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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6639316 No.6639316 [Reply] [Original]

Beginning Japanese faggot here, having to write a children's story. How do I do dialogue?

>> No.6639332
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>> No.6639353

>about to say go to /jp/
>realize I am on /jp/
>about to give advice
>realize I speak Korean and not Japanese
>hit submit anyway

>> No.6639356


>> No.6639372

oh wow! did not know that existed.

>> No.6639376

the hell, there's another corean here besides me?

don't they use these quotation marks in Japanese?
「dialog here」

>> No.6639394

>go to /lang/
>make thread
Come on now...

>> No.6639396

How do you guys feel about those Corean threads?

>> No.6639402

Yeah, but like what after, if I want to say
[Tetsuya then said "There's a soccer game on tonight."], how do I do that properly?

>> No.6639410

I just brush them away as poor attempts at trolling. I should also mention that I've lived in Canada for last 7 and half years, so my mindset is a bit different from someone you would find in Korea.

>> No.6639411

So far I'm just writing
Hopefully that'll work.

>> No.6639421

>>gb2 /jp/
Either ignore him, as /lang/ is where it is related.
Or get it off 4chan all together as /jp/ isn't about Japan, not about Japanese, and since this is unrelated to this board.

No offence, but we don't want your thread here. If threads like this were to be accepted here, the board would eventually consist of almost nothing but them, considering the somewhat slow speed of the board.
I bet /lang/ doesn't want the threads there for the same reason.

But the difference here is how it is related on /lang/, wether or not they want it, wheras it doesn't belong here.
So either scram, or hang out at lang, despite the haters.

>> No.6639426

Just pulled up an arbitrary page from touhou wiki.
It should help you.

>> No.6639438

>go on /jp/
>make thread asking for help in writing Japanese
>be told the Japanese language has nothing to do with Japanese culture
That's not proper dialogue, though. It's an interview--that'd be like
Me: Hello
Asshole: Oh hey, how're you?
Me: I'm chill, how're you, bro?

>> No.6639455

/jp/ = Otaku Culture
/jp/ != Japanese Culture
Otaku Culture != Japanese Culture

Here you go.

>> No.6639465

誰かさんが「何々」といいます OR いいました

>> No.6639492

>go on /jp/
>be lonely virgin who wishes he spoke SUGOI Japanese so he could get Japanese girls
>guy comes on, learning Japanese
>be jelly
>get butthurt

>> No.6639532

Also, quick question, since this board has nothing to do with Japan, how'd you all get /jp/ as the name of your board?

>> No.6639561

Ask moot.

>> No.6639720
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You seem frustrated.
However, what he said is true.
You'll be surprised at how much English is used in Otaku Culture. Because, that's what this board is about: Otaku, not Japanese culture. Learn the difference, it could prevent a nasty surprise.

>> No.6639879


>> No.6639915


>> No.6639924


>> No.6639942

I want to help the OP, I really do.

...but I just too busy laughing at >>6639394
Whatever, I'm going to bed. Ignore the jelly fags in this thread, though, OP. There are plenty of people on this board who speak Japanese.

>> No.6639947


>> No.6639953


>> No.6639975



>> No.6639986

お前は日本人じゃない。 日本人は「お宅」を使わない

>> No.6640028

>Go on /jp/
>Everyone is just discussing cartoon girls and Touhou
>Usually see everyone bitching when it's not Touhou.

They should just rename /jp/ to /th/ - Touhou, and it would solve many problems.

>> No.6640044




>> No.6640065

「たち」が用はない 「子供と」はいい

>> No.6640070


>> No.6640089


>> No.6640112

ロリコンと違うのだよ 妹萌えとは

>> No.6640121

ないとだめ。 だれも読まないだから

>> No.6640128


>> No.6640130

Ugh, in English now. Anyway, you said not all Otaku are pedophiles, even in Japan. But you yourself have an Imouto moe. So you can't talk.

You're even worse!

>> No.6640141

And I said pedophilia and imouto moe are not the same thing. a little sister is not necessarily underage.

>> No.6640144

Oh, before we get the wrong Idea: "Moe" means sexy with a sexual undertone, none of the bastardized American definitions.

Which is why I pointed out earlier that:
American Otaku =/= Japanese Otaku.

>> No.6640148

>"moe" means sexy...
Get the fuck out with that shit definition. Sexuality doesn't come into it. That's not moe at all.

>> No.6640152

>"Moe" means sexy
Whatever ticks your clock, /ɐ/.

>> No.6640153

oh god so much painful Japanese

>> No.6640157


>> No.6640161

>none of the bastardized American definitions.
>Which is why I pointed out earlier that:
>American Otaku =/= Japanese Otaku.
Learn English before learning Japanese please.

>> No.6640164

Prrrrroblems, anon?
What's wrong with my English, I wonder?

>> No.6640168



>> No.6640166
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>> No.6640181


>> No.6640204

>Told not to use the bastardized American definition of "Moe".
>Insists on using it any way.
That's whats wrong with your English.

>> No.6640207


>> No.6640211


>> No.6640221

I'm obviously getting trolled here.
Can you provide for me a link that says "moe" need have a sexual connotation, and how it's been bastardized in the West?

>> No.6640235

Begin with 昔々ある所に and end with めでたしめでたし。

>> No.6640250

Stop that forthwith.

>> No.6640252



>> No.6640256

your japanese is too funky for you to complain about a trivial mistake

>> No.6640268

>Western corruption
>western links
Houston, we have a logical inconsistency.

Also, check definition 2 on your urbandictionary link. "Attraction" and "sexual attraction" are not the same thing.

Do not think that since moe and sex appeal have become somewhat intertwined and blurred in modern "moe" shows does not mean that moe = sex appeal.

>> No.6640273

The difference being I welcome corrections.
That is no trivial mistake. That's a complete grrammar failure on top of a typo.

>> No.6640284

In any case, In Japan: Otaku are stereotyped as disturbed pedophiles that need psychological help. Which I'm not.

>> No.6640291

Both of you sound terrible. Just stop.

>> No.6640293

The Japanese in this thread is painful.

Why do you bother, ロリあき?

>> No.6640297

But you're obviously not in Japan. What's it matter what the Japanese think of otaku, and why are you letting a stereotype define a definition?

I'm no otaku either, on that note. I am, however, an otaking.

>> No.6640303


>> No.6640304

Bother with what? Writing Japanese? Because I clearly need the practice.
Replying? Because I love to argue.

At least I sage almost all the time. Ideally, I'd like to keep threads like this off the front page, but I still want to post. Don't blame me someone else keeps bumping.

>> No.6640314

I'm not even sure what are they actually arguing about (but I'm assured neither of them has any idea either).

>> No.6640318


>> No.6640317

1. You seem to be under the impression that I am the one you corrected. That is not the case.
2. You say the difference is you welcome corrections, but you didn't correct that sentence in the first place. You just quoted it.
3. Its a trivial enough mistake that it simply represents a lack of proofreading rather than a lack of grammatical understanding.
4. >grrammar

>> No.6640324


>> No.6640325

Pointing out an error gives one the chance to spot the flaw for themselves without a correction. If they can't, a correction is in order. I prefer to have my errors pointed out in the same way. if I can't spot it, I'll usually ask.
My statement about welcoming corrections is actually in response to the fact you don't think I'm good enough to call someone on an error. I don't think things should work this way. Call it if you can spot it.

>> No.6640329
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本当かい? イカ娘は「な」とやっぱり言いました

>> No.6640330

COLLOQUIALISMS, do you know them?

>> No.6640335

this I'll ask about, since, even though I'm pretty good at japanese, i pretty much have to use ha and ga by feel since there seem to be too many details.
So, first I will ask: Are you actually japanese, or have you lived in japan for long enough that you are VERY sure that only the second is correct?
If so, since は is usually used for comparisons, and saying which one is right is kind of a comparison, why would it have to be が?

>> No.6640338

Oh shit, I fail at reading. Missed the が
I retract my previous complaint.

>> No.6640340

No. You're just flat out wrong.

Colloquialisms? Yes, I know them very well. I'm a native speaker of Japanese.

>> No.6640352

Well I will just say that it seems like you overuse 終助詞 or use them slightly awkwardly. Also, you reverse the order of the sentence as in
too often as well.

>> No.6640353

Third time's a charm, then--
Being a NEET means I never get to practice properly. I either have to hash it out with fellow /jp/sies or deal direct with Japanese folk who aren't so good at telling me WHY I'm wrong.

>> No.6640359

Yes, I'm a native speaker.

It's が and not は because が indicates that it is THE correct answer. はjust means that it is correct, but it does not properly suggest that the other is wrong.

No native would ever use は in this situation, it just sounds very awkward.

>> No.6640361

Here's an excerpt on ga from Tae Kim:

>This is where the 「が」 particle comes into play. It is also referred to as the subject particle but I hate that name since "subject" means something completely different in English grammar. Instead, I move to call it the identifier particle because the particle indicates that the speaker wants to identify something unspecified.

>> No.6640360

hmm maybe its not exactly reversing, but i just mean that sentence pattern

>> No.6640364

DOn't worry, I understand how you meant it. Appreciate the pointers.

>> No.6640365

It's grammatically correct, but you sound like a tard speaking like that. Typical of westerners who try to talk like anime characters rather than real people.

>> No.6640366


>> No.6640367


>> No.6640371

I take my input as I can get it. I also have noticed drama and movie characters speaking in this way, so I've never really considered it an "anime" thing so much as general TV talk.

Maybe it's time to pick up some more variety shows instead.

>> No.6640374

No, nobody ever says お前な in any situation. You're probably mishearing お前ら.

>> No.6640379

So you're living in the US now? Anyway, thank you for all the help you're providing.

>> No.6640381

>You're probably mishearing お前ら.
