> No.6757858
File: 179 KB, 500x547, wb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it doesn't exactly belong in this thread, but I really don't want to make a new one for it.

Are there any good remixes of Endless Nine? I've been looking around for a bit, but I didn't find anything, good or bad.

>> No.6757905

Seriously, shut up. Not the anon from before but it would be stupid to translate something juste because you don't believe someone.
/jp/ is NOT your slut. Is this that hard to understand?
Also, you could also only defend this episode from spoilers, without any proof, or you could be a troll.Everything you do since the beginning is talking, nothing else.

Hu, and by the way, not our fault if you have shitty taste and are a pig.

>> No.6758130

no mammon x ange anymore ? did r07 forget about this pairing ?

>> No.6758766

Another question.

Any new characters? Besides Six-year old Ange?

>> No.6758788

>Are there any good remixes of Endless Nine

>> No.6758791

The real Hachijou Touya.

>> No.6758801

And the goat-girls.

>> No.6758974


While we are talking about music has anyone seen any downloads for xaki's album from C79, I think it was called "Xwerk" or something.

>> No.6759050
File: 224 KB, 564x650, 1f0700c65668cc42ac2b88ab47ddcf25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can't love someone who doesn't exist. ;_;

Would've been interesting if she met the maid Mammon was based on, though.

>> No.6759062

Screw that I'm pro fantasy now.

>> No.6759077
File: 137 KB, 500x500, c545e60f7bf169a19d75b85e3cf64b1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have that depressing copypasta with Ange and Mammon having sex at the boarding school, but in the end it turns out that Ange was just schlicking alone while crying?

>> No.6759082

ange was on the island at that time, 2 years old, but they can met. Truely disappointed about r07, he gave a complete homolust episode for yaoi fangirls, but nothing about mammon. Don't know why, but she's my favorite umineko character, maybe because she's like my girlfriend. Sad she just had 1 episode. fuu.jpg

>> No.6759084
File: 293 KB, 1095x1600, syojo-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he gave a complete homolust episode for yaoi fangirls, but nothing about mammon.

Well, yurifags have Bern/Lambda. Better than nothing.

>> No.6759103
File: 141 KB, 816x1023, sample-b6912ff4764e87c93ec63b5c4e644bfb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<<6759077 my gd, sound .. interesting

>> No.6759114
File: 51 KB, 715x659, fec9e7a8e2bc831db73d030ca1b0ffc4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No one? ;_;

>> No.6759156
File: 281 KB, 595x841, ange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope she meet her in her afterlife.

>> No.6759165

Ange took a deep breath to steady herself. Her roommate had snuck out of the room about fifteen minutes ago, enough time for Ange to be certain that she wouldn't be back any time soon.

There was always a risk of being caught, in a dorm room with no locks, but over time, Ange had gotten used to the ebb and flow of activity in the school. There wouldn't be another room check for another few hours, and this wouldn't take THAT long.

She moved her hands down to her underwear and started light, short strokes through the fabric. She was sensitive, and touching herself directly usually brought more pain than pleasure.

After a few seconds of only fluttery hints of arousal, she grimaced in frustration. It was proving hard to keep hold of a titillating mental image tonight.

Ange didn't usually waste time thinking about other people's situations, but it was times like these she envied her roommate having a boyfriend. It must be easier with two people involved, she couldn't help but think.

"You called, Ange-sama?"

Ange jerked her hand back like it had caught on fire as her eyes flew open. There, hovering just a few inches above where Ange lay on the bed, was Mammon.

"M...Mammon?! What are you doing here?"

"You summoned me," Mammon said.

>> No.6759167


Her tone was perfectly in character for furniture, but her face was another story. Her grin made Ange feel even more embarassed.

"I didn't summon you!" she retorted.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of," Mammon said, moving even closer. Ange froze, torn between moving back and moving closer. "A lot of witches use their furniture for things like this."


The only other witch Ange had met was Maria, who seemed a little too young to be using her familars as sex toys.

"I'll make you feel good, just like you want. It _does_ feel better with another person."

That whisper made something deep within Ange throb. Any reservations she had left were gone, and she hesitantly spread her legs.

Mammon paused, taking in the sight of Ange wearing nothing but a pair of panties. Ange's chest moved up and down in shuddery, aroused breathing as Mammon did nothing but stare for the longest time. Her nipples hardened in anticipation.

"You'll have to concentrate, Ange-sama," Mammon finally said. "I don't have enough power to manifest completely."

"W...what should I do?"

"Close your eyes, and don't open them no matter what. It will aid your focus if you don't have any other distractions."

>> No.6759171


Ange did as requested. It seemed like minutes rolled by without anything happening, and Ange was just about to open her eyes again and ask Mammon if it was working, when she felt a puff of breath against her right nipple.

The sensation was so sudden that it hardened ever further, jutting from her breast in a way she'd never achieved with her own fingers. She heard Mammon laugh, a high pitched giggle.

"So you're sensitive there, huh?"

Before Ange could respond, a mouth closed around it, sucking hard. She gasped.

"Ah...aaaaah, that's..."

She felt Mammon's hand against her left breast, squeezing and pinching her other nipple into similar hardness. Ange flushed, panting her arousal.


"Please what, Ange-sama? You have to make your orders clear if you want your furniture to follow them."

>> No.6759175


The mouth left her nipple and licked a path underneath her breast to the other one. Somehow, Mammon seemed to unerringly know all her weakest points. Ange writhed in pleasure as that demonic tongue attacked a point right underneath her left breast while Mammon's hand switched to her right nipple and began to torment it just like she had done the left one.

Mammon seemed to enjoy coaxing sounds from Ange's throat. She attacked mercilessly until Ange gave her the groan or whimper she desired before moving on to a different spot in her painfully slow progress down Ange's stomach.

She stopped between Ange's thighs. Ange shifted, aware that it was more than just sweat that had caused her underwear to cling to her skin.

"It looks like I've been more than satisfactory so far, Ange-sama." Again, she giggled. "Would you like to finish the rest yourself?"

Ange was tempted to open her eyes, to see the expression on Mammon's face firsthand. Was she looking at her with a greedy expression of desire? Or was it something softer, more loving? Instead, she clenched her eyes even tighter, focusing all her power on making Mammon corporeal.


"Please...finish me. Make me come!"

Mammon tittered. Ange jerked as fingers lightly danced where her thighs met skin.


It was a moan more than an order, but Mammon still stopped.

"As you command."

>> No.6759180


Ange swore she could feel Mammon's hair as she lowered her face between Ange's thighs, tickling her most sensitive spots and making her squirm. A hand moved her sodden underwear to the side, playing with the red curls that covered the upper portion of her cleft. Then, Mammon's tongue, darting in past the lips of her pussy to play with the inner walls, carefully avoiding her clit.

Ange groaned. Her right hand twisted in the bedsheets to resist the temptation to hold that mouth to her pussy tightly, to direct her to all the spots she wanted touched. Mammon added a finger, lightly teasing the edge of her hole, sometimes darting past the entrance, but leaving before she could feel full and satisfied. Wet sounds filled the bedroom.

"You taste delicious," Mammon whispered. Ange thought she heard her licking her lips.

Finally, those talented lips reached Ange's clit at the same time as she plunged two fingers deep within Ange's hole, curling them to massage Ange's g-spot. She sucked and nibbled with all her strength, working Ange's clit and hole simultaniously.

Ange convulsed with pleasure. She threw her head back and moaned wantonly, not caring if the girls next door heard. Her hips jerked in time to Mammom's movements. Deep down, she noticed that the wilder her thrusting and the louder her groans of pleasure, the harder Mammon worked.

The pressure built and built. Ange squirmed, half begging half pleading until one last thrust into her pussy undid her. She writhed around Mammon's fingers, juices squelching as she came. Then, when Mammon didn't stop moving, Ange threw her head back and panted as the second orgasm overtook her, thighs trembling with exertion.

With that, Mammon seemed content, because she stopped moving and withdrew completely. Ange's eyes fluttered.

"No, don't open your eyes. You've used too much of your energy to sustain me if you do."

>> No.6759185


The voice came from somewhere to Ange's right. It sounded like Mammon was lying right next to her, close enough to whisper in her ear.

"Don't you want me to..."

"Serving you is my pleasure, Ange-sama."

Unlike the laughter and teasing from before, this was low and tender. Ange felt tears come to her eyes unbidden.

She needed to see what Mammon looked like at this moment, lying beside her. She needed to see the love and devotion written on Mammon's face. Hearing it just wasn't enough. She needed to _know_, with all her heart.

Ange opened one eye, just a crack. Surely that wouldn't be enough to break the spell.

The space beside her was empty and cold. No other person had been laying there at any point in time.

Her fingers were sticky with her own juices.

Ange curled up and cried.

>> No.6759194
File: 155 KB, 550x680, eff721ba5487c3ec74e5195593a755a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't Ange have happy badminton matches with Mammon...

>> No.6759219
File: 61 KB, 640x480, head of security is hit by a toolbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a downer

>> No.6759229
File: 31 KB, 548x900, mm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx for sharing, i feel so happy right now, anon.

captcha unlesson crki

>> No.6759236
File: 55 KB, 518x741, 029e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6759242

This looks shopped

I can tell from the pixels and having a great many shops in my time

>> No.6759244
File: 121 KB, 662x807, 1253160008335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6759249
File: 59 KB, 400x495, manlytears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6759265
File: 72 KB, 646x505, bumps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6759267
File: 27 KB, 184x184, kyrie blank stare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daughter, I'm dissapoint.

>> No.6759273
File: 67 KB, 271x240, burnkastel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6759276
File: 8 KB, 251x249, 1271050068293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6759275 [DELETED] 

That was from the artbook wise guy. Here's a screenshot.

>> No.6759278
File: 172 KB, 646x506, jidsop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was from the artbook wise guy. Here's a screenshot.

>> No.6759285
File: 263 KB, 1208x1754, 041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoshi has the same sort of shading on his baseball uniform. I take it he has breasts too?

>> No.6759289

someone shoop up a pic of Battler sleeping when the clock strikes 12, Kyrie bursts in and...


>> No.6759291

To be fair, the shading on Rika extends along the entire bustline, unlike Satoshi's.

>> No.6759301
File: 38 KB, 524x391, 029ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And she only has a bit of shading that extends halfway when in her gym outfit.

>> No.6759302

A long time ago (I think after EP4 was released?), I wrote a fapfic in an /a/ thread about Kyrie being the culprit and raping Battler. Or something like that.

Kind of wish I had saved it.

>> No.6759319

Yep, Satoshi has manboobs.

>> No.6759324
File: 105 KB, 655x480, Image2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6759329
File: 74 KB, 500x550, x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6759349

gotta love Bern's apathetic look

>> No.6759355

What is the general consensus on EP8, /jp/?
I'm seeing "The whole thing was shit," "It was awesome up until the ???," "It was meh overall," "It was a decent read but didn't answer shit," etc.

>> No.6759366

There isn't a "general consensus", if you didn't noticed.
I'm personally predecting that most of the western fanbase will love this episode, provided they heard before that it doesn't resolve anything and they're fine with R07 self-insert commentary.
Basically, if you're in for fantasy battles and bawwing it's great, if you're in for explanations or consistency it's bad. Your mileage may vary.

>> No.6759385
File: 277 KB, 634x479, aaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Battler, right?

>> No.6759392
File: 77 KB, 656x536, ep8_bern_lesbian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best fight ever.

>> No.6759393

I don't really mind fantasy but I want closure. I guess I'm going to be disappointed then?

Also, Erika just appeared and started kicking arses, how far am I in the episode?

>> No.6759394

No, it's Tohya. Battler is dead for good, bro.

>> No.6759400

>but I want closure. I guess I'm going to be disappointed then?
Yes, everything is left pretty much as ambiguous as it was before, with an ending so clichè it's not funny

>> No.6759403

You'll like this episode if you love the taste of R07's cock in your mouth.
I found it terrible myself, especially the all star battle was really disappointing and preachy.
And the ending was basically a corny rip-off of Eva

>> No.6759406

Around the middle, however, the plot is only beginning, the first half was mostly useless and redundant.

Just wait until Erika becomes a Pirate Queen.

>> No.6759408

Just stopping to say I just finished EP7 and HOLY FUCK THAT FUCKING TEA PARTY!

So many tears shed.

Anyway, I can't wait to see how this wraps up even if everything isn't fully explained.

>> No.6759409

It's a pity that ep7 tea party is a lie and has no relevance to the plot.

>> No.6759418

>And the ending was basically a corny rip-off of Eva

At least Eva had EoE to make up for that.

>> No.6759423

> I can't wait to see how this wraps up
The thing is, it doesn't.
Not even a bit.
The final message is that the past is the past and you should stop obsessing over it and look forward. Or paraphrased, "stop looking at my trainwreck and feel good about the ending by checking out my touching moral message bro"

>> No.6759443
File: 85 KB, 656x536, ep8_erika_illusions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erika never disappoints me.

>> No.6759461

EoE was crap too. Makes sense though, since it was a "Fuck You" by Ano to Eva fans.

>> No.6759470

At least they are fixing it with Rebuild now.
Rebuild of Umineko released by Ryukishi in 2020. Calling it now.

>> No.6759513

That assumes that now that Umineko, his tribute to BT's memory, is complete Ryukishi won't hill himself so that he can join BT.

>> No.6759516
File: 69 KB, 656x536, ep8_george_badass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't you tell me George was so badass and alpha as fuck?
