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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6699190 No.6699190 [Reply] [Original]

Listen people, what the fuck is going in with /jp/?!
In recent days it became a shit ;_;

>> No.6699192
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>> No.6699195

incoming countless people greentexting ``in the recent days"

>> No.6699197

>In recent days
no, although I'm inclined to blame it all on the faggot who keeps posting kinectimals.

>> No.6699196

Maid dissapeared and we got a shitty mods

>> No.6699200

>In recent days

>> No.6699201
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/jp/ is dying a slow and humiliating death.

>> No.6699211

That's bad ;_;

>> No.6699222

Yeah, you can leave, OP.

>> No.6699242

I won't leave until those /b/ fucktards will return to their shitty board.

>> No.6699294

You can't complain when you are using that kind of thing.

>> No.6699366

It's so cute the way you are obsessive about certain things, Anon-kun. I want to fuck you in the butt.

>> No.6699381

Is it really?

Well I don't think it is and not worse than the /b/ fucktards you hate so much but it's not good, it's a problem as well.

Also, wouldn't people use the same reply you just gave me to your own problem? Funny isn't it.

>> No.6699488

I am pretty worried. She seems to have disappeared after her fit of anger deleting things on her blog, saying it was the worst birthday in her life.

Hey, ex-meido, are you still alive? ;_;

>> No.6699498

LOL european /jp/

>> No.6699502

of course that faggot is still alive, check the ghost board.

>> No.6699523

Not enough doubles >>6699522

>> No.6699527

/jp/ meido has a blog? Care to share?

>> No.6699529
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>> No.6699543

this gets me every time.
shut thef up.

>> No.6699548
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>> No.6699554
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Things got hectic during the holidays.

It'll be finished tonight, one way or another.

>> No.6699745

I would, except her blog getting posted on /jp/ despite her trust in her few readers that it won't was why she became so frustrated in the first place and deleted all her posts talking about her experience as meido.

>> No.6699755

/jp/ meido was AoC (remember nice day threads?), if you lurked enough pre-split /a/ and easymodo you should know what kind of person he is and why people hated him.

That being said, stop being so new you shitty tripfag.

>> No.6699805
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Hmmm? Please don't be so mean! I'm well aware of meido's identity naturally but she didn't seem to want to reveal it. Although I disagree with some of her views, she seems to genuinely be passionate about Touhou and contributed to the Aki Sisters anthology project. I am always friendly to all nice Touhou fans, even if they don't like me!

That said, I don't care for any sort of talk about /a/ since I only browse /jp/. What do you mean what kind of person, ect? There was non-meido deletion reasons for hatred?

>> No.6700798

Why are there so many AoCs? Canada, Columbia, Croatia, and my mind's full of fuck

>> No.6700809

Why the fuck would you even talk about that? What is there to say? "Oh I deleted another thread today."
How the fuck is that an experience.

>> No.6700810

Are you a wizard, suigining~?

>> No.6700811


All according to Moot's keikaku

>> No.6700821

>What the fuck is going on with /jp/

Christmas break
Meido leaving
Your use of *action*
You being a filthy weeaboo from /a/animesuki/Gaia Online/ShrineMaiden.org
Moot not caring about /jp/
/jp/'s inability to not to respond to trolls
/jp/'s habit of saging and reporting /jp/ related threads but bumping troll threads

>> No.6700830

Colombia and Canada are the same person.

>> No.6700842

>blogging about being a /jp/ janitor

lol tripfags

>> No.6700864

/jp/ went to shit about half a year after being made. Fucking newfags ruin everything.

>> No.6700868
File: 251 KB, 605x893, meido.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, he didn't talk about that, only a retirement speech that revealed his identity, and he reflected on the future of /jp/, life, depression, ect. It was a rather moving speech. Unfortunately, it ended with "Everything is going to be great from now on" but then less than one week later he went berserk (after his identity got revealed on /jp/ despite his plea to his few faithful readers to not do so), deleted everything meido related, made an angry post which was promptly deleted saying something along the lines of it being the worst day of his life, and hasn't posted since. I'm a bit worried about him/her...

Please take it easy!

>> No.6700882
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>> No.6700883

Don't worry, he's fine.

>> No.6700884


/jp/ backstabbing the one person that had their back and stood in their corner.

Why am I not surprised? /jp/ deserves to be deleted at this point.

>> No.6700895


It's not /jp/, it's /a/. Some of them want to participate in the stuff we do but fail at it because they are naive and/or underageb&, such as how they fucking wreck streams on Nico.

>> No.6700906



>> No.6700989
File: 12 KB, 242x242, meido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, that's a relief! I wouldn't want us to lose any dedicated Touhou fans!

Anyways, I think an important thing is, rather than have /jp/ers fight amongst one another and trying to force fans of other /jp/-related topics to conceal their presence, we should band together and have mutual respect for one another, simply for being true fellow /jp/ers with niche hobbies. Report spam that's actually spam, not because you disagree with an opinion or dislike a topic. Have a sense of humor, and try to enjoy as much as you can!

>> No.6700996

Jesus christ, every time you post my eyes hurt.

I should use the filter already.

>> No.6700997


>> No.6700995


>> No.6701017

I dont know who you are talking to because apparantly he is already filtered. So i imagine i made the right choice.

>> No.6701038

What is it, friend?

>> No.6701806

Is there more meido hentai?

Will more ever be made again?

>> No.6701829
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this is all I got

>> No.6701833

IRC feels like old /jp/.

>> No.6701836

Quit panicking, /jp/ is only as good as we make it to be.

For one thing, we really should teach newfriends how to be better posters; no amount of getoutofjp macros will phase them if they want to be here out of legitimate interest. If they won't go away, then they won't adapt unless we show them how things are done here instead of just complain.

Secondly, people need to learn to seek out the good threads and bump them. Even though in a perfect world I'd assume we all check the backpages, most newfriends don't do this, and so if no one ever tells them, they will never learn and panic if they see a couple of spams on page 0 and go OH NO /JP/ IS DYING etc. No it fucking isn't, this is actually pretty light fare compared to some shit in the past. There are lots of great threads up and running at this moment, just because they aren't on page 0 doesn't mean they are to be left for dead. Unlike fast boards that you're used to where if a thread falls off the front page for more than 2 minutes it's gone, good threads can last days or weeks here. So go find them.

>> No.6701853

true quality post.

>> No.6701862



That's the biggest source of 'cancer' in this board.

>> No.6701891

</jp/ is dying a slow and humiliating death

I think your confusing /jp/ to your self, after all what is a board if not the collective thoughts/will of it's posters.

>> No.6701894

You must be on the wrong channels then. Shared plenty of Japanese bird in it last night.

>> No.6701979
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