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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6632946 No.6632946 [Reply] [Original]

True NEET roll call

only post in this thread if you are True NEET.

>> No.6632956
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not for much longer

>> No.6632958

Excellent, you'll all be gathered in one place and when I hide the thread, it'll be as if you weren't here!

>> No.6632955

True NEET reporting in.

>> No.6632967
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>mfw I post in other threads

>> No.6632970

I've never been a NEET before, what does it feel like?

>> No.6632974
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Posting. Now what?

>> No.6632985

True NEET.

Not hikki though. Why, I've gone out several times just today.

>> No.6632992

Pretty crappy to be honest.

>> No.6632997

I'm a shut-in but not a NEET. I always feel alone in threads like this.

>> No.6633002

You're not a true NEET then; you're a closet normalfag, who secretly wishes that he had a job, friends and a social life.

Get out.

>> No.6633035

Do you know what it's like to have no responsibilities? To be able to do whatever you want, whenever you want? To sleep until 3pm and stay up until 5am playing video games?

True NEETs know.

>> No.6633043 [SPOILER] 
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Fuck you, OP. NEET is not a status symbol.
I've spent my entire life, alone, inside. I live in a shitty studio apartment with nothing in it but a few cooking utensils. My life has no direction. Every day I spend doing the same menial tasks, and every day I get absolutely nowhere. And you know what the worst part about all of it? This fucking spaghetti still isn't cooked.

>> No.6633050

Four year True NEET here. Dropped out of college due to clinical depression and haven't done jack shit since.

>> No.6633048

I want to go back to being a NEET, but going to school gets me money to survive. Hopefully I can save enough to not have to work for a while. After that, I can kill myself or something.

>> No.6633055

Shut up idiot.

>> No.6633063

Another /a/ rper outed. You don't know a goddamn thing about NEETs.

>> No.6633069
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>> No.6633164
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>> No.6633165

I dropped out of college because I did not want to go anymore. Fuck you and your excuses.

>> No.6633313

see a psychiatrist please, you're not a true neet or anything except rather depressed sorry =(

i've never done anything productive and it feels pretty great my parents are sad since i gave up on a rather comfortable career

like most of /jp/ i'd say that it's not as though i was talentless or especially wretched, but that i saw something hopelessly bleak in the world that i couldn't ever come to terms with. i liked doing math, but for some reason i could never get over the stress/anxiety of the classroom/formal matters like examinations. it feels like some catch-22 that i only have fun doing math online or alone but i guess i do secretly wish that there was some tea-sipping leather-armchair-reclining holyland where people gathered up to chat it up about maths

being a neet...feels like absolute power--a sanctuary within this fragile world

>> No.6633393
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shut up and post more kaguya pics

>> No.6633532


Ah, pardon me. I should have been more specific. The depression itself was caused by a thyroid disorder. After a couple years of medication, it went away, but then I realized something; I didn't want to return to my old, boring life. I was, and still am, perfectly content with my current situation. No schedules, no normalfags and all the free time to do whatever the fuck I please. I've never had any friends or ever envisioned myself having a career anyway, so I just said "fuck it."

It wasn't my choice to begin with, but it is now.

>> No.6636359

i want to become a true neet, what do?

>> No.6636405

Well, if you knew what a neet was, you'd know what you have to do/not do

>> No.6636438

I wish I had hair like that.

>> No.6636456

neeting/shut-in for 2

feels okay
